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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ex-councillor speaks out on mountain fire

Former county councillor for Llangollen Stuart Davies (pictured) gives his personal view of the reasons behind mountain fire which has been burning on Llantysilio Mountain for many weeks.

When I was a lad many years ago it was normal to burn gorse and heather, I used to as a little boy with my Grandad, he had a hill farm in Cheshire.

Since then the tree huggers and bunny lovers have taken over.

The management of places like the Horseshoe Pass has stopped the type of burning we used to do,
consequently we have the build up of what I call brash and the undergrowth gets denser.

This collects year on year and then when a natural fire occurs, instead of it being a "flash" fire it becomes a deep rooted one that hangs on and on in the deep undergrowth.

NRW (National Resources Wales) are the culprits!

They don't allow anyone to do anything there!

Denbighshire County Council, when I was a councillor, wanted to do stuff such as cut the verges and widen them a bit - no, no and no the officers said.

Farmers would like to burn as they used to do every year. Controlled burns keep the rubbish down, gets rid of nasty insects such as ticks and promotes the growth of tender new shoots which grouse graze on!

I notice a few weeks in to the burn that NRW was doing its handwringing bit, ooh the poor black grouse!

Well, if they did or had allowed more regular controlled burning instead of doing the PC bit it is my opinion that the fire would have been well out by now!

Brightest and best digital innovators sought

A leading awards ceremony is looking for the brightest and best digital innovators across the region.

The Digital Futures Awards, taking place this Autumn, form part of the annual Digital Futures conference – now in its third successful year at Wrexham Glyndŵr University.

The awards, sponsored by industry leaders and delivered in partnership with Big Ideas Wales and Wrexham Enterprise Hub, celebrate those who have been at the cutting edge of the digital marketing and online business revolution.

This years’ awards have five categories and are open for entries until October 8, when a shortlist will be drawn up in preparation for the Digital Futures conference and Awards Ceremony, to be held in the University’s Catrin Finch centre on October 25.

The categories are for:

·        Digital Marketing Campaign – sponsored by NXT Web.  This award is for those who have innovate in a digital marketing campaign, whether this is launching a new business or product or boosting charity fundraising to the next level. Judges are looking for creativity and a focus on timescales and impact.

·        Digital Marketing Company – sponsored by FSB. This award is for a digital marketing company which has driven growth for businesses and clients, or a skilled individual or team who have secured proved results for clients.

·       Online Business – sponsored by NatWest Cymru – An award for any online business which need celebration, whether it’s through boosting the work/ life balance of staff or improving the satisfaction of customers.

·       Successful Brand – sponsored by Wrexham Glyndwr University. This award celebrates the power of digital media for boosting a brand. Judges are looking for innovative examples of how brands have been exposed and gained attraction through the power of digital.   They are particularly keen to hear from small brands as well as larger brands.

·       Digital Young Person under 25 – sponsored by M-SParc: This award is an open category, looking for a young person who has used digital tools and media to enhance their work – whether this is a project, hobby or business idea. Judges welcome a wide range of submissions – whether this is a blog, vlog, a twitter campaign, or even an app creation.

Judith Alexander, Enterprise Champion at Wrexham Glyndŵr University, said: “For individuals and businesses, adapting to the digital revolution – and harnessing the opportunities it offers- is vital.

“That’s why so many of our courses here at Wrexham Glyndŵr University place it at the forefront of what they do, and why we host events like the Digital Futures Conference and ceremonies like the Digital Futures Awards. I’d like to thank all the sponsors for lending their support to the awards, and all the speakers taking part in the conference. Those speakers are industry leaders in their fields – and we want the awards to recognise the emerging talent our region has to offer too.

“If you are from Wales, Cheshire, Wirral or Shropshire and fit the bill for one of the categories, we would love to hear from you.”

* Anyone interested in finding out more, or making a nomination, can email Judith on

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Denbighshire ranks as sixth best council in Wales

The Public Accountability Measures 2017-18 published by Data Cymru on behalf of the Welsh Local Government Association, shows that Denbighshire ranks sixth out of the 22 councils in Wales.

The data enables local authorities to present their performance to the public and allow the public to hold local authorities to account.

Authorities are judged on their performance on a number of key indicators including corporate services, education, environmental services, housing, leisure and culture, planning, highway services, public protection, social care and waste – although Waste and Social Care data has not yet been published by the Welsh Government.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, the council’s lead member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “This data shows that despite the challenging environment within which local government continues to operate, the council is working hard to provide the best possible service to our residents.

