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Friday, August 28, 2020

Historic columns take pride of place at new Corwen rail station

* Putting the canopy columns in place are, from left, Peter Robson, Tony Cook and John Mason. Picture: George Jones.

Volunteers at the Corwen Railway Development Project are celebrating the successful completion of work to install a series of historic canopy columns at the site of the new station.

The large metal structures have been brought 200 miles to north Wales from London where they were originally part of Blackfriars station.

The installation of the final pair of columns was completed last weekend after the work was delayed by the advent of Covid-19.

A substantial foundation was required to secure their installation against the prospect of high winds on the exposed site and the work to excavate a trench on the platform ready for delivery of a load of ready-mix was restarted after lockdown was lifted.

With the slab of concrete in place, the two columns were lifted onto their anchor points and bolted down with the cross piece.

Their acquisition, renovation, re-engineering and installation has been an epic tale of volunteer time and effort over the past four years, coupled with the financing of the task.

Eight are now in-situ on the platform, with six around the stairwell and the final pair forming the eastern end of the canopy support, in-between which a station building will provide the integral roofing link.

Seen from the town's car park, they make an impressive sight on the elevated platform as a further statement the project is nearing completion.

Project Manager Richard Dixon-Gough said. “The project team members are delighted to see the columns in place after many hours of site preparation, a process interrupted by the pandemic. 

"The canopy will be subjected to significant wind forces at this elevated, exposed station location and called for a substantial foundation to secure the columns.

"As now erected, the columns are another notable achievement by the volunteers engaged in working towards completion of the station.”

Change of engine

* The tank engine Jennifer passes Berwyn yesterday. Picture: George Jones.

There was a change of engine on the Llangollen line yesterday (Thursday).

A tank engine named 'Jennifer' was hauling the passenger trains.

It is a 0-6-0 built in 1942 for industrial use and was restored at Llangollen in 2008.

The engine normally works on other shorter heritage railways when out on hire. 

Oak Street Gallery hosts new exhibition

Llangollen's Oak Street Gallery is hosting an exhibition by artist Jon Young until September 13.

He is showing some striking new paintings - beautiful colours in acrylic of People and Places, including some iconic North Wales views.

The gallery will be open every day during the exhibition's run from 12-5pm.

Prints and cards of Jon’s work will also be available alongside the paintings and if anyone sees a painting on his website they’d like to see which isn’t in the exhibition, he says he can arrange for it to be brought to the gallery for viewing. 

* Jon's website is at:

Council reassures parents and guardians ahead of new term

* Ysgol Dinas Bran.

Denbighshire County Council has moved to reassure parents and guardians that "everything possible" is being done to protect the safety of pupils and school staff when the new term begins next week.

It says all schools have carried rigorous risk assessments and have introduced measures to try and protect the health and well-being of pupils.

This may include staggered school days, safety signage, re-organisation of classrooms and reduced contacts with other year groups. 

The council adds that all schools continue to follow stringent hygiene guidelines issued by Welsh Government.

Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, says: “First of all, I’d like to thank parents and guardians across the county for their continued support during these unprecedented times. 

“Over recent months, many parents/guardians have been supporting schools to ensure that children and young people can continue learning at home – a great example of partnership working. We also recognise that many parents/ guardians will have changed working patterns to accommodate children and young people being at home.

“The Minister has made it clear that she expects all schools to be open by September 14 and our schools have worked tirelessly to put plans in place to welcome pupils as safely as possible.   

"I must thank schools and various council teams for their work to date. This has been a significant logistical and practical challenge, taking into account issues around catering, buildings, curriculum and transport.

“Stringent hygiene measures are in place and each school has come up with arrangements for conducting classes and activities, whilst reducing contact with other pupils as much as possible.

“Now the priority is on getting on with the task of educating our children and young people in a safe environment.”

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Use 999 responsibly over bank holiday, says ambulance service

The Welsh Ambulance Service is appealing to people to use 999 responsibly this Bank Holiday weekend.

Traditionally, the service will see an increase in demand on Bank Holidays as people take advantage of the long weekend – and this weekend is expected to be no different.

Lee Brooks, the Trust’s Director of Operations, said: “More people are out and about socialising with family and friends on the Bank Holiday weekends, and this can lead to more people becoming ill or suffering injuries and requiring medical attention.

“While there are plans in place to deal with the increase in demand, we only have a limited number of crews and vehicles available which means that we need to prioritise those sickest patients first.

It also means that people not facing a serious or life-threatening emergency could wait longer for a response or be asked to seek alternatives to an ambulance response.

