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Friday, November 6, 2015

Twenty Club's triumphant return to Fawlty Towers

* Ally Goodman as Basil and Richard Mascarenhas as Manuel in
a scene from Fawlty Towers.

Tripadvisor would have had a field day with comments about Fawlty Towers if it had been around in the 70s.

And every excruciating minute of a stay at this very dodgy Torquay hotel created by John Cleese and Connie Booth for their iconic TV series is currently being superbly recreated live in Llangollen.

Back in 2012 the Twenty Club amateur players took three episodes of what many believe is one of the UK’s finest ever TV sitcoms and turned them into a stage production which ended up as a sell-out.

And, by popular demand, they’ve just done the same with another trio of shows to bring the awful Basil back to manic life at the Town Hall over the next couple of days.

These include the ones entitled Communication Problems, Waldorf Salad and Basil the Rat.

Many of the 2012 cast are reprising their roles, including Ally Goodman as the impossible Basil, Helen Belton as Sybil, his over-coiffeured, domineering wife, and Richard Mascarenhas as bumbling but loveable Spanish waiter Manuel.

Goodman was born to play this role, capturing as he does every nuance and twitch of the raving mad hotelier.

Ms Belton gives Sybil all her syrupy charm with a mailed fist hiding just below the make-up.  

And what could be better than watching Mascarenhas portray Manuel pleading hilariously yet pathetically with Fawlty not to “keel” his pet rat after it goes on the loose just as a health inspector calls.

Each is brilliant in their part and capable of wringing maximum laughs from every line.

New members of the cast this time include Carys Stallard as the calm and capable Polly along with Ian Wright who takes on the role of the oft-confused Major.

There was magnificent support also from Bill Hughes doubling up as two very different awkward hotel guests and Lyn Aston as the elderly lady with a hearing problem who tangles with Fawlty in Communication Problems.

The show is once again directed with aplomb by Chrissie Ashworth.

Now, what about the remaining six episodes, especially the one where Fawlty tries to whip to death his broken-down car?

Fawlty Towers is on again tonight (Friday) and twice on Saturday – there’s a matinee at 2pm.

But as there was almost a capacity audience at yesterday’s first night, it would be advisable to do everything possible to secure a seat.

Tickets are available at or via the Twenty Club page on Facebook.

The Twenty Club is one of the oldest dramatic societies in North Wales.

It was founded in 1946 with 20 original members, which gave the club its name.

The club presents two plays a year, in autumn and spring, with a mixture of comedy, drama and period productions.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Rally car action comes to Chirk Castle

* A rally car in the grounds of Chirk Castle.

More accustomed to hosting medieval banquets, state room tours and woodland walks, Chirk Castle will welcome more than 150 flame-spitting rally cars later this month as one of the leading family-friendly attractions at Wales Rally GB (12-15 November).

The Chirk Castle RallyFest stage on Saturday, 14 November is sure to be one of the weekend's standout events - a high-octane feast of spectacular rallying thrills and fun for all ages.

The action begins at 9.30am, as competitors in the Network Q WRGB National Rally pitch up for a flat-out blast around the slippery parkland roads surrounding the magnificent medieval fortification, before the FIA World Rally Championship stars speed into sight in the afternoon.

In-between, fans will be kept entertained by a variety of parades and displays featuring exotic supercars, iconic 'Slowly Sideways' rally cars from years gone by, awe-inspiring Supermoto races and a jaw-dropping stunt show from 22-time Guinness World Record-holder Terry Grant - providing a full, action-packed day in the castle's leafy grounds.

Weather permitting, the spectacular Red Bull Matadors will also be putting on a dazzling air show.

Enhanced facilities include live rally coverage on a big screen, commentary, food outlets and funfair rides for the young and young-at-heart - meaning the full rally atmosphere can be enjoyed without having to set foot outside the castle boundaries.

"RallyFest is the perfect location for fans who are new to this exciting sport, and an excellent-value, family-oriented day out for everyone," said Ben Taylor, Managing Director of Wales Rally GB.

"Chirk Castle is a stunning backdrop to a fantastic day of epic entertainment, and we have a full day of thrilling action on offer that will be a treat for seasoned motor sport aficionados, curious observers and families looking for a fun day out."

Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Ken Skates, said: "Widening the appeal of the Wales Rally GB has always been a priority for the Welsh Government and the RallyFests are a perfect way of getting the whole family involved for a spectacular day out full of things to see and do. Some of the fans may not have thought of visiting somewhere like Chirk Castle before and therefore the event will also widen the appeal of our heritage attractions."

Advance tickets have been held at last year's prices, with adults admitted to the RallyFest at Chirk Castle for just £25* and children only £1* (aged 9-15 inclusive; eight-year-olds and under admitted free). There is also a special family offer for two adults and three children costing £45*, with each additional child an extra £1*. Every adult RallyFest ticket includes a free programme worth £9. On the day, adult tickets will cost £30* with child tickets charged at £1* - the family ticket offer is only available in advance.

