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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

County leading the way on eco-friendly weed killing

Denbighshire County Council has become the first local authority in the UK to use the latest herbicide-free weed killing technology.

The Council’s Countryside Services has taken delivery of the new Foamstream M600 which uses heat and an organic foam made from olive oil, to kill plants.

* The Foamstream M600 in operation.
The foam is non-toxic and will enable the Council to reduce the amount of  herbicides it uses to control unwanted growth of plants and non-native invasive weeds including in sensitive areas such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Special Areas of Conservation and county wildlife sites.

Cllr Tony Thomas, lead member for the Environment, said: “Protecting the environment is something the Council takes very seriously and is a priority for us under our Corporate Plan.

“The use of herbicides is a concern for many residents, and we are investing in new, state-of-the-art technologies to manage our environment in a more eco-friendly way.

“This is the first step towards eliminating the use of herbicides and we will also be running a trial to see how effective this is at controlling weed growth on pavements and roads, as an alternative using herbicides in more urban settings.

“We are the first organisation in UK to purchase the latest technology to control unwanted growth of plants and non-native invasive weeds and hope other organisations follow our example.”

Herbicides have been linked to negative impacts on the environment with a number of recent studies identifying glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide, as a cause of death and decline among honey bees.

As the foam is completely organic and nontoxic, it can be used near to water and this will also reduce the impact on freshwater ecosystems and the species they contain, which are some of the most vulnerable to the effects of herbicides.

Earlier this year Denbighshire County Council was awarded Bee Friendly status from the Welsh Government, a scheme which aims to make Wales a pollinator-friendly country.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Welsh health and social care gets £180m funding

Plans to deliver a "seamless health and social care system", which aims to support people to live healthy and independent lives, will receive a £180m funding boost next year, Ministers announced today.

Health and Social Services Secretary, Vaughan Gething and Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies have set out their spending priorities for 2019-20.

Earlier this year, the Welsh Government published A Healthier Wales, the long-term plan for health and social care in Wales. 

As part of the process of transforming the health and social care system, the Welsh Government wants everyone to have access to a single integrated package of health and social care when they need it. This may be delivered by several different services, according to people’s needs.

Health and Social Services Secretary Vaughan Gething said: “In Wales, we’ve set out a clear vision to transform the health and care system. People will receive a single integrated package of support for health and social care tailored to their needs and preferences.

“The £180m package of investment we’re confirming today for health and social care in Wales represents a significant additional investment next year. It will be targeted across the health and social care system, to reflect the integrated approach we are promoting towards the development of seamless models of care.”

A package of £130m funding in 2019-20 will help to deliver the single integrated package of support and will be available to health and social care regional partnerships throughout Wales. The funding will be allocated across three main areas:
  • £50m of revenue funding for the Integrated Care Fund, which aims to reduce pressure on the hospital and social care system by helping to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, inappropriate admissions to residential care, and delayed hospital discharges
  • £30m to be allocated through the regional partnership boards – these are shared decision-making bodies between health boards and local authorities. Regional partnership boards will play a leading role in the delivery of A Healthier Wales
  • £50m for the Transformation Fund, which will be allocated to programmes endorsed by regional partnership boards, to take forward the development and implementation of new models of care.
Ministers have also confirmed local authority social care services will receive £50m next year – £20m will be provided as part of the local government revenue support grant and a further £30m as a specific grant from the health and social services budget.

Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies added: “The £50m additional investment we’re making in social care will help services meet the growing demand for services and the needs of individuals in communities’ right across Wales.

“This wider package of investment demonstrates our commitment to the development of a truly seamless health and social care system in Wales.”

The announcement comes as the Welsh Government will today publish stage two of the draft Budget 2019-20 – the detailed spending proposals set out how the funding to each government portfolio will be allocated to individual programmes and grants.

Residents encouraged to stay safe at Halloween

This Halloween Denbighshire County Council is asking the public to consider those who may be frightened or intimidated.

Parents are being asked to make October 31 as pleasant as possible for the households called on by trick or treaters by being polite and courteous as well as being aware of the potential fire risk presented by children’s fancy dress costumes.

Cllr Tony Thomas, cabinet lead member for Housing, Regulation and the Environment, said: “Nuisance behaviour at Halloween has often been a bigger problem than Bonfire Night. 