“We certainly don’t want to discourage people from calling 999 in a genuine emergency, but are asking people to consider whether an emergency ambulance is the most appropriate service for their needs.”

Examples of when to call 999 include choking, chest pain, stroke, serious blood loss and unconsciousness.

Using 999 correctly helps crews to reach those patients most in need of clinical attention.

“Our clinical staff often find themselves responding to patients who have reported a serious condition only to find they have a minor illness or injury which could have been treated by an alternative service,” said Lee.

August has been an exceptionally busy month for the Welsh Ambulance Service already.

Wednesday 12 August, which was the hottest day of the year in Wales, was its busiest day of the year so far second only to New Year’s Day.

The service is reminding the public of the alternatives to 999.

Lee said: “If you’re ill and unsure what to do, please visit for advice and information or to take a symptom checker quiz.

“Alternatively, visit a pharmacy, your GP or a Minor Injury Unit.

“You can also call 111 to speak to a Nurse Advisor, or 0845 46 47 if it’s not available in your area.

“Keep yourselves and others safe so that emergency ambulances are available for those who need them most.

“We also continue to live with the presence of Covid-19 and so we need to continue to follow the guidance from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government.”

Anyone visiting Wales this weekend should remember to bring any essential medicines and stock up on repeat prescriptions before they travel.

Kiosk to be taken over by Denbighshire Leisure, says councillor

* The kiosk in Riverside Park.

Following social media speculation about what its future might be, one of the area's county councillors has outlined what is due to happen to the kiosk in Riverside Park.

The cafe facility has been closed since the start of lockdown and there were fears it might not open again.

But Llangollen county councillor Melvyn Mile has told llanblogger: "I’ve been informed that Denbighshire Leisure will be refurbishing the kiosk and will be operating it themselves."

Denbighshire Leisure is the private firm which oversees leisure centres, community facilities, theatres and attractions on behalf of the county counil. 

MP congratulates Sun Trevor on its lockdown renovations

* Sun Trevor owners Paul and Katy Jones, their daughters Seren and Darcey, dog Poppy and Simon Baynes MP.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes made a socially- distanced visit to The Sun Trevor near Llangollen to learn more about how the team has used the time during lockdown to upgrade facilities.

Mr Baynes met owners Paul and Katy Jones as well as their daughters Seren and Darcey, and dog Poppy. 

He was also joined on the visit by Chirk town councillor Gareth Baines.

Paul and Katy used lockdown to refurbish areas including the kitchen and toilets, which now have full disabled facilities. And they have been working on converting the nearby stables into holiday lets.

The team received the Travellers’ Choice Award on Tripadvisor for consistently earning great reviews from travellers and for being ranked within the top 10% of hospitality businesses on the site.

Paul Jones said: “I want to thank my wife Katy and our family and friends for their support and for their hard work at the pub. 

"I’m also extremely grateful to our staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure we could re-open safely and on time. It’s great to finally be able to welcome customers back and we’re so appreciative of everyone’s support.”

Simon Baynes said: "The whole team at The Sun Trevor have done an incredible job earning the Travellers’ Choice Award. 
"Their Quiz evenings on Zoom during lockdown have been a hit with the local community and have really added to The Sun Trevor’s reputation as friendly, community-spirited pub. 
"It’s great to see a local business doing so well and I wish them every success for the future.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Advice on using public transport to travel to school

Denbighshire County Council is advising parents and guardians of children travelling on public buses that owing to social distancing and reduced capacity on public transport, those using public bus services may be adversely impacted.

Parents and guardians of children and young people using public transport to travel to school or college are being advised to make alternative arrangements during the first weeks of term.

The council says it is currently working with bus companies to ensure that extra buses are provided to increase capacity where possible.

Cllr Brian Jones the Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “Owing to reduced capacity on public transport to ensure social distancing, wherever possible we are putting on extra services for school and college learners, and we are working to ensure they can travel to school safely, which is of paramount importance.

“We understand this is a very difficult time for parents and we want to assure them that we are working to make sure the return to school runs as smoothly as possible.

“However, owing to a number of pressures associated with Covid-19, we are asking parents who are able to transport their children to school or college to do so for the first two weeks of term or, where possible, to encourage the use of active travel.

“Those parents who can transport their children to school or college are asked to walk where possible or to park further away from school to avoid congestion.

“Parents of all pupils aged over 11 using school buses or public transport to get to school are also reminded they need to wear a face covering while using buses, coaches and where appropriate taxis.”

Some schools are also using staggered times which will impact transport to and from school and parents are being advised to check with their school.

Timetables for public bus services have also been impacted by Covid-19 and parents should check their local provider for the most up to date information.