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Thursday, March 12, 2020

First coronavirus case confirmed in Wrexham

According to,  the first case of coronavirus in Wrexham has been officially confirmed today (Thursday).

For the full story, see:

Plaid cancels spring conference in Llangollen over virus fears

Denbighshire Free Press is reporting this afternoon that Plaid Cymru has cancelled its Spring Conference set to be held in Llangollen amid concerns over the spread of coronavirus.

For the full story, see:

Health Centre supplies coronavirus symptom checker

Llangollen Health Centre has sent this link to the NHS Direct Covid-19 symptom checker.

They say: "Anyone who is worried that they may have coronavirus should check their symptoms against the symptom checker and follow the advice given."

Christmas Festival presents £250 cheque to Scouts

* Austin Cheminais, chair of Llangollen Christmas Festival committee presented a cheque for £250 to 1st Llangollen Scouts, which was part of the proceeds from last year's event. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Clwyd South MP welcomes Budget moves

People living and working across Wales will benefit from today’s Budget, according to Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured).

He claims it sees the Conservatives delivering on the promises made to the British people by investing in infrastructure and boosting the Welsh Government’s Budget to invest in the NHS and public services.

In a statement Mr Baynes says: "The plans outlined by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, will get things done and provide security for now while laying the foundation for prosperity in the future.

"The Budget marks the start of record level of investment in the people’s priorities – infrastructureand public services – to ensure the promises in the General Election in December are kept and the potential of every part of the United Kingdom, including Wales, is unleashed.

"Increases in the National Insurance threshold and the National Living Wage announced today will mean families keep more of the money they earn, while tens of millions of pounds of investment in the region will ensure everyone can have the same chances and opportunities in life wherever they live.

"Thanks to the measures taken today, someone working full-time on the minimum wage in Wales will be over £5,200 better off compared to ten years ago when the Conservatives’ came into office."

He added: “Last year’s election gave a clear verdict. Now the people’s Government is delivering a Budget which delivers on our promises to the British people – it is a Budget of a government that gets things done.

“Investment will reach record levels over the next five years, as the Conservatives commit to levelling up across the country – benefitting families and businesses in all corners of the country including Clwyd South.

“I am delighted that we have set out measures to support families and help them with the cost of living, while continuing to invest in Britain’s future responsibly – laying the foundations for a decade of growth and prosperity.

“This is the first Budget delivered outside of the EU for more than five decades. It sets out a clear, one nation, path for the Government to get things done.”

Councillor says he'll resign over BID vote

Cllr Andy Beech. 
A town councillor has said he would resign in protest after the council agreed to vote in favour of the proposed Llangollen Business Improvement District (BID).

At the end of the meeting at which the issue was discussed last night (Tuesday) independent member Andy Beech accused fellow members of being “hellbent on the destruction of small businesses.”

Businesses across town above a rateable value of £2,500 are currently voting on whether they wish to be involved in the scheme which aims to boost the area’s trading potential by raising extra cash on top of their rates to pay for projects over and above what the local authority would finance. This would include marketing and promotion and parking.

There is also the hope that by launching a BID Llangollen would attract inward investment from the Welsh Government and other agencies.   

As an organisation which owns premises – the Town Hall - which fits the BID profile the council qualifies for a vote in the BID ballot, which closes on March 19 with the result being announced the following day.

During last night’s debate Cllr Robyn Lovelock said the BID process had so far been very positive and pro-active with lots of engagement.

But Cllr Beech said the BID was not for everybody and that not everyone would get the benefits from it.

Cllr Tony Baker asked what the benefits of the BID would be for the town council, which will have to pay £365 a year in levy fees if the scheme is adopted.

Town clerk Gareth Thomas replied said the authority could possibly take advantage of the facility for marketing events held at the Town Hall.

However, he stressed that money derived from the BID levy could not be used to support anything that the public purse was supposed to pay for.

Deputy mayor, Cllr Issy Richards, said town councillors were elected by the people to represent the best interests of the people and she suggested Llangollen was too small a town to be able to take advantage of A BID.

Members then voted on a proposal, put forward by Cllr Melvyn Mile, to vote in “yes” to the BID in the current ballot. This was backed by a majority of councillors.

Right at the end of the meeting Cllr Beech stood up and said: “I can no longer be part of a council that is hellbent on the destruction of small businesses and my resignation will be with the town clerk in the morning.”

More than 50 per cent of businesses who vote in the ballot must be in favour of the BID for it to go ahead.

The BID levy, which will be collected by the county council, is mandatory whether or not a business voted in the ballot.   

Tidy Town team get new hi viz jackets from McDonalds

* The team in their new hi viz jackets.

* Team co-ordinator David Davies receives the jackets from Richard and Steve at McDonalds in Chirk.

During last Friday's working meeting, collecting roadside litter from along the Gwernant, members of Llangollen Tidy Town Team lined up to receive their new hi viz vests by courtesy of McDonald’s, Chirk.

Team co-ordinator David Davies said: "We we are extremely grateful to McDonald’s and Richard and Steve at the Chirk location, for the donation of new hi viz vests to replace our old vests that were showing considerable wear and grime from good use over the past 13 years by the team.

In our latest roadside working we collected 14 sacks full of litter, two car seats, three car tyres, part of a tin shed and a bike.

Team visibility is of paramount importance to us especially when we work roadside like today, or are using mechanical tools or spread over a hillside.

We would like to thank Harry Davies, who saw us working in Centenary Square last year, for his introduction contact with McDonald’s.