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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Latest coronavirus update from Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, is:

Coronavirus in numbers

Where to find the latest information

o   Health Minister Vaughan Gething held today’s press conference. You can watch again at:


Financial support possible following Test and Trace contact

Denbighshire County Council is informing residents that have been contacted by NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect service (TTP) and told to self-isolate that they may be entitled to financial support from a package announced by Welsh Government.

The Self-Isolation Support payment is being administered by local authorities and the application process has now been implemented.

People are entitled to a Self-Isolation Payment of £500 if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • They have been told to self-isolate by NHS Wales, Test, Trace, Protect service (TTP) on or after 23 October 2020
  • They are employed or self-employed
  • They cannot work from home and will lose income as a result
  • They or your partner are currently receiving at least one of the following benefits:
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit
    • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
    • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit

A discretionary payment of £500 may be available if people meet all of the following criteria:

  • You have been told to self-isolate by NHS Wales, Test, Trace, Protect service (TTP) on or after 23 October 2020
  • You are employed or self-employed
  • You cannot work from home and will lose income as a result
  • You or your partner do not currently receive:
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit
    • income-based Employment and Support Allowance
    • income-based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit
  • You will face financial hardship as a result of not being able to work while you are self- isolating.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead Member for Finance and Assets, said: “We fully recognise that some people will have suffered financial hardship as a result of the covid restrictions and worrying about finances only adds to people’s concerns.

“The Isolation Payment has been made available by Welsh Government to assist those that have suffered financially.  

"The council is responsible for administering the scheme in Denbighshire and information on the criteria, as well as how to apply and the application forms themselves are available on the Council’s website and we would encourage people to take a look and consider whether they are eligible for the payments."

* To apply, visit the council’s website:

Ambulance service champions ground-breaking app

Welsh Ambulance Service Trust is backing national Road Safety Week 2020 and championing the use of a ground-breaking app.

Launched back in 2013 the What3Words app can help emergency and recovery services locate you to within a three square metre radius should an accident or breakdown occur on the highways – or in fact any situation.

The app creators have mapped the entire planet and sectioned it into three metre squares and each square has a unique three word sequence attached to it.

Once activated, the app will source your exact location and give you a three word sequence, ‘Wild – Coffee – Bike’ for example, and even if you’re lost, quoting this to the emergency or recovery services will allow them to pinpoint you and send help to exactly the right spot.

Kate Blackmore, Clinical Contact Centre Area Manager for the Welsh Ambulance Service, said: “This Road Safety Week we would urge people to download the What3Words app to their phones and always ensure they travel with it.

“Should the worst happen out on the roads, especially with Wales’ rural terrain, the app can help us and other emergency services identify your location as quickly as possible through an easy to use phrase. 

“The app works anywhere in the world and in multiple languages including Welsh, you can even find your current location without a data connection, eliminating the panic of describing your location in an emergency situation.”

Road Safety Week was founded in 1997 by Brake, the road safety charity to promote steps everybody can take to stop needless accidents and injuries on the UK’s roads.

This year’s theme is ‘No Need To Speed’ and someone who knows all too well about the dangers of excessively fast motoring is Welsh Ambulance Service paramedic and Clinical Team Leader, Dermot O’Leary.

Dermot runs the highly successful Deadly Impacts road safety campaign in North Wales along with Police and Fire colleagues and regularly visits schools and colleges to educate young people about the dangers of speeding via workshops and lectures.

He said: “We are fully behind the 2020 Road Safety Week message as excessive speed is number one in what we call the Fatal Five: Excessive speed, anti-social driving, no seatbelts, drink or drug-driving and using a mobile phone whilst driving.

“As the nights and weather close in, driving conditions inevitably worsen and the risk of accidents increases.

“We are always here, but we don’t want to be seeing you in an unnecessary road accident, so stay below the speed limit, keep your distance and check your vehicle is winter ready.”

* For more information on Road Safety Week click here and to download What3Words visit your App Store.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Rural residents urged to apply for faster broadband funding

Rural residents and businesses in Denbighshire are being remind to apply for funding towards the cost of installing gigabit broadband.

The Welsh and UK governments are now working together on the Gigabit Broadband Voucher scheme which covers part of the cost of installing new gigabit-capable internet connections.

