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Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday coronavirus update

* St Collen's is bringing back an ancient tradition to help workers in the field get to church. The ringing of the Angelus Bell at noon. 

The newly-formed Llangollen Coronavirus Group has been busy working out the duties its band of volunteers will perform as they come to the aid of those worst hit by the outbreak.

In a message put out yesterday one of its founders, Cat Meade, said: “I have had several contacts today from local police, DCC, Health Centre and local businesses.

“Safeguarding of those we are helping is paramount, any duties the volunteers carry out are being carefully planned.

“We have confirmed with the Health Centre and Rowlands who is able to collect and deliver prescriptions, Rotary are also on board.

“Rowlands Pharmacy is under huge demand on medication, they will close 12 -2pm daily to keep up with orders.

“Under no circumstances will any volunteer take a card with pin to run errands, we are in talks with local business on card payments etc.

“Newspapers - a lot of requests, we have teamed up with Sam at the Newsagents (former Mr Lees) to arrange daily deliveries, if you would like to add to the list please call our volunteer Verity Maybury on 07500103945 who is collating a database of requests, this will be rolled out in the coming days. Working on volunteers for delivery.

“Gwyn the Butchers is now teaming up with Dee Valley Produce to deliver meat supplies with your veg order, contact Gwyn on 01978 860075 ... this may become very popular so will be limit per customer and may require further volunteers to help with deliveries.

“I have had many calls today to simply say "thank you", felt worried and concerned until heard what we are all doing and what a comfort it is to our elderly community.

“Thank you once again to all of you amazing people keeping our town going, keep shopping local, help all our businesses get through these trying times #llangollenfamily.”

St Collen’s went on Facebook yesterday to announce it is bringing back a time-honoured tradition during this difficult time - the ringing of the Angelus Bell.

Vicar, Father Lee, says: “Many of us rely on alarms and alert sounds on our mobile phones to remind us of things. The tolling of the Angelus Bell, which goes back to the 11th century, was to alert people of a time of prayer.

“At 12noon each day the Anglus Bell will ring (three sets of three with a pause in between, followed by nine rings).”

If you would like to join Fr Lee live for the Angelus prayers, this will be live-streamed at 12 noon. Simply visit the Facebook Page: Llangollen Group of Churches.

Well-known local figure Pete the Hat, who is the key organiser, was on Facebook yesterday to announce that another major event, the Red Dragon music festival planned for May at the Pavilion,  had fallen victim to the coronavirus outbreak.

He posted: “We have been advised and therefore it is with a heavy heart that we have to announce that May’s Red Dragon will not be going ahead ...... that’s the bad news.

“The good news is we have snapped up the last available date at the Pavilion and we can announce that the Red Dragon has been postponed until Friday 9th October till Sunday the 11th October.2020.

“We have messaged all the bands and it’s looking very positive that the line up won't change, we will keep you posted. Oliver/Dawson Saxon are good to go.

“All tickets already purchased are valid for the October Red Dragon, or next Mays Red Dragon. Any problems call me 07784 519900.”

Llangollen Health Centre out a message about Covid-19 and the drug ibuprofen on its new Facebook page, South Wrexham Group of GP Practices.

They said: “There has been a lot of concern regarding the use of ibuprofen in relation to Covid-19.  Whilst there is no conclusive evidence overall, the current recommendation from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales is that patients who have confirmed Covid-19 or feel that they may have Covid-19 should use paracetamol to manage their symptoms.

“Those who take ibuprofen for other medical reasons (such as arthritis) should not stop taking it.

“This position is being kept under constant review by the CMO and any changes to guidance will be posted on here.”

In another post the health centre said: “We cannot provide med-3's (fit/sick notes) for patients who are self-isolating. 
“These are unprecedented times and the advice from the UK government to employers is this:
‘By law, medical evidence is not required for the first 7 days of sickness. After 7 days, employers may use their discretion around the need for medical evidence if an employee is staying at home.’

“We strongly suggest that employers use their discretion around the need for medical evidence for a period of absence where an employee is advised to stay at home either as they are unwell themselves, or live with someone who is, in accordance with the public health advice issued by the government. This will allow GPs to focus on their patients."

Rowlands Pharmacy next door to the health centre had its own message for the public when it said: “Please be aware that Rowlands Pharmacy Llangollen is closing every day between 12 and 2pm.  They are so busy and this allows them time to catch up with all the medication requests.”

New Dot Cinema posted to say: “We have been carefully following advice from the government, health services and cinema organisations regarding COVID-19.

“As the situation around the country has worsened, the Town Hall has decided to close until Monday, June 15th - a decision we fully support.

“Our main priority is to support the Town Hall in ensuring our audience is as safe as possible. However, this means that we will no longer be able to show most of our Spring programme.

“We are very excited about the films we have lined up for the upcoming quarter but we will be equally excited about them when we are finally able to resume screenings in the Summer.

“Online tickets will be automatically refunded, paper tickets can be returned at Llangollen Oggie Shop & Fine Foods.

