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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Former bank could get new use

* Save our bank protestors outside the branch in November 2013.

According to a story in the Daily Post, the former HSBC bank in Bridge Street, Llangollen could be transformed into adventure firm headquarters and bunkhouse.

The branch closed back in February 2014 despite furious protests by the local community.

* For the full story see:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Top sommelier heading for Hamper Llangollen

* Top sommelier Dan Davies is heading for Hamper Llangollen. 

One of the UK's youngest head sommeliers who has served stars like Sir Tom Jones and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin will be sharing his wine expertise at Llangollen Food Festival.

It will be quite the family affair for Dan Davies, 22, will be joining his father, festival stalwart Dai Chef, who will also be assisted by younger children Megan, 12, and Ellis, seven, for a cookery demonstration.

The event, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, has been named as one of the Top 10 food festivals in the UK by the Daily Telegraph and Independent newspapers.
It's being held at the iconic Llangollen Pavilion on Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15.
Dan, who was brought up in Chirk and is currently head sommelier at the two-Michelin starred Whatley Manor Hotel in the Cotswolds, has also served two of the biggest names in the culinary world, Michelin-starred chef Heston Blumenthal and the queen of cakes, Mary Berry.
Now, he is looking forward to returning home to North Wales and helping visitors discover some exciting homegrown wines.
He grew up attending the Llangollen Food Festival and although he wasn't old enough to remember, he met legendary operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti in 1995.

At the time his dad was working at the nearby Bryn Howel Hotel and spent a week as the opera superstar's personal chef when he made an emotional return to the eisteddfod, 40 years after he had first competed there as a 19-year-old member of the Chorus Rossini choir from Modena, Italy in 1955.

Daniel, said: "I don't remember seeing Pavarotti but I've seen the photos of me in my chef whites standing next to my dad!

"It'll be nice to come up. I'm looking forward to having a bit of fun and speaking about wine.

"I work most weekends so it's exciting to do something a bit different.

"I'll be matching wines to dad's meals - they will be a selection of Welsh and English wines.

"Hopefully people will discover some new wines and see what we're capable of producing in Britain, which is high quality wine.

"Wine over here is really flourishing. The Germans, for example, are keeping a really close eye on our wine, particularly with the climate change.

"It's a really exciting market - one of the fastest growing for wine in fact.

"We use the Bacchus grape, which is like an English or Welsh Sauvignon, but the taste is more elderflower and tart. There are some really interesting styles and I think people will be surprised."

Daniel, a former pupil of Ysgol David Hughes in Menai Bridge, Anglesey, has been by his dad's side most of his life but was never destined to follow in his footsteps as a chef.

He said: "I wanted to be an air traffic controller when I was 16. I was learning to fly but never ended up getting my pilot's license.

"I was always in the kitchen with my dad which funded my flying at the time.

"He sat me down one day and said why not think about doing hospitality, you're good at it."
Daniel, who went on to study catering and hospitality at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru,
moved on to the five star Cliveden House Hotel in Berkshire where he was introduced to the wine profession - and has never looked back.

Daniel explained: "I was teetotal at the time but it's safe to say I'm not anymore!

"It all started from there really - I fell in love with the subject. I love the challenge and puzzle involved.

"I'm really enjoying my current role. I work in lovely surroundings, very pretty.

"There are a lot of vineyards in the area that I can visit and I also try to get to London as much as I can for wine tasting events.

"I try to get out to as many places as I can, here and abroad, to increase my knowledge. It's very important."

Working as a sommelier since 2013 has resulted in Daniel rubbing shoulders with some very high profile names.

"Sir Tom Jones was a regular at Stovells - a Mexican restaurant that I worked at in Surrey", he explains.

"He must have come in five or six times. He wasn't a big drinker but he always knew what he wanted.

"I've also served Heston Blumenthal and Mary Berry. Heston had really good knowledge and liked to chat. He's more into his classical wines.

"Then there was an occasion when we had Chris Martin at the Cliveden. I try not to interact too much because they're in their bubble and want to enjoy their night.

"I don't really think too much about the fact they're famous. I'm in professional work mode and treat every guest the same."

Proud father Dai believes his son will become a Master Sommelier by the time he is 40, which is the highest accolade possible and a rare feat achieved by only a few hundred people around the world.

He said: "Daniel has got such knowledge of wines, it's unbelievable. 

"He's been in the kitchen with me all his life. He ran the Ship Inn when he was just 16.

"I always said he was too nice to be in the kitchen so I put him out front and he was made to be with people.

"We decided as a family he should follow the front and it's gone on from there. He's now a sommelier and he loves it."

Dai is looking forward to working with his family, or 'Team Dai Chef' as he refers to them, and will be rustling up a series of meals from the latest culinary craze at the festival.

He explained: "We'll be doing a live workshop on stage. This year we're going to be doing 'clean eating'.

"Dan will be matching the wines to the dishes we do on stage. It'll be innovative and hopefully people will like it at the show.

"There is a big call for clean eating with lots of new places popping up. It is a challenge to keep moving with the times but you have to keep yourself ahead of the game.

"Clean eating is massive in Vegas and New York, and is big right now in London. It's just starting to spread from there.

"It's sharp and exciting food. All your carbs are counted and there is a lot of fresh fruit and veg."

Dai added: "Dan is very much customer first whereas Megan is like me - she has kitchen attitude!

"She's been doing cookery demonstrations since she was five and will be serving up some Greek flatbreads.

"Ellis will also be chipping in. It's a real family effort!"

Dai, who has cooked for Catherine Zeta Jones and the House of Lords during his long, distinguished career, is a regular at Llangollen Food Festival.

He is now working as a freelance and consultant running meal services for private functions.

"I celebrated my 60th birthday this year and I've already visited 30 different restaurants", said Dai.

"I'm completely flat out but I still love it."

Phil Davies, a member of the committee at Llangollen Food Festival, said: "We're delighted Dan is returning to Llangollen Food Festival where he'll be joining his dad, the ever popular Dai Chef, and his family for a culinary masterclass.

"This year is going to be a very special as the festival is celebrating its 20 anniversary so, with advice from Dan, we will be raising a glass or two to mark the occasion.

"With a record number of around 120 stall-holders, this year's festival promises to be the biggest and the best yet. I can't wait."

* To find out more about Llangollen Food Festival go to

Friday, September 15, 2017

Corwen marks Owain Glyndwr Day

Special events are being held to mark Owain Glyndwr Day in Corwen tomorrow (Saturday).

A family fun day, from 12 noon until 5pm, will be held on the site of the former pavilion car park, near the temporary train station in the town.

It will include stalls, bouncy castle, miniature railway, birds of prey demonstration and a performing stage with local choirs and bands.

The day is organised by the local Owain Glyndwr Day festival committee and has been approved by Denbighshire County Council.

Corwen Business Group has designated free car parking at the main Corwen car park  for the day.

Visitors to Llangollen will be encouraged to board the train to visit Corwen.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Police boss offers boost to community crimebusters

* Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales Ann Griffith, Assistant Chief Constable of North Wales Police Richard Debicki,  PACT Chairman David Williams and Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales Arfon Jones.

A special fund which uses cash seized from crooks to help community crimebusters in North Wales is set to take its hand-outs to over £200,000 in five years.

The Your Community, Your Choice Awards are again putting up over £40,000 for local groups and North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones is urging local groups to bid for the cash.

The Community Fund is again being set up jointly by Mr Jones, North Wales Police and the North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT).

Each of the region’s six counties will have £2,500 apiece for two groups with £5,000 each for two organisations that operate across North Wales.

The successful groups are chosen by public vote and entries close on Saturday, September 30, with the Your Community, Your Choice entry form available on the North Wales Police website with a link to it on the Police Commissioner’s website.

A shortlist of applicants will be chosen by a special panel and voting opens to the public on October 30 and runs until December 1 with that vote deciding the winners.

The cash for the awards comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act with the rest from the Police Commissioner’s Fund.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones said: “These awards are important because they involve the community and the communities decide where the money can best be spent.

“A lot of what we fund is aimed at providing something for young people to get involved with in their spare time rather than being tempted to commit crime or indulge in anti-social behaviour.

“We want to support communities so they are able to take responsibility for their own areas.

“Smaller community groups like them can do a great deal to make communities safer, reduce crime and reduce re-offending, It also sends a good message to the communities because it shows we are listening to them.”

His message was backed by Assistant Chief Constable Richard Debicki who said: “This is the fifth year of the scheme and it has been a great success because it gives the public and local communities the chance to have a stake in how local issues are addressed and how we together tackle crime and disorder.

“I get particular satisfaction that part of the funding comes from the proceeds of crime, so that money is taken out of the pockets of criminals and their ill-gotten gains by the courts and is put back into community initiatives.

“It’s turning bad money into good and it’s making a real difference because it is local people who recognise and understand their local issues and how to solve them.

“This is a really positive aspect of the scheme and it helps bring us closer to those communities.”

PACT Chairman David Williams said: “I believe the scheme has been tremendously successful and I welcome the symbolism and synergy between accessing the ill-gotten gains of criminal activity in North Wales and redistributing it to communities in north Wales to support projects which will have a beneficial impact on the local population.

“I have visited some of these projects and I found the commitment and determination shown to be inspirational.

“The aims of the Your Community, Your Choice scheme support the objectives of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s plan so it creates a potent strategy to enhance the well-being of towns and villages across north Wales.”

PACT Manager Dave Evans added: “Applicants have to be a properly constituted community group or a registered charity and the main criterion is that the project helps to support the Police and Crime Plan by delivering safer neighbourhoods.

“It gives us the opportunity to engage with a wide variety of community groups and also importantly gives out local neighbourhood policing teams the opportunity to engage with those groups and support them with their projects.

“I would recommend that applicants considering a bid liaise with their local neighbourhood policing team to discuss it and make sure it is as comprehensive as possible.”

* Completed applications must be returned by e-mail to by 5pm on the closing date of September 30.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Free course to help businesses beat cycber crime

A free course is being offered to protect businesses from the growing threat of cybercrime.

Denbighshire County Council is providing a workshop to businesses on Cyber Essentials, a UK Government backed, industry-supported, foundation for basic cybersecurity.

The one-day course will cover the Cyber Essentials framework, best practice to mitigate cybersecurity risks and understanding external and internal cyber threats to businesses.

Businesses in the county are being offered a free place on this course, normally £70 per person.

The course will take place at Caledfryn, Smithfield Road, Denbigh, on October 2, starting at 9.30am.

* To book or for more information visit

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lottery cash will help improve well-being of elderly

South Denbighshire Community Partnership (SDCP) supported by Citizens Advice Denbighshire (CAD) has been awarded a grant of £349,847 over a four-year period by the Big Lottery Fund.

The cash will enable the partnership and Citizens Advice Denbighshire to work together with the communities of Corwen, Carrog, Glyndyfrdwy, Llandrillo, Cynwyd, Melin y Wig, Betws Gwerfil Goch and Bryneglwys to reduce isolation, improve wellbeing and increase resilience primarily for older people and those unable to access services.

Specifically this will support existing and develop new social activities and events, improving access to welfare benefits and grants, extending our community transport to include a dial a ride and meal delivery service, whilst at the same time providing opportunities for local people to learn new skills and be involved in the design, running and delivery of services.

Michael McNamara, Chair of Trustees of SDCP, said: "Although the grant has been awarded to the
organisation, the benefit is for the whole Edeyrnion community. I would like to compliment the team from for their hard work in extensive consultation and community engagement which has enabled them to submit a comprehensive operational plan.”

Rona Aldrich, Chair of Rural programme funding decision committee, said: “This fund will help our rural communities to address those poverty related issues which they themselves have identified as important and going forward we are looking forward to seeing how they use the funding to build
their confidence and experience.”

Monday, September 11, 2017

Alert issued over scam tax refund emails

llanblogger has received a scam tax refund email from tricksters pretending to be from HM Customs & Excise.

The email, which claims that a refund of £320.51 is due to the recipient has been confirmed as fraudulent by the real HMRC.

Received on Monday morning from the email address "MH", it prompts the recipient to follow a link it gives if they wish to claim the refund.

The payment method, it says, will be "online credit/debit card to your account."

llanblogger forwarded the email immediately to HMRC's online security team and shortly afterwards received an email from them, which said: "Thank you for letting us know about the suspicious email / text you have received. We can confirm that this is a scam, and was not issued by HMRC.

"Our specialist team will investigate and take the necessary action. Whilst we cannot inform you of the outcome of these investigations I can confirm that we do act on each submission we receive."

And it adds: "HMRC will never send notifications of a tax refund or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email or text message."

* Anyone taken in by similar scam messages by disclosing any personal information is urged to forward a report to:

HMRC publicises details of current scams on our website
HMRC asks for suspect emails to be forwarded to: or texts to: 60559.