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Monday, December 14, 2020

Serial testing in schools and colleges from January

The Welsh Government has announced plans to roll out serial testing in schools and colleges from January.

Under this process, pupils and staff identified as close contacts would be asked to either self-isolate as normal or to take a lateral flow test at the start of the school day for the duration of the self-isolation period.  

Those who test negative would continue attending school as normal, those who test positive would be required to self-isolate and book a confirmatory test.

Schools and colleges will be offered support, equipment and training.  All staff working in special schools will be offered weekly testing.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams said: “Throughout this pandemic our priority has been to deliver maximum learning with as minimal disruption as possible.

“The plans we are announcing today will play an integral role in delivering on that priority.

“We recognise that it has not been easy for pupils and staff who have been required to self-isolate as a result of having been identified as a ‘close contact’ and we recognise the impact it has had on face-to-face teaching.

“Earlier this month we announced the reduction in the period of time for which a person needs to self-isolate from 14 days to 10 days.

“Following discussions with Public Health Wales and the Children and Schools Technical Advisory Cell, we are pleased to confirm that we will introduce a serial testing programme in schools and further education settings in the new year.”

Lateral flow testing detects the presence of the Covid-19 viral antigen from a swab sample.

LFTs are handheld devices which produce results within 20 to 30 minutes, with the potential to be self-administered.

Minister for Health and Social Services Vaughan Gething added: “The lessons we have learnt from using LFTs in pilots in higher education institutions across Wales and secondary schools in Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf will help inform how we can successfully deliver lateral flow testing in schools and other education settings in the future.

“It is vital everyone understands that testing alone cannot eradicate the risks associated with contracting and transmitting Covid-19. 

“Testing helps to mitigate the risk but it needs to be taken alongside other infection prevention control measures, including appropriate social distancing and hand hygiene measures.

“We are grateful to everyone in the sector who has worked hard to make sure these measures are in place.”

The Welsh Government intends to roll out testing to all schools and further education settings, including primary and childcare staff.

However, in order to ensure there is a model that works and is safe, the roll out will be phased on levels of risk starting with secondary schools and further education settings.

Couple's custom-made decorations hand-crafted with love

* Wendy and Andy Radley outside their Flower Studio near Llanarmon yn Ial. 

* An example of their work.

A wreath on the front door or a floral centrepiece for the Christmas lunch table may be part of a romantic festive scene and for one Denbighshire business couple the beautiful countryside surrounding their home provides inspiration for their artistic creations, all hand crafted with love with incredibly realistic and long-lasting artificial flowers. 

Making an Entrance is a company run by Wendy and Andy Radley from their home in the Clwydian Range near Llanarmon yn Ial. 

Everything is made to order in a log cabin-style Flower Studio which they converted from a stables at the bottom of their garden.

Making door wreaths and centrepieces all year round which reflect each new season, their company motto is ‘A wreath isn’t just for Christmas’

Originally from Warrington, the couple moved to Llanarmon at the end of October 2019 and have got actively involved in community life, including volunteering in the local shop and singing in the community choir. 

They have also been busy with their online shop:, an Etsy Shop and have a combined total of 8000+ active followers on their Making An Entrance U.K. Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Making An Entrance has received nothing less than a 5 star rating from hundreds of genuine customers for the quality of their products and exceptional customer service, these are proudly displayed at their online shop, Etsy shop, Facebook and Google pages and is perhaps why they have attracted so many social media followers and loyal customers in Denbighshire, throughout Wales and the rest of the U.K. even as far afield as the U.S, Canada, Australia and Europe. 

The company is one of a number of businesses across Denbighshire supporting the Winter Shopping campaign, co-ordinated by Denbighshire County Council, which encourages residents in the county to support local businesses this winter.

Wendy said: “We moved to Wales a year ago from Warrington to start our new ‘chapter‘ as ‘Empty Nesters’ as our two boys have ‘flown the nest’ and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. The move here has allowed us to build a lovely flower studio with inspiring country views where I can create seasonal floral decor for my lovely clients all year round”. 

“Unfortunately during the lockdown Andy was made redundant from his management position with a national construction company so we have worked really hard together to create new business opportunities, generate increased sales and to grow our company reputation, particularly here in Wales. 

"Andy is now working for the business full time we make a good team: he has taken over many of the (non-creative) tasks which I previously did myself including delivering orders to local clients (following Covid safety guidelines) which allows me to fulfil more orders and therefor increase our sales revenue. 

“As a small business we have a limited budget for advertising so we rely on word of mouth and promoting our business with local Facebook groups. The support we’ve received has been incredible. I’m delighted to say my sales figures have increased week on week even during the pandemic for which Andy and I are incredibly grateful."

Wendy added: "Clients often share with me the ‘stories’ behind their Making An Entrance purchases. I find it both humbling and heart-warming to have such an insight into the love between families and friends separated by Covid and to be able to facilitate their acts of kindness by making the floral gifts they’ve ordered and delivering them to their loved ones‘ doors on their behalf.   

"I have clients who purchase wreaths for the gravesides of loved ones, others order door / wall wreaths to brighten their surroundings and to cheer themselves up, particularly those who are now working from home who have often described feelings of loneliness and feeling imprisoned in their own homes.

“I’ve made heart-shaped floral wreaths to be delivered to elderly relatives in care homes to show them they are loved by those on the outside and to remind them they will be together again soon. I’ve created flower wreaths for brides and grooms whose wedding plans have been changed and numbers reduced and yet they remain determined to say ‘I Do’. I’ve made wreaths to be sent as gifts from my clients to nurses and teachers to show their gratitude for the amazing work they do.

