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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Your chance to shape health and social services

Do you want to play a key role in making decisions about health and social services in North Wales?

The North Wales Regional Partnership Board is looking for people who use health or social services or who may care for someone who has needed services to join the board.

The board is on the lookout for one individual representative and one carer representative to join the board as soon as possible and two further representatives in November 2018 when the term of the current members expires.
The North Wales Regional Partnership Board has been established by the new Social Services and Well-being Act (2014) and aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in North Wales.

Bethan Jones Edwards, Head of Regional Collaboration for the North Wales Regional Partnership Board, said: “Partners are working together to improve the health and well-being of residents across the North Wales region and this is a great opportunity to get involved in the work of the Regional Partnership Board. 

“The individuals should have a passion for improving people’s lives and will want to have plenty of drive, energy and enthusiasm to make a real difference to the way services are run across North Wales.  Those who have real life experience of the health and well-being services would be ideal candidates and can bring their experience to the board.”
* If you are interested in finding out more, contact Bethan Jones Edwards via e-mail:, or by phone:  01824712037.

Expressions of interest to be submitted to: by 25th May 2018 or in writing to Head of Regional Collaboration, County Hall, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, LL15 9AZ.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Abnormal load passes through town

* Police motorcyclists control traffic around the Castle Street lights.

Traffic along Regent Street (A5) was temporarily held up by the passage of an abnormal load around 11.30am today (Monday).

Just ahead of two heavy wagons loaded with large concrete sections police motorcyclists arrived to control traffic around the Castle Street junction.

After passing through the lights the convoy, headed by a police Range Rover, headed onwards towards Corwen.  

* The abnormal load convoy passes along Regent Street.

* One of the two trucks in the convoy

* The load heads onwards in the direction of Corwen.

Black Park concert benefits Dystonia charity

* Choral Variations on song at the concert.

* Gresford Handbell Ringers chime in with the concert.

A mixed choir which includes a number of members from Llangollen sang at a well-received charity concert at Black Park Chapel near Chirk on Friday evening.  

Staged in aid of the North Wales Support Group of the Dystonia Society UK, the event featured Choral Variations, led by Owen Roberts, who appeared along with Gresford Handbell Ringers, Ifton Colliery Youth Band, The Iftonites, soloist Eleanor Burnham and pianist Joyce Frith.
A large audience was highly impressed by the youth band which showed its capability despite only being formed a year ago.

Choral Variations delighted with two sets either side of the interval featuring a diverse selection of favourites, both in English and Welsh.
The handbell ringers, under the direction of Jill Roberts, specialises in music ranging from classical through to jazz and modern pop and their novel selection from the musical Les Miserables went down particularly well with the audience.

Two powerful sets were also provided by Eleanor Burnham, who is a prize-winning eisteddfod performer and regular member of Black Park Singers.   
Joyce Firth, the regular accompanist of the Black Park Singers, performed a light and breezy number which was also well appreciated.

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder and Moira Gleed, who is leader of the local support group and also a member of Choral Variations, gave an insight into the condition whose sufferers benefitted from the evening.   

Poetry and folk night cancelled

Organisers say the Spring Is Sprung poetry and folk night planned for this Friday May 4 at St John's Church has been cancelled due to a number of factors including poor ticket sales.

In a statement they say: "Since it was a charity event to raise money for cancer support and research it was felt that the event would not be viable.

"It is hoped to hold a similar function later in the year but with a number of important changes.

"The organisers would like to thank all those groups who lent their support including the Rotary Club, the Inner Wheel Club, the Prostate Support Group and local cancer fundraisers."     

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Review of affordale homes announced

Housing and Regeneration Minister Rebecca Evans has announced an independent review of affordable housing supply in Wales.

The review will examine whether more can be done to increase the supply of affordable housing in Wales, maximising the resources available, and will be chaired by Lynn Pamment, Cardiff Senior Partner and Government & Public Services Lead at PwC.

The review will:
  • examine the scope for increasing match funding to build more affordable homes, to maximise the number of homes created by the Welsh Government’s contribution to social housing
  • review the arrangements governing partnership working between local authorities and housing associations
  • consider the implications of moving to deliver zero carbon homes by 2020, including the role of off-site manufacture and modern methods of construction
  • review the standards governing affordable housing and advise on whether they require updating
  • make recommendations regarding a sustainable rent policy that will both allow long term affordability for tenants and allow viability of existing and new housing developments.
The review will be expected to issue a report and make recommendations to the Minister by the end of April 2019.

Rebecca Evans said: “We have made a clear commitment to deliver 20,000 affordable homes during this term of Government.

“I want this review to ensure we are getting the best value for money in our investments and policy, including how we plan for a zero carbon future and the way in which the sector operates.

"We know that many more people in Wales want to access affordable housing. The sector in Wales have called on us to look at our policy, and we want to work closely with all stakeholders involved in housing supply to ensure we are building as many homes as possible."

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said: “Housing associations in Wales have ambitions to build a minimum of 75,000 affordable homes in Wales over the next twenty years – doubling the current delivery rate."

"Through the review we can establish the most effective policy environment to meet our affordable home delivery ambition and build a solid foundation for current and future generations. If we get this review right, it will be a big step towards solving the housing crisis.”

Friday, April 27, 2018

Entries flood in for Llangollen Round Challenge

* First checkpoint on a previous event.

It's just five weeks to go to the third Llangollen Round Challenge on June 2 and 3.

And organisers reckon that as entries approach the 400 mark they have no doubt it this will be the biggest event yet.  

Amongst the entrants are a family of eight from Warwick, a group of 15 from Barclays in Liverpool, along with many individuals from all over the country.  

But organisers' spokeswoman Judy Smith said: "Nevertheless, we do still have plenty more places available at the moment, so if you are considering it – act soon."

She added: "Plans for the weekend are well under way, and it takes some effort getting our heads around the requirements of over 400 walkers. How many loaves? 500 apples?  Who will bake a couple of hundred cakes?  And most importantly, how much water do we need?  

"The last one, of course, depends on the weather.  Then there are the impromptu breakfasts, and the restaurant itself, where supporters as well as walkers can get a sandwich or two.  

"It all adds up to an enormous amount of provisions, and we are very grateful for the support of Spar, Aldi, Tesco and Trent Water in this respect.

"We’re also grateful to all the volunteer helpers – around 90 of them in total, manning the Leisure Centre, checkpoints, road crossings, car parks, restaurant, and a lot more.  

"Many of them will be leaving their beds before dawn each day. It’s a great co-operative effort, but the cause makes it worthwhile.  

"This year we are really hoping to raise £50,000 for Cancer Research UK and I’m crossing my fingers as I’m writing it. We shall see ..."

The Round has a well-waymarked 33-mile circular route visiting every summit around the Vale of Llangollen. 

The Challenge uses exactly this route, but since it starts and ends at Dinas BrĂ¢n School in the town, an extra stretch has been added at beginning and end, making the total distance to be covered 35 miles. 

Participants have the option of doing this in one day, the Saturday, or two, with those choosing two days being bussed back to Llangollen from the mid-point on Saturday and returned to the same place on Sunday morning.

* For more details, go to

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Art exhibition set to open at the Pavilion

Llangollen Artists have their latest exhibition at the Pavilion from May 1 -June 17.

It features work by Simon Collinge, Mike Flory, Sue Hall, Carys Roberts, John Smout and, for the first time, Edward Bell and Dory who now has his studio in the former health centre on Regent Street.