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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Ken Skates delivers virus statement in Senedd

Ken Skates, Assembly Member for Clwyd South and Minister for Transport, Economy and North Wales (pictured), has this afternoon delivered a statement in the Senedd on the coronavirus situation. llanblogger brings it to you in its entirety ...

There is no doubt that we are facing unprecedented pressures on our economy as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

There will be many companies in Wales - small and large - dealing with the fallout of this virus.  From contract cancellations to increasing staff sickness rates; from major supply chain disruptions to significant cash flow challenges, this crisis will have a significant impact on the way our economy works over the coming days, weeks and months.

A significant proportion of the working population may now be off work at any one time during the outbreak and with Wales particularly dependent on small and medium-sized businesses, the impact on our economy will be significant.

As a Welsh Government we are doing everything we can to support businesses to deal with the impact of coronavirus. My advice to all businesses is to use the help and advice that is available.

Any business affected should contact the Business Wales telephone helpline on 03000 603000.  They can help with practical advice - from staffing to financial planning as well as supply chain support.

The Development Bank of Wales is also available to help – it has equity and loan funding it can make available immediately to otherwise healthy small businesses to them through the cash flow and other challenges they may face in next, difficult, few weeks and months.

On Monday I announced that the Development Bank of Wales will give a three-month capital repayment holiday to the businesses it supports. The Bank currently supports around 1,000 businesses and this will help them – some of our smallest SMEs ranging from small food retailers to the creative industries – get the vital help they need.

Today I spoke with the Development Bank Chair to discuss potential further measures we may need to take in the coming weeks.

On Thursday I will be having further discussions with high street banks and the British Business Bank.  I will also be convening an emergency Council for Economic Development on Thursday this week to provide a forum for the sharing of business intelligence and to discuss practical solutions to the challenges we all face.

I have been having a series of conversations with business organisations and social partners and through our three regional offices we are utilising our collating business intelligence to inform our mitigation and next steps.  

I have met with my senior leadership team in the Economy and Transport department yesterday and confirmed that the regional response taskforce teams established during our Brexit preparations will now be operational to support the redundancy and skills needs as they emerge. Our React and Careers Wales advice is being made available and I am actively exploring ways in which these tools can be enhanced in the coming weeks.

Our discussions with business groups and the intelligence we have received has helped to shape the £200m package of support announced by the Minister for Finance earlier today.  

As part of that package retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or less will receive 100% business rate relief and pubs with a rateable value of between £51,000 and £100,000 will receive a £5,000 reduction on their bill. A further £100m will be available for a new grant scheme for small businesses. 

Whatever further consequential funding the Welsh Government receives from the UK Government as a result of support for businesses we will ring-fence for support to businesses here in Wales through an enhancement of our package of support.

The Welsh economy could be particularly affected because of the prevalence of manufacturing and the prominence of the automotive, aviation and tourism sectors. As well as this, workers will be affected ranging from employee illness/isolation and looking after children may not be able to attend school. Areas of the economy where home-working is not possible will face a significant challenge.

We welcome the actions taken by the Bank of England, however the scope for monetary policy levers to help is limited, not least because interest rates were already at very low levels.  

The scale of this challenge is now so large and so urgent that only a massive fiscal policy intervention by the UK Government can now help businesses and individuals bear the burden of what is to come.

Furthermore, a response co-ordinated with other major economies is now urgent and likely to be more effective in reducing uncertainty and maintaining consumer and business confidence than countries taking individual actions.  

Avoiding a major recession and long-term structural damage to our economy should be the UK Government’s major economic priority.  That requires a genuine, four nation approach to supporting the economy and the lack of information from the UK Government is currently hampering this effort.

As devolved government we will play our part in helping to utilise that significant fiscal stimulus in the most effective way. Collectively we need to find a way to hibernate viable businesses affected by this crisis; protect vital supply chains and give individuals impacted by this outbreak the financial support they need to get through. That was very much the ask I made of UK Government during my discussion with the Secretary of State for BEIS this morning and the letter the First Minister sent to the UK Government earlier today.

The UK Government needs to work with the Bank of England to ensure that the banking system has the required amount of funding in place, and the level of flexibility needed, to ensure the survival of viable businesses experiencing cash flow problems.  I will be stressing in my meeting with Banks here in Wales the need to ensure liquidity it available.

On statutory sick pay, the UK Government is bringing forward legislation to allow small- and medium-sized businesses and employers to reclaim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid for sickness absence due to COVID-19. This will be available to businesses in Wales and we will work with partners to ensure that employers over the coming months set up the right repayment mechanisms as soon as possible. I strongly urge the UK Government to use this system to support the most economically exposed and vulnerable individuals.

