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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

County closes Loggerheads and Moel Famau

Denbighshire County Council has announced that with effect from today (Tuesday) Loggerheads and Moel Famau Country Parks will be closed to the public.

The council says it has taken this decision in line with Welsh Government advice to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

This is in line with other local authorities and National Parks' move to close public parks and beauty spots following concerns for public health with large numbers of people visiting .

A council spokesperson said: "Please help by following government guidance to stay at home, avoid unnecessary travel and practice social distancing."    

Community safety message from North Wales Police

North Wales Police have out out this community safety message to guide people through the current coronavirus situation:

North Wales Police Community Safety would like to thank the kind-hearted members of our communities who are looking out for their neighbours amid the ongoing Corona Virus outbreak. These are unprecedented times and we want to help you keep safe and look after each other.
We have been made aware of social media trends which encourage people to identify their households as ‘Vulnerable or Self- Isolating’. Please take care in following these trends as you may inadvertently advertise households to criminals looking to exploit vulnerable people.
Remember that while most people are supporting one another, there is still a small minority who will look to criminally exploit situations like this. Consider – Am I putting myself at risk of crime? Am I putting my neighbours at risk of crime?
Please take a considered and measured approach to identifying yourself or others as vulnerable. Below is our advice to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of scams or fraud:
  • Do NOT hang anything on the front of your property which indicates you are vulnerable or in self isolation.
  • Do NOT give out your banking details to anyone attending your address.
  • Do NOT leave doors unlocked/open to allow easy access for carers as this could be used by criminals. Consider getting more keys cut or using a key safe.
  • DO set up community or street WhatsApp groups so that residents in your area can communicate and ask for assistance without increasing the risk of crime.
  • DO post a note through neighbour’s door if you think they are vulnerable or may need assistance.
  • DO consider how best to exchange cash / goods. Always be aware of scammers who may try to sell items at an increased price in order to profit from Corona Virus
  • DO continue to support your community as best as you can.
With more people self-isolating or working  at home, it is expected that you will receive more scam phone calls than usual. Please remember our advice:

Don't reveal personal details. Never give out personal or financial information (such as your bank account details or your PIN) over the phone, even if the caller claims to be from your bank.

Hang up. If you feel harassed or intimidated, or if the caller talks over you without giving you a chance to speak, end the call. It may feel rude to hang up on someone, but you have the right not to be pressurised into anything.

Don't be rushed. Scammers will try to rush you into providing your personal details. They may say they have time-limited offer or claim your bank account is at risk if you don't give them the information they need right away.
Please continue to check our website and social media pages for regular updates. If you are a member of a community group or know of neighbours who are not online, please share this information.
Follow trusted social media pages for updates about the ongoing situation. We will always share up to date crime prevention advice on out Twitter and Facebook - @NWPComSafCent

Tuesday coronavirus update - after the lock-down

* A virtually empty Castle Street yesterday (Monday) afternoon.

After its busiest day since it was set up yesterday Llangollen Coronvirus Support Group was forced to look at how it continues to operate following the lock down announcement by the government aimed at halting the spread of the infection.   

And Llangollen Railway has set up a crisis fund in a bid to reverse a potential £600,000 deficit caused by its recent closure due to the coronavirus risk.

On Facebook yesterday the support group’s Cat Meade said: “After this evening's announcement from Boris Johnson we are working with local police and officials on keeping the support in motion, I will have to iron out the details tomorrow and will post an update.

“PLEASE pay attention and STAY AT HOME, we need to fight this monster and by staying at home you are doing your bit.

“I will collate a full list of home deliveries available locally, our medication service is still in use tomorrow (as a support service) please call orders in by 11am tomorrow 01978 861366 or email

“Today has been the busiest yet, more people needing foodshare, deliveries etc. Kind donations from business that made the tough but sensible choice to close.

“Thank you Llangollen Oggie Shop & Fine Foods big thank you to Ross &Tracey, lots of pies and cakes,  m'Eating Point for lots of milk, food parcels delivered by volunteers to those most in need and how delighted they were (pic below)

“Now, more than ever we need donations, any one that can assist please get in touch, you can place outside and we can collect, no contact required.”

Earlier in the day Cat had posted: “VOLUNTEERS - demand is high on newspaper deliveries I am just doing a rota for the rest of this week, need 2 people per day, one on foot and one with car, please msg me asap.”

During the day Cat had won some warm praise on Facebook when Sian Glynne-Jones, who runs Courtyard Books, said: “Can I please big it up for the amazing Cat Meade. She is doing a fantastic thing.

