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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Libraries encourage you to do something different

Denbighshire Libraries are challenging you to ‘Do Something Different’ this January, whether it is doing a craft, hobby, sport, or even reading a book.

There will be lots of activities in local libraries - including Llangollen - to help inspire, including arts and crafts demonstrations, book displays, knitting, and learning how to play chess.

Learning something new is a great way to make you feel good and build your confidence.

As well as learning something new it is important to connect with other people, take time to have a chat with friends and family, and meet new people.

You could join a reading group at the library.

If you can’t get to the library why not download an eBook or eAudiobook from Borrowbox, available for free, from home 24/7, with your library card.

Here are some of the nearest activities that you will find in local libraries, and the service says it can help signpost you to more.

Monday 20th January 10 -12          Knit, Natter and a Cuppa at Llangollen Library

Monday 20th January 2-3.30         Make a Mindfulness Jar at Llangollen Library

Monday 20th January 2-3.30         Make a Mindfulness Jar at Ruthin Library

Thursday 23rd January 10-12         Arts and craft session at Corwen Library with local artist Jude Wood

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Christmas quiz: the winners and answers

Judy Smith of the Llangollen Committee for Cancer Research UK has given details of the winners of and answers to its latest Christmas quiz. 

She said: "Very many thanks to everyone who supported Cancer Research UK through the 2019 Christmas quiz.  We are delighted to say that a record sum of £808.70 was raised."

The results are: 

= 1st     Linda Sutton of Upton, Wirral (50 points)
= 2nd    The Hindle family of Newport, South Wales (49 1/2 points)
            Richard and Margaret Campbell of Northampton (49 1/2 points)
            Simon Proffitt of Llangollen (49 1/2 points)
            Keith and Pat Campbell of Brafield-on-the-Green (49 1/2 points)
            Jon Proffitt of Whitwell (49 1/2 points) 

Very close behind came Frances Hartley of Oswestry and Keith Stacey of Newport with 49 points, and Jane Hurle of Llangollen, Gaynor Answer of Milton Keynes, Mike Hough of Wrexham and Adrian Farrel of Llangollen with 48 1/2.  

Judith added: "Our heartiest congratulations to all those, and to everyone who took part.  As you can see, we have entrants from all over the country.

"We hope you enjoyed the quiz and that you will make sure to get a copy of the 2020 edition, which should, as ever, be published on December 1st."

Quiz answers

Section 1  :  The answers to all these cryptic clues are tools or household implements.  For example  :  Peg for invoices (8) = Billhook

1          Gain information in seconds (6)                                 SHEARS       
2          Vodka and Orange (11)                                              SCREWDRIVER      
3          Training discipline (5                                                  DRILL
4          Change the coffee temperature to hot              (5)                  LATHE                      
5          Mike Pence without Donald Trump (4)                      VICE             
6          Punch-up about an old hair style (7)                           BRADAWL  
7          Minor athletics event  (5)                                            BRACE         
8          Little shopping precinct?  (6)                                      MALLET                   
9          Bribed to cause upset  (6)                                           DIBBER                    
10        Seize control without greeting  (4)                             JACK 
11        A former lover returns  (3)                                          AXE   
12        Scorn over a bike race  (7)                                          MATTOCK   
13        Chesty complications  (6)                                            SCYTHE       
14        Hare without the film  (5)                                           LEVER
15        Swiss lies confounded  (6)                                          CHISEL         
16        Mad women lawyers lack positive response (9)         LAWNMOWER       
17        Mother visits Switzerland before a summer in France  (7)  MACHETE
18        Disorganised life  (4)                                                  FILE  
19        In aid of a thousand  (4)                                             FORK            
20        Row of fleshy fruit?  (5,4)                                          PLUMB LINE                       
21        Sounds of many languages  (5)                                   TONGS                      
22        Providers don’t eat meal  (6)                                      PLIERS         
23        Hot indicator (6)                                                         HARROW
24        Aiming right into the dryer  (8,6)                            POINTING TROWEL 
25        Flip the tonic (3)                                                         HOD                          

Section 2  :  The clues here all refer to jobs, occupations, or professions  e.g. I get involved in a scheme (5) = Pilot

