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Monday, March 14, 2016

Welsh Office Minister at tourism seminar

Simon Baynes, Welsh Conservative Assembly Candidate for Clwyd South, is inviting people to join a roundtable meeting on tourism, food and drink with the Welsh Office Minister Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth on Thursday March 17 at 12 noon in the Denbigh Suite at the Hand Hotel, Bridge Street, Llangollen.

Mr Baynes says the meeting will last for just over an hour.

Lord Nick Bourne is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Wales where his responsibilities include tourism, heritage and culture, environment and rural affairs.

He was previously the Leader of the Opposition and of the Welsh Conservatives in the Welsh Assembly.

Mr Baynes said: "He knows Llangollen and our part of Wales very well and you can see more about him via this link:

"If you would like to attend, please contact me on, or 07880 786573 and I will reserve you a place at the meeting."

Sunday, March 13, 2016

MP says yƍkoso to Japanese visitors

Susan Elan Jones MP welcomed a group of young Japanese business people to her Clwyd South constituency as they stopped off to visit Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

The group were on a familiarisation trip to Britain to visit different destinations and meet with around 300 businesses at a flagship business event.

The Clwyd South Labour MP, who worked in Japan after leaving university, said: "I once worked in Japan so I was particularly delighted to meet with a group of young business visitors from that country.

"I am so pleased that the group got to see our wonderful World Heritage Site, Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

"The visitors asked many different questions, but one that seemed to be of great interest was our membership of the EU. I suppose that isn't surprising when you think of how many jobs and how much business investment in our country is dependent on our being in the EU." 

Timothy Jenkins, Senior Tourism Affairs Executive of Visit Britain, who organised the visit said: "I am delighted that Susan Elan Jones MP was able to meet with the group of Japanese travel traders who came to North Wales. The group were very impressed and grateful that Susan welcomed them to Wales in Japanese." 

* Susan Elan Jones MP with young Japanese business visitors near Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

Residents prepare to monitor speeding motorists

* A volunteer using a hand-held
speed camera.
Llangollen residents are preparing to get speeding motorists in their sights.

A group of four people from the town, including local county councillor Stuart Davies, recently attended the first meeting of the Llangollen Speedwatch group and were given the statutory training in hand-held speed devices.

Cllr Davies said: "We identified the areas of concern, both school roads - Brook Street to Pengwern and Dinbren Road by Dinas Bran, near the health centre, the A5 by the Wild Pheasant, Abbey Road and Pentrefelin.

"We are only allowed to operate in 20, 30 and 40 mph areas as it's too dangerous otherwise, according to the trainer who will now risk assess the designated areas to make sure they are safe for us to operate.

"Then away we go speed monitoring. If we identify speeders, their details are passed to the police, they then receive warning letters, two strikes and then get a ticket.

"The two strikes can be anywhere in North Wales."

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Twenty Club present 1930s drama with true grit

It really was grim up north in the 1930s.

Especially so if you lived in the deprivation ghetto of Hankey Park in Salford, had next to no money and few prospects of getting any because you didn’t have a job.

It was an even grimmer prospect being in love against all these odds.

* Chris Sims and Louise Bosanquet in Love on the Dole.
And that is exactly the message of Love on the Dole, the latest and very gritty drama production from Llangollen Twenty Club at the Town Hall.

Penned by Ronald Gow and Walter Greenwood, it reflects the desperation and frustration of trying to live some semblance of a normal life against the background of an economic depression that was so awful that it makes our own recent recession look like, well, a walk in Hankey Park.

The 16-strong Twenty Club cast tackle this thought-provoking piece with sensitivity and, when called for, displays of real power.

For almost half of them it was their first time on stage but all of the debutantes make a good impression, particularly Louise Bosanquet who does an excellent job with the leading female role, Sally, the real driving force behind the suffering Hardcastle family who provides the cash and the inspiration for them all to keep battling on against unemployment and despair.

Louise looks and acts the part of a stalwart Lancashire lass with a real conviction that belies her lack of stage experience.

There was plenty of support for her in the shape of old hand Chris Sims as her love interest, the somewhat hapless Larry Meath who is ultimately just too good for his own good.

Another Twenty Club favourite Arwel Tanant Jarvis takes the role of the oafish Mr Hardcastle, who can’t quite grasp the fact that economic doom has robbed him of his traditional role as head of the household, doing so with aplomb.

The part of his long-suffering wife is taken by Helen Belton, showing exactly the same flair for hard stuff like this as she did when producing the comedic tour de force of Cybil in the group’s last production of Fawlty Towers.

The interplay between these two actors in one of the final angry scenes is one of the highpoints of the night.

Further accomplished performances come from young Aron Roberts, another stage first-timer who turns in a neat portrayal of the teenage Harry Hardcastle whose formative years are marred by grinding hopelessness, and David Edgar as the flash bookie Sam Grundy whose slimy chicanery makes him odds-on favourite to be a great baddie.

All the supporting cast members are strong and completely believable, as are, thankfully, the Lancashire accents.

Sets are little short of brilliant and the attention given to creating the Hardcastles’ grim kitchen is admirable.

Love on the Dole, directed superbly by Barry Cook assisted by Mike Law who also makes a cameo stage appearance as a drunk, is another very neat piece of drama from the Twenty Club.

It’s been on since Thursday and has its final performance this evening (Saturday) at 7.30pm.   

Friday, March 11, 2016

New youth choir set for launch

TALENTED youngsters are tuning up for the launch of a new youth choir for Llangollen.

It’s been jointly orchestrated by Amanda Morgan Thomas and Elen Mair Roberts of the famous Flintshire County Junior Choir to start the group which is due to have its first vocal workshop at the town’s International Pavilion on Tuesday April 5.  
Amanda said: “I’m delighted to be working with Elen in getting Llangollen Youth Choir off the ground.

“We have some pretty talented young singers locally who regularly perform with Llangollen Operatic Society’s junior section, the Young ‘Uns, and annually with Llangollen Panto Group.
“We hope that this new choir, meeting regularly throughout the year, will only further enhance their already

“I’ve seen Elen in action with Flintshire Youth Choir.  She works the choristers hard but rehearsals are great fun too. 
“They all sing off-copy and are expected to work in between rehearsals too in order to make good progress. outstanding quality and give our kids an amazing platform to sing their socks off.

“There is a Denbighshire Youth Choir but it is based in Rhyl which is a fair distance for families based in the south of the county.
“Many small local primary schools feed into local high schools and it’s a great opportunity to get stuck into a new venture, make some outstanding sounds and most importantly make new friends along the way as they move towards their chosen secondary school.

“We’re also keen to give the kids some self-selection opportunities too. Every year, although there will be set pieces to produce a balanced programme, we’ll have a shortlist of fun stuff that the choristers can select.

“We’ll also be recruiting amongst them for some extra roles like section reps and social media officers to set up and run our Facebook Page.”
Amanda added: “We’re holding our first workshop on April 5 during the Easter break at the Llangollen International Pavilion. It’s from 10am-2pm and full details are on-line at

“After that, for those that are interested in joining up, rehearsals will be monthly with breaks every August and January.
“In time we’ll probably be looking for sponsorship but for now we’re just excited to be working together voluntarily to get this off the ground. 

“This is a mixed choir so we’re looking for musical boys and girls in current school years of 5, 6, 7 and 8. Numbers will be limited so please check online for registration details and costs.
“My daughter Manon is a great singer, getting to the National Urdd finals last year in Cardiff and winning at regionals again this year, and she’ll be the first - and officially the youngest - chorister we get to sign up.

“She even designed the logo for us she’s so keen to help us get going on the project.”

Thursday, March 10, 2016

MP welcomes Government's Sunday trading defeat

* Susan Elan Jones MP with Shadow Business
Secretary Angela Eagle MP backing the Keep
Sunday Special campaign on Sunday trading hours.

A local MP who last autumn urged the Prime Minister to think again about changing Sunday trading hours has said she is "delighted" with yesterday's Government defeat on the issue.
Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions on October 21, Susan Elan Jones MP quoted Government retail sector champion Kevin Hawkins who described the current laws as “a workable compromise that most people seem satisfied with most of the time”.
 The MP said: “There’s a balance to be kept here – between opening hours for big stores, the rights of small shops and the rights of shop-workers and their families to enjoy family life. The current laws are a good compromise that most people agree with. We should stick with them and keep Sunday special.”

The Clwyd South Labour MP also spoke in yesterday's debate in Parliament, saying there was an "unity" that brought together a huge range of MPs based on "support for family life, high streets and small shops; and against the exploitation of shop-workers."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

New Dot screens its spring offering

New Dot Cinema is celebrating the arrival of spring with its latest showing, Tulpan, this Friday, March 11.

It’s a gentle coming-of-age comedy that, although set in a strange almost alien landscape, tells a story that will be recognised by anyone, anywhere.

Asa dreams of becoming a shepherd on the remote Kazakh steppe where he lives in a yurt with his sister and her nomadic family but he must first marry.

He sets his sights on Tulpan, the only eligible woman for many miles around, who rejects him on the basis of his big ears.

Undaunted, he sets off with his best friend Boni and a photograph of Prince Charles  - as evidence that big ears are no deterrent to getting on in life - to win Tulpan’s heart.

Tickets for Tulpan are priced at £5 available at Baileys Deli in Llangollen and online at

This year, New Dot will be screening temporarily as Micro Dot in a smaller venue, the Town Hall Council Chamber.

With seating for around 35 people, tickets will be in high demand.

Delicious homemade cakes, fairtrade tea and 'real' coffee will be on offer. There’s no bar, but people are welcome to bring their own with them.

Despite the smaller venue, New Dot audiences might notice a much clearer picture this year, thanks to a new digital projector generously awarded to New Dot Cinema and Llangollen Town Council by the British Film Institute (BFI).

The source of the funding is National Lottery via the Neighbourhood Cinema Scheme.

The award forms a successful first step in securing improved cinema facilities at the town hall by New Dot.

* Sign up at facebook or on the New Dot website to hear the latest updates to the new season's programme :, Facebook:, Twitter: