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Monday, September 11, 2017

Railway volunteers reach end of the line in Corwen

* Railway volunteers at the buffer stop in Corwen.

Llangollen Railway volunteers celebrated getting to the end of the  line when the buffer stop was inserted onto a previously prepared site on the embankment at Green Lane, Corwen.

The stop completes the track bed for the laying of rail as the head shunt at the western extremity of the project for the Corwen Central station.

This will permit locomotives to detach from a train at the station platform and reverse around the loop line to attach to the rear of the train in readiness for the return journey to Llangollen. 

The buffer stop now in situ should be seen as a statement of intent that the terminal station project is on track for completion in 2018.

However, it is not the end of the project as there is much still to do to complete the new station before it is ready for use. 

Not least is the infilling of a breach in the embankment at the eastern end of the site, a former access to the Welsh Water Treatment Works, which currently allows for delivery of materials to the railway development. 

This summer the volunteer workers have created the 160 metre long wall for the arrival platform which has consumed some 3,800 concrete blocks and they are currently laying the edging flags to complete the work.

Their hours spent in building the station have been valued at £200k, without which input the project would be unaffordable. The further challenge for the autumn is to complete a shorter wall on the other side of the platform area.

Commenting on the work, the Project Leader, Richard Dixon-Gough, said: “Our photo-session with the volunteers placing the buffer stop at the end of the tracked bed was a notable occasion. It represented the culmination of all the hard work and endeavour over the past 40 years since the idea was conceived of rebuilding the railway between Llangollen and Corwen by volunteer effort.

"We all look forward to the first train arriving at the new terminus as soon as we can get the rest of the station completed and linked up with the railhead at Dwyrain Corwen East temporary station.”

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Museum defies the rain to host successful fun day

* Les Davies paddles along the canal in his coracle.

A demonstration of the ancient skill of coracle sailing by expert Les Davies of one of the attractions at a fun day organised by Llangollen Museum yesterday (Saturday).

While Les paddled along the canal defying the rain, back at the museum there was a variety of stalls, games and competitions.

Also on offer was a demonstration of traditional spinning and a selection of pre-owned railway and historical or local interest books plus a paint-a-butterfly competition upstairs in the art gallery.

* Beautiful craft items on display at the museum.

* The prize stall outside the museum.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Month of art exhibitions in Llangollen

There are three places to visit in the town as part of this year's Helfa Gelf/Art Trail.  

First is Plas Newydd which has an exhibition of Wrexham Artists  in Y Caban. 

It features the work of eight artists who cover a range of media including painting, ceramics, mixed media and photography. 

Every weekend there will be one of the Artists in Y Caban for viewers to talk to and maybe see them at work.

The second Helfa Gelf venue is Llangollen History Museum on Parade Street which has six Llangollen artists exhibiting who use a range of media including drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, print making, sculpture and textiles. 

The  exhibition is open from until the end of the month and artists will be on hand there on each of the remaining weekends in September. 

Third venue is Gwalia Ceramics in Oak Street which is a gallery selling contemporary works by a variety of selected ceramic makers from Wales and beyond.

There is also  an exhibition of Artists in Y Capel in Castle Street (T.I.C.)

Helfa Gelf is funded by the Arts Council Wales, supported by the National Lottery, and is sponsored by the Welsh Government plus support from the local Authorities across North Wales has allowed the development of the Helfa Gelf Art Trail.
The Helfa Gelf Art Trail takes place in Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham counties from Friday to Sunday throughout September 2017. For further information about the event please view our website at

Friday, September 8, 2017

Llan Museum's big event planned for tomorrow

Organiser Janet Wakefield has sent out a reminder about an event being planned by Llangollen Museum tomorrow (Saturday).

She said: "It will feature lots of lovely prizes on our stalls, there will be new jewellery in stock, a great selection of pre-owned railway and historical or local interest books plus a paint-a-butterfly competition upstairs in the art gallery.

"There will also be an artist in residence in the Helfa Gelf exhibition."

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jo confirmed as world's fastest truffle maker

* Chocolatier Jo Edwards smashes the world record making her truffles.

A top chocolatier has finally been confirmed as the fastest truffle maker on the planet - after an agonising wait.

The record set by Jo Edwards in front of a huge crowd at last year's Llangollen Food Festival has only just been ratified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

She made 49 truffles in two minutes, smashing the previous record of 47 held by TV chef Gino D'Acampo.

According to Jo, 43, who set up her successful specialist Rossett-based chocolate company, Aballu, in 2006, the wait for the record to be accepted and entered into the record books had been excruciating.

