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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Welsh Government doubles Economic Resilience Fund to nearly £300

The Welsh Government is doubling the third phase of its Economic Resilience Fund, making nearly £300m available to support businesses that continue to be affected by Covid-19.

In September, the Economy Minister Ken Skates announced £140m would be made available under the third phase of the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund.

However, as a result of the “fire-break”, which will begin on Friday 23 October and continue until Monday 9 November and will require a range of businesses to temporarily close their doors or reduce their operations, the latest round of the fund will be more than doubled to ensure further help for businesses across Wales.

The Economic Resilience Fund, which complements support schemes available from the UK Government, is part of the Welsh Government’s £1.7bn plus support package for businesses to help deal with the economic impacts of Coronvirus.

Economy Minister Ken Skates said: “As a Welsh Government we are having to make important decisions to help slow the spread of coronavirus and protect both the stability of our NHS and the health of our people. However we absolutely recognise that these decisions do have a knock on effect on our economy and our businesses during what has already been an incredibly difficult year for them.

“We’ve been speaking at length and in depth with our business partners about the ongoing impact of coronavirus and the effect of the restrictions we are having to implement to slow its spread.

“One of the messages we have received loud and clear is that businesses want certainty so that they can plan and prepare, and that they need a clear package of support to help them through this difficult time.

“This enhanced package of support, which will see us doubling the third phase of our Economic Resilience Fund and quickly getting money out to our businesses to support them through this firebreak and beyond, is designed to provide just that.”

The new and bolstered economic package will see:

  • Payments of £1,000 for businesses that are eligible for Small Business Rates relief and occupy a property with a rateable value of £12,000 or less.
  • Payments of up to £5,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses that are required to close and which occupy a property with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £50,000.
  • A discretionary £2,000 top-up grant for businesses closed or materially affected by the firebreak lockdown.
  • A further discretionary £1,000 grant for businesses that were materially affected by local lockdown measures for 21 days or more prior to the start of the firebreak.

The Welsh Government is also providing a further £20m towards Business Grants meaning £100m will be available for this purpose. Previously, companies were required to provide a percentage of the funding to access these grants, but the Welsh Government has now confirmed it will provide 100% funding for businesses forced to close during the firebreak.

The Minister added: “By doubling the value of this phase of the fund, we are making almost £300m available to provide more financial assistance to our small and medium employers and to businesses in the hospitality, tourism and leisure sector that must close their doors during the firebreak.

“This means an additional £150m going direct to Welsh firms to help them cover their bills and increase their resilience to help them through the challenging weeks and months ahead.

“The Economic Resilience Fund, which has been designed to plug the gaps in the UK Government’s support package, has already been crucial in protecting companies across Wales from the severe impacts of coronavirus, safeguarding more than 100,000 jobs.

“This announcement, which is again in addition to the offer from UK Government, will help ensure that many Welsh businesses can keep their heads above water, plan for the future and protect the jobs on which our communities rely.

“The funds will open next week and we will work hard to get money out to businesses as quickly as we can.”

* More information, which will be regularly updated during this week, can be found at:

New testing centre opens in Corwen - but it's appointments only

A new testing station has opened in Corwen to make it easier for people in the area to get an appointment for a COVID-19 test closer to home. 

This service for individuals who believe they have COVID-19 symptoms, and you should only attend if you have one or more of the following symptoms:

•    a high temperature 
•    a new, continuous cough 
•    a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste 

The drive-through facility has been set up in the Green Lane Car Park and will be in operation for the next two to three weeks.

This is not a walk-in service and people will need to make an appointment to have a test. 

Details about how to apply for a test can be found on the Welsh Government website here.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has worked in partnership with Denbighshire County Council, Public Health Wales and the UK Government Department of Health and Social Care to set this testing station up.

Businesses and organisations get ready for latest lockdown

* Llangollen Wharf is one of the local businesses preparing
 for the two-week lockdown.

Llangollen businesses and organisations have reacted to yesterday’s Welsh Government announcement of a two-week circuit breaker lo lockdown to begin this Friday.

On Facebook the Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group posted: “As we move into another, hopefully temporary, lockdown and in preparation for what could be some difficult months ahead the Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group plans to resume its work and set up a new network of support in Llangollen for those who need help, are isolated, or are vulnerable during these difficult times.

“We hope to provide regular contact and support with shopping.

