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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Photography exhibition opens in town

* Craig Colville with his exhibition material.

A photography exhibition showcasing the region’s outstanding coastline has opened in Llangollen.

The exhibition at Llangollen Tourist Information Centre, Y Capel, celebrates Visit Wales’ themed years, 2018 being Year of the Sea.

The exhibition, called Routes to the Sea, was commissioned by Denbighshire County Council and funded by the North East Wales Partnership. 

Local photographer Craig Colville has captured the area’s routes to the sea from a different perspective to create interesting and thought provoking images.

The saleable exhibition will run until the end of September and Llangollen Tourist Information Centre is open every day from 9.30am to 4pm, expect Thursdays.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Llan councillors call for mountain fire probes

Llangollen’s two county councillors have called for three separate probes into the huge mountain fire which burned on the mountainsides above the area for over four weeks.

Cllr Graham Timms and Melvyn Miles have written to Denbighshire’s chief executive, Judith Greenhalgh, calling for two enquires involving a number of agencies plus an investigation as part of the council’s own scrutiny process during which councillors can raise questions about the issue.
In their letter to the chief executive, the two councillors say:

“The devastation of wildlife left in its wake spreads over a huge area of our ward and also includes the neighbouring wards of Llandegla and Bryneglwys. The work that the AONB, Highways, streetscene etc. have done alongside the North Wales Fire Service is to be commended, with many officers in all the services working very long and unsociable hours. 

However, now that the fire is nearly out, it is time to begin reviewing the response to ensure that we can learn from what has happened. It is the most serious and long-lasting moor fire in Wales for many years. The actions taken by the services dealing with the fire need to be reviewed to ensure that the correct response was instigated and that we can learn how to deal with future incidents to ensure that the best response possible happens. 

We would like to ask for two separate enquiries.

1. A Denbighshire County Council inquiry that considers our response to the events. This would cover a range of issues in both the response made to the events as the incident unfolded and actions that could be taken to prevent future fires taking place.

2. An inquiry possibly led by the fire service involving AONB, NRW and DCC to discuss the timeline of the response, the factors behind decisions over the four weeks of the fire, representations made by the groups involved and whether different decisions could have enabled the fire to be controlled more quickly leading to less damage to the environment and the economy. 

We believe that there should be councillor involvement in both enquiries and that the local community and stakeholders should also be asked to contribute. It is only by having an open and transparent process that we can be certain that we can learn the lessons from this fire and hope that another similar fire can be prevented from occurring again.”

Cllrs Timms and Mile also want the process to include a third examination at one of DCC's scrutiny committees to “give everyone a chance to ask questions about the procedure and hopefully learn what can be done to prevent such an incident in the future”.

Information sought on stolen tanker

Local Neighbourhood Watch members have been alerted to the theft of tanker (pictured) from the Llangollen area yesterday (Sunday). 

* If anyone has information that could help, they are asked to call 101 quoting OWL Cymru/W117991.

Council survey seeks views of carers

There is still time for carers in Denbighshire to have their say on what support would help them.

Denbighshire County Council is asking the county’s 11,600 carers to tell them how support can be improved in the survey which is part of its work to build independence and resilience in communities.

Cllr Bobby Feeley, the council’s lead member for Well-being and Independence, said: “Carers provide a lifeline through unpaid care and support to family members or friends who have a disability, illness or mental health condition.

“Caring can be a hugely rewarding experience but sometimes carers find it challenging to take care of their own well-being whilst caring.

“Supporting carers is a priority for the council and we want them to tell us how support can be improved - not just from social services but from other areas in the Council such as leisure services, libraries, housing and education.  

“I would encourage adult carers in Denbighshire to take part in this survey.”

* The survey for carers aged over 18 closes on August 31 and you can take part via

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Man rescued after Glyn Valley fall

* NEWSAR's picture of the incident in the Glyn Valley yesterday.

North East Wales Search and Rescue (NEWSAR) was called to deal with an incident in Glyn Ceiriog yesterday.

Its Twitter feed says:

CALLOUT: Earlier today the team was asked by North Wales Police to assist with the rescue of a man who had taken a tumbling fall down a steep slope near Llanarmon DC in the Ceriog valley. We arrived alongside the Wales Air Ambulance

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bell ringer will be remembered at St Collen's

* Betram Prewett in whose memory the peal
will be rung.
On 1st September a group of bell ringers from Hertfordshire will ring a peal (5040 changes with no repeats) on the bells of  St. Collen's in memory of Bertram Prewett (1878 - 1915). 

He was one of the finest bell ringers of his era and on 13th September 1907 he and a group of friends rang a peal at Llangollen while on a bell ringing tour of the area. 

He was brought up in Bushey, Hertfordshire, and was a post office clerk until he enlisted in the army in early 1915. 

He was killed in action, shot through the throat, on 31st August 1918 and is buried in France.

This information was kindly provided by Alan Regin, who received an MBE in the January New Years Honours for his work in developing the Roll of Honour  of bell ringers killed during WW1, of whom approximately 1,400 are known.

Anyone who would like to know more about bell ringing is very welcome to come along to any practice night. 

These are held on Wednesday evening between 7.30p.m and 9.00p.m. in the church tower.

* The bell dedicated to Bertram Prewett and others,
which is part of a ring of bells, dedicated to bell ringers who lost their lives in WW1, at St. George's Memorial Church, Ypres, Belgium.

* One of peal plaques which are displayed at
churches in Llangollen, Oswestry and Chester.

Message from Music in Llandegla

Despite rumours to the contrary,  Llandegla All Styles will go again on - 

        MONDAY 20th AUGUST  2018

The prevailing weather forecast suggests that the previous decision to hold the event outside was somewhat over ambitious for Llandegla in August, so we will be in the Memorial Hall, (no BARBQ's), but feel free to bring any refreshments you require.