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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Labour launches Clwyd South election campaign

* Susan Elan Jones, centre, and supporters launch her campaign for Clwyd South.  

Welsh Labour’s Susan Elan Jones launched her re-election campaign promising to be the “local and loyal” candidate in Clwyd South.

Launching her campaign at Ty Mawr Country Park in Cefn Mawr, Ms Jones said: “I was born and brought up in Clwyd South and as MP I worked tirelessly for the area I love.

“If re-elected, I will continue to champion our local businesses, voluntary organisations and social enterprises such as Brymbo Heritage Group and Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, oppose Tory/UKIP plans to privatise our NHS and campaign for more investment in local health services, including a new facility for Cefn Mawr.

“I will stand up against Tory austerity which hits the most vulnerable, including disabled people, hardest and fight Tory plans for a hard Brexit which fails to put Welsh jobs and the interests of working people first. I will also continue to promote our local cultural economy, including Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod and the Welsh language.”

Retired vicar of Pentre Broughton, Rev R Glynne Owen said: “One of Susan's best qualities is how she works with and for everyone. I know many people of different political persuasions who will be supporting Susan because they know she’ll always put our area first.”

Former Mayor of Llangollen, Bob Lube, said: “Susan has worked incredibly hard as our MP, helping protect us from the worst of Tory cuts to public spending in Wales. It would be a crying shame if she was replaced by a career politician who doesn't live here.”

Assembly Member Ken Skates said local council results in Clwyd South last week showed the level of support for Welsh Labour remained high.

“We held five seats in Clwyd South, with all sitting councillors returned, and made superb gains in Chirk and Llangollen, topping the polls in both areas. We also increased our overall number of councillors in the constituency.

“At the General Election, the fight is between Susan – who comes from and cares about our community – and the Tories. A vote any other party will simply help the Tories sneak in.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tory chief whip visits Llan as campaigning begins

*From left, Gavin Williamson, Chris Smith and Simon Baynes.

Simon Baynes, the Welsh Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Clwyd South, brought the Government Chief Whip Gavin Williamson MP, to visit shops, restaurants and other businesses in Llangollen yesterday (Tuesday) morning including the new ice cream shop Flavours run by Chris Smith on Abbey Road opposite the Llangollen Steam Railway.

Simon Baynes said: "Llangollen looked its best today in the sunshine and Mr Williamson was very impressed by the range of shops and businesses in the centre of Llangollen and wished everyone a very successful summer season this year.

"Tourism is so important to Llangollen and we must do all within our powers to help and encourage it."

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Make a bee-line for Plas Newydd on May 27

* You could become a busy bee at Plas Newydd on May 27. 

People are invited to Plas Newydd on Saturday May 27, between 11am and 4pm, to celebrate all things bee friendly. 

You can help Chester Zoo discover bumblebees, join the Wildlife Trust in their outdoor lab, or follow the busy bee trail. 

There will be honey tasting, face painting, and a prize for the best pollinator fancy dress.
The event is part of a local bid for Llangollen to become a Bee Friendly Town in a new national accreditation scheme launched by Welsh Government and Friends of the Earth Cymru. 
Right now bees are facing decline due to habitat loss, exposure to harmful pesticides, and climate change. 

Bees pollinate fruit and vegetables and without them Friends of the Earth estimates that it would cost farmers at least £1.8 billion a year to hand pollinate crops. 
The scheme aims to raise awareness and improve conditions for pollinators through providing pollinator-friendly food sources, places for insect pollinators to live, decreasing the use of harmful chemicals, and involving the whole community in having fun helping pollinators. 
Launching the new scheme, Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths said: “While the focus of the campaign is very much on encouraging people to get involved in an enjoyable way there is a serious message too.  Pollinators are in decline and this risks our capacity to produce food, timber and fibre.”
Local group coordinator Sarah Slater said: “We’re really hoping lots of people will join us at Plas Newydd on the 27th for an exciting day out. 

"We’ll have lots of activities and stalls for adults and children of all ages, and people can learn about fun ways to protect pollinators in their local areas.  Hopefully with the support of local people Llangollen can become a Bee Friendly Town.”

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Incident closes A5 between Fron and Cefn Mawr


* The incident now appears to be over with the road open again ....

Just before 12noon today (Sunday) Traffic Wales was reporting on its website an incident which it says has closed the A5 in both directions from Fron to Cefn Mawr.

The incident is described as "severe".

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Veterans and families to get extra support

Veterans and their families across North Wales are set to benefit from additional support from local authorities following the award of over £230,000 by the Ministry of Defence.

The award will fund the employment of two Armed Forces Liaison Officers (AFLO) dedicated to strengthening the delivery of the Armed Forces Community Covenant across the region by ensuring the fair and respectful treatment of serving personnel, veterans and their families.

The officers’ remit will include reviewing existing policies and procedures in areas including human resources, social care, education and housing.

Officers will also ensure the needs of the armed forces community are considered in new strategic plans and service changes linked to, for example, the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and the Social Services and Well-being Act.

The officers will seek to establish the size and complement of the region’s armed forces community, and to establish clear lines of communication so that information can flow to and from community members more effectively.

There will be a focus on training for front line staff, allowing them to better understand and support the needs of the armed forces community.

Dr Mohammed Mehmet, Denbighshire County Council’s Chief Executive, said: “This is excellent news and I pass on my thanks to the officers responsible for securing this award.

"Armed forces personnel, veterans and their families can be assured that in North Wales we are committed to ensuring they will not be disadvantaged by the service they have given to their country."

The award will be administered by Wrexham Council on behalf of the six local authorities in North Wales.

Friday, May 5, 2017

County and town council election results

Llangollen - results
Election CandidatePartyVotes%
Graham TimmsLabour65929%Elected
Thomas Melvyn MileIndependent65829%Elected
Stuart Arthur DaviesIndependent65729%Not elected
Robert SpaldingThe Green Party26312%Not elected

County council overall

Party nameSeats won% of votes
Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales910%
Liberal Democrats14%
The Green Party0< 1%
Socialist Labour Party0< 1%

Town Council results

Election CandidatePartyVotes%
Jean Robb McKean BurrellIndependent68313%Elected
Robert LubeLabour63612%Elected
Thomas Melvyn MileIndependent62612%Elected
George HughesIndependent55210%Elected
Isobel Anne RichardsIndependent4639%Elected
Austin Francisco CheminaisIndependent4058%Elected
Robyn Claire LovelockIndependent3967%Elected
Jonathan Peter HaddyIndependent3637%Elected
Karen Anne EdwardsIndependent3537%Elected
Anthony William BakerIndependent3276%Elected
Andrew William BeechIndependent2855%Elected
Martina RobertsIndependent2565%Not elected

Police boss vows to bring more sex offenders to justice

* Unveiling the plan: From left, PCC Arfon Jones, Deputy PCC Ann Griffith and Chief Constable Mark Polin.

A police boss has vowed to bring more sex offenders to justice.

The pledge from North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones is contained in his new blueprint for policing the region.

Tackling sex abuse in its various forms is one of five priorities in the Police and Crime Plan published by the commissioner.

Other key areas include domestic violence, modern slavery and human trafficking, organised crime and delivering safer neighbourhoods.

According to Mr Jones, he consulted widely and listened to the Chief Constable Mark Polin in drawing up the new Police and Crime plan, which sets the direction of policing in North Wales for the next five years.

He said: "My vision for policing North Wales is based on reducing threat, risk and harm by identifying the most vulnerable people in society and ensuring they are the priority for the Police and Crime Plan. 

"Three of the five priorities are based around vulnerability and I am delivering on the promises I made in my manifesto before I was elected.

"The plan also reflects the changing face of policing with the emerging and often hidden crimes like modern slavery and human trafficking and child sexual exploitation, with the threat posed by online paedophiles.

"The number of rape and other serious sexual assaults reported to the police are high.

“However, they remain under reported and more needs to be done to encourage victims to come forward, regardless of when the crime was committed. Non recent crimes will be treated with the same professionalism and respect as current offences.

"In relation to child sexual exploitation, a multi-agency regional plan was developed some time ago.

"The Onyx team established by North Wales Police to tackle these abhorrent offences will continue to further develop their work.

"I will work with our partners to ensure all that can be done to safeguard these children is given the priority it deserves.

"Making the reporting of sexual abuse as straightforward as possible is a priority and an experienced Independent Sexual Violence Advisor will be offered as a supporter and advocate to each high risk survivor.

"In addition we will increase the number of programmes for perpetrators to reduce repeat offending and repeat victimisation.

"Another priority is the continued development of the Paedophile and Online Investigation Team (POLIT) in identifying perpetrators of child sexual exploitation, including those accessing indecent images of children through the internet and effective multi-agency working to protect children identified as being at risk.

"I’m pleased that we’re investing so many resources in tackling online sexual exploitation because the care of children is the most important thing we do.

"Paedophiles are becoming increasingly sophisticated so it is vitally important that we respond accordingly with a team of our own experts catching those committing these types of crime and bringing them to justice.

"This problem isn’t going to go away and we need to concentrate on raising awareness, education and reducing harm and I think there is some excellent work being done to reach this priority.

"I’m very happy to support the force in providing as much resources as needed to ensure that children, wherever they may be in the world, are safe.

"The aim is to secure an increase in reporting of sexual and domestic abuse by giving victims the confidence to come forward.

"We will provide an overall better service for victims affected by domestic
and sexual abuse and I want more perpetrators brought to justice so they can answer for their appalling crimes."

Chief Constable Mark Polin said: "This is going to be an effective strategy for policing North Wales and we are already geared up to delivering the objectives. The plan is fit for purpose, the priorities are right and we are already responding to them.

"The emerging crimes like child sexual exploitation and modern slavery affect the police service across England and Wales, and we are concerned to identify the new risks and threats to our communities. We are responding to them appropriately and robustly in conjunction with our partners.

"It's also important to recognise that North Wales is one of the safest places to live and work and that public confidence and satisfaction in what we do has been increasing for some time.

"As well as focusing on the emerging crimes, we will continue to do what the public want us to do in the traditional sense, by responding to the calls that they make to us and responding to the threats that they face in their communities across North Wales."

* To read the North Wales Police and Crime Plan in full go to: