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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Coronavirus update from the Welsh Government

Latest Welsh Government coronavirus update (dated yesterday) is: 

Coronavirus in numbers

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information

o   Today’s press briefing was held by Chief Medical Officer for Wales Dr Frank Atherton and Dr Rob Orford, the Welsh Government’s chief scientific adviser for health. You can watch again at:   

MP becomes chair of performing arts training group

* A screenshot of inaugural APPG for Performing Arts Education and Training meeting.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has been elected chair of the new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Performing Arts Education and Training.

This has been set up to examine the challenges facing the performing arts training sector and wider creative education issues.

The election took place during the APPG’s inaugural meeting in which former Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, Lord Vaizey of Didcot, Sharon Hodgson MP, Lord Aberdare, Lord Clement-Jones, Lord Taylor of Warwick and Jack Lopresti MP were confirmed as vice-chairs.

The group is made up of a partnership between MPs and industry body, the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT).

The purpose of the group is to support parliamentarians in discussions relating to: 

•          Training, education, assessment and professional practices across the performing arts, particularly in drama, dance and musical theatre

•          The continuing Professional Development of practitioners within the creative and cultural industries

•          The wider benefits of engagement with the performing arts for students, practitioners and audiences. 

The APPG will meet on a quarterly basis with the next gathering scheduled for March 2021 at which, fully constituted, it will begin this important work in earnest. 

Mr Baynes said: “I’m delighted to be elected as chair of this new APPG and I want to thank the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT) for its tireless commitment and talents in making this initiative come to life. 

"This is a cause close to my heart as an amateur musician and, before I became an MP, as chairman of the Holroyd Community Theatre near Chirk, and as a Trustee of Mid Wales Opera and the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. 

"I also set up the charity Concertina – Music for the Elderly which provides live music in care homes and day centres across Wales and England."

He added: "Covid-19 has impacted the performing arts and creative industries very seriously, so I’m keen that we work as a group to examine the issues facing industry professionals at this critical time.

"All of us involved in this new APPG are determined to support to the best of our ability training, education, assessment and professional practices across the performing arts, particularly in drama, dance and musical theatre.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Police dealing with incident near Wrexham vaccine factory

5pm update ...

Incident over:

Wockhardt UK confirmed the incident is over.

A spokesman said: "We can confirm that the investigation of the suspicious package today has been concluded. The package was made safe and staff are now being allowed back into the facility.

"We are grateful to the authorities and experts for their swift response and resolution of the incident."

* Picture from the scene sent to Leaderlive by Mark Evans.

Police are dealing with an ongoing incident at Wrexham Industrial estate where doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine are produced and stored.

  • It said a cordon has been put in place near the Wockhardt plant and the public have been asked to keep away.

* For the full story on Leaderlive, see:

Bronagh wins county-wide greetings card challenge

* The greetings card designed by Bronagh Cooke 

of Ysgol Gymraeg y Gwernant.

A six-year-old pupil at a Llangollen primary school has risen to the creative challenge set by the county council.

Whilst schools remain closed to most pupils, Denbighshire Education and Children’s Services has been offering opportunities for children and their families to engage creatively with them online.

January’s creative challenge invited pupils to find out about St Dwynwen’s Day - the Welsh equivalent of Valentine’s Day - and design their own greetings card.

Celebrated every year on 25 January, St Dwynwen’s Day commemorates the Welsh saint of lovers and has risen in popularity in Wales in recent years, with lovers exchanging gifts such as Welsh love spoons and even concerts and parties are held on that date.

More than 100 children responded to the competition and entries were of so high a standard that judges said it was difficult to produce a shortlist and even tougher to select winners.

The winners are:

Up to 7 years:   

BRONAGH COOKE, Ysgol Gymraeg y Gwernant, Llangollen

7 to 11 years:    

GRACE ALLSOPP, Ysgol Bryn Hedydd, Rhyl

12 to 14 years:  

EMMA DALLIMORE, St Brigid’s School, Denbigh

New police task force aims to stop crime before it happens

* North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones.