Under the new partnership £7,000 is available for small-to-medium sized businesses and up to £3,000 is available for residential premises.

Gigabit-capable broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available, and the scheme is open to rural premises with broadband speeds of less than 100Mbps.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council and Lead Member for the Economy, said: “This scheme will help ensure more people and businesses have access to reliable broadband speeds. I urge all those Denbighshire residents in rural locations without decent broadband to check to see if they are eligible for these vouchers.

“Connecting communities is a priority for the Council under our Corporate Plan and improved internet connections ensure our communities have access to goods and services and help the county’s businesses provide services online.

“It is possible for residents or community groups to work together on applications and the Council is working to advise and assist them with their applications.”         

The Council has also employed a digital officer to assist residents with their connectivity issues free of charge as part of its work to create connected communities.

As well as offering the Gigabit Broadband Voucher scheme, the Welsh Government funded Fibre Roll-out will see a total of 1,862 extra premises in Denbighshire enabled for Fibre To The Premise (FTTP) connection by June 2022 and Openreach has already enabled 201 premises in the county.  

If you are concerned about your internet connection or would like to discuss the options available, you can contact the Council’s digital officer via and to check eligibility for the Gigabit Broadband Voucher visit

County launches winter shopping campaign

A campaign highlighting the wealth of businesses, goods and services available in Denbighshire is being launched as the county appeals for people to shop local and buy local this winter.

This new Winter Shopping campaign is an extension of the #lovelivelocal initiative, with a push to encourage people to spend their money in the county, to encourage businesses to showcase their products or services and to entice old and new customers to town centres.

This campaign also looks at capitalising on the free parking offer available in selected car parks across the county and the initiative to make our town centres a safe place to visit and do business during Covid.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, who is also the Lead Member for the Economy, said: “Local companies need our support during these very difficult financial times. 

“Times were already hard financially before Covid affected communities and some businesses have struggled to stay afloat. That’s why we think it’s more important than ever to push the #lovelivelocal message.

“There are many shops in our towns and villages that offer a wide range of products, from food and drink to beauty and fashion, from arts and crafts to professional services. 

“A walk into the towns and villages will surprise you. We really have some hidden retail gems in our county and we want to help businesses to showcase their products, to encourage people to visit and to surprise and excite the consumer about what’s on offer.

“Give Denbighshire businesses a go and help support local businesses.”

Christmas quiz papers will be ready soon

Organisers have sent out a message about the 2020 Cancer Research UK Christmas Quiz in Llangollen.

It says: "Unfortunately, Llangollen Tourist Information is still closed, but you can pick up your Christmas Quiz as usual from Pro-Adventure. For those who don’t know the town so well, it’s near the traffic lights at the top of Castle Street.  

"The quiz will be available from Saturday, November 28.  

"After being so badly compromised by Covid this year Cancer Research UK will more than ever appreciate all the support you can offer to put its valuable work back on track." 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Collen Players to livestream their Christmas variety show

* Cast members from one of the Collen Players' shows last year.

The Collen Players are to stage a special Christmas Variety show later this month.

But because they’re not yet allowed to perform for a live Llangollen audience due to social distancing rules, they will be bringing some roistering seasonal cheer through the airwaves.

The group was founded a couple of years ago by Father Lee Taylor, priest-in-charge of St Collen’s Church and a music hall enthusiast.

He said: “Collen Players have now done a number of very successful shows which attracted large and appreciative audiences.

“Unfortunately, we had to cancel one of the shows soon after the pandemic began but we were determined to go ahead with our Christmas special.

“We’ll be streaming it live on our own Facebook page observing the very strictest social distancing rules.”

He added: “Like so many other entertainers we’re having to adapt to this new way of performing but we can’t wait to be involved in the show.

“People have had such a very bad time over most of this year and we think they deserve a little cheering up in time for Christmas.

“We hope as many people as possible will watch the show which starts online at 6.30pm on Friday November 27th.”

Father Lee will as usual be the evening’s chairman and the performers will be Shea Ferron, Julie and Dyfed Thomas, Mike Connolly, Phil Robinson, Neil Barratt and Dave Lyne.

Accompanying them on the piano will be Owen Roberts.

* To see the show being livestreamed at 6.30pm on Friday November 27th, go to the Collen Players Facebook page at: