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Friday, October 21, 2016

Council helps businesses master Facebook

Denbighshire County Council has been helping businesses get to grips with social media.

A free workshop was recently held in Denbigh to help firms embrace Facebook as part of the Council’s Economic and Community Ambition Strategy which aims to make the county more business friendly.

The workshop was held at Denbigh HWB and included tips on how to set up a business Facebook account, what content businesses should post to engage customers as well as insights on how to get the best out of the site.

The event is one of a series being organised by Denbighshire County Council to support local businesses to make the most of being online.

Stuart Whitfield, Economic and Business Development Officer, said: “Social media like Facebook is an accessible way for businesses to engage new customers. For a little bit of effort the marketing potential is huge whether you are a retailer or offer a service. The course feedback has been excellent.

“As part of the Council’s Economic and Community Ambition Strategy, we aim to support businesses and help them thrive.”

Denbighshire County Council is hosting a free Introduction to Twitter for Small Businesses workshop at Rhyl College on November 8 between 4.30pm and 8.30pm.

* To book a place or to see other business training events being offered visit

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Have you twigged onto church's Christmas tree festival?

* One of last year's festival entries. 
Have you started planning yet to enter this year’s Christmas Tree Festival at Llangollen Methodist Church?  

This very popular (and closely contested) festival will be held once again this year, starting with setting up on Friday December 9 and finishing with dismantling on Wednesday January 4.

This year there will be two classes of entry plying for visitors' votes – traditional trees and creative interpretations.

You will need to supply and decorate a small tree, no taller than 5 feet, using an appropriate Christmas theme.

You might like to link the decoration to your business or organisation, or just be creative.   

Any lights must be battery operated. Hard bases are provided that you can cover with a cloth or paper as you wish.  

Small business cards or promotional materials can be placed at the base of the tree for visitors to pick up.

More details later but start planning now and please register your intention to enter by Saturday December 3 at the latest -  by emailing:, or phoning 01978 860557.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

County gives cautious welcome to cash settlement

Denbighshire County Council has given a cautious welcome to the provisional financial settlement by Welsh Government, with the proposed settlement slightly better than expected, but remains challenging.

The council will see an increase of 0.5% , the first increase since 2013/14.

It says this will help to ensure that the council can deliver its priorities and avoid further cuts next year.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead Member for Finance, said: “The Council will need to consider the proposed settlement in greater detail.

“What it generally means is that the savings we have already identified for 2017/18 will be sufficient and the council will not need to find any further cuts for the next financial year.

“An increase in funding is always to be welcomed, but we need to consider this good news in the context of continuing increases in the council’s costs.

He added:  “We have worked tirelessly over recent years to prepare and respond to the financial challenges, whilst minimising the impact of cuts and protecting key frontline services as far as possible.

“We have also worked to be more efficient as a council, streamlining our services to be as effective as possible in the current economic climate, whilst continuing to provide value for money services and maintaining our position as being one of the highest performing councils in Wales.

“That commitment to maintaining the best possible services for Denbighshire residents continues.”

Ghost supermarket plan approved by county

llanblogger exclusive

* The supermarket site in Berwyn Street.

Denbighshire County Council has approved plans allowing Aldi and Home Bargains to jointly move into Llangollen’s controversial “ghost” supermarket.

Local county councillor Stuart Davies, who believes the discount retailers could now move in as early as next February, said council planning officers used delegated powers to give the go-ahead to the scheme for the use of the 34,000 sq ft unit off the main A5 road.
The building has stood empty since May 2015 when Sainsbury’s for whom it was built made the shock announcement that they would not be moving in due to a scaling back of their new store developments.

The latest planning application, made in the name of Sainsbury’s who still own the building, sought permission for the subdivision of the existing retail unit and alterations to allow it to trade as two retail units with associated internal and external physical alterations to the building, service yard, customer entrance and forecourt areas.

Cllr Davies said: “As there were only two objectors to the plan officers used delegated powers to approve the application earlier today (Wednesday), so it’s now all systems go.

“In line with the negotiations we had with them, the applicants have agreed to make parking spaces on the site available for a maximum of three hours, which I think is a good deal.

“There’s still some conversion work to be done to make it into two units but I’d take an educated guess that it will be open by February next year.

“Whilst there will be some impact on traders in the town, the jobs at the print factory were secured by this process of developing a supermarket on its former site.

“I believe a vast number of people are in favour of Aldi and Home Bargains moving in. It’s all about jobs for themselves and jobs for their kids.”

The Sainsbury’s pull-out, which they blamed on “adverse trading conditions” at the time, dashed hopes for 130 promised jobs.

The grocery giant announced they wouldn’t themselves be running the store directly and revealed they were looking for potential tenants.

Interest by Aldi and the discount group Home Bargains had often been speculated upon but never confirmed by either company.

Neither Aldi or Home Bargains have yet commented on their interest in the development.

* The application, reference number 03/2016/0887, can be inspected in full via the planning search section of the Denbighshire County Council website at:

Businesses invited to star in council film

Denbighshire County Council is calling on businesses gearing up for the festive period to take part in a Christmas video.

As part of the Council’s #LiveLoveLocal campaign which encourages shopping at local traders throughout Denbighshire, a video is being produced to highlight what the county has to offer.

#LiveLoveLocal aims to get people to show support for local businesses by using the hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to promote good experiences they’ve had and promote products and services locally they have ‘loved’.

The council is looking for businesses who would like to take part in the video, with scenes involving customers within a shop setting.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “This video is part of Denbighshire’s commitment in showing residents and visitors what a great retail offer there is in the county.

“There are so many local traders who provide a professional, quality service to their customers.

“We are encouraging businesses to take part in the video which will feature a magical tale of a family at Christmas.”

* If you would like to take part in the video contact or by phoning 01824 706222.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Special events planned at Llan Museum

Llangollen Museum has two special events planned for this month ...

MP meets man heading bank closure probe

Clwyd South Member Susan Elan Jones yesterday (Monday) joined a cross-party delegation of MPs who met Sir Russell Griggs, the man conducting the independent review into bank branch closures.

Speaking after the meeting, she said: "Sir Russell's report is expected before the end of the year. At today's meeting, I expressed the anger of my constituents at local bank closures and also suggested some ideas of what I thought needed to happen if a bank branch closed.

"For instance, I shared with the meeting what many businesses in our area told me about the need for a free cash collection service. In my view, this is something banks should provide free of charge, using security companies. There are also issues regarding the ordering of cash that I think need to be looked at carefully.

"I also feel that if a bank closes, the bank should be under an obligation to inform all customers what financial services are available in the vicinity, including if that means advertising Post Office or other competitor services.

"Another issue I raised were the very unique problems facing charities, clubs and any organisation requiring more than one signature on a bank account."

Ms Jones has also arranged meetings with TSB Bank and Tesco Bank via the Industry and Parliament Trust, and is planning to introduce a Bill in Parliament next year on banking protocol in the aftermath of bank closures.