“There are many volunteers, but Cat has set this up so that they work together to help all those who are most vulnerable. That takes a truly exceptional person. Thank you Cat. Llangollen is lucky to have you.”

Speaking about her own business, Sian Glynne-Jones posted during the afternoon: “Due to the situation with Covid 19 we have decided to close the bookshop for the safety of our customers and ourselves. 

“We are still able to supply books to you, but anything not in stock may take longer than usual. You can send us a message on this page, or email:

Another major development in the crisis yesterday came In a message sent out on Facebook by Llangollen Railway general manager Liz McGuiness who said: “Llangollen Railway needs your help.

“In light of the current government advice, we made the difficult decision on Tuesday 17th March, to close Llangollen Railway until further notice.

“While there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at the railway, the wellbeing of our visitors, staff and volunteers is our absolute priority.  Matters of health and safety have our complete attention, which has led to this closure.

“Due to this WE NEED YOUR HELP. Llangollen Railway is a registered charity (1046614), the railway rely heavily on income from our visitors and events, without this there be a substantial impact on our future.  Please help by donating to give the railway a fighting chance to be able to continue once this current pandemic is over.

“Llangollen Railway can’t claim insurance compensation for business interruption.

“The government has not offered monetary aid to charities yet.

“The only government help currently available would put the railway into significant debt, which may take years to pay off.

“We could potentially lose up to £600,000 over the upcoming weeks. Figures of this magnitude could threaten the very existence of the railway.  Please help now and support Llangollen Railway to ensure we survive.

“Please help keep Llangollen Railway alive for the volunteers visitors and staff, donate today.”

She added: “Please donate using the link below.

“For taxpayers we can apply for 25% Gift Aid, at no extra cost to you, which makes this a very efficient way of giving. You can also use the following methods: Make a transfer to Llangollen Railway Charitable Trust (Sort code: 53.81.03   Account number: 23423455), call 01978 860979 for card payments; send a cheque payable to Llangollen Railway Trust to: Llangollen Railway, The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen, LL20 8SN.”

South Wrexham Cluster of GP Practices was on Facebook to say: “We are aware that there has been some information circulating on social media regarding the use of ‘rescue packs’ (antibiotics and steroids) for all patients with pre-existing Asthma and COPD, to help treat/reduce symptoms of possible Coronavirus.

“In simple terms, this is not recommended and does not form part of the current national guidance. In fact, there is some evidence that taking steroids may worsen the disease if taken unnecessarily.

“If you have not been issued a rescue pack in the past, please DO NOT contact your GP or pharmacist to request one – it is increasing our workload further at an already busy time.

“If you are an asthmatic or have COPD and have symptoms that you are concerned about please seek medical advice via our telephone triage system on 01978 845955.”

“If you are self-isolating at home because you have symptoms of Covid-19 you can print out a "self-isolation note" to give to your employer instead of a sick note. The self-isolation note provides sufficient evidence that you have been advised to self-isolate and generates a Unique Reference Number (URN) which an employer will be able to use to verify that your note is genuine.
“You will need to follow the link below to access the 111 symptom checker. Only those patients where the outcome of the symptom checker is self-isolation will be able to access the "self-isolation note" facility. Please note that this is an ONLINE ONLY service. Please DO NOT call 111 as the call handlers will be unable to help you.”

Rowlands Pharmacy next to Llangollen Health Centre posted yesterday: “Just to update everyone Rowlands Pharmacy in Llangollen will have reduced opening hours starting from tomorrow.

“We will now be open 10am, we will closed for 1 hour over lunch 12-1pm. Corwen branch will be open during that hour if needed in an emergency) and close at 5.30pm.

“These reduced hours will enable us as a team to catch up with all the extra work we have at the moment.”

Meanwhile, Llangollen vicar Father Lee Taylor came up with another novel scheme to lift people’s spirits during the lock-down when he launched his Songs of Isolation idea.

As the crisis bit deeper more local businesses took to Facebook to announce how they were either adapting their way of operating - or their closure.

Dee Valley Produce posted: “We are remaining open under reduced hours of 9am - 4pm, this is to give our staff time to sort home deliveries, we will be answering the phone between the hours of 9-4 also.

“We have been working hard up to 12 hours a day non-stop, to provide the best service we can.

“The shop is being restocked daily with plentiful of fresh produce.

“We kindly ask no more than 3 customers in the shop at any one time please.”

