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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

County supports contract bids by local firms

Denbighshire Council is aiming to be a major driver for local economic development by working proactively with local suppliers and businesses to support them with bids to win contracts with the council.
As part of its new procurement strategy, the council is aiming to ensure local businesses are aware of any opportunities to sell to the council and are capable of submitting high quality bids for the opportunities that arise.
In 2014/15, £32 million was spent with Denbighshire based businesses, around 31% of council spend. 52% of council spend was with businesses in North Wales.
Cabinet Lead Member for Finance, Julian Thompson-Hill said: "We are committed to trying to ensure that local businesses in Denbighshire are equipped to tender for contracts with the Council and can navigate their way through our procurement processes.
‘"These are challenging economic times but we want to see Denbighshire businesses grow and develop and we want to continue to create opportunities to sell to the council and also win business from the council.
"We are proud that over 30% of our procurement activity is already spent with businesses in Denbighshire and we hope our new procurement strategy takes us a step forward to increasing this even further."

Parking measures on A5 given priority, says AM

* Ken Skates AM outside Stan's on the A5. 
The Welsh Government has confirmed that parking restrictions on the A5 in Llangollen have been prioritised.

Assembly Member Ken Skates has welcomed the confirmation that the Welsh Labour Government intends to introduce double yellow lines to stop nuisance parking opposite Stans of Llangollen on Berwyn Street.

Mr Skates, who is based in the town, said parked cars opposite the garage caused an obstruction, particularly for older pedestrians trying to cross the road.

“I’m pleased that the Welsh Labour Government has reiterated its plans for parking restrictions opposite Stans,” said Mr Skates, who raised the issue last year.

“Transport Minister Edwina Hart said in January last year that the work would be put forward for funding, and she has now confirmed it is a priority. I thank the Welsh Labour Government for its support and for listening to my concerns and those of my constituents in Llangollen.”

In her response to Mr Skates, the Minister said: “We are progressing the order to implement the requested parking restrictions within the town centre. My officials have assured me that this is a priority and they are working to implement the works as soon as possible, subject to any public objections.

"The resurfacing works in Llangollen, including a length of carriageway to the west of the town, started on January 26 and will last approximately six weeks. Due to Wales and West Utilities’ intention to renew a length of cast iron gas main located within the carriageway, it will not be possible to resurface the section between Market Street and the 30mph signs to the west of the town. This work will be undertaken after the gas main has been renewed."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tourism forum planned for March 3

The priorities for Denbighshire as a tourist destination will be high on the agenda for the county’s  next Tourism Forum meeting, taking place in early March – and there are  only a few days left for delegates to  register to attend.
The Denbighshire Tourism Forum meeting at the Oriel House Hotel, St Asaph on Thursday, March 3, will allow tourism businesses to agree the priorities for Denbighshire’s Destination Management Action Plan in 2016-17.
Guest speaker will be Melanie Sensicle, Programme Delivery Director, Northern Tourism Growth Fund, VisitEngland.
There will also be an opportunity to update delegates on tourism-related activity since the previous forum held in October.
To book a place at the forum, e-mail: or telephone 01824 706223 together with details of any dietary or access requirements.
Registration for the event will take place from 10.30am ~ forum starts at 11am ~ lunch and networking at 1.30pm. 

New law on multiple occupation houses now in force

New legislation that will give planning authorities the opportunity to manage the impact of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in their local area comes into force this week.
Natural Resources Minister Carl Sargeant said the aim is to allow local planning authorities to require planning consent for new HMOs and to consider the effects such dwellings might have on local areas before deciding whether to approve planning permission or refuse it.
The new legislation will introduce a new use class (C4) for HMOs occupied by not more than six residents. This will mean that anyone wanting to create a new HMO for between three and six unrelated individuals who share basic amenities such as a kitchen or bathroom would have to apply for planning permission.
The legislation has been developed following recommendations made in an independent report into the effect HMOs can have on communities. The report found a clear need to take action to ensure the continued confidence of residents in areas with large numbers of HMOs, while also protecting the rights of those people residing in them.

The report also recognised that HMOs can provide a source of accommodation for people in specific circumstances and the intention of the changes is ensure better control of such households.

Carl Sargeant said: “HMOs make an important contribution to the private rented sector by catering for the housing needs of certain groups and provide accommodation for individuals who cannot afford to purchase properties or rent larger accommodation. 

“However, as our independent report found, large concentrations of HMOs can bring their own problems to local areas.  This new legislation will allow planning authorities to take action to manage the number of HMOs in their local area.

