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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Welsh Government's coronavirus update

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is:

Coronavirus in numbers

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information

o   Eluned Morgan, Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language held today’s press conference. You can watch again at:

Monday, February 1, 2021

Health board's vaccination advice for over-80s

The Betsi Cadwaladr Heath Board has this afternoon posted an update on its Facebook page about vaccinations for the over-80s, which says:

"We have now vaccinated the majority of people aged 80 years or over in north Wales. If you are aged 80 years or over, or know of someone who is, and have not had a first COVID-19 vaccination or an appointment to have it, please call the vaccinations booking centre and we will arrange an appointment. 

"The opening hours are 8am to 8pm. The lines are very busy, the best time to call is late afternoon, or evening before 8pm. This message is for the over 80s only who do not have a first appointment, please do not use the telephone number provided above to enquire about new appointments unless you are over 80 or information about the vaccine as the call handlers are not medically trained.

"Please only use this vaccinations booking centre number for the above reasons. We are sending invites out for vaccination in order of priority, according to national recommendations. We will repeat this process for different priority groups in due course to make sure everyone has had an opportunity to be vaccinated at the correct time. 

"Telephone number for the vaccinations booking centre: 03000 840004 

"Information on eligibility is also available on our website:"

People asked to self-isolate now eligible for £500 payment

People asked to self-isolate via the NHS Covid-19 app will now be eligible to apply for the £500 self-isolation support payment, Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James has announced.

From today app users who have been notified as being exposed to the virus, are on low income and at risk of financial hardship are eligible alongside those who have been asked to self-isolate by Test, Trace, Protect or parents whose child has been asked to self-isolate by their education setting.

To be eligible to apply, app users will need to meet the criteria of the main scheme and be:

  • Employed or self-employed;
  • unable to work from home and will lose income as a result; and
  • (the applicant or their partner) are currently receiving, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit; or
  • Have their application accepted under the discretionary element of Self-Isolation Support Scheme.

To allow as many people notified by the app to apply as soon as possible, a temporary workaround has been created until a digital solution is available. Users can apply for the payment by contacting their local authority. 

However until the app is updated to verify individuals who has been asked to self-isolate, users will need to show evidence that the app has asked them to self-isolate in addition to evidence of reduced income when applying.  Local authorities will be able to accept and process applications for payments from Friday 5 February and applicants will be able to apply up to three weeks from their last date of isolation.  

The Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James said: “The Welsh Government is committed to protecting people’s health and wellbeing and we will continue to support the people of Wales during this difficult time. The £500 payment has already provided financial security to those asked to self-isolate, helping to break the cycle of transmission and ensure no one has to choose between feeding their family or going to work and potentially spreading the virus.”

“Local Authorities have once again risen to the challenge of ensuring all those who need financial support throughout this pandemic receive it whilst we finalising work to allow people to apply directly through the app. They have already been working tirelessly I once again thank them for their hard work and dedication.”

“I will continue to keep the scheme under review to ensure that those most in need receive the support they need to self-isolate and reduce transmission.”

Funding for community project in Pengwern

* £71,000 of funding has been secured for a community project in Pengwern.

Denbighshire County Council has secured £71,000 of funding for a community project in Pengwern,

The Rural Futures Lottery funding, which is being match funded by the Council, will focus on making a positive impact within the community of Llangollen by increasing opportunities to raise skills and aspirations, provide additional space at a community centre as well as resources to deliver activities and services to support people.

The funding will allow the Council, working with partners South Denbighshire Community Partnership, Friends of Pengwern and Severn Wye, to create three bespoke units to provide a confidential meeting space and a community workshop space to address rural poverty, isolation and the overall wellbeing of the community.

A part time centre co-ordinator will be employed by South Denbighshire Community Partnership to increase uptake and usage of the centre to deliver services that address isolation, improve access to services and activities, to develop skills and provide training. 

Cllr Tony Thomas, the Council’s Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “We are delighted to have secured this funding, as well as providing match funding, which will make a positive impact in the community.