Finley’s newsagents said: “Following government guidance it is with a heavy heart that Finley’s will be closed from this evening.

“I have stayed open as long as possible but I feel now is the time to close to protect myself and the wellbeing of you my customers!

Jades Hair & Beauty posted the message below:

Premier Cars told its customers: “With the recent government announcement we have no choice but to close with immediate effect. The sooner everyone listens to the government’s guidance, the sooner we can all get back to normal.”

Rusty Gold Emporium said: “Following tonight’s announcement The Chapel Emporium and Rusty Gold will be closed until further notice. It’s always fun at the Chapel. Great people. Superb stall holders. Enthusiasm. Fab vibes. Great music. A shop of discoveries. A place where you can find memories....and a tip top bargain some serious mooching...And remember....we recycle everything.

“On a personal note, I tip my hat to all our customers. You have been fantastic and I will miss saying hi to you all. To all our passers-by and our visitors each day, young and old I would like to thank you all for making my job such a pleasure. As Arnold said...”I’ll be back”....Stay safe. Cheers Paul.”

And Julie Kirk Thomas posted: “FREE TASTER ON-LINE ZUMBA GOLD DANCE FITNESS SESSIONS with Julie starting this Wednesday @ 11.00am. Low Impact easy to learn routines featuring fabulous Latin Music which you won’t be able to stand still to!

“Cha-cha, Rumba, Salsa, Merengue & even a cheeky Foxtrot! Keep Calm and Keep Dancing! PM me for more info.”

Dee Valley Vets posted ...


Following the Prime Minister's announcement we will be making important changes to our service. From tomorrow we will be operating an EMERGENCY SERVICE ONLY IN LLAN - unfortunately this means we will be closing our branches in Acrefair, Corwen and St Martins.

If you already have an appointment, we will be in touch with you regarding this.

If you have a genuine emergency with your pet, please call the practice on 01978 860 246.

If you are seeking advice for a non urgent condition, please bear with us while we make arrangements regarding this.

During this time our doors will be locked and we will not be accepting any walk ins without prior arrangement. 

We hope that you understand why we are taking these measures and will provide an update soon regarding non urgent and prescription enquiries 🐾

Beauwood Dental Care posted ...

An important message to our patients:

Given the unprecedented situation regarding COVID-19 in the UK, we have decided to cancel all routine appointments.

The practice will remain open for emergencies only. We have taken this decision because the welfare of our patients, our team and the wider community is our absolute priority throughout this time of uncertainty.

If you have a dental emergency please call the practice on 01978 280285. If we are unable to take your call please leave a message and someone will call you back.

We will be contacting all patients with upcoming appointments to reschedule.

We wish all of our patients, colleagues and friend well and look forward to seeing you all soon.

Very Best Wishes

The Beauwood Team

Monday, March 23, 2020

Strict new curbs on UK life announced by Prime Minister

Prime Minister Boris Johnson (pictured) has just announced strict new curbs on life in the UK to tackle the spread of coronavirus.
The BBC reports that from this evening people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, any medical need and travelling to and from essential work.
Shops selling non-essential goods will also be shut and gatherings in public of more than two people who do not live together prohibited.
The UK death toll has reached 335.
If people do not follow the rules police will have the powers to enforce them, including through fines and dispersing gatherings, Boris Johnson said in a televised statement from Downing Street.
Other premises including libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms, and places of worship must also close immediately.
Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed.

Welsh Government to close caravan parks, campsites and some landmarks

Breaking News ...

Update at foot of story ...
First Minister Mark Drakeford (pictured) today announced tough new measures to slow the spread of coronavirus in Wales and save lives.
Caravan parks, campsites, tourist hotspots and popular beauty spots will be closed to visitors from today.
Local authorities are also enforcing the closure of pubs throughout Wales following reports some are flouting the shutdown introduced on Saturday. 

Licensed premises, which continue to trade will risk losing their licence.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Wales is a beautiful country and attracts millions of visitors every year – but now is not the time for unnecessary journeys.  We want people to come to Wales when the threat of coronavirus has passed.

“Today, we are taking action to close caravan parks, campsites and some of our most recognisable visitor sites to keep people safe and to reduce the pressure on our NHS.

“My message is simple. Please stay at home and save lives.”

The tougher measures come amid mounting concern many people are not following government guidance about reducing contact with other people – large crowds were gathered at some of Wales’ busiest outdoor and tourist spots over the weekend.

People camping or staying in caravans on holiday will be asked to begin returning to their homes from today as camps and holiday parks close, unless there are exceptional reasons for them remaining.

These new measures will not affect those people who live permanently in park homes.

Emyr Williams, lead officer for the National Parks Wales, said: “We welcome this move. At this time is essential that people do not travel unnecessarily and overwhelm our rural areas. 

“Following this announcement we will be closing access to key hotspots such as Snowdon, and I know my colleagues in the Brecon Beacons and Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks are taking similar action, for example closing routes to both Sugar Loaf and Pen-y-Fan.”

Chief Medical Officer for Wales Dr Frank Atherton said: “It’s important people continue to stay active but please do this close to home.

“We need to do everything we can to prevent the spread of this virus – that means not traveling unless absolutely necessary and avoiding close contact with other people by staying two metres away.

“Everyone should also continue to wash their hands regularly with soap and hot water.”

Emergency regulations shutting bars, pubs and restaurants came into force in Wales on Saturday to slow the spread of coronavirus.

But there have been reports of some pubs continuing to open as usual despite the country-wide restrictions. Local authorities will enforce the regulations and licensees could lose their licence if caught flouting the ban.

Councillor Andrew Morgan leader of the Welsh Local Government Association, said: “We are in the grips of an unprecedented public health pandemic, with the number of fatalities tragically growing by the day.

“Although the vast majority of businesses have been complying with government measures, we are very disappointingly having to investigate an irresponsible minority of pubs and restaurants who have chosen to flout expert public health advice and legal orders.

“The spread of the coronavirus is a severe threat to all of us. My fellow council leaders and I are absolutely clear – our utmost priority is to protect our residents, especially in the face of this deadly virus.

“Wherever we find premises flouting government measures, we are prepared to use all enforcement powers available to us to shield the public from harm.”

Assembly Member Ken Skates welcomed the Welsh Government's intervention and said: "I implore everyone in Llangollen and Clwyd South to follow the latest advice from Public Health Wales and the Welsh Government to help slow the spread of this virus. We can beat this together, but we all need to do our bit. Wherever possible, stay home, protect our NHS and help save lives."

With effect from 24th March 2020, Loggerheads and Moel Famau Country Parks will be closed to the public.

Denbighshire County Council has taken this decision in line with Welsh Government advice to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
This is in line with other Local Authorities and National Parks move to close public parks and beauty spots following concerns for public health with large numbers of people visiting .

Please help by following government guidance to stay at home, avoid unnecessary travel and practice social distancing.    

News from Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council

In a climate where fear is spreading fast, we want to spread a message of kindness,
hope and community spirit. We are heartened by the voluntary action and community
spirit through Denbighshire and elsewhere that we are already seeing.

Thank you for stepping up as #DenbighshireVolunteers!

Following the statement made by the government on Monday, all DVSC events will be
cancelled with immediate effect and for the foreseeable future. 
This includes our
Spring Funding Fair scheduled for March 25 and the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector
Network meeting planned for April 1st. 

All our resource is focused on mobilising the
#COVID19 Volunteer Community Response. 

Our next round of community grants will be brought forward and launch
on April 1 
so that individuals, community groups and organisations can
get funding for initiatives to help residents most affected. Grant criteria
will be relaxed to enable individuals running small businesses to apply
with activities that support their community.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates and to find out about
other emergency funding initiatives.


Phase 1 of our #COVID19 
Volunteer Community Response
is in place!

#DenbighshireVolunteers, we need you!
  • Are you healthy and fit?
  • Do you want to step up?
  • Do you want to play a part to protect and
    help the vulnerable and isolated?

Sign up today:

We are working with our local statutory partners,
Third Sector Support Wales partners,
Welsh Government and the voluntary and
community sector in Denbighshire to place
volunteers where they are most needed.

We would be grateful if you share the plans or
information that you are aware of with us,
so we can act as the coordinating hub
guide people to resources and networks close to them.
To ensure we collate all necessary information, can you
please fill out the form on our website.

Download and share our posters throughout
Denbighshire (click on the picture)!



Free travel to NHS offered in Wales

NHS staff in Wales are being offered free travel on Transport for Wales rail services with immediate effect, the company has announced, the BBC is reporting.

NHS workers will just need to show their work ID to access services to get themselves back and forth to work until 30 April.

The BBC is also reporting that the first minister has "every intention" of using powers to force caravan parks to close, a cabinet colleague has said.

Mark Drakeford said on Sunday he was awaiting advice as to whether he was able to force closures.