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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chain Bridge Hotel plans to come out of lockdown on July 31

* The Chain Bridge Hotel plans to open on July 31, it says.

One of Llangollen's most famous hotels is to re-open after lockdown on Friday July 31, it has announced.

In a statement it put out yesterday on social media, the Chain Bridge said it couldn't wait to see people coming back through its doors after the enforced closure brought on by the coronaviris crisis.

This said: "We re confident that at the next government briefing on July 9 they will tell the hospitality and tourism sector that we will have three weeks to plan our re-opening."

The statement adds: "We will be re-opening a seven-day-a-week operation but if demand is limited we will have to reduce to being open on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday only due to the seasonality of our business."

The hotels says it expects to be introducing special anti-Covid measures such as hand-sanitization stations, social distancing, one-way systems, increased table service and contactless payments.

Work has been going on during the lockdown, it says, to transform the restaurant into a casual all-day dining space and more use will be made of the back garden usually reserved for weddings and similar functions.   

* The statement from the hotel published yesterday.

MP raises Ysgol Dinas Bran's PPE work in Parliament

* PPE visors made by the team at Ysgol Dinas Bran.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has paid tribute to Ysgol Dinas Brân in the Chamber of the House of Commons.

He asked Education Minister Nick Gibb whether he agreed that schools have not only provided imaginative remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis, but also played a vital role in supporting frontline workers through projects such as the production of PPE equipment by Ysgol Dinas Brân in Llangollen.

In response, the Minister said: “We’re very grateful to the hard work and dedication of our teachers during this time. And we have highlighted the innovative work of schools in a series of case studies which we’ve published recently. 

"And I congratulate those at Ysgol Dinas Brân on producing over 800 visors – which is a prime example of that innovation.”

* Simon Baynes in Parliament.

Speaking later, Mr Baynes said: “Ysgol Dinas Brân and the whole Design and Technology department deserve this recognition in the House of Commons for their amazing work designing and manufacturing face masks and visors for NHS workers on the frontline taking care of patients with Coronavirus. 

"The PPE they’ve made has been distributed and used by health centres across North Wales – helping keep doctors and nurses safe from breathing in the virus.

“I know Llangollen residents and the wider Clwyd South community will join me in passing on their sincere thanks to the everyone at the school at the school who made this happen. Llongyfarchiadau a da iawn i bob un ohonoch chi.”

Latest on Covid-19 from the Welsh Government

Yesterday's updates from the Welsh Government on coronavirus are:

  • Public Health Wales confirmed 71 new cases of coronavirus in Wales, bringing the total number to 15,197, although the actual number will be higher.
o   Sadly, there was one further death of someone with confirmed coronavirus reported by Public Health Wales today, bringing the total reported by Public Health Wales to 1,478. 

Where to find the latest information

Monday, June 22, 2020

Council says schools won't open for additional week

Denbighshire County Council has announced that the schools will close for the summer term on Friday, July 17th and will not be opening for the additional week recently announced by Welsh Government.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams MS, Minister for Education recently announced that schools would re-open on the 29th June and that the term would be extended for an extra week,  to allow all children to attend for a minimum of three sessions for a ‘check in and catch up’ with their teachers.

Following lengthy discussions with teaching unions, the Minister has asked local authorities and schools  to make a decision on extension of the term.  

After what it says was careful consideration, the council has decided it would be "problematic" for schools and therefore they will not open for the additional week. 

Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, said: “All schools in Denbighshire had developed plans for the additional week to the end of terms, as originally stated by the Education Minister. These plans would ensure that pupils have the best experience possible on their return to school in a safe and supported environment. 

“However, whilst all schools and the local authority were totally supportive of the announcement to extend the school term, unfortunately it has become clear that a national agreement between the Welsh Government and the trade unions has not been reached on the fourth week proposals. This means that the local authority is unable to follow due process in order to make the required change to the term dates within the timeframe.  It also means that Headteachers and Governing Bodies would be unable to guarantee that every school would be staffed sufficiently on a voluntary basis.

“Therefore, as we cannot guarantee that every school would be staffed sufficiently, and being mindful of our statutory responsibilities both as an employer and for the safeguarding of children and young people, Denbighshire schools will close for the summer holidays on Friday 17th July 2020.

“We will provide information regarding emergency childcare as it becomes available, but the Welsh Government has made it clear that schools are not expected to make this on-going provision.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your patience and understanding during these very challenging times."

Llangollen gradually comes back to life as Covid-19 lockdown eases

* Castle Street is gradually coming back to life as lockdown eases.

Signs that Llangollen is slowly emerging from the coronavirus lockdown came this morning with the re-opening of non-essential shops in the town centre.

The Welsh Government ruled last week that retailers are able to resume trading if they can take all reasonable measures to comply with physical distancing rules to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and protect their staff and shoppers.

The five mile 'stay local' advice remains in place for the moment.

At the next review on July 9, the Welsh Government is due to consider a range of specific options for opening personal care services, such as hairdressing and beauty, by appointment.
Hairdressers asked to use next three weeks to prepare to open.
Open for business this morning in Castle Street were the Ragamuffin boutique, Pro-Adventure outdoor store, Occasions, Lily Rose Interiors, estate agents Bowen Son and Watson, Solitaire jewellers and Ladbrokes betting office.
In nearby Oak Street the Shop Around the Corner and Mystic Dragon were ready for their first customers in months.
In the alley by the side of Solitaire, Hands Across Time was open and just across the other side of Castle Street in Dee Lane Harley’s Vintage Boutique was getting ready to start trading again.
Pubs and restaurants remain closed, although a number are doing takeaway-only business, including Riverbanc which was open this morning in Bridge Street.  


* Lake the Osteopath says it will be back to clinic in the Verve from 6th July. 

It says: "The new Covid19 protocols require the case history to be taken in advance (video/telephone), so that risks of contracting the virus are reduced. Only the treatment will be face-to-face. Why not book your initial appointment for next week, ready for treatment the week after? See or telephone Lake on 07787 118119 to book or for more info."
* If any re-opening Llangollen-based businesses would like to be mentioned, free of charge, in llanblogger, let us know at:

* Occasions.

* Ladbrokes betting shop.

* Solitaire jewellers.

* Lily Rose Interiors, left, and Bowen Son & Watson estate agents.

* Mystic Dragon in Oak Street.

* Shop Around the Corner in Oak Street.

* Hands Across Time in the courtyard off Castle Street.

* Harley's Vintage Boutique in Dee Lane.

Hospice plans limited opening to accept donations

* Nightingales Priory Street entrance in Wrexham.

Nightingale House Hospice is getting ready to receive donated quality items for its retail stores, starting this week.

Its new Donation Station is opening up for three days only with a designated drive-up and drop-off point at Priory Street, Wrexham. This is at the rear of its flagship Nightingales store on Regent Street.

The retail team have been busy putting social distancing procedures in place to ensure you can drop off your unwanted items in a safe and organised way.

The Donation Station will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 25, 26 and 27, from 10am - 2.30pm.

Measures have been put in place to minimise the handling of stock. All donated items should be placed in boxes and bags.

The hospice says it is important to remember that this is for donations during these dates and times only and its retail shops are not yet open. 

Donors are asked not to leave any items outside the Regent Street shop as the hospice says this causes a lot of mess and costs much-needed funds to have them removed.

This will be the first time the hospice’s retail arm has accepted unwanted items since the lockdown began when all its shops closed their doors, cutting off a vital income stream for the hospice.

Nightingales Retail is asking its supporters if they would only bring us items  they would purchase themselves and to sort carefully through anything they wish to donate. It costs the hospice money to have unsaleable items taken away.

Katie Roberts, Head of Retail at Nightingale House said:“Our supporters are asking us when we will re-open our shops, as many of them have taken the opportunity to declutter their homes during the past few months. 

"They are telling us that they have been saving their items to be donated to the hospice shops which is great news for us.We hope to announce plans to gradually re-open our shops in the next couple of weeks to tie in with government guidelines.”

For a list of items the hospice is unable to accept, go to:

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Telephone befriending service launched in Denbighshire

A special service has been launched to provide ‘telephone friends’ to residents during the coronavirus outbreak and beyond.

Denbighshire County Council’s Telephone Befriending service has been set up to check on people’s welfare, offer them regular telephone friendship and alert them to support services.

The service is being operated by Council staff and volunteers, including a number of county councillors.

Cllr Bobby Feeley, the Council’s Lead member for Well-being and Independence, said: “COVID-19 is having a particularly large impact on the wellbeing of our community, especially those in high-risk categories who are shielding or self-isolating.

“This service is open anyone who is feeling isolated and lonely we are able to call them on a regular basis for a chat. They can also refer or signpost to agencies if more help is required, but the focus is a friendly person on the other end of the line who calls them regularly.

“We are determined to ensure no one in the community is left to struggle through these difficult times on their own.  A united effort from our county councillors, our employees and our amazing volunteers is making sure everyone who needs help gets the support they deserve.”