The UK Government announced a temporary Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme to be delivered by the British Business Bank. This will be available to businesses in Wales via the British Business Bank.

A Time to Pay scheme has also been announced whereby all businesses and self-employed people in financial distress, and with outstanding tax liabilities, may be eligible to receive support with their tax affairs through HMRC’s Time to Pay service.  This is also available to businesses in Wales.

Out transport providers are also facing incredibly difficult challenges. I have been holding urgent conversations with senior figures across the industry as fewer fares are putting significant pressure on the finances of our major rail, bus and airport services.

I have spoken a number of times to the Chief Executive of Transport for Wales.  Across the UK, including in Wales, rail passenger numbers have fallen by up to 18% on certain lines already. Elsewhere, Network Rail has launched a survey of its suppliers over fears of material shortages due to the coronavirus.

Despite the economic impact, all our operators are continuing to follow the most up to date guidance from the public health authorities and industry bodies. Contingency plans are in place and TfW are examining future mitigations such as staffing, stocking as well as issuing additional sanitizer, personal protective equipment, reviewing cleaning regimes.

Regular advice is issued to passengers including the “catch it, bin it, kill it” campaign by displaying posters at key stations and sending out messages through twitter and other social media channels.

A cross industry action team has been stood up with daily communications to ensure they are ready to respond if the situation changes including planning for a range of different scenarios.

The same can be said for the bus industry with additional cleaning of buses and regular reminders to staff about hygiene good practice and additional cleaning materials such as personal hand sanitiser has been issued for frontline employees, depots and work areas.  Officials have met with the bus industry group and I spoke with the senior figures from the industry yesterday.

In terms of Cardiff Airport, I spoke to the Chief Executive Officer and her team over the weekend and my officials continue to be in close contact through this week.  The demise of Flybe left a 5.6% gap in its revenue and this crisis will severely test the sustainability of all airports across the world as the number of flights decline sharply. In recent times Cardiff Airport has diversified its business base and carries less debt into this crisis than many of its UK neighbours.

However, as in other sectors we should be under no illusion about the scale of the challenge ahead.  Tui has said it will suspend the "majority" of its operations and there may be other operators taking the same action in the coming weeks. My thoughts are with all affected employees and passengers who have had their travel plans disrupted.

I will remain in regular contact with Cardiff Airport and the Department for Transport on aviation and other visitor-related issues.

I hope this statement assures Assembly Members that we are doing all we can to protect the Welsh economy and limit the impact on individuals and businesses across the length and breadth of Wales.

When the worst of this crisis is over we must soon look to the future – to the fairer, more compassionate and more equal economy we need to build.  As a Welsh Government we will play our full part in that work.

Latest statement from Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This statement will be updated daily at 11am
Updated: 11:00 Tuesday 17 March 2020
Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:
“We can confirm that 12 new cases have tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 136. 
“As we are currently only testing within hospitals, this is likely to underestimate the true number of cases.
“The advice for the public has changed. 
•    People are being advised to stay at home for 14 days if they, or anyone in their household, has either a high temperature or a new and continuous cough
•    People are now being advised to avoid non-essential contact with others and unnecessary travel
•    People are being asked to work from home where they possibly can, and avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and social venues
•    People in at-risk groups will be asked within days to be largely shielded from social contact for 12 weeks
For the guidance in full, visit the Department of Health and Social Care website:
“People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). People with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for seven days if they live alone, or 14 days if they live with others. Anyone who lives with someone displaying coronavirus symptoms should also stay at home for 14 days. They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
“They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.”
“The public play an important role in the ‘delay’ phase. By following the latest advice, you will protect yourself, protect the most vulnerable, and delay and flatten the peak, which will reduce the pressure on NHS Wales and minimise the impact of the virus.
“We continue to undertake priority testing in Wales. We are working closely with health boards, NHS 111 and the Welsh Government to develop systems so that NHS Wales and members of the public have appropriate access to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.”
The table below shows the number of cases by local authority as of today Tuesday 17 March. Please note that at the time of publishing, the residential area of 12 of the confirmed cases today were still being confirmed. 
Local Authority
Number of cases on 16 March*
Number of new cases
Total number of cases as of 11am, 17 March
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Bridgend County Borough Council
Caerphilly County Borough Council
Carmarthenshire County Council
Ceredigion County Council
City and County of Swansea
City of Cardiff Council
Conwy County Borough Council
Denbighshire County Council
Flintshire County Council
Gwynedd Council
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Monmouthshire County Council
Neath Port Talbot Council
Newport City Council
Pembrokeshire County Council
Powys County Council
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Torfaen County Borough Council
Vale of Glamorgan Council
Wrexham County Borough Council
Resident outside Wales


*Please note that number of cases for yesterday (Monday 16 March) have been amended to include the cases for which residential area has now been confirmed. 
**This figure is a correction of yesterday’s reported number.

