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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Two-hour free parking in county's town centres until end of the year

Denbighshire County Council is offering two hours free parking in six of its town centre car parks, including Llangollen, until the end of the year.

The offer, which will come into effect on Monday, August 3 at 9am, will be available at East Street Car Park, Llangollen; Vale Street Car Park, Denbigh; King’s Avenue Car Park, Prestatyn; Town Hall (Water Street) Car Park, Rhyl; Market Street Car Park, Ruthin and Bowling Green Car Park, St Asaph.

The aim is to encourage residents and visitors to use town centres and support businesses.
The two-hour free stays will run until December 31, 2020.

The council had previously offered free parking in its town centre car parks from March. That arrangement remains in place until 8am on Monday, 3 August – when it will be replaced by this new arrangement. 

Cllr Brian Jones, the Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “We know it has been a difficult time for businesses and we have been offering free parking in town centres since March to assist key workers and volunteers and to support businesses.

“We are now offering two hours free parking in these car parks until the end of the year to encourage residents and visitors to come and shop and spend their money locally. 

"Having a maximum two hour stay will ensure a good turnover of spaces, increasing the availability of spaces for shoppers and visitors arriving later in the day.”

The offer is available after 9am and cars displaying a valid blue badge will be able to park for two-and-a-half hours for free.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council and Lead Member for the Economy, said: “As a council we are doing all we can to support our businesses during these very difficult times and this is one of the ways we are helping town centres recover. 

"We have been working closely with traders and will continue to do so during the recovery phase and shoppers can take advantage of this offer to support the fantastic local businesses we have here in Denbighshire.”

In Prestatyn, both Nant Hall Road and Fern Avenue car parks continue to be free for four hours, supported by Prestatyn Town Council; while the Pavilion and Bridge Street car parks in Corwen as well as Vicarage Lane, Rhuddlan and Community Centre, Meliden remain free all year round.

Bodelwyddan (Church View) and Dyserth (Thomas Avenue) each have a free public car park which are managed in the local community and not by Denbighshire County Council.

Charges have now been re-introduced at all other car parks in the county and you can find more information at

Government launches £40m skills and jobs fund

The Welsh Government today pledged to support everyone to find work, education or training or help to start their own business as it launched a £40m skills and jobs fund.
The fund is part of a longer-term plan to help Wales recover from coronavirus; to build back better and ensure no one is left behind.

Today’s announcement builds on a £50m package for skills and learning targeted towards higher and further education unveiled by Education Minister Kirsty Williams last week.

At the heart of the new funding is a pledge that everyone over 16 will receive the assistance they need to access advice and support to find work or to pursue self-employment or to find and take up a place in education or training.

More support for apprenticeships will be available, together with traineeships, redundancy assistance, retraining programmes and careers advice – all will be crucial in helping to address an expected rise in unemployment and the risk of deepening economic inequality caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Finance Minister and Trefnydd, Rebecca Evans said: “Coronavirus threatens to severely affect all the progress we’ve made in reducing unemployment and economic inactivity in Wales over the last decade.

“This £40m investment in jobs and skills will be vital in helping soften the impact of the pandemic and will be key to driving our economic recovery."

The Welsh Government’s Employability and Skills support will help employers to take on new workers, with incentives for recruiting apprentices and young people. It will also help adults overcome barriers in both maintaining and gaining work with a focus on Wales’ growth sectors.

The plan includes an emphasis on achieving better outcomes for people who will be affected most by the economic downturn, including disabled people, people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, women, and those with low skills and on low wages.

The £40m package will provide:
  • More than £20m to incentivise employers to recruit and retain 5,000 apprentices, increase the capacity of traineeship programmes and support more graduates to access work experience, work tasters and paid work placements.
  • Almost £9m to help workers access retraining and find new employment, including in areas of skills demand, through ReACT and the Union Learning Fund. This includes the national roll-out of the personal learning accounts programme so an additional 2,000 people can learn new skills and gain new qualifications.
  • Funding for traineeships, Working Wales and Communities for Work Plus will be increased to help match people to job opportunities and promote self-employment and new ways of working, as well as funding to support employer-led training through the Flexible Skills programme.
  • There will be support for a new Barriers Fund, offering up to £2,000 to support people who may not have previously considered self-employment, in particular women, young people, people from BAME communities and disabled people.
Economy Minister, Ken Skates said: “We have already provided Welsh business with the most generous package of support in the UK, which has been crucial in helping them through the crisis.

“Today’s announcement goes a step further and supports our workforce. This £40m package will help incentivise employers to take on and train new workers, including apprentices and young people. It will also help employers to retain and reskill the existing workforce and support individuals looking for work to secure employment or start up their own businesses.