Plans have been unveiled for a new task force of 20 police officers to spearhead a crime prevention drive across North Wales.

The proposal is one of the final flagship programmes of the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Arfon Jones, who recently revealed he will be standing down at the next election.

It’s part of a bold plan revealed by the Commissioner in his final precept-setting proposal for a 29p weekly increase.

The 5.14 per cent rise – around the cost of a Cadbury’s Freddo chocolate bar – will cost the average householder, in Band D of Council Tax, just £14.94 a year.

It is also in line with the Commissioner’s annual survey of the public which saw a significant percentage of respondents, 45 per cent, in favour of an increase of 27p a week or more.

Mr Jones will be seeking the backing of the North Wales Police and Crime Panel for the proposed increase at a virtual meeting on Tuesday, February 2.

It will help pay for the new Central Crime Prevention Hub to co-ordinate the work of regional teams in North Wales Police’s East, Central and West Areas (based in Llay, St Asaph and Caernarfon.

Mr Jones, a former police inspector,  who will be retiring at the next election that’s currently scheduled for May, said: “The history of people in prison shows that the vast majority will have had traumatic experiences as children and we really need to focus on why and how to prevent that rather than on punishing them.

“It’s a culture change and police officers in North Wales are adapting very well and I’m very pleased to see them looking at offenders in a different way.

“A small proportion of offenders commit the vast majority of crime and if we can look at the causes in a different way and intervene earlier in their lives then that is better for them and for society.”

Mr Jones added: “The Prevention Hub really ties in with my priorities and with schemes like Checkpoint Cymru which aim to intercept people before they get caught up in the criminal justice system.

“This was we can address the root causes of criminal behaviour and stop the re-offending patterns.

Despite the recurring £33 million a year cuts inflicted on the force as a result of UK government austerity cuts since 2010, North Wales Police had succeeded in identifying a further £2.9 million in savings to help bolster their programme for the next 12 months.

This will also include an ambitious two-way digital communications project to keep communities and their local policing teams in close contact.

Other projects will cover domestic violence, sexual abuse, modern slavery and delivering safer neighbourhoods and Mr Jones added: “We have had to produce this precept plan at an unprecedented time because of the pandemic which has disrupted almost all aspects of normal life.

“The officers, staff, specials and volunteers of North Wales Police have responded so positively to these extraordinary circumstances which have included the postponement of the 2020 Police and Crime Commissioner elections to May 6, 2021.

“Now is not the time to set new priorities for the Chief Constable and North Wales Police who quite rightly need to focus all of their efforts on responding to the current crisis while I have to ensure they have the resources to respond to the emergency.”

Coronavirus update from the Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is: 

Coronavirus in numbers

  • The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19, for the week ending 15 January 2021.
    • The cumulative number of deaths involving Covid-19 occurring in Welsh residents was 6,074.
    • Of the deaths registered in the week ending 15 January, there were provisionally 467 deaths involving Covid-19. This was the highest number of deaths involving Covid registered in a week since the pandemic began.
    • For the period 29 February 2020 to 15 January 2021, there were a total of 4,865 excess deaths (17%) above the five-year average.
    • The excess death rate for Wales for the period 29 February 2020 to 15 January 2021 was lower than in England.
    • The numbers reported by ONS are different from those reported by Public Health Wales because of different reporting methods and timing. The ONS figures are higher because they include some extra cases.

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Health centre gives details of its next wave of vaccinations

Llangollen Health Centre is just given details on its Facebook page of the next phase of its Covid-19 vaccination programme. 

Their post says: "We hope to have news very soon of when we can start to vaccinate the next two priority groups.  These are patients aged 70 - 79 years and those who are on the official shielding list.  So that we can book patients into clinics quickly when we receive the vaccines for these groups we need to ensure that we have up to date mobile phone numbers where possible.

"If you fall into one of these groups please email your mobile number to us at You will receive an automatic reply which you can ignore.  Our admin staff will then update your record where applicable and, when we receive the vaccines, we will text you regarding your appointment.