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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Revised school transport policy approved

Denbighshire County Council’s revised school transport policy has been approved  by the Cabinet.
The current Home to School Transport Policy came into force from September 2015, after agreement by Council in 2014 with a review of the policy planned after 12 months of operation.
Today (Tuesday), at the Cabinet meeting at County Hall, Ruthin councillors were updated on feedback to the recent consultation on the revised policy, now known as Denbighshire’s Learner Transport Policy.
Over 13,000 letters were sent to families, as well as schools, councillors, AMs, MPs, colleges and governing bodies, as well as consultation with 73 students representing Denbighshire’s secondary schools.
79 responses were received to the consultation, with the majority supportive of the draft policy. The issue of Welsh school categorisation was raised, particularly in reference to Ysgol Bro Cinmeirch, with some concerns that pupils may move to Ysgol Pant Pastynog, to be eligible for free school transport to Ysgol Glan Clwyd.
Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children and Young People, said: “Councillors recognised that there were pockets of concern regarding certain elements of the current policy and we have addressed these concerns as and when they have arisen. This  triggered the need to look at the way we executed policy and question if it was fair, flexible and meet the needs of the children and families.
“We agreed when we implemented the policy that it would be reviewed after one year of operating. That review has now taken place and has taken into consideration feedback from schools, parents, councillors and advice through legal discussions.
“The new policy clarifies the Council’s position with regards to pick-up points and hazardous routes, with a previously separate guidance note being incorporated into the latest policy. This is a more flexible and far policy which give a clear appeals process. As with the current policy, the Council would continue to provide free transport to the nearest suitable Welsh language or Faith school, if this was the parental / carers preference.
“We are extremely grateful to people for getting involved in the consultation and this is a demonstration of councillors listening to residents and making the changes for the benefit of our children."

Hamper Llangollen means £8m boost for economy

* A taste of Africa in Wales ... James and Nicola Adedeji from Bim's Kitchen.

One of the first food festivals in Wales is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a record number of stallholders and an £8 million boost for the economy.

Llangollen Food Festival was founded in 1997 and pioneered food tourism by creating a shop window for home grown producers.

Since then the event has gone from strength to strength, annually attracting around 8,000 food lovers from far and wide.

As a result, it's been named as one of the Top 10 food festivals in the UK by the Independent and Daily Telegraph newspapers.

It's estimated the festival pumps nearly £400,000 into the local economy every year, making a total of £8 million since it started two decades ago.

This year's festival is on October 14 and 15 and once again it will be held at the iconic Llangollen Pavilion.

Committee member Pip Gale said: "We have a wonderful array of fantastic food producers clustered in the area and this year the festival is going to be bigger and better than ever so we'll be celebrating our 20th anniversary in style.

"We're heading for a record number of around 130 stallholders with a fantastic choice of produce, along with demonstrations from the region's finest chefs so there will be plenty to tempt the taste buds.

"I'm glad to say we're also making a positive contribution the local economy with food lovers travelling from far and wide because the festival is now firmly and rightly established as a major highlight in the UK's culinary calendar."

Among the first to congratulate the festival on reaching the important milestone was Ken Skates, the Clwyd South AM who is also the Welsh Government's Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, whose portfolio includes tourism.

He said: “Llangollen Food Festival is an incredible success and a great annual occasion for the Dee Valley.

"The economic benefits that the festival brings to the area are considerable and underline the region's growing reputation as a go-to destination for food lovers.

"Food tourism is something I believe has huge potential for future growth and it is no wonder that North Wales has been hailed as one of the world's top four must see places to go by The Lonely Planet travel guide."

It was a sentiment echoed by Jim Jones, the managing director of North Wales Tourism, which represents around 1.500 tourism businesses in the region.

He said: "We are entering a golden age for the visitor economy in North Wales and the increasing importance of food tourism is playing its part in our overall success.

"As one of the first and most successful food festivals in Wales, the Llangollen Food Festival has been a trailblazer for culinary excellence and I would like to congratulate them on reaching their 20th anniversary."

The regular stallholders at the festival include a husband and wife team whose African-inspired sauces made at their base in Afonwen have won a wealth of top food industry accolades.

Bim’s Kitchen, the brainchild of James and Nicola Adedeji, are preparing to unveil their latest culinary creations at this year’s event on October 14 and 15.

James said: “The festival offers a direct route to our customers. People are able to taste our products before they buy and you get great feedback from them and can gauge their reaction.”

Another big fan of the festival is artisan bread and pie maker Robert Didier from Wrexham-based Orchard Pigs.

He said: "Llangollen Food Festival is fantastic and it's not difficult to see why it has been named as one of the Top 10 food festivals in the UK by not just one but two national newspapers."

Monday, July 17, 2017

Fringe's Wilko Johnson concert cancelled

Bosses of Llangollen Fringe Festival say that Wednesday's concert by Wilko Johnson at the Pavilion on Wednesday night has had to be cancelled.

The move comes after his management informed them on Sunday afternoon that his bassist and very close friend of many years, Norman Watt-Roy, had suffered a heart attack on Saturday evening and has been hospitalised.

