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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bikers raise cash for Wales Air Ambulance

* Alyson Wynn, left, accepts the £1,130 cheque from LlanBikeFest's Debbie Rogers.  

Generous bikers raised £1,130 in a raffle for Wales Air Ambulance at the Llangollen Motorcycle Festival - LlanBikeFest 2016 – in July.

And organisers have pledged that next year’s event, at the town’s Royal Pavilion on August 5 and 6, will be even bigger and better.

Wales Air Ambulance community co-ordinator Alyson Winn said: “We are totally dependent on donations from the public to keep our helicopters flying, so we greatly appreciate this contribution. We thoroughly enjoyed LlanBikeFest 2016 and we are looking forward to 2017.”

Debbie Rogers said: “We are delighted to have adopted Wales Air Ambulance as our official charity. The July event was only our second year but the feedback from everyone who attended has been fantastic.

"We are now working flat out to make LlanBikeFest 2017 an even greater success – and raise even more money to keep saving lives.

“Our special thanks to the volunteers who helped promote the raffle and raise additional money with our helmet creche, including members of the Llangollen and District Motorcycle Club (LLDMC).”

LlanBikeFest 2016 featured guest of honour Giacomo `Ago' Agostini, winner of an unbeaten 15 World Championships, who flew over specially from Italy to spend the weekend mixing with thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts.

On-site attractions included hundreds of bikes, displays, stunts, demonstrations, trade and club stands, plus beer, bands and evening entertainment in Llangollen town.

Exhibitors and traders have already started booking for 2017.

Friday, November 4, 2016

County agrees on leisure development plan

Members of Denbighshire’s Cabinet have agreed to appoint Alliance Leisure Services as part of a four year framework agreement to develop new facilities and refurbish existing leisure facilities in the county.  

The council has already made a firm commitment to continue improving and enhancing its leisure offer across the county and says it is bucking the national trend by actually investing in its facilities during difficult financial times.

Alliance had been appointed to a previous framework and was recognised as bringing external expertise and innovation to the design and construction of facilities.

The council then advertised this latest framework on the open market and attracted significant interest from major construction companies.

The framework will be open to all UK local authorities, with Denbighshire as the lead authority.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead Member for Assets, said: “Our aim is to work with our development partner to design, build and fund capital projects and ensure that we deliver the right projects, on time and within budget.

“We have an excellent track record of working with Alliance on the previous framework and delivered successful projects at Ruthin and Denbigh leisure centres, as well as the redevelopment of the Nova, Prestatyn.

“The company itself has a wealth of experience in design, project management and an innovative approach to developments.  The appointment of Alliance as our development partner on the previous framework was recognised as sector-leading and provided facilities that are fit for the 21st Century and improved participation opportunities and PE standards in our dual-use sites. This, in turn, helped improve the health and well-being of residents.

“We are delighted to be awarding the latest framework to Alliance after a stringent and open tendering process – this will help us to continue investing in facilities and develop our vision for improved leisure facilities to benefit all."

Paul Cluett, Managing Director of Alliance, said: “Alliance Leisure are delighted to have been appointed as the partner to the Council to deliver the Framework for the provision of leisure developments and related services over the next four years. 

“Alliance has a track record of delivering sustainable, ambitious and innovative enhancements to local authority leisure services throughout the UK.  Indeed, locally schemes such as the Nova redevelopment have already shown what can be achieved, and now we will be able to bring this experience to Councils across Wales, England, Scotland and N Ireland. 

"This ground breaking Framework model being delivered by DCC will also ensure that the Authority receives the public awareness it is rightly due for helping other Councils deliver services as successfully it has done."

Thursday, November 3, 2016

MP calls for tougher sentences for police assaults

* Susan Elan Jones MP with representatives of the Police Federation in Parliament.

Susan Elan Jones MP is backing the Police Federation's campaign for tougher sentences for people who assault police officers.

The campaign was launched in response to the news that 22,394 officers in England and Wales were assaulted in the last year.

The Clwyd South Labour MP said: "We are now seeing a police officer assaulted every 22 minutes, with a fifth of all police having been assaulted. That is a national disgrace.

"Some of the sentences awarded are unbelievably lenient. They include someone who threw acid at an officer's face getting only 20 months in jail even though they were out on licence, someone who stabbed an officer getting a community sentence and 15 people jumping on a single police woman on Boxing Day leaving internal spinal injuries that class her as disabled receiving no custodial sentence.

"Police men and women work tirelessly to serve our communities and keep our streets safe. They should not have to endure assaults as part of their job. I am fully behind the Police Federation's campaign to support police safety and bring in harsher sentences where they are needed."

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Business owners advised to check rateable values

Denbighshire County Council is urging business owners to check the new rateable value of their businesses.

Traders have been contacted about the new draft rateable value on which their business rates will be based and are being advised to contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) by its deadline of November 30 if they have any concerns.

It has been seven years since all non-domestic properties in England and Wales were revalued and the 2017 revaluation will be based upon rental levels on April 1, 2015.

The revaluation, which will come into effect on April 1 next year, will form the basis of business rate liability for the next five years.

The draft rating list, which was issued on September 30, is part of the normal process to get feedback from businesses.

Although Denbighshire County Council collects business rates, the council does not set the rates.
The rateable value is assessed by the VOA , through HM Revenue and Customs.

Rebecca Maxwell, corporate director at Denbighshire County Council, said: “Businesses will have already received a letter about their new draft rateable value and it is important they read this information.

“We are urging all businesses in Denbighshire to check their new draft rateable value online. This revaluation will have an impact on businesses for the next five years, so it is vitally important they are paying the correct rates.

“If you think your new rateable value is incorrect, contact the Valuation Office Agency as soon as possible.

“Once the new rateable values come into effect on April 1, 2017, businesses will be able to make an appeal, but we would first urge businesses to contact the VOA before November 30 with any concerns.”

Leader of Denbighshire, councillor Hugh Evans, said: “Concerns have been raised with us by a number of businesses over gaps in information around how the process of rate revaluation has been undertaken in Denbighshire.

“I am seeking clarification on the extent to which calculations are based on individual business circumstances and how these are evaluated without direct engagement with all businesses in the county.

“As a proactive, business friendly council we are committed to making sure there is a level playing field for all our businesses.

“We understand periodic revaluations are necessary but we are looking for reassurance about how the process has been carried out and that there isn’t a disproportionate impact on Denbighshire businesses.

“A clear understanding of the process of arriving at final rateable values would help us do this.”

The Welsh Government is consulting on proposals for a Transitional Relief Scheme aimed at helping businesses currently receiving Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) and whose rateable value has increased.

The aim is to assist ratepayers no longer entitled to the same amount of SBRR as a result of the revaluation by gradually phasing in any increases in over a three-year period.

For more information on the revaluation or to check your draft rateable value online visit

Stans thanks customers for backing campaign

* Manager Steve Jones at Stans in Llangollen.

TRADERS have said a heart-felt thank you to customers who have embraced a shopping campaign.

The #LoveLiveLocal campaign encourages shoppers to show support for Denbighshire businesses by using the hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to promote good experiences they’ve had and promote products and services locally they have ‘loved’.

The Denbighshire County Council-led campaign, which aims to encourage shopping at local businesses within the county, has now been praised by businesses after its launch earlier this year.

The campaign will continue over the festive period and will include the production of a Christmas shopping video to encourage residents to shop local.

Steve Jones, 41, is manager at Stans Superstore in Llangollen, having been with the family-run business for 25 years.

He said: “I would like to thank the customers who have supported local businesses like ourselves with this campaign.

“As local businesses we can offer customers something different to national chains. We can support customers’ needs and tailor our service to them. We can provide a friendly service.  We know our customers by their first names and for some of them we might be the only person they see that day.

“#LoveLiveLocal has been a good campaign, we are happy to support it. It has helped us get our message out there.”