“We will let you know when we can resume screenings and we hope we can come back with something cheering after what is likely to be a very trying and difficult few months for everyone in our community.”

Courtyard Books said it is still open for books, games and jigsaws to help pass the time and is also able to offer  cards and stamps to help keep in touch.

They said: “You can message us for a book and if we haven't got it in stock will order it for you. Payment can be made over the phone and as long as it is within Llangollen. I can deliver for you ... a walk would be good exercise for me!

“Please ask if there is anything we can do to help in these strange and worrying times. Stay safe and healthy.”

Sam’s Coffee at Gales Wine Bar said it had “regretfully” decided to close yesterday until it knows what’s happening.

It added on Facebook: “It’s upsetting as we’ve had the best few months since we opened, it’s been getting busier all the time and it’s been so good meeting you all.

“The shop will be back better and stronger and tastier when we return, we had some plans for summer which we will hopefully be able to carry out. Best of luck to our neighbours during this time, please support them as best you can. Look after yourselves and your loved ones and see you soon.”

Bethan Mascarenhas at the Old Vicarage care home in Llangollen posted: “If you are out of work at present and stuck, there are a few care homes that are in need of extra staff for care, kitchen and cleaning.

“If you would like information of local homes who need staff, please get in touch and I will pass on their information.”

Meanwhile, Arriva Buses Wales said on its own website that emergency timetables will be introduced on many of its services from next Monday.

It added that details were being finalised and would be announced soon.
The UK Government has announced a radical package of measures to protect renters and landlords affected by coronavirus.

It says that, as a result, no renter in either social or private accommodation will be forced out of their home during this difficult time.
Emergency legislation will be taken forward as an urgent priority so that landlords will not be able to start proceedings to evict tenants for at least a three-month period.
A press release adds: “As a result of these measures, no renters in private or social accommodation needs to be concerned about the threat of eviction.”

Tidy Town Team get new strimmer thanks to McDonald's

Llangollen's busy Tidy Town Team now has a new strimmer courtesy of McDonald's in Chirk.

The latest piece of essential kit for the voluntary group comes on top of a set of new hi viz jackets donated by the same restaurant recently.

The strimmer was handed over to team co-ordinator David Davies (left) by manager Rich Monaghan.

Mr Davies said: "We we are extremely grateful to McDonald’s for this latest donation which will come in extremely handy as we go about our work across Llangollen.

"We would like to thank Harry Davies, who saw us working in Centenary Square last year, for his introduction contact with McDonald’s."

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus update from Ysgol Dinas Bran

19th March 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to thank you all for your support and patience in these very difficult times. I know this is having a huge impact on the wellbeing of all students, staff and parents. For students in Years 11/12/13 this is a particularly difficult period and very hard to adjust to.

Students are understandably worried about the uncertainty regarding results and we are expecting a statement to be released tomorrow. We hope that this will involve a combination of staff’s professional judgement along with previous internal and external assessments.

The decision to close to all students today was due to the fact that schools have been closed to stop the spread of the virus. We are aware that students wanted to come into school to pick up books etc.However, we were unsure and still remain uncertain as to what evidence will be needed to demonstrate grades for students. Therefore, we request students in Year 11 and 13 to not come to school to collect books and folders.

It was also extremely difficult that students had the feeling that suddenly they had ‘finished’ school and that they may no longer see their friends and peers. I would like to reassure all Year 11 and 13 students that whenever it may be, we fully intend to organise events to all get back together, including the shirt signing and proms etc.

On Friday 20th March, 2020 we are open to all students whose parents are key workers as defined below. If Year 11 and 13 students have any work at home which could be used as part of assessment, then please can this be returned tomorrow. Any year 12 studentswho would like to come into school to pick up work or upload their files are also allowed to do this tomorrow.

·       National Health Service
·       Armed forces
·       Teachers and childcare staff
·       Care home workers
·       Social workers
·       Police officers, community support, civilian staff
·       Prison officer or other probation staff
·       Firefighters
·       Local authority planners
·       Environmental health officers
·       Highway Agency traffic officers

Transport for Friday is as normal and once we have information we will inform students and parents about transport provision for next week.Please can all students go directly to the
school hall tomorrow to meet staff. 

 An area on the website has been created to update parents and students on work being set and how to access this. This is being developed. Tomorrow, staff are being trained on a new package that has been purchased called GCSE Pod for year 9 and 10 students to use. This package has lots of video
tutoring clips and the ability to set work for students. We are working with GwE and other schools to try to ensure that students studying through the Welsh medium have appropriate quality materials. It is sad and unfortunate that we haven’t yet found the same quality of interactive resources available through the Welsh Language.

While the setting of work for students is important, and will continue, the wellbeing of our students is of the utmost importance. Form tutors will be communicating with their students to fully support them through these challenging times.

Kind regards,

Mr Hatch

Message from Denbighshire Leisure

Facebook page message from Denbighshire Leisure Ltd at around 7pm Thursday ...