“We are doing everything we can to drive our economic recovery. I now call on our employers to take advantage of the incentives we’re putting in place and play their part in providing quality job and training opportunities right across Wales.”

More checks done before railway re-opens on Saturday

The single line token is handed over by the Llangollen signalman to the railcar driver prior to test departure.

The heritage diesel railcar ran down the line to Carrog yesterday morning with operational volunteers on board to check things out prior to the reopening of Llangollen Railway on August 1.

This was part of a series of 'shakedown' trips required to prepare for passenger services when social distancing will apply in trains.

Those wishing to travel will need to book in advance.

Full details are available on the railway’s website.

Meanwhile, The Cornmill has announced details of its own re-opening on Facebook.

It posted: “We are delighted to announce that we will be reopening from 12 noon on Monday 3rd August.

“We’ve obviously had to make a few changes and we would welcome your help with some of them, so please visit our website here to take a look:

“Whilst we find our feet we are encouraging bookings only inside the pub. Looking forward to seeing you!”

Monday, July 27, 2020

Face coverings must be worn on public transport from today

From today (Monday) people travelling on public transport must wear face coverings in Wales. 
The law will also apply to taxis.
The change was announced by the First Minister on 13th July as part of ongoing efforts to protect people from coronavirus.
Under the new law, people aged 11 and over will be required to wear face coverings on public transport. There will be exemptions for people with certain health conditions, including respiratory diseases.
People are advised to wear a face covering made up of three layers of the same close knit, or close woven material.
Drivers, guards and other operators of public transport may ask people not to board if they are not wearing face coverings. If necessary fixed penalty notices may be issued by the police, with a fine of £60 in the first instance subsequently doubling in the event of repeated offences.
Ken Skates, Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, said: "From today the vast majority of our public transport users in Wales will be required to wear a face covering while travelling on our buses, our trains and in taxis. The law has been introduced to help reduce the risk of public transmission of coronavirus and to protect the health of our public transport users.
“We know it may not always be possible to maintain a 2m physical distance on public transport and the requirement to wear a face covering is in addition to other guidance we have issued to our transport providers in order to encourage safe travel.”
The move to make face coverings on public transport compulsory will help operators to increase capacity on trains and buses as demand rises following the ongoing process of gradually easing the coronavirus restrictions in Wales.
At the moment the Welsh Government is still asking people to consider their reasons for using public transport in order to ensure capacity for critical workers and those with no alternative transport.

Tai Chi session at Plas Newydd this Thursday

Mike Gleed is running a Tai Chi/Chi Kung revision and/or re-union session in the open air at Plas Newydd this Thursday at 10am.

He said: "There won't be a charge as it is simply a self-help type of session and at people's own risk.

"I feel that the fitter we are and the better our lung capacity, the better chance we have of survival if we contract Covid."

He added: "If you can't or don't wish to attend please take deep breaths daily, concentrating and breathing into your abdomen. 

"We 'unlearn' how to breath as we did as children but as we grow older we think that a deep breath only involves our chest. 

"We will be socially distancing at the science- advised distance of two metres and masks would be good if you want a chat stay safe."

Roadworks planned for Berwyn Street on Wednesday

Latest local roadworks alert from is:

29 July — 30 July

Delays unlikely - No carriageway incursion

Works location: Near Chapel

Works description: CSO Cover Repairs

Responsibility for works: WELSH WATER

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: PE13774001400

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ex-councillor slams suspension of Castle Street parking bays

* The parking bays along Castle Street.

A former Llangollen county councillor has criticised plans to suspend parking bays on Castle Street which he brands as “silly in the extreme”.

The proposed move comes as part of a package of measures by Denbighshire County Council to promote active travel in the centre of Llangollen in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Welsh Government has provided funding for local authorities to introduce measures aimed at helping people to maintain social distancing in public places, and to encourage residents to walk and cycle safely. 

Similar schemes are in mind for Llangollen, Denbigh, Ruthin and Rhyl.

The council says that as part of the plan intended for Llangollen it aims to use Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to suspend the parking bays on Castle Street.

However, it has reassured local people they will be consulted before any scheme is put in place.

But the idea has run into criticism from former county councillor Stuart Davies who says in a press release issued this morning: “The idea that we should take away parking in Castle Street and create wider pavements, using C-19 distancing as an excuse, is silly in the extreme.

“Parking is well controlled there with over 300,000 movements a year.

“Parking, as explained to me by Denbighshire County Council highway engineers, is a natural traffic calming feature.”

He adds: “If parking there is stopped then speeds will increase, the impact on shops there will be extreme.

“No-one will be able to park and pop in. This will also impact our only bank and if that closes it will hasten the death of businesses in Llangollen.

“The Telegraph today (Sunday) reinforces my points and I urge the leaders of our council to put a stop to this nonsense.”