“I would like to thank local members, the community and all the partner organisations that worked with us to help secure this funding.

“The new community space will allow residents to engage with a host of activities to increase the overall wellbeing of the community.

“Supporting connected communities is a priority for the Council under our Corporate Plan and projects like this help us achieve that ambition.”

Denbighshire County Council’s Community Housing team worked in closed partnership with South Denbighshire Community Partnership, Friends of Pengwern and Severn Wye on the development of this project.

Some - if not all - of Castle Street potholes are repaired

* Top and bottom: The potholes on the bridge which have been repaired.

Some of the deep potholes which litter Castle Street in Llangollen have been repaired.

Two of the more extensive holes on the bridge - on the left-hand carriageway heading towards the A5 - have been filled in what appear to be temporary repairs.

One of the deeper holes on nearby Abbey Road also appears to have been filled.

However, a number of other deep cavities in the roadway, such as the one on the right-hand bridge carriageway and another at the junction of Castle Street and Parade Street, have not yet been attended to.

The worsening state of the Castle Street potholes was pointed put to Denbighshire County Council, which is responsible for local road maintenance, by llanblogger a couple of weeks ago.

Shortly afterwards a spokesperson said an officer would be sent out to examine the holes and advise on whether they were a safety hazard.

This morning llanblogger has asked the county council if and when the remaining potholes will be dealt with.

* Two holes still unrepaired: On the bridge (top) and at the junction of Castle Street and Parade Street (below).

County gives guidance for businesses over coronavirus regulations

Businesses in Denbighshire are being reminded of the rules around trading during the current lockdown by the county council.

Welsh Government regulations state all businesses still operating must take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus for both customers and staff.

Businesses must complete a risk assessment in relation to coronavirus while retail premises, including takeaways, must control numbers entering and provide hand sanitisers as well as signs and announcements to remind customers of the need to wear face coverings and maintain social distancing.

Cllr Mark Young, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said: “Businesses in Denbighshire have worked hard during the last year to follow regulations from the Welsh Government. They have played a vital role in keeping Denbighshire safe and protecting the most vulnerable in our communities.

“It is important, with the more transmittable variant of the virus, that businesses continue to follow the regulations. This includes taking all reasonable measures to ensure social distancing is followed.”

* To read the Welsh Government guidance visit


Welsh spectator sports to get £17.7m government boost

A £17.7m funding package to help spectator sports severely impacted by the pandemic has been announced by the Welsh Government.

It has been designed to provide immediate financial support for spectator sports through the remainder of the winter period to ensure that sports will be ready for the beginning of the new season in September.

Support will be provided to rugby union, football, cricket and ice hockey. Rugby league, netball and horseracing are also in line to benefit. The funding will ensure the short-to-medium term survival of sports organisations and clubs who have been financially impacted by the restrictions on spectators at sporting events.

The revenue funding package will be allocated to the sports’ national governing bodies directly from Welsh Government.

Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas said: "While restrictions on supporters at events have been vital in stopping the spread of the virus and saving lives, there can be no doubt that they have created real hardships for many sports clubs, many of whom receive a significant proportion of their income through spectator attendance.

"Sport is an important sector of our economy and has a positive impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Sporting events provide important shared experiences, have often been a welcome distraction during the pandemic and will be a vital player in our recovery and healing after the crisis.

"I know this money will provide some stability to those sports worst affected by the loss of revenue during the pandemic, helping to bridge the financial gap until spectators are able to return safely."

Finance Minister Rebecca Evans said: "We're committed to providing a responsible and targeted approach to addressing the financial impact of the pandemic. The package of support we have announced today takes the total funding for this sector to more than £40 million since the start of the crisis, helping to provide longer-term stability for a sector that has suffered significant financial loss. 

"As we look ahead to brighter days, sport and physical activity will be vital players in our recovery, helping to develop a healthier and more resilient Wales."