26        Expensive French drink  (7)                                        TEACHER    
27        Quiet tramp  (7)                                                          PLUMBER                
28        Bomb vehicle  (5)                                                        VICAR                      
29        Sounds bigger!  (6)                                                     GROCER      
30        Agony on a French train (7)                                        PAINTER                  
31        Mixed soil in a tin box  (7)                                          COALMAN  
32        Fish go this way  (9)                                                   CARPENTER
33        Copper wire  (9)                                                          CONDUCTOR          
34        German chemist meets a reindeer  (11)                       HABERDASHER
35        Unfeminine queen  (7)                                                BUTCHER    
36        He looks after the edges  (4,7)                                    BANK MANAGER  
37        7pm and a penny in the shop  (9)                                STEVEDORE                       
38        Haggle around the finish  (9)                                      BARTENDER           
39        Original wise man needs books  (9)                            NEWSAGENT
40        Joining pressure  (10)                                                  SEAMSTRESS   
Section 3  :  The testing one!  The first 5 clues below are the titles of well-known books or plays, the second 5 are pieces of classical music.  Each one contains the name of a tool or household implement.  Be careful – it may not be in the context you think!
e.g. T_ _  Q _ _ _ _  O _  S _ _ _ _ _  =  The Queen of Spades (by Tchaikovsky, but you don’t need to give the composer or author, we assume you know it!)

41        I _ _ _  I _  T _ _  S _ _ _                    IRON IN THE SOUL (Jean-Paul Sartre)
42        M _ _ _ _ _ _  F _ _  M _ _ _ _ _ _     MEASURE FOR MEASURE (William Shakespeare)
43        T _ _  I _ _ _ _ _ _  F _ _ _                 THE IPCRESS FILE (Len Deighton)
44        T _ _  R _ _ _ _ _  E _ _ _                   THE RAZOR’S EDGE (W Somerset Maugham)
45        P _ _ _ _  P _ _                                    PETER PAN (J M Barrie)
46        N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   S _ _ _ _             NUTCRACKER SUITE (Tchaikovsky)
47        B _ _ _ _ _  O _  G _ _ _ _  B _ _ _ _BALLAD OF GREEN BROOM (Benjamin Britten)
48        T _ _  R _ _ _ _  P _ _ _ _ _ _ _          THE RAKE’S PROGRESS (Stravinsky)
49        R _ _ _ _ : H _ _   D _ _ _                  RODEO : HOE DOWN (Aaron Copland)
50        T _ _  L _ _ _  S _ _ _ _ _                   THE LAST SPRING (Grieg)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Pinocchio's a great panto with no strings attached

* Stromboli (left) is played by Daniel May, 
Tagliatelle (right) is Aled Morris and Macaroni (front) is Shea Ferron. 

Llangollen Pantomime Group are doing a marvellous job with Pinocchio – and that’s no lie.

A massive cast and crew numbering almost 40 are pulling out all the stops to deliver a stylish and amusing portrayal of the tale of the little puppet boy whose nose grows to enormous proportions every time he tells a fib.

The production, based on the nineteenth century Italian book The Adventures of Pinocchio and the 1940s Disney film, has been adapted for the Llangollen stage by the show’s director, Justine Bradey backed by assistant director Samantha Fletcher.  

And a great job they’re doing of this glitzy production which is running at Llangollen Pavilion until this Sunday.

The young girl taking the title role is a mini marvel. Having a whole show revolving around her doesn’t seem to bother the very young Sophie Siddall in the slightest.

The confidence she displays when it comes to delivering her lines – many of them packed with wise-cracks - moving around the stage and interacting with the rest of the cast is just remarkable for her tender years and this is highly unlikely to be her last on-stage appearance.

But Sophie is far from being left to shoulder the burden on her own because backing her is a fantastic bunch of performers, not least of which are the comedy duo of Shea Ferron as Macaroni and Aled Morris as Tagliatelle.

This is not their first successful stage pairing as they’re seasoned veterans of Llangollen Operatic’s shows, both its senior and Young ‘uns junior productions, and always big audience pleasers.