The latest information and travel advice is available from:

Coronavirus message from the county council

Denbighshire County Council is urging people to keep an eye on each other over the coming weeks and months as coronavirus continues to affect communities nationwide.

The council says it has put plans in place to continue providing essential care and support, whilst balancing this with the need to reduce the risk of coronavirus affecting people in its communities.  

The number of visitors to residential homes will be restricted to family and friends, health care professionals such as GP’s, district nurses and carers.  All other visitors will be asked to postpone visits for the time being. 

The council has also reviewed all of its care calls, with the view of delivering essential care and support only and minimising contact wherever possible. This may mean that staff will visit less often, but will  continue to ensure people remain as safe as possible.  

Some face to face care and support calls could be replaced with telephone wellbeing checks.

Meanwhile,  the council will be suspending its face-to-face homeless prevention service at the Ask Centre, Water Street, Rhyl, from Tuesday, March 17.  

The move will allow members of the team to continue to provide services during the Delay Phase of the outbreak with residents needing support able to call 01824 712936.  The lines will be open 8.30am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am-4.30pm on Fridays. Residents currently working with the team may also use this number or can call their homelessness prevention officer directly.

The council is also encouraging residents to keep an eye on other people in the community by ensuring they are safe and warm.  

To avoid the risk of loneliness during any self-isolation, the council is encouraging people to either call in (if safe to do so) or arrange contact via telephone or other technology.  A call to check on people’s welfare, checking their shopping needs and general friendship can have a significant positive impact on individuals’ well-being and general health.

The council is also encouraging people to be vigilant for any so-called scams doing the rounds and from a safeguarding perspective, it is advising people never to provide bank account details to people over the phone, make sure that their properties are safe by hiding any valuable items in their home and never sharing  bank account details with people who call on the phone.

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Cabinet Lead Member for Health and Well-being, said: “We are still in the winter months and our keep well this winter campaign is still active. However, with daily headlines about coronavirus and so much uncertainty, people may feel more isolated than usual and may be more dependant on goodwill and friendship during this difficult time.

“I would ask people to be neighbourly and check on their neighbours. A call to check on people’s welfare, checking their shopping needs and general friendship can have a significant positive impact on individuals’ well-being and general health."

If you have concerns about any vulnerable people in Denbighshire, please contact the Single Point of Access, on 0300 456 1000.

For further advice on health related issues, please visit the Public Health Wales website: or Welsh Government:

* Llangollen Town Council says that while it is closing the Town Hall buildings as a measure against possible infection, the council itself will continue to function, with members and officials working from home following scheduled meetings this week.  

* Clwyd South AM Ken Skates announced this morning that due to the escalating coronavirus situation, Friday's planned surgery in Llangollen has been postponed.

He said: "If you were planning to attend, please contact my office on 01978 869058 or email with your details and I will call you personally on Friday. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of my constituency team and we can take your case up immediately.

"Arrangements for other upcoming surgeries will be reviewed nearer the time and I will keep constituents updated through social media, my website and local media.

"If you weren't planning to come along on Friday but there is something you need help with, please get in touch."

More details of rates help for small businesses during coronavirus

llanblogger has obtained more information on the rates relief scheme announced yesterday by the Welsh Government to help get small businesses cope with the effects of coronavirus.

A government release says:

"The Welsh Government is today announcing a package of support worth more than £200m for small businesses to help them during the coronavirus outbreak.
Retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or less will receive 100% business rate relief and pubs with a rateable value of between £51,000 and £100,000 will receive a £5,000 reduction on their bill.
A further £100m will be available for a new grant scheme for small businesses Further details on this new grant scheme will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Announcing the decision, Finance Minister Rebecca Evans said:
“I’m pleased we can offer this package of support to businesses as part of our response to the coronavirus outbreak. We are allocating every penny of the funding we will be receiving as a consequence of the schemes the UK Government announced in England last week to support businesses in Wales.
“But I know that helping businesses with their rates bills will not be enough to protect them from the severe drop in custom many are experiencing as coronavirus cases increase.
“We will be calling on the UK Government to act quickly and decisively to provide a very significant support package for vulnerable businesses and their employees.”

