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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Well-being sessions are success says county

A series of drop in sessions set up in Denbighshire to provide people with health and well-being support and information in their own community is proving to be a great success, according to the county council.

The sessions, called Talking Points, are held in the county’s main towns and direct people to support available locally through organisations and initiatives – this has resulted in less people accessing the more traditional route of accessing health and social care services for formal, planned support.

Over the past three months (October to December), 62 Talking Points sessions were held and supported 292 people. 

The majority of people wanted information, advice and assistance whilst some individuals who needed more specialised support were referred to social services.

All participants were asked to complete surveys, and 100% of those who responded said they were satisfied with the support they had received and had been able to do so in the language of their choice.

Councillor Bobby Feeley, the county council's Cabinet Lead Member for Well-being and Independence, said: “This new approach in Denbighshire has worked really well, with all of the organisations involved working together for the benefit of residents.

“There is a requirement for us to modernise the way we work and the changes are also in response to the fact that people’s needs are changing.

“Many people who previously would access the more traditional health and social care services are now finding that the support or information they require is available in their local community, right on their doorstep.  This helps people to maintain independent lives, whilst accessing the support they need in their local community. It also helps people to increase their confidence and skills."

* Information on well-being matters can also be found on the DEWIS website:

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

On-loan loco switches from rail to road

After being on loan to Llangollen Railway over Christmas, locomotive number 2807 was yesterday afternoon (Monday) carefully hoisted aboard a low-loader ready for the trip back to its home base at Toddington on the Gloucester Warwickshire Railway. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Canoeist airlifted to hospital in River Dee drama

* Reader Allan Potts supplied this picture of the air ambulance at the scene yesterday.

The Leader is reporting that a canoeist had to be airlifted to hospital after falling in the River Dee near the Horseshoe Falls yesterday (Sunday).

For the full story see:

Cash boost to help businesses prepare for Brexit

First Minister Carwyn Jones has today announced a significant cash boost to help Welsh businesses and public services plan and prepare for Brexit.

The EU Transition Fund – supported by an initial £50m – will be developed in partnership with Welsh businesses, public services and other key organisations, to provide tailored support as the UK prepares to leave the EU.

The fund will provide a combination of financial support and loan funding, and will support the provision of technical, commercial, export-related and sectoral-specific advice for businesses.

In addition, the EU Transition Fund will be designed to help employers retain and continue to attract EU nationals, who make a crucial contribution to Wales. The fund will underline Wales’ welcome to people from other countries who have made Wales their home.

The fund will also provide dedicated development support for Wales’ agricultural industry as it prepares for transition and the future once the UK has left the EU.

Carwyn Jones said: “Brexit poses different challenges and opportunities for each and every aspect of Welsh life – from our local businesses and major employers, to our farmers, hospitals and universities.

“The EU Transition Fund will help meet the challenges that lie ahead. Developed in partnership with our businesses and public services, it will provide targeted and innovative support, which will help them survive and, indeed, thrive outside the EU.

“I am making an early announcement about this fund, so we have the greatest opportunity to design this fund with those organisations and businesses it is intended to help.

“My priority is to ensure Wales is in the best possible position to deal with the challenges and opportunities ahead. As a government, we are committed to providing solutions which work for Wales and we will continue to work with partners to make the most of every opportunity.”

The £50m EU Transition Fund is supported by an initial £10m down payment in the 2018-19 final budget. It builds on £5m allocated for Brexit preparedness over 2018-19 and 2019-20 as part of the 2 year Budget agreement with Plaid Cymru.

The EU Transition Fund will provide support in devolved areas.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

MP backs charity which helps people into work

"We should do every we can to support long-term unemployed people, people with disabilities, and others who may find it difficult to get into the world of work."

That was the message from Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones (pictured) who was the keynote speaker at an event in Parliament for the Shaw Trust.

Susan said: "The Shaw Trust is a major national charity that supports almost 50,000 people every year, providing job opportunities, skills development training and other practical help.

"The charity which operates in 200 places across the UK is a major commissioner of services from the Department of Work and Pensions, the National Offender Management Services and other bodies.

"I think there are few things more important in our country than supporting people into the world of work. The Shaw Trust is an excellent organisation - and I am really pleased to promote their work in Parliament in this way." 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Part of town without EE signal since Thursday

A number of people in Llangollen have been without an EE phone signal since early yesterday afternoon (Thursday).

llanblogger has questioned EE about this and this morning (Friday) at 8am received the message:
"There is a problem with a site in the vicinity of ll20 ... which may be affecting your service. Our engineers are on site working to repair the fault. Unfortunately the resolution time is currently unknown. We’ll continue to keep you updated."

AM highlights fears over speeding traffic

* Cllr Dana Davies on the B5605 through Ruabon.
An Assembly Member has renewed his calls for action to tackle speeding in Ruabon.

Ken Skates and Cllr Dana Davies say residents are continuing to raise concerns about drivers breaking the 30mph limit on the B5605.

The pair secured assurances from North Wales Police in late 2016 that the issue would be looked at, but they say the situation hasn’t changed.

Clwyd South AM Mr Skates said: “Residents are still reporting problems with speeding on the main road through Ruabon – something has to be done.”

Mr Skates has again contacted Wrexham Council to urge the authority to look at traffic-calming measures.

He added: “This issue isn’t going to go away all of a sudden and people in Ruabon want to see some action. I will also be contacting North Wales Police again.”

Cllr Davies said she feared there could be a serious injury if something isn’t done and questioned why the council removed a flashing sign warning drivers of their speed.

She said: “The police were great last time we contacted them and sent traffic officers out to do speed check and carry out enforcement action. But there’s only so much they can do, they can’t monitor the road 24/7. The council needs to step up.

“If someone is hit by a car doing 30mph there’s a 50% chance they will die. If that vehicle is doing 40mph, it’s 90% likely that person will die. That should be enough to stop people speeding, but sadly it’s not. We need action.”