It’s no different with this panto where their quickfire knockabout routines have been polished to perfection.

Old Geppetto, the Italian village carpenter who fashions young Pinocchio from a chunk of wood, is neatly played by Llan panto regular Neil Barrett who appears – in a good way - to have used TV chef Gino D’Acampo as his voice coach. He’s been given some great lines which he delivers with great style.

The other half of his comedy pairing is David Lyne as Prosecco who in usual panto terms would be the dame. The part fits him as comfortably as his deliciously over-the-top costumes.

Every good panto needs a decent villain whom the audience can hiss and boo at their every snarling appearance. And Daniel May doesn’t disappoint as the circus master Stromboli who sees the stringless Pinocchio as a great revenue earner and tries to steal the little chap away for a life in the big top.

Hopping on stage at regular intervals to help keep us briefed on the plot is young Harvey Barrett as the green-clad Jim the Cricket. He’s another Llan panto regular who never fails to impress.

Providing admirable support for the main characters is a small army of fellow performers – mainly youngsters - who act, sing and dance their way through the two acts in great style.

And helping to weld everything together is a live and very lively seven-piece band which lays on some epic numbers from big show material to the novelty Shaddap Your Face in which the audience is encouraged to sing along with Geppetto and Prosecco.

A lot of thought has clearly gone into the colourful set and costumes just as one has come to expect.

Stir in plenty of opportunities for the crowd to yell along with the cast and even a distribution of sweets and you have another perfect panto from this talented outfit.

* Tickets are available online at or in person from Gwyn Davies Butchers, Jade Hair & Beauty, Dee Valley Produce or by calling 01978 860297.   

County now 'aims to improve' reprieved youth centre field

* Mike Edwards' recent picture of the youth centre field.

The youth centre field's recent reprieve from being earmarked for housing will allow the county council to improve it and increase its use.

That's the word from Denbighshire in response to a question from llanblogger about why it has just been removed from the list of candidate sites for possible future development.

Earlier this week we reported how a campaign backed by local Assembly Member Ken Skates and the area's two county councillors had urged the council to withdraw proposals which would have seen houses go up on land on Willow Street, including the football pitch next to the youth centre.

The site, covering one hectare, is currently used for youth club and pitches and it had been suggested for residential development when it appeared in the list of candidate sites for Denbighshire's next Local Development Plan (LDP).

Mr Skates wrote to Denbighshire's chief executive Judith Greenhalgh last August to raise his concerns and to call for the site to be withdrawn from the list of 11 proposed plots for new houses.

Mr Skates also said he was concerned that Llangollen county councillors Graham Timms and Mel Mile were not consulted on the plans before they were published last year.

Cllr Graham Timms said earlier this week: “After a long battle I am delighted that the youth club and football field has been saved for Llangollen’s young people."

A spokesman for Denbighshire County Council has since said: “The football pitch site is not included in the LDP as a possible housing site to allow the council to work with partners to investigate whether we can improve the football pitch and increase use.

“The youth club remains in regular use and this important local service will continue.”

Local resident Mike Edwards recently wrote to Cllr Timms to express his concern about the current state of the field.

In an email, a copy of which was sent to llanblogger: "I am very concerned that the football pitch has been out of commission for months being cordoned off where SG Estates have constructed a below-ground soak-away for the Vicarage Road Development.

"The area has remained in this condition for sometime meaning it is unavailable for local youths to use. There is no sign of any final reinstatement work and no consultation or communication with residents to keep them in the picture, it’s our town and our facilities after all."

Steve Griffin, managing director of SG Estates responded: "The final seeding for the football pitch will be carried out when we have suitable weather."

Thursday, January 16, 2020

MP gives update on the Kronospan fire in Chirk

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) has sent an update on the fire at Kronospan in Chirk:

I wanted to express my sympathy and concern again to all the residents of Chirk and the surrounding area about the air quality problems that they have experienced over the last days due to the fire at Kronospan. I would also like to thank North Wales Fire & Rescue service for the great work they have done in dealing with the fire.