“And recently, in response to client demand I’ve created a personalised, heart-shaped door / wall wreath with a heart pendant at the centre inscribed with the words ‘A Hug In A Heart’ for my clients who are wanting to show family and friends how much they miss seeing them due to local travel restrictions and social distancing measures. These are just a few examples of why every single order is hand-made with love.

“I am incredibly proud of our small business and extremely grateful to our loyal clients, particularly during these difficult economic times.   I feel blessed to do what I love for a living for clients who truly appreciate the effort my husband and I put in to offer quality hand-made products and exceptional customer service." 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Hundreds turn up for drive-through flu jab session

* Cars queue for the drive-through flu jab session at the Pavilion.

Hundreds of eligible people in the 50 to 64 year old age group turned up at a rain-swept Llangollen Pavilion for their flu jabs this morning (Sunday).

Those receiving the injections in the busy drive-through session, which has now finished, had to pre-book their places. 

The jabs were given by a team from Llangollen Health Centre while volunteers from the Tidy Town Team took care of traffic management.

Campaigner puts case for convenient recycling facility

The Llangollen resident leading the campaign, backed by a petition, to have a permanent recycling facility people from this area can use has explained why he thinks a conveniently located centre is so important.

Phil Jones said:  "Can you guess what the picture above is?

"It's an example of fly tipping. Why do people do such things you may wonder? Well, one reason is that they value their own convenience over and above the environment and the countryside in which they live.

"When all convenience is effectively removed from our ability to recycle, then more people will choose the easy option and throw their rubbish over the nearest convenient embankment.

"It happens on the Gwernant and on the Panorama, and it's the council, - you the ratepayer - who picks up the bill for clearing up the mess.

"The example pictured was found in Denbighshire this week and thankfully not in the Dee Valley AONB.

"In the Dee Valley we have been deprived of convenient access to a proper recycling facility for nearly a year now, and that’s why we have launched our campaign for access to the Plas Madoc recycling site.

"You may have already signed our petition, but we need as many people to sign it as possible. So, we urge you to get like-minded friends and family to sign it too.

"You can sign the online petition by clicking this link:
"We are now up to 443 signatories and still growing. Paper petitions are available as an alternative in Watkin & Williams, Gwyn the Butcher , Lilly Rose and Fouzi’s."

Roadworks alert for Regent Street

Latest roadworks from is:

Regent Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

15 December — 18 December


Delays likely - Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: OUTSIDE 36.




Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Limited


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: XY254004000165215


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Covid-19 testing centre opens on Market Street car park

* The testing centre at Market Street car park.

The Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board has set up a temporary Covid-19 testing centre on the Market Street car park, which opens at 9.30am this morning (Saturday).

The walk-in and drive-in centre, which will stay open until 3.30pm and remain there until Monday December 28, is located in the coach parking area of the car park.

The health board says the aim is to make it easier for people in the area to get tested for Covid-19 closer to home.

The board adds that no appointment is needed for a test. Anybody with symptoms of COVID-19 can attend for testing.

The temporary testing unit in Ruthin has now closed.

* For more details about testing, go to:

Hospitality firms can check on level of government support

Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism businesses impacted by latest coronavirus restrictions can now find out how much they can expect to receive from the latest round of the Welsh Government’s business support package.

The government recently announced £340m to assist businesses affected by coronavirus restrictions which came into force on 4 December.

The latest package includes a £160m Restrictions Business Fund, predominantly for businesses paying non domestic rates, and a £180m grant fund specifically for impacted businesses in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors.

Under this latest round of Welsh Government support a typical hospitality business in Wales with the equivalent of six fulltime staff could be eligible to receive between £12,000 and £14,000 to help them through this period of restrictions and into the New Year.

The £160m Restrictions Business Fund will see impacted businesses that pay non-domestic rates within the hospitality, tourism, leisure, retail sectors and their supply chain qualifying for a one-off payment of between £3,000 and £5,000.

Hospitality businesses that received non-domestic rates funding under the previous firebreak restrictions can expect this payment before Christmas. However, all other eligible businesses will need to register in the New Year to receive their payment.

Impacted firms, including those not paying business rates, can also apply for a share of the £180m Sector Specific Fund. This part of the package, which is calculated on a business’ staff count and turnover, is expected to support up to 8,000 businesses in sectors impacted by the restrictions and potentially a further 2,000 in related supply chains.

A new eligibility checker and calculator is now live on the Business Wales website to help businesses work out what support they can expect to qualify for.  Guidance will also be available for firms to help them through the application process for the Sector Specific Fund which will open during the week of 11 January.

Minister for the Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates, said: “We know how difficult the latest restrictions are for our hospitality businesses, particularly at this time of year, but accelerating coronavirus rates have meant we have had to make difficult decisions to protect people’s health and save lives.

“Available evidence, including a recent paper by the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) tells us that measures in Scotland’s level three and England’s tier three are effective in reducing virus spread. We have introduced this latest round of restrictions to bring us in line with Scotland level three and England tier 3.

“Through this £340m package of support we are working to directly assist hospitality businesses and to get financial support to them as quickly as possible. Many will receive between £3K and £5K this side of Christmas, and in addition can apply for a sector specific grant that will follow in the New Year.

Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Lord Elis-Thomas, said: “We are fully aware, not least from our hospitality stakeholder group, of the impact of the restrictions that we have had to bring in. This is not the Christmas period that any of us wanted but I would urge businesses to take advantage of the help available and to use the calculator to find out how much help they can expect to receive so they can plan accordingly.

“We will continue to do everything we can to support our firms and our people through to the other side of this dreadful pandemic.”

This latest in Welsh Government funding is in addition to other UK Government support, such as the Job Retention Scheme, making it the most generous business support offer in the UK.