A statement says: "Following the decision to cancel the concert the directors of Llangollen Fringe would like to send Norman Watt-Roy our best wishes for a speedy recovery and have made the following arrangements:
  • A concert will be held in Llangollen Town Hall on Wednesday 19th July. It will be a FREE concert and will be headlined by The Delta Radio Band with support from Captain Zed.
  • All those who have purchased tickets for the Wilko Johnson will be refunded the full price of the ticket and be invited to attend the free event.
  • Refunds will be made via Paypal for all internet sales.
  • Those who have purchased tickets from our outlets in Llangollen will be able to get a full refund by returning the tickets to the box office outside Llangollen Town Hall during the festival.
  • Those unable to return the tickets for a refund should get in touch with us at: so that a refund can be arranged.
"We have asked Wilko Johnson’s agent to consider arranging for Wilko to appear at the 2018 Fringe. And they have provided the following statement:

“Firstly thanks for your understanding & good wishes for Norman’s recovery. Wilko never likes to disappoint his fans & looks forward to being able to play Llangollen next year.” Nigel Kerr, ABS Agency

The Fringe statement adds: "Although it is too early to confirm details, we hope that they will be able to arrange for supporters in North Wales and the North West to see Wilko in Llangollen with his band in July next year.

"We know that it will be a huge disappointment to fans of Wilko and Norman but also hope that you will join us in offering our best wishes to Norman for his speedy recovery."

Flying Millyard will thunder into LlanBikeFest

* Its creator aboard the Flying Millyard which is heading for LlanBikeFest.

One of the most outrageous motorcycles ever built will thunder 190 miles from its creator’s home in Berkshire to the Llangollen Motorcycle Festival on August 5 and 6.

Engineer Allen Millyard used two cylinders with pistons (pictured below) the size of saucepans from a 1942 Pratt and Whitney Wasp aircraft engine to build his superbly crafted 4,894cc V-twin Flying Millard.

Motorcycle journalist Roland Brown described it in a road test it as “mad but wonderful - like a two-wheeled Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”.

Revving at an earth-shaking maximum of 1800rpm and generating around 80bhp, Allen is also planning to ride it up the Horseshoe Pass to the Ponderosa Café during the festival.

“My bikes are built to be used,” he said. “I’ve ridden the Flying Millyard 4,500 miles to shows and events across the UK, including the Isle of Man, Isle of Wight and Guernsey. I am really looking forward to riding around LlanBikeFest and hope others will enjoy it.”

* Follow LlanBikeFest on Facebook at Llangollen Motorcycle Festival and Twitter at @llanbikefest.
 LlanBikeFest is sponsored by Carole Nash Insurance, with day tickets £10 on the gate or online at, and children 15 and under free. Or contact the Festival office at 07960 693398, Club stands and exhibitor bookings are free.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Company's successful night at the eisteddfod

A Llangollen company is celebrating a successful time at the eisteddfod.

Translation specialists Linguassist, based in the Malt House on Regent Street, says it had a wonderful evening as the official sponsor of the Friday evening concert at this year’s festival which starred American singer Gregory Porter.

Here company boss Graham Paton receives a certificate of thanks from eisteddfod president Terry Waite for the support given to the event.

* For more details about the company, go to: .

Sunday, July 9, 2017

llanblogger takes short break

llanblogger is taking a short break and will be back in about a week's time.

Thanks for keeping on reading.

American singers named Choir of the World

* The Aeolians of Oakwood University from the USA were named Choir of the World.

The 70th anniversary of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod came to an exciting climax last night as two international groups won the dance and choral competitions’ highest accolades.

After a thrilling final, The Aeolians of Oakwood University from the USA were named Choir of the World, while Northern Irish dance group, Loughgiel Folk Dancers were crowned Dance Champions of the World. 

Loughgiel’s supporters were in great voice as the dance group spilled onto the stage to collect the Lucille Armstrong Trophy in a sea of happy tears and red frocks. 

But the pavilion erupted as the US choir was announced as Choir of the World 2017 by the International Eisteddfod music director, Eilir Owen Griffiths. 

The singers bolted across the pavilion form their seats and stormed the stage, holding American flags aloft and posing for selfies with the Pavarotti Trophy and their esteemed conductor Max Johnson Ferdinand, who had just been awarded the Outstanding Conductor Award.

The evening concert, which was sponsored by GHP Legal, saw the very best of international choral and dance talent battle it out on the stage of the Royal International Pavilion for the prestigious awards and also featured special appearances from The Overtones.

The UK’s number one vocal harmony group, The Overtones, opened the show, setting the upbeat tone for the evening. Performing a range of much-loved classics including Pretty Woman, Let’s Stay Together and How Sweet It Is, the charming quintet had the audience swaying in their seats.

Suitably warmed up for the main event, spectators were the treated to exceptional performances by the winners of each of the choral group categories, from the mixed category CYWAIR (Wales), from the female category Grupo Vocal “Amitié” (Spain), from the Open category, Cor Glanaethwy (Wales), from the male Men in Blaque (USA) and from the youth category, The Aeolians of Oakwood University.

After a short interval the three highest scoring groups from the dance categories took to the stage to perform for the chance to lift the coveted Lucille Armstrong Trophy. 

The competition opened with a cheerful traditional performance from Scotland’s Corryvrechan, before the Gabhru Panjab De Bhangra Dancers from India took over the stage in a riot of colour and noise, performing a dance connected to harvest time. But it was Loughgiel Folk Dancers who stole the show, with a flawless routine that reflected a beating heart and the blood coursing through the body.

Already two-time winners of the Dance Champions of the World title (2014, 2015), the troupe also made International Eisteddfod history earlier in the week during the Open Floor Dance category, scoring the first ever perfect score of 100/100 that the competition has ever seen.

Resplendent in sparkling dinner jackets, The Overtones returned to the stage while adjudicators considered the eight world-class performances. After praising the talent of the groups that had performed the five admitted they’d ‘never been to a festival quite like this one’, before teasing the crowd that they had been ‘spectators for long enough’ encouraging a joyful sing-a-long of Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.

Following the presentations the concert concluded, as is traditional, with the pavilion joining hands to sing Auld Lang Syne, bringing the International Eisteddfod’s 70th anniversary competitions to a close.