“If you need support or know of anyone who you think we could help please contact:

Austin Cheminais (Chem)07813 761766,; John Palmer

07515 051696, If you need help collecting prescriptions contact Sheena Grindley, 07592 018533.

Llangollen Group of Anglican Churches posted: “Following the announcement from the First Minister of Wales today, there will be no Sunday services until the National Lockdown has ended.

“A service will be live-streamed on this page at 11am on Sunday morning.

Please pray for each other during this challenging time.”

The message from the Ponderosa Cafe was: “Good afternoon everyone. I hope this message finds you all well amidst these strange times we again find ourselves and our livelihoods in.

“For the time being the Cafe will remain closed following Mark Drakeford’s recent announcement placing Wales into a circuit break national lockdown (from Friday 23rd October).

“Furthermore there will be another road closure week commencing October 26th, the main Horseshoe Pass road A542 will close for three weeks for essential maintenance works.

“At this moment in time the prospect of opening the Ponderosa Cafe before November is looking very bleak, hopefully we can get the Cafe open for December in time for our Christmas lunches, a bit of snow wouldn’t go amiss.

“I believe it would bring a bit of much needed Christmas cheer to children and adults alike.

“To all our wonderful customers I thank you once again the support we have received has been truly overwhelming and it honestly keeps us moving forward in these uncertain times.

“An update regarding the Cafe will coincide with the Welsh assembly’s update in two weeks time on the 9th of November. Kindest regards Simon Clemence.”

Llangollen Wharf posted: “You will all now know that we will be closed from 6pm Friday. So as a last farewell before the boys go on their winter holidays we are going to be running horsedrawn boat trips on Thursday 22nd at 11am 12.30 and 2pm.

“Our Tea Room will be open every day also from 9am till 4.30pm for eating at the Wharf or Take Away. You can book the trips on our website or phone the Wharf on 01978 860702.”

Posting from the Bridge End Hotel was: “Update: Following today's announcement, we will sadly be closing our doors again on Friday, 23rd October at 6 pm until Monday, 9th November.

“But we need your help... to clear our stock over the next 4 days, we've got Robinsons Smooth at £2.00 per pint and Unicorn at £2.50 per pint. So please pop by and have a drink in your local... When the beer has gone, it's gone!

“Thanks for your amazing support over the last few months and we can't wait to welcome you back on the 9th!”

And Dee Valley Produce posted: “HERE WE GO AGAIN........

“So just to keep you all up to date, I thought we would just put up a little reminder-

We are still going to be open as usual Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sunday 10-3.30pm.

“We are still doing free home deliveries and collections. To place an order call us on 01978861805. We can take payment over the phone and except cash.”

Llangollen Pizza & Kebab said on Facebook: "Dear customers,

"We find ourselves In the midst of uncertainty yet again. It’s like March all over.
"Well. At least we know now what we didn’t know before and rest assured, you will have your favourite takeaway ready to break the monotony of lock down life! 🙌🏽
"We will still be open as usual. Visit our website
to order a delivery or a collection from our array of delicious, authentic kebabs and stone baked pizzas!
"From all our team here, we wanted to wish everyone good health in these difficult times and hope that all of us can support each other through this! "


Monday, October 19, 2020

County responds to circuit breaker announcement

Denbighshire County Council says the announcement made by First Minister Mark Drakeford this afternoon (Monday) regarding the circuit breaker does provide some clarity for residents and the authority says it will work with communities in the on-going fight against covid-19.

Last week, the council provided feedback to the Welsh Government via the Welsh Local Government Association, calling for guidance to be provided to the public and councils on the conditions of the lockdown; which businesses, premises and council services would be allowed to remain open and clarification on individual movement and households mixing.

Cabinet also called for a clear commitment and description of the support package that will be available to businesses and the self- employed and robust guidance to local authorities on eligibility, administration and funding arrangements and also asked for a commitment to fully reimburse local authorities for income loss and additional costs incurred resulting from implementing Welsh Government’s lockdown.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire, said: “The fact that the announcement has been made will end a lot of speculation that has taken place in recent days and will provide some clarity of what’s expected of communities right across Wales in terms of the timings of the circuit breaker.  We would like some answers to how this will all work and the devil is in the fine detail.

"There are still many unanswered questions around business and the support for businesses that will be affected by the new restrictions.