Update 19-03-2020

Due to the escalating situation with Covid-19 and after discussions with Denbighshire County Council and our stakeholders, we have made the difficult decision to close all of our sites until further notice. In the current circumstances we are confident this is the best decision to ensure the safety of our staff and customers and hope you will support us in this uncertain time.

Closures with effect from 4.00pm, Friday 20th March, include SC2 & Ninja TAG, Rhyl Pavilion and 1891 Restaurant and Bar, NOVA Prestatyn and all of our leisure centres, North Wales Bowls Centre, Ruthin Craft Centre and Café R, Rhyl Town Hall and Llangollen Pavilion.

We will be using this time out to plan our future events and packages for our attractions, leisure centres and eateries and ensure we come back with even more exciting news, events and activities across all Denbighshire Leisure sites. We will be sharing future offers and events through our social media, websites and e-newsletters and we look forward to engaging you with you all online.

We will be freezing all Direct Debit payments for fitness memberships and swimming lessons, effective immediately. We will not be making any more collections on your direct debits until further notice. You don't need to do anything - we will do this on your behalf and let you know in advance when they will be restarting, once the Covid-19 situation becomes clearer.

We will be updating our websites and social media channels throughout the closure period, so please look out for those. You can also email or message us through our normal channels and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

We would like to thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding. Please stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you back to all of Denbighshire Leisure attractions, leisure centres and eateries in the near future.

75 Berwyn Prison officers affected by virus

The BBC is reporting this evening that
about 75 officers at HM Prison Berwyn are either off work sick or self-isolating due to coronavirus, and 22 prisoners showing symptoms have been isolated.

£1.4 billion to help businesses in Wales

Finance Minister Rebecca Evans and the Minister for Economy, Ken Skates (pictured) have announced a new £1.4bn business support package to help businesses across Wales.
This support – extending the package announced yesterday – matches the measures in England providing a much‑needed boost for small businesses struggling to cope with the impact of the Coronavirus crisis.
The new package provides retail, leisure and hospitality businesses in Wales with a year long business rates holiday.  A grant of £25,000 will also be offered for businesses in the same sector with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000.

Situation report from the county council

Denbighshire County Council has issued an update on the current position in Denbighshire on Thursday, 19 March.

Below is the latest list of school closures:

Note: Parents/guardians will be notified by the schools directly.

* Awaiting Bryn Collen answer

Schools closing on Friday afternoon:

* Ysgol y Gwernant – 3pm Friday

Ysgol y Castell, Rhuddlan; Ysgol Bryn Hedydd, Rhyl ; Christchurch CP, Rhyl;Ysgol Emmanuel, Rhyl; Ysgol Llywelyn, Rhyl; Ysgol Bodnant, Prestatyn; Ysgol Henllan; Ysgol Pant Pastynog, Prion; Ysgol Tremeirchion; Ysgol Twm o’r Nant, Denbigh; Ysgol y Llys, Prestatyn; Ysgol Glan Clwyd for Years 10,11, 12 and 13); Denbigh High School (for Years 11, 12 and 13); Ysgol Betws GG; Ysgol Bro Elwern, Gwyddelwern; Ysgol Pentrecelyn; Ysgol Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd; Ysgol Carreg Emlyn, Clocaenog; Ysgol Gellifor; Ysgol Bryn Clwyd, Llandyrnog.

Schools closing on Thursday afternoon:
Ysgol Clawdd Offa, Prestatyn; Ysgol Melyd, Meliden; Ysgol Hiraddug, Dyserth; Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh; Ysgol Dewi Sant, Rhyl; Ysgol Pendref, Denbigh; Ysgol Penbarras, Ruthin; Rhos Street School, Ruthin; Ysgol Bro Cinmeirch, Llanrhaeadr; Ysgol Borthyn, Ruthin; Ysgol Dyffryn Ial; Ysgol Bro Famau; Ysgol Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd.

Schools closed on Wednesday afternoon:
Ysgol Penmorfa, Prestatyn; Rhyl High School; Denbigh High (Years 7,8,9 and 10); Ysgol Glan Clwyd closed on Wednesday for Years 7,8 and 9; Ysgol Dinas Bran.

Countryside and Heritage:   Given the current situation and advice on public gatherings, Denbighshire Countryside and Heritage Service will be implementing the following:
  • The Old Gaol and Nantclwyd y Dre Heritage attractions in Ruthin will not be opening this weekend and will remain closed to the public until further notice.
  • Plas Newydd and the onsite café in Llangollen will not be opening until further notice, but the grounds will be open.
  • Loggerheads Country Park will remain open but the visitor centre will be closed. The café remains open at this time.
  • Moel Famau Country Park will also remain open.

Due to low staffing levels, Ruthin Library will be closed Saturday morning March 21. The Library will open as usual on Monday.
St Asaph Library will be closed on Friday afternoon at 12pm and will re-open on Saturday morning.

Advice to businesses:  The Council’s website: has the latest information and advice to businesses regarding coronavirus, as well as links to Business Wales and Welsh Government websites.

The Council is also encouraging people to visit the Council’s website (  for information and access to online services.  This is due to a shortage of staff available to take calls.