“We would ask trick or treaters and parents to be aware of the shock some elderly and vulnerable people get when they find someone dressed in a terrifying outfit on their doorstep or from people persistently knocking on their doors.

“Elderly people can be left frightened and intimidated by youngsters calling at their home, particularly when the callers are in costume.”

Parents are advised to only purchase costumes from trusted sources and that are CE marked and to follow the instructions and safety information carefully.

Cllr Thomas added: “We would encourage parents to be vigilant and aware of the potential risks associated with fancy dress costumes and fire or naked flames, especially those items imported from non-EU countries where testing regimes may not be as stringent or the goods counterfeit.

“The simple advice is to keep your children away from candles and naked flames or use an LED equivalent.

“This year we are urging everyone in the community to help us make Halloween trouble free, to stay as safe as possible and for everyone to enjoy themselves.”

Saturday, October 20, 2018

MP praises work of community scheme

* Susan Elan Jones MP (left) with South Denbighshire Community Partnership manager Margaret Sutherland.

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones MP has urged the Government to examine the "excellent" work of the Corwen-based South Denbighshire Community Partnership.

In the House of Commons Chamber she said: “Our former colleague the late Jo Cox MP initiated an inquiry on loneliness so it was very moving to see her parents and sister in the House of Commons Chamber as we questioned the Minister on the Government’s newly-released strategy.

"I am really impressed by the fantastic work that the South Denbighshire Community Partnership is doing to bring people and communities together so I was very pleased to reference them in Parliament."

Ms Jones, who co-chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group for Charities and Volunteering, also questioned Minister Tracey Crouch on the need for the Government to develop better infrastructural support for charities.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Eisteddfod singing star to perform Down Under

* Mared Williams sings at this summer's eisteddfod.

A performer who was named the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod’s 2018 International Voice of Musical Theatre is gearing up to perform on Australia’s Gold Coast on Saturday.

As part of her Llangollen prize 21-year-old Mared Williams from Llannefydd will join hundreds of exceptional performers in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod’s Musicale.

The show is a celebration of musical theatre and one of the highlights of the seven-week long Australian festival of dance and music.

Mared wowed audiences and adjudicators with her performances of So Big So Small from Dear Evan Hanson, Pulled from the Addams Family and Being Alive from Company on the stage of the Royal International Pavilion in July.

Since winning the prestigious title at the eisteddfod, Mared has not only been gigging with her own songs but has also started a Masters degree in Musical Theatre at the Royal Academy of Music in London, whilst preparing for her adventure across the Australian coast.

“I’ve always wanted to travel, performing my own songs,” said Mared, “but it is incredible how many doors have opened since adding the title of Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod’s International Voice of Musical Theatre to my CV.

“This really is going to be the trip of a lifetime for me, I’m really looking forward to experiencing an Eisteddfod outside of Wales as well as meeting new people and discovering the beautiful sights of Australia.

“I’d urge anyone with a passion for music and performance to enter the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod’s competitions and go into it aiming to have a wonderful day out doing what they love. It really is a dream come true!”

The Gold Coast Eisteddfod features over 70,000 singers and dancers, 330 bands and orchestras, 175 choirs, almost 1,500 dance groups and over 3,000 solo dancers.

The winner of the 2018 International Voice of Musical Theatre’s visit to the prestigious Australian festival has been covered completely by the Gold Coast Eisteddfod, a prize that will be up for grabs once again at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod 2019.

Interim Music Director of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, Edward-Rhys Harry, said: “Working with the Gold Coast Eisteddfod helps us to further raise the international profile of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, opening doors for new and exciting soloists from across the globe and acting as a springboard for glittering musical careers.

“We would like to thank Judith and the team for welcoming our 2018 winner Mared Williams and once again agreeing to offer this fantastic prize to the winner of the 2018 International Voice of Musical Theatre competition.”

* The eisteddfod is currently accepting entries for group categories. The deadline for Choral, Ensemble and Dance Categories is Friday November 23. Entries for soloists will open in December – visit for more information.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Concert raises £2,164 for cancer charity

The concert  in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK staged at Llangollen Town Hall recently raised £2,164 for the charity.

The James Lambert Singers from Wrexham, conducted by Mair Evans and with guest tenor Colin Holt, played to a packed house.

Audience members carried home lots of raffle prizes.

Gethin Davies compered and Laura Howard Jones from the central London office of the charity spoke about its work and future.

A similar event is planned for October 5 next year.