I had a very helpful meeting with the Town Council in Chirk on Tuesday before returning to Westminster and I am sorry that parliamentary duties today mean that I cannot attend the emergency Chirk Town Council meeting this evening. I am, however, keeping closely in touch with residents who have written to me about the problems and with Chirk Town Council itself.  

I am very pleased that Wrexham Council convened a multi-agency meeting yesterday, 15th January, with key partners including North Wales Fire and Rescue, North Wales Police, Natural Resources Wales, Public Health Wales and the North Wales Emergency Planning team.  The group has  agreed to the deployment of Air Quality monitoring equipment and personnel provided by Natural Resources Wales to Chirk to provide actual air quality monitoring readings.

I am meeting with the Chief Executive of Wrexham Council tomorrow and with Kronospan shortly. I have also been keeping the Secretary of State for Wales, Simon Hart MP, in touch with developments at Kronospan. I will be available to meet residents in Chirk from 9am – 5pm on this Saturday, 18th January, at a walk-in surgery in the Parish Hall, Holyhead Road, Chirk LL14 5NA – please email me at if you would like to attend or come on the day and hopefully you won’t have to wait long.

Looking to the future, I think it is vital that the planned investigation into the causes of the fire is conducted in an open and transparent manner. We also need to continue the multi-agency approach and ensure that there is independent monitoring of noise and environmental emissions. We all want Kronospan to thrive as a business given the many benefits that it brings to Chirk and the surrounding area in terms of jobs, investment and prosperity and this will be best achieved by open and transparent communication between the company and the surrounding community.

Former Clwyd South MP speaks of her own and party's future

* Former MP Susan Elan Jones on Breakfast TV this morning.

Former Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones hasn’t ruled out standing at the next General Election, she has told llanblogger.

But in the immediate future she is planning to return to her old job of charity management.

Ms Jones, who lost the seat to Welsh Conservative Simon Baynes at the December 12 poll by 16,222 votes to 14,983, has been speaking on the BBC about how she would like to see her party recover from its worst defeat in many years – and the type of person who should lead it.

BBC Wales news bulletins during this morning’s (Thursday) BBC Breakfast featured a short interview with 51-year-old Ms Jones, who had been Clwyd South’s MP since the 2010 election.        

She said: “I want us to look at the policies that command widespread support.

“I think some of our policies but not all of them did.”

She added: “I want a leader that people see as Prime Minister and I want a party that’s not obsessed with its internal workings and itself but its first priority is the country.”

After the interview was screened Llanblogger contacted Ms Jones to ask her about her personal plans for the future and she replied: “In terms of next steps, you could say that I have been inundated with cards, letters and emails from constituents and many of these and people I have met while out and about have asked me if I will stand at the next General Election.

“That’s quite a long way away, however! - and I won’t be making any decision on that until nearer the time.

“However, I worked in charity management before I was an MP and that is what I will be hoping to do at present.”

Hospice aims to help with a delicate subject

It may be a subject you want to avoid but, according to Benjamin Franklin, there are two things in life which are said to be certain – death and taxes.

In May Nightingale House Hospice, Wrexham is supporting the national Dying Matters Week. The 2020 theme of Dying To Be Heard will focus on how to help by listening.

Dying Matters is a coalition of organisations who think it is important for people to talk about what is important to them in relation to their death.

In preparation for this special week the hospice is hosting an information evening to help local organisations, institutions, groups or businesses put on their own event with confidence and have the usually-avoided conversation.  

If your organisation, institution or group would be interested in finding out more or feel you might like to be involved next May, come along to Nightingale House Hospice on Thursday, January 30 at 4.30pm-6pm.

Kay Ryan, the hospice's outpatient services coordinator, said: “It sounds like a morbid subject to encourage people to talk about. We all hope for a long and healthy life, but we are not immortal and unfortunately ill health or accidents do happen.

“We can probably all think of circumstances around someone’s death where we thought, ‘I wouldn’t want that to happen to me or, anyone I care about’ or ‘I wouldn’t know what to do if that happened to one of my family or friends’.

“Talking about these things doesn’t make them happen any sooner but it can help people think about what is or would be important to them."

* If you would like to attend, please ring Nightingale House Hospice Reception on 01978 316800 and leave you name and contact details.