“Denbighshire ranks second in Wales for sickness absence amongst its staff, second for the most food establishments that meet hygiene standards, and third for highway cleanliness.”

“We returned 52 empty homes into use, ranking us fourth in Wales, and library use is among the best in Wales with just over 529,000 visits in 2017-18. Leisure visits also rank highly, at more than 852,000.”

“We will continue to build on this performance to ensure that we serve the residents of the county.”

Last year the Council adopted its Corporate Plan to create a significant and lasting difference to the people and communities of Denbighshire and improve services.

The plan will see a proposed investment of £135 million and aims to support young people, protect the environment, create resilient and connected communities, and improve housing in Denbighshire.

Monday, August 13, 2018

New vicar chosen for Llangollen, Llantysilio and Trevor.

The Bishop of St Asaph has announced the appointment of a new priest for Llangollen, Llantysilio and Trevor.

The Reverend Lee Taylor (pictured), who is currently Associate Vicar of Croydon Minster in the diocese of Southwark, will move to Llangollen later in the autumn to take up the post left vacant by the departure of the Rev Andrew Sully for Llandudno a few months ago. 

A date for a service of licensing and welcome will be announced in due course.

The decision was announced during yesterday’s Sunday morning services and it follows an interview process which took place on Friday July 29. 

The Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Revd Gregory Cameron, has asked people to remember Lee, the people of Llangollen, Llantysilio and Trevor, and Valle Crucis Mission Area in their prayers as he prepares for this new ministry.

Fears soldier's farewell message could be disappearing

* Berwyn station where the message is scrawled beneath the bridge.

The BBC is reporting today that there are fears a World War One soldier's farewell message scrawled on the stone work of the bridge near Berwyn station could be lost due to damp.

* For the full story, see:

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Police say only contact us in emergency


North Wales Police can now announce that the power outage at one of their sites in St Asaph is now restored and normal service has been resumed.

Paul Joyce, Superintendent of Operational Support Services said “I would like to thank the public for their support during the time of the power outage and I would also like to thank our staff, both frontline and behind the scenes for working tirelessly and professionally to ensure that we still provided high level public service during this time.”

North Wales Police have suffered a power outage at one of their sites in St Asaph.

They are asking the public to assist them by only contacting them regarding emergency calls and avoid contacting the police for non-urgent calls during this time.

Paul Joyce, Superintendent of Operational Support Services, said “We prepare for this type of event and our business continuity plans have been activated in order to continue to operate effectively and keep disruption to a minimum.

"Engineers have been instructed and are on route to rectify the issue as soon as possible."

Saturday, August 11, 2018

New safety course for landlords

Rent Smart Wales, the registration and licensing authority for all landlords and agents with property, has developed a new fire safety course for landlords.

Developed in conjunction with Wales’ three fire authorities, including North Wales, the online course aims to increase landlords fire safety knowledge and make them aware of their legal obligations to ensure their tenants and properties are protected from the potentially devastating effects of fire.

The course, available on the Rent Smart Wales website, is the first online Continuing Professional Development course to be offered by the scheme and provides more in depth information on fire safety than the basic responsibilities covered in the mandatory training course for all self-managing landlords in Wales.

Cllr Lynda Thorne, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities at Cardiff Council, the single licensing authority for Rent Smart Wales, said: “I’m really pleased to see Rent Smart Wales delivering added value for landlords through this new online course which is free to access.

“We all know that the effects of fire can be devastating. But most fires are preventable so it’s essential that landlords, agents and tenants are aware of their fire safety responsibilities.”

The online course takes around one hour to complete and covers nine topics including general landlord duties, fire safety, gas safety, electrical safety and furniture and furnishings safety. The course also includes information about fire safety in Houses of Multiple Occupation, fire safety equipment and risk assessments.

Landlords must complete a short assessment at the end of the course to pass and the result forms part of their training record with Rent Smart Wales.

Paul Scott, Head of Business Fire Safety for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said: “It’s so important that everyone is aware of their fire safety responsibilities – we all have a role to play in keeping our communities safe.

“By supporting the development of this free and easy to access course we hope that landlords will take the time to learn more about how to provide the safest level of accommodation possible, in turn helping to protect the residents of our region.”

Cllr Thorne added: “The purpose of Rent Smart Wales is to drive up standards in the private rented sector in Wales, helping landlords to be aware of their obligations and ensuring tenants are also aware of their rights and own responsibilities. This course provides the assistance that landlords and agents have been asking for, an easy access resource where straight forward, up-to-date information can be accessed.

“Rent Smart wales hopes to develop additional courses in the future to continue to meet the sector’s needs.”