Leader of Denbighshire County Council, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “We are calling on the people of Denbighshire to continue to show support for local businesses this Christmas and show community spirit by making sure we look after our high streets.

“There are so many fantastic businesses here in Denbighshire in all sorts of areas from food and hotels, to shops selling uniquely made crafts and providers of unique services and experiences.”
To get involved with the campaign take photos of products and post them on Facebook and Twitter using the #LoveLiveLocal hashtag." 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ambulance service issues November 5 care warning

THE Welsh Ambulance Service is urging people to take extra care on Bonfire Night.

During the last three years the Trust has witnessed a steady increase in the number of calls it receives on November 5.

In 2013 there were 1,079 verified incidents, which increased to 1,116 in 2014 and was up even further to 1,239 last year.

Every year, the service is called to deal with firework and bonfire-related injuries through improper handling of fireworks and people taking unnecessary risks.

The Trust is asking revellers to keep a sensible head during this year’s celebrations.

Richard Lee, the Trust’s Director of Operations, said: “We want everyone to have an enjoyable Bonfire Night, but we would ask you to remember the very real dangers that bonfires, fireworks and even sparklers can pose.

“If they are used in the wrong way then the consequences could be potentially fatal due to the extreme level of heat given off and the high speeds at which fireworks can travel.

“Every year our colleagues treat people both young and old for injuries as a result of firework displays, ranging from minor burns to those which could have a very real life changing impact.

“By following some simple safety tips you can help to reduce the number of calls we receive regarding Bonfire Night related injuries, making our crews available to help other members of the community facing life-threatening emergencies.”

People hosting their own event are reminded that fireworks should be kept in a closed box and used one at a time to avoid any accidents.

Follow the instructions on each firework, using a torch if necessary, and light at arm’s length wearing goggles and protective clothing. Never return to a firework once it has been lit.

Children should wear gloves with sparklers, and never wave it near someone’s face. When the sparkler has finished, put it into a bucket of cold water straight away and leave it there.

In the event of an accident with fireworks or fires, here are some useful points you should follow:

·        Extinguish any flames if the casualty is alight
·        If alight, drop to the floor and roll to extinguish flames, keeping mouth and eyes closed
·        If you see someone else on fire, tell them to ‘Stop, drop and roll’
·        Use cool water (ideally cold running water) to cool the burnt area and reduce the pain
·        Do not remove any burnt clothing which has stuck to the skin
·        Do not use any creams or oils on burn injuries
·        Seek urgent medical help by calling 999 for life threatening or serious injuries, for minor injuries contact NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47.

Youth Band foursome shine in Cheshire contest

* From left, Millie Turner, Taya Castley, Joel Brown
and Elizabeth Mwale who competed as the Llantastic Four in Sandbach.

Four talented members of Llangollen Silver Band competed in the Foden's Band Youth Contest at Sandbach School in Cheshire last Saturday.

The prestigious youth competition attracts some of the most talented young brass players from across Europe.

Representing Llangollen for the first time in the competition were Youth Band members Taya Castley (cornet), Elizabeth Mwale (euphonium), Joel Brown (baritone) and Millie Turner (cornet), all aged 14.

All four competed in the 14-16 year old quartet contest where they performed Soldier's Tale and won second place under the apt name of The Llantastic Four.

The foursome also competed in the duet competition. Taya and Elizabeth  played Pleasant Moments whilst Millie and Joel performed Lucia Di Lammermoor, finishing in fourth and fifth places respectively.

Taya also entered the solo contest and finished in a highly commendable 11th place, performing Softly Awakes My Heart. 

Llangollen Silver Band conductor, Trevor Williams, said: "We are incredibly proud of the achievements of all our young players and it is wonderful to see them competing in such a prestigious contest.

"Taya, Millie, Joel and Elizabeth are only 14 years old and, in addition to performing in the youth band, also hold key playing positions in the senior band too. My sincerest congratulations go to the four of them."