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Monday, November 16, 2020

Christmas quiz papers will be ready soon

Organisers have sent out a message about the 2020 Cancer Research UK Christmas Quiz in Llangollen.

It says: "Unfortunately, Llangollen Tourist Information is still closed, but you can pick up your Christmas Quiz as usual from Pro-Adventure. For those who don’t know the town so well, it’s near the traffic lights at the top of Castle Street.  

"The quiz will be available from Saturday, November 28.  

"After being so badly compromised by Covid this year Cancer Research UK will more than ever appreciate all the support you can offer to put its valuable work back on track." 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Collen Players to livestream their Christmas variety show

* Cast members from one of the Collen Players' shows last year.

The Collen Players are to stage a special Christmas Variety show later this month.

But because they’re not yet allowed to perform for a live Llangollen audience due to social distancing rules, they will be bringing some roistering seasonal cheer through the airwaves.

The group was founded a couple of years ago by Father Lee Taylor, priest-in-charge of St Collen’s Church and a music hall enthusiast.

He said: “Collen Players have now done a number of very successful shows which attracted large and appreciative audiences.

“Unfortunately, we had to cancel one of the shows soon after the pandemic began but we were determined to go ahead with our Christmas special.

“We’ll be streaming it live on our own Facebook page observing the very strictest social distancing rules.”

He added: “Like so many other entertainers we’re having to adapt to this new way of performing but we can’t wait to be involved in the show.

“People have had such a very bad time over most of this year and we think they deserve a little cheering up in time for Christmas.

“We hope as many people as possible will watch the show which starts online at 6.30pm on Friday November 27th.”

Father Lee will as usual be the evening’s chairman and the performers will be Shea Ferron, Julie and Dyfed Thomas, Mike Connolly, Phil Robinson, Neil Barratt and Dave Lyne.

Accompanying them on the piano will be Owen Roberts.

* To see the show being livestreamed at 6.30pm on Friday November 27th, go to the Collen Players Facebook page at:      

Llangollen Railway is seeking medical help

Llangollen Railway is searching for a doctor.

On its Facebook page it says: "Are you, or do you know of a registered medical professional - doctor or nurse with either occupational health, practice nurse or health assessment experience? 

"Our staff/volunteers in safety-critical roles require medical assessments to conform with Heritage Rail Requirements. 

"Could you help Llangollen Railway either in a voluntary capacity or expenses agreed? 

"For further information please contact :"

Saturday, November 14, 2020

County plans consultation on climate change

Members of the public can have their say on plans by Denbighshire County Council to tackle climate and ecological change.

Last year the council declared a climate change and ecological emergency which included a commitment to make the authority net carbon zero by 2030, enhance biodiversity across the county and call on the Welsh and UK governments to provide assistance and resources to enable the council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A public engagement event was held earlier this year asking for the public’s views and now they can have their say on the council’s draft Climate and Ecological Change Strategy which covers the years 2021/22 – 2029/30.

Cllr Graham Timms, the council’s Climate Change and Ecological Emergency Working Group chair, said: “This is a draft document for our strategy and we want members of the public to read it and let us know what they think.

“The document explains what we mean by the goals net carbon zero and ecologically positive council, how the council is currently performing on both, what we hope 2030 will look like for the council having achieved our goals and the changes and actions we hope to deliver over the next nine years.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and help contribute.”

The council is holding an online public meeting on November 23 at 6.30pm for people to have the chance to learn more about the strategy and to provide verbal feedback and ask any questions.

Members of the public can also complete an online survey to give their feedback between November 13 and December 7.

Cllr Brian Jones the council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “We are encouraging people to have their say on this document by completing the online survey and by attending the meeting and giving their views.

“Protecting the environment is a priority for the council and we are committed to continuing to reduce our carbon footprint and increasing biodiversity.

“We have already achieved a lot, we have reduced carbon emissions from our buildings and fleet by 15 per cent since 2017, the council now only uses renewable electricity for its own buildings after switching to a renewable only energy provider for its schools, leisure centres, libraries, council offices and depots and we are over halfway to reaching our target of planting 18,000 trees by 2022.”

* Applications to attend the public meeting close at midday on Friday, November 20, and you can sign up and take part in the online consultation at

Latest local roadworks

Latest local roadworks notifications from are:

Willow Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

16 November — 18 November


Delays likely - Road closure




Works description: RESURFACING WORKS


Responsibility for works: Sir Ddinbych - Denbighshire


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR001S000000013229


Hall Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

16 November — 18 November


Delays possible - Traffic control (two-way signals)




Works description: FS Hydrant Renew Job in Carriageway (10mm Bitmac (Tarmac) )...


Responsibility for works: Dee Valley Water


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: ZU0028102/000012423477

Friday, November 13, 2020

Traffic changes spark petition - and councillors address the issues

* The petition as it was on Friday morning.

As an online petition began to circulate criticising some of the moves, Llangollen's two county councillors have given their reaction to changes recently made to the town's traffic system aimed at making it for easier social distancing during the pandemic.

These changes include widening pavements in Castle Street - removing its on-street parking bays - and  on Abbey Road, reversing the one-way traffic flow in Church Street and making Market Street partially one-way. 

The petition, run through and intended to be sent to Denbighshire County Council, was started on Thursday by Jenni Lloyd who runs Jenni's shop in Market.

At 12.30pm today (Friday) the petition had attracted 85 of its 100 target signatures.

In the preface she says: "Having the loading bay placed outside my shop in Market Street, it seems clear that a lot of the local community are not happy with some of the recent changes in Llangollen.

"Have your say, let them sit up and take notice of us, not lie or ignore us as they are at present."

She says: "The lorries are 5ft from my window and it's fairly constant as the bay is servicing the whole of Castle Street.

"It is also to service the Town Hall so when they are putting up scenery or dismantling it for the shows its one heck of a trek.

"I know my business will not survive with the loading bay where it is and I'm very sad about that.

"None of us where contacted by the council at any point."

In a joint statement the two Llangollen county councillors, Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile, said today: "In answer to the furore that’s setting Llangollen Noticeboard on fire, we are still in the grip of the Covid -19 pandemic, these measures have been put in place to make Llangollen safer, for both its residents and its visitors.

"Many of our older residents were in fear of their lives during the national lockdown. They chose to remain at home even when it was lifted, rather than venture onto Castle St and face the crowds of visitors. A petition in support of the changes to Castle St was signed by over 140 people and sent to DCC on 6th August.

"The purpose of these measures is to ease the pressure on pedestrians in Castle Street.

"At the moment, due to the lockdown in England, our streets are empty and these measures appear not to be needed. That can change come December 2.

"There have been some cavalier comments re the scheme, please remember that it’s only in place to keep us safer."

Cllr Timms and Cllr Mile said they had met with county officers on Thursday to discuss a number of issues regarding the introduction of the Covid changes in Llangollen.

Here they take the issues raised point by point:

"Will the temporary signs stay by the Hand Hotel?

"There are still a few vehicles that have been travelling down Church Street in the wrong direction, having not noticed the reversing of the traffic direction even with the extra signage. It is a genuine safety concern and needs to be aggressively signposted during the first few days and weeks of the scheme. The extra signage by the Hand Hotel is temporary and will eventually be removed.

"Will all signs be bilingual?

"By the end of next week, all signage in the town will be bilingual, as required by the Welsh Language Act. The carriageway signs on Bridge Street pose a problem because if they were bilingual the writing would have to start a few more metres before the junction. As a result, we have agreed that the white arrow indicating the right turn will stay, but the text will be removed. This change will also help to reduce the visual impact on the conservation area.

"Is Church Street still "Access only"?

"Yes. Signs indicating this will be added to the current signage next week. It has been delayed because of temporary scaffolding on the Sun Inn on one side of the road. On the opposite side, the pole is not long enough to display the additional sign. A longer pole will be in place by the end of next week.

"What about the loading bay on Market Street?

"We are continuing our discussions next week  with the Denbighshire Road Safety team about the position of this bay to see if there is a better solution that can be reached for all."

The councillors added: "Please get in touch with us if you have comments or suggestions about the changes. We listen and pass on your views on to the council on your behalf. Email us at the addresses below. and

Masterplan produced for Trevor Basin area

* Plan by Arcadis Consultancy.

Wrexham County Borough Council, Solutia UK and the Canal and River Trust in Wales have published a masterplan for the Trevor Basin and surrounding area, which forms part of the World Heritage Site at Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

The sets out a vision for the area which aims to protect the heritage on site, enhance the visitor attraction and brings economic and social benefits to the region.

It includes a new visitor hub welcoming people to the site, improvements and expansion of car parking and commercial ventures such as a tree top walk, camping and glamping.  

Subject to funding and commercial interest, the plan could be delivered in stages over short, medium and longer term.

The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct at Trevor Basin is a historically significant site that attracts over 300,000 visitors per year to the local area. 

The organisations involved says it its current amenity offer is limited and consequently the site does not deliver to its full potential in terms of encouraging longer dwell times and leveraging visitor expenditure to the wider area.

The next stage will see the partners engage with Welsh and English governments to help deliver the funding required to bring forward the proposals.

Ian Bancroft, Chair of the World Heritage Site Board and Terry Evans, Lead Member for Economy, have said “It will be hugely important to the future management of the World Heritage Site and catalyst for transformation by creating a world class destination, in keeping with its status, to deliver a positive social and economic impact both locally and within the north Wales region.”

Solutia UK, the owners of the site which housed the former factory and makes up a significant part of the masterplan area, said: “We were very happy to work with Wrexham Council and the Canal and Rivers Trust in the development of the masterplan. 

"The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct is a stunning piece of industrial architecture and this masterplan includes some exciting developments around it and in the surrounding communities."

The masterplan has been developed over the past three years with Arcadis Consultancy and Stantec and has involved engagement with local residents, businesses and environment and community groups.

It is said to have the potential to generate approximately £75.7m (present value) of additional benefits for the Welsh economy over the next 30 years and generate £24.6 million in social value impacts from recreational users.  

It has the potential to significantly improve the quality and variety of the site’s visitor offer driving new visitors spend, creating jobs close to an area of high deprivation and helping to put Wrexham’s tourism sector onto a more even footing with other areas of North Wales.