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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Government slammed over school uniforms

The Welsh Government has been criticised by Denbighshire County Council for scrapping their School Uniform Grant and for not giving any details of any future funding they might provide to assist with uniforms.

Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales - put forward a motion calling for urgent clarification from the Welsh Government regarding their cutting of the school uniform grant.

The total value of the grant was £16,380 to Denbighshire last year and it assisted 156 learners in the county.

The school uniform grant was provided to learners from the poorest backgrounds as they moved from year 6 in primary school to year 7 in secondary school.

Plaid Cymru Councillor, Huw Jones, who represents Corwen, proposed the motion on behalf of the party.

Cllr. Jones said: “Last year 156 pupils received the School Uniform Grant in Denbighshire, and on average 166 pupils have received the grant each year since 2009/10. These families are already struggling in a very difficult financial climate.

"Only last month we saw figures showing how more and more people are having to go to foodbanks. Parents are having to do double jobs in order to make ends meet, and children are suffering anxieties and distress because of their families financial difficulties, which in turn impacts on their education and life chances.

This grant was essential to many families here in Denbighshire, and I’m disgusted that the Welsh Government have taken it away. They’ve since given some vague promises that they’ll do something else, but parents will be starting to plan for their children going to secondary school in July.
"They need assurances now, not some woolly words from Cardiff Bay. This is why we’re calling for an urgent clarification and a clear timetable of what and when this new funding will be put in place.” 
The motion, which expressed dissatisfaction with the Welsh Government and insisted on clarification regarding the School Uniform Grants passed unanimously.

County elects new chair and vice chair

* Councillor Peter Scott and Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies.

Denbighshire County Council has elected a new chair and vice chair for the coming year.

Councillor Peter Scott (St Asaph West)  will be the chair, with St Kentigern Hospice being his chosen charity.

Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies (Trefnant) will be the vice chair.

Meanwhile, outgoing chair, Councillor Pete Prendergast presented cheques to his chosen charities for the past year at a ceremony at County Hall, Ruthin.

He raised £61,500 during a year long programme of activities and fundraisers. The money will be shared between RNLI Rhyl and St Kentigern.

* Laura from St Kentigern Hospice accepting a cheque. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

County considers free sanitary products for schools

Denbighshire County Council has voted to consider providing free sanitary products to every young woman and girl in schools across the county, following a motion put forward by the Plaid Cymru group.

This called for free sanitary products to every young woman and girl in Denbighshire schools to be provided in a way that respects their dignity and independence.
Rhondda Cynon Taf have already agreed to such a move following a campaign by young Plaid Cymru councillor Elyn Stephens.
Plaid Cymru said that a recent End Child Poverty report noted that, after housing costs, 27% of children in Denbighshire lived in poverty and over 3,000 girls and young women attended High Schools in the county.
Cllr Glenn Swingler, Upper Denbigh and Henllan, who proposed the Period Poverty motion, said many young women and girls were put in a position of having to choose between sanitary products and food which was wrong and not their fault.
He added: "It’s not right that young women are having to make do with unhygienic homemade sanitary products simply because they or their family can't afford them from a shop, and the discomfort and embarrassment that entails.
"This in turn impacts on their education, and I have no doubt that it leads in some cases to some young women failing to attend school because of their discomfort. It’s wrong that in twenty first century Wales young women should live in period poverty. We believe that Denbighshire County Council should ensure that every young girl has access to free sanitary products in our schools in a way which respects their dignity." 
Councillors expressed a clear support to the principal of the motion, including the education portfolio holder, Cllr Huw Hilditch-Roberts.
However, the final decision rests with the council’s cabinet. The council therefore agreed that officers should bring detailed figures to the cabinet within four months in order for them  to make a final decision.

New town mayoral team chosen

At the annual meeting of Llangollen Town Council yesterday evening, Councillor Jon Haddy was appointed as Town Mayor and Councillor Isabel Richards as Deputy Town Mayor.

Appointments were also made to the Asset Management, Cittaslow and Human Resources Committees.

The Chairs and Vice Chairs of these Committees will be decided at their first meeting, over the next month.

* Mayor - Cllr Jon Haddy.

* Deputy Mayor - Cllr Isabel Richards.

It's midsummer madness at Llandegla

Llandegla boasts a thriving calendar of community activities and events. 

Amongst the most popular is its All Styles Music Club which meets monthly in the Memorial Hall with the primary objectives of keeping live music alive, whilst providing its audience with quality entertainment.

This year the organisers are proud to announce a new venture, a day of music and dance on Saturday June 16 featuring some of the most popular musicians in the region. 

Proceedings begin at 2pm with a concert in the Memorial Hall featuring an impressive line-up of new and veteran performers, followed at 7.30pm by a folk dance ceilidh. 

Whilst all of this is underway a 'come all ye' music and song session will ensure that the needs of those who just like to perform are not overlooked.

On-site catering has been arranged and a range of local amenities, (pub, licensed community shop,  B &B and campsites) are on hand to make it a really memorable event.

It is hoped that singers and musicians who plan to stay over the week end will be available to participate in the service at St Tecla's Church, the following morning.

Further information and tickets can be obtained from Kath Evans (, or Tel: 01978 790671).

* Before the June 16 event there's a Singers and Musicians Night at Llandegla Memorial Hall starting at 8pm on Monday May 21.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Duo run Llangollen Round to honour Tom

The third Llangollen Round Challenge is now just a few weeks away, on the weekend of June 2 and 3.

Entries are coming in thick and fast and amongst them are a father and his step-daughter doing the challenge to honour the young lady’s partner who is currently receiving treatment for a brain tumour.

Anthony Rogers, 63, (pictured left) from Corwen is teaming up with Sarah Crosby from Chorlton to tackle the tough course as a salute to Tom Lewis who was diagnosed with the tumour in March 2016.

They hope to have raised £2,000 in sponsorship by the time the event gets underway.  

Tom will be supporting the walkers along with the rest of the family who will all be wearing distinctive Tom's Long Walk tee-shirts.

The Round has a well-waymarked 33-mile circular route visiting every summit around the Vale of Llangollen. 

The Challenge uses exactly this route, but since it starts and ends at Dinas BrĂ¢n School in the town, an extra stretch has been added at beginning and end, making the total distance to be covered 35 miles. 

* Tom and Sarah.

* Sarah in her Tom's Long Walk tee-shirt.

Participants have the option of doing this in one day, the Saturday, or two, with those choosing two days being bussed back to Llangollen from the mid-point on Saturday and returned to the same place on Sunday morning.

This year organisers are hoping to raise £50,000 for Cancer Research UK.

* For more details, go to