“Doing nothing is simply not an option and we do recognise that something needs to be done.  That is why we will work with Welsh Government, our partners and communities right across Denbighshire to implement these measures.

“We will now be considering the effect of the circuit breaker on the services that we provide in Denbighshire and will be making announcements in the coming days on which services will be affected and how people may access services in a different way."

*Details of the circuit breaker restrictions can be found on the Welsh Government website:

Wales goes into "short sharp" national lockdown from Friday

* First Minister Mark Drakeford announces the new lockdown.

Wales will go into a "short, sharp" national lockdown from Friday until Monday, 9 November, the BBC says.

People will be told to stay at home, while pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops will shut.

Primary schools will reopen after the half-term break, but only Years 7 and 8 in secondary schools will return at that time under new "firebreak" rules.

Gatherings indoors and outdoors with people not in your household will also be banned.

Leisure businesses, community centres, libraries and recycling centres will shut. Places of worship will be closed for normal services, except for funerals and weddings.

The announcement follows rising case numbers in Wales and increasing hospital admissions, and replaces the 17 local lockdowns that had been in place.

Figures now stand at 130 coronavirus cases per 100,000 over seven days - there were 4,127 cases recorded between 9 and 15 October.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said the "time-limited 'firebreak'" will be "a short, sharp, shock to turn back the clock, slow down the virus and buy us more time".

Halloween and Bonfire Night gatherings will not be allowed under the restrictions, which begin on Friday at 18:00 BST.

But there will be an exception for small Remembrance Sunday commemoration services on 8 November.

Universities in Wales will continue to provide "a blend of in-person and online learning".

If students have reading weeks or half-term they will also need to stay at home in their university accommodation, the first minister said.

The Welsh Government has provided a package of almost £300m to support businesses.

According to the BusinessLive website, this will include:

  • Extra Economic Resilience Fund of £300m.
  • £150m into Phase 3 of the ERF to support those businesses directly affected by the fire break.
  • Every business covered by Small Business Rate Relief will get a £1,000 payment.
  • Small and medium sized retail, leisure and hospitality businesses which have to close will receive one-off payment of up to £5,000. They will come to businesses automatically.
  • Additional discretionary grant and support for smaller businesses who are struggling because of restrictions.
  • £80 ERF fund announced recently increase to £100m. £20m ringfenced for tourism and hospitality.
  • Businesses will also be able to access the support available through the existing Job Retention Scheme or the new expanded Job Support Scheme.

County recognised by RSPCA for its work with animals

Denbighshire County Council is celebrating receiving national accreditation from the RSPCA for its work in dealing with stray dogs and animal activity licensing.

For this it has been awarded a gold and bronze standard.

The RSPA runs Paw Prints, its animal activity recognition programme, each year and recognises authorities which demonstrate they have met the relevant standards to be awarded. 

The honours awards those who work tirelessly to improve animal welfare, campaign on behalf of animals or show true bravery.

The council has been honoured with the Gold Footprint standard for its work with stray dogs, whilst it received the Bronze Footprint for its animal licensing activity.

Councillor Mark Young, Cabinet Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said: “The fact that Denbighshire picked up two awards is great news and is a testament to the team’s hard work.

“There is a strong partnership between the Public Protection team and the North Clwyd Animal Rescue Centre, as well as specialist vets who support the animal licensing process. Every effort is made to try and reunite dogs with their owners before they are taken to an animal rescue centre.

"Local authorities have a key role to play in protecting the welfare of animals and it’s great that Denbighshire’s commitment has been recognised at a national level."

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Four pupils out of 1,102 test positive to Covid-19 at Ysgol Dinas Bran

The school has said that as of this evening (Sunday) four pupils out of a total of 1,102 at Ysgol Dinas Bran have tested positive for Covid-19.

All parents and carers have been informed and both the Local Authority and the school have consulted with Public Health Wales. 

The school will remain open and the Council is working closely with it, Public Health Wales as well as NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure appropriate measures are in place to protect pupils, staff and the wider community.

Parents/guardians have been advised to remain alert for the main symptoms of coronavirus:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

Those advised to self-isolated should book a coronavirus test if they develop any of these symptoms, even if they are mild. A test can be booked by phoning 119 or online:

Advice requires those self-isolating to stay at home, not to go outdoors to exercise, to visit shops, family or friends, or to other public spaces. Please do not invite people to your house.

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here