“I hope this legislation will be welcomed by those local communities affected by high concentrations of HMOs across Wales and by local authorities.”

Llan becomes region's comedy capital

* Ignacio Lopez.
Llangollen is becoming the comedy capital of North Wales, with audiences flocking to see top comedians from all over the world.
The Llangollen Comedy Club has been running for the past two years and has built up a reputation as one of the hottest venues in Wales to perform.
Names such as Tom Wrigglesworth, Mick Ferry, Lloyd Langford, Bethany Black and Howard Read have appeared so far at the monthly shows, generating large audiences.

* Keith Carter as Nige.
“At the moment each show is selling exceptionally well, with both online sales and evening walk ups over 80% up on 2014," said club organiser Paul Brown.
"We are seriously having to look at moving some shows to a bigger 400 seater hall in the International Pavilion.
“This will obviously have an impact on the economy of Llangollen as people visiting the show are coming from out of the area, with many visiting the excellent restaurants in the town before or after the show. This will only increase as the Comedy Club continues to grow.

* Host: Silky. Picture by Andy Hollingworth.
"The intimate nature of the club, where the comedians actually sit with the audience before going up on stage, is key and gives the opportunity for performers to try out new material in preparation for larger shows and TV appearances.
“Sarah Millican loved it here and tried out material in preparation for her UK tour. This meant the Comedy Club audience were the first to see Sarah’s new show and at a much more affordable price. Since then we’ve been in discussions with some really big names in the world of comedy so watch this space.”
“The Comedy Club is a great asset to Llangollen in so many ways. Not only does it give us, and the surrounding communities something to smile about, but brings in much needed revenue to the shops, cafes, pubs and hotels through footfall to the town,” said Denbighshire county councillor Rhys Hughes.
The next show on Friday February 26 sees the return of Keith Carter as his alter ego ‘Nige” along with Ignacio Lopez and host Silky.
Tickets are priced at £9 and can be bought online at or on the evening on the door.

Monday, February 22, 2016

County warns over fish salesmen

Denbighshire’s Public Protection officers are warning consumers across the county to beware of salesmen trying to persuade householders to buy fresh fish.
There have been reports to Denbighshire Trading Standards and North Wales Police in the last week of traders selling door to door, asking residents, including older people, if they would like to buy fish.
Emlyn Jones, Public Protection Manager said: “We have concerns regarding the matter, especially as to whether the fish sellers are registered as a food business operator which is a legal requirement for all food businesses, and indeed if they are adhering to all food safety and hygiene regulations which applies to such businesses, including the display of the relevant food hygiene rating for the business.
“When buying fish from door to door salesmen, the purchaser very often has no way of knowing how the fish have been stored and whether they are safe to eat. These type of sellers commonly use non-refrigerated vans, and there may be issues with the labelling, quality and descriptions of the fish and they may pressurise residents to buy more than they actually need.
“As with any doorstep caller we would urge people not to be tempted to buy and ask them to leave.  The best place to buy fish is from a reputable fishmonger at an established shop or stall or even with a trader with a regular prearranged round.”
* Anyone wanting advice on doorstep trading, or to report an incident, can contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06 (03454 04 05 05 for Welsh language) which gives free, independent and impartial advice on all consumer issues, or the police on 101.  Any person feeling intimidated or threatened by any doorstep seller should shut the door and call the police emergency number 999.

Davies pleased as Boris backs Brexit campaign

Llangollen county councillor Stuart Davies says he’s pleased that Boris Johnson has joined the Brexit campaign for Britain to pull out of the European Union.

He said: “I’m pleased to see the great Boris (pictured) injecting life into the debate about in or out and congratulate him for coming out on the Leave side. 

“I remember him well from the 1997 General Election when he stood for Clwyd South and put up a superb fight.

“I was his press officer at the time and we spent the campaign going around the constituency spreading the word.

“The Clwyd South chairman, Ian Reynolds, said of him at the selection meeting, `A Prime Minister in the making’ and I am confident that his prediction will come true.”

Cllr Davies added: “Boris will be the game maker and I confident we will be saying goodbye to the diktats coming from non-elected officers of the EU.

“Boris was and is a superb communicator and has the ability to lead us to a resounding No to the EU. 

“After watching Cameron’s useless negotiation results I was ready to publicly burn my membership card and boycott the Conservative Conference here in Llangollen.

“But since Boris has come out in favour of Leave its game on again.”

The Welsh Conservative Party Conference will be held at Llangollen Pavilion on Friday and Saturday March 11 and 12.