She said: “I had to supply so much evidence including photographs, video and witness statements from the time keepers, my own statement and judges. Each and every and every stage had to be authenticated.

“I even had to supply proof that the ingredients used complied with the recipe supplied by the people from Guinness. It had to be just chocolate and cream but in the right proportions.

“I must admit there were times when I thought I’d never get the world record confirmed and they might turn me down but after 10 months I finally got the news I’d been waiting for and I was indeed the world truffle making record holder.”

Jo will be back at this year’s Llangollen Food Festival that's been recognised by two national newspapers, the Daily Telegraph and the Independent, as one of the Top 10 food festivals in the UK.

She recalled: “It was so tough and I wasn’t really aware of what was going on around me although I knew I had a great deal of support around the demonstration kitchen which is where I went to work.

“The truffle mix was stickier than normal which made the rolling a bit harder than it should have been. And I actually made 54 in the two minutes but, very annoyingly, five were rejected as being either not the right size or the wrong shape.”

“Although I was oblivious to the atmosphere really it was wonderful setting the world record at the Llangollen Food Festival. It certainly created a real buzz around the place and being among so many friend s really made it special.

“I’ve been exhibiting at Llangollen for a long time and have got to know all the other exhibitors. We are all friends and support each other. I always look forward to seeing what new products and recipes are on offer each year.

“This year I’ll just be exhibiting and not setting any new world records. The food festival is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and Jo is it will be another fantastic event."

She added: “The festival is so important for the region and is actually recognised as being in the UK’s top 10 food festivals and has given the local North East Wales economy an £8 million boost over the last 20 years.

“It has a fantastic reputation within the food industry and beyond and has a great many very loyal followers. It’s an event I always look forward to.

“My Aballu business continues going from strength to strength although I want to keep it quite small and personal. I still work from Rossett and employ two people on a part-time basis.

“I have stuck to my popular range of artisan chocolates but I am working on some new products which I will develop in the near future.”

This year’s festival is on October 14 and 15 and once again it will be held at the iconic Llangollen Pavilion.

Ken Skates, the Clwyd South AM, who is also the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, whose portfolio includes tourism congratulated Jo Edwards on having her world record.

He said: “Llangollen Food Festival is an incredible success and a great annual occasion for the Dee Valley. It’s wonderful to see that Jo, who runs her very successful artisan chocolate business in Rossett, has had confirmation that her new world record is official.

“It’s another success story for Llangollen and the food festival which brings so many economic benefits to the area. It all helps underline the region’s growing reputation as a go-to destination for food lovers.

“Food tourism is something I believe has huge potential for future growth and it is no wonder that North Wales has been hailed as one of the world’s top four must see places to go by The Lonely Planet travel guide.”

Committee member Phil Davies said: “We have an amazing array of fantastic food producers clustered in the area and this year the festival is going to be bigger and better than ever so we’ll be celebrating our 20th anniversary in style.

“We’re heading for a record number of around 130 stallholders with a fantastic choice of produce, along with demonstrations from the region’s finest chefs so there will be plenty to tempt the taste buds.

“I’m glad to say we’re also making a positive contribution the local economy with food lovers travelling from far and wide because the festival is now firmly and rightly established as a major highlight in the UK’s culinary calendar.”

* For more information about the food festival go to

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Road closure warning given

llanblogger reader Mike Edwards has been in touch with news about a local road closure.

Mike, who has also taken the pictures above, says: "Vicarage Road was closed to all traffic and pedestrians until the 26th of this month.

"This includes the bottom entrance to the cemetery (top two photos) meaning that less active people visiting the cemetery must access it via the top end of Fron Bach which means climbing a steep hill."

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Training boost for adventure sports

Thrill-seekers can start a new career in adventure sports thanks to a unique training opportunity.

Denbighshire County Council and Cadwyn Clwyd are contributing funding to provide subsidised training sessions to increase the number of outdoor sports instructors in Denbighshire’s Dee Valley to meet rising demand.

The courses will offer training for new instructors as well as upskilling current qualifications and will focus on white-water rescue and paddle boarding.

The project was funded by the council’s Tourism Growth Plan and Cadwyn Clwyd secured funding through the Welsh Government’s Rural Communities - Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Support and advice has also been provided by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB.

Sessions take place in September and October.

Providing funding for the sessions is part of the council’s work on developing the local economy by helping to increase visitor numbers to the area.

* For more information or to book, contact Ceri Lloyd on 01824 712757 or e-mail