Bistro boss seeks crowd funding to help those kept in by virus

A Llangollen restaurant boss is aiming to crowd fund a service to provide food and drink to people confined at home by the coronavirus infection threat.

Fern Evans, who runs the Phoenix Bistro in the town, has set out her idea on Facebook this morning (Tuesday) and expands on it on the gofundme page she has set up.

She says: “The recent coronavirus update has advised members of the public to basically avoid any businesses within the hospitality industry.

“However, no order has been issued for owners of these businesses to shut down, meaning that the government is under no obligation to provide them with any kind of financial support. 

“I‘m not going to get into the problems that self-employed people like me are about to face, because that’s not what this is about.

“As much as I am worried about the future of my business, it’s nothing compared to the complete feeling of despair that I have for the vulnerable members of our community that have been told to quarantine themselves for 12 weeks. I want to be able to help those people, in whatever way I can.

“At the moment, I can barely pay my bills, let alone afford to provide food, or anything else to those in need, but I really would not feel comfortable asking those people for any money towards such a service when they’ve been left in such a situation through  no fault of their own. So I’m left in a bit of a quandary. 
“I’ve never done this kind of thing before, so it’s a massive long shot, and it may not work, but I figure it’s worth a go. Therefore I’m asking for donations to help me fill my cupboards (and my fuel tank) so that I can provide food, drink, and little treats to those people in my community that can’t get out of the house for the foreseeable future. 
“I’ve got loads of ideas, but I’m not going to rabbit on anymore. however if you want to know any more about what I intend to do with the donations or how this will work, then please feel free to email me and I will be more than happy to answer your questions.”

Her gofundme page is at:

There’s also a positive message from another of Llangollen’s eateries.

On its Facebook page, Pretty Village Teamroom says: “Amelia and I ARE STAYING OPEN until further notice from Mr BoJo that we may HAVE to close!

“ Our complimentary sanitizer is still in force!”
And it’s a similar story with Sam’s Coffee at Gales Wine Bar.

On its Facebook site it has the message: “O P E N. We will keep open as long as we can and as long as it’s safe.  We have space here and a warm, clean and positive welcoming environment. 

“You all know the drill with being clean by now. We’re having a meeting today to plan the next stage, how we can keep going and help people in the community that need it.  Please support us and your local businesses in the coming days and weeks if you can too.

“In the meantime I’m compiling a serious FUNK playlist to get us through this and keep our heads up.

“Open until 3pm, free squirt of alcohol Gel at the till. Card payments only if at all possible, please.”

Organisers of LlanBikeFest says in its Facebook update on coronavirus: “Well, 2020 doesn't seem to be going according to plan so far: MotoGP season start delayed; Manchester Bike Show cancelled until next year; TT cancelled ...

“We take the safety of our visitors, exhibitors, traders and helpers very seriously and are monitoring the situation carefully. Our event is not for another 4½ months, by which time we are hoping that the situation will have stabilised at the very least.

“As things stand at the time of writing we are planning and preparing for a bumper festival with more guests than ever, a host of attractions and activities and fantastic entertainment.

“We will keep an eye on the situation but we look forward to seeing you all in Llangollen in August.”

There’s a less positive message from Venue Cymru and Theatr Colwn, where many Llangollen go for entertainment.

They say on Facebook: “In response to the Prime Minister’s statement this evening, advising the UK public to avoid unnecessary social contact, we regret to inform you that Venue Cymru and Theatr Colwyn will not be staging shows or screening films at this time. We will continue to follow guidance as to when we should recommence our programme. 

“We kindly ask that you do not contact the box office as our teams will be contacting you soon with further details regarding cancelled and postponed events.

“We understand that this decision will come as a disappointment and inconvenience, but ultimately we all want the same thing: the health and safety of our communities, and we believe this is the correct decision to make.

“Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation. We appreciate you support and look forward to welcoming you back to Venue Cymru and Theatr Colwyn again very soon.”

* If you have an update on how coronavirus is affecting you or your organisation or business send the details to

Small businesses to get coronavirus rates help

Small businesses will benefit from more than £200m to help them during the coronavirus outbreak, the Welsh Government has said.
The BBC is reporting this morning that shops, leisure and hospitality businesses will see their rates cut, and in some cases removed, while a separate grant scheme will be available for those who are not eligible.
It comes after Wales was promised £835m by Westminster to help businesses.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Welsh Government gets £475m to combat virus

Welsh Government will receive £475m from the UK Government to support people and businesses through COVID-19.
This will mean they can increase funding for the NHS and provide vital grants to businesses as they are hit by the economic shockwave.