To avoid traffic congestion, a one-way system will operate into and out of Chirk Castle on Saturday, 14 November. The road leading to the car park will be closed at the A5 turn from 14:00, before the direction of travel is reversed to one-way only for exiting. It will not be possible to join the car park entrance route after 14:00. Please approach only from the A5 two miles north of Chirk town and not through Chirk itself as all minor roads will be closed.

Chirk Castle RallyFest Timetable, Saturday 14 November:

08:00 Car parks open
09:43-11.20 Network Q WRGB National Rally
11:45-12:00 Supercars
12:05 Slowly Sideways historic rally cars
12:25-13:45 Supermoto displays and Terry Grant stunt driving displays (3 each)
14:15-14:30 Red Bull Matadors air show (weather permitting)
14:31-16:00 FIA World Rally Championship

For further updates, follow Wales Rally GB on Twitter @walesrallygb or join the conversations on Facebook at

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

County backs small business campaign

Denbighshire County Council is lending its support to a major nationwide campaign, encouraging people to support their local businesses.
Saturday 5th December is designated Small Business Saturday, with a major campaign launched to raise the profile of businesses in communities across the UK. 

* Castle Street is full of good small businesses. 
Organisers of the national campaign are encouraging all kinds of small businesses to get involved, including family businesses, local shops, online businesses, wholesalers, business services or small manufacturers. The council is running a promotional campaign to support the day, with banners and posters being produced as a visual reminder to people to support their local shops and businesses across Denbighshire.
Messages will also be circulated on social media and through the council’s website and local media.
Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “This is an extremely important initiative to highlight the wealth of businesses in our towns and villages.
“People will be very surprised at the unique kind of products and businesses they can access locally, right on their own doorstep.  Public support is vital to the on-going success of our businesses which, in turn, will provide opportunities for businesses to grow and flourish.
“But we want people to support their local businesses all year round, not only for one day of the year. Nationally designated days like Small Business Saturday are really good for raising the profile of businesses – what we want is for people to consider their towns and villages as their first port of call when considering their needs."
* For further information, please visit:
People can also pledge their support on social media through Twitter: #SmallBizSatUK

Operatic auditions for new show this weekend

Llangollen Operatic Society is holding auditions for its latest show, The Producers, this weekend.

A society spokesperson said: "There are lots of fantastic parts up for grabs for both men and women and new members are very welcome."

* Anyone interested should register with Tracey Rawlinson in advance on 07875 639533, or e-mail

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

MP questions Minister over road safety law

Today in Parliament a local MP who introduced a law to try and toughen road safety has called for more Government action. 

Speaking in the House of Commons, Clwyd South member Susan Elan Jones questioned Justice Secretary Michael Gove, saying: "546 days ago, many of us who campaigned on this issue welcomed the fact that the Government announced a full review of driving offences and penalties.

"But we don't welcome the fact that it's 546 days later and nothing has happened. Will the Government please get on with it and act now?"

Speaking afterwards, Ms Jones (pictured) said: "I was very concerned about the death of Robert James Gaunt, a little boy who was killed by a hit-and-run driver in Overton in 2009.

"You can never replace a life, but I'm determined that we get justice for Robert and for all other road victims. That's why I brought a Bill to Parliament and it's why I've worked with MPs from different political parties to get the Government to commit to a full review of driving sentences.

"We need to continue our campaign to get the Government to do a proper review. Today, Michael Gove talked about the need to see 'sentencing in the round'. That mustn't be used as an excuse to deny justice to the families of road traffic accidents. We need action from the Government and we need it now."

National road safety charity Brake has given Susan Elan Jones MP their Parliamentarian of the Year award for her campaigning on this issue.

Minister reassures over Berwyn Street yellow lines

Yellow lines will be put in place opposite Stans supermarket before the end of the current financial year.

That’s the assurance from Wales’s Transport Minister Edwina Hart.
The road safety issue was raised recently by Llangollen county councillor Stuart Davies who said he was angry that the lines had still not been put in place despite being approved by the government.

He told llanbogger: “The Welsh Government agency, the North Wales Trunk Agency, are the ones who are supposed to maintain and look after our trunk roads here in Llangollen.

“They were asked to put double yellows opposite the new Stans supermarket over three years ago.

“They agreed to do this in principle but then said they didn’t have enough funds.

“I got the local Assembly Member, Ken Skates, involved and we thought that the works were to be done this financial year.

“Nothing has happened so far and I’ve now been told that `funding consideration’ only is being done.

“This when we see the Welsh Government spending £20 million on just a study for the M4 and a Labour AM being sacked for questioning it.

“Yet we can’t get a couple of thousand pounds spent here in a bid to safeguard OAPs crossing the A5 to the Post Office.”

Ken Skates AM said he had written to the Minister asking what the situation was.

Now, he has received a reply from Ms Hart which says: “We are arranging for a trunk road order relating to the proposed parking restrictions to be finalised, subject to no objections being received. 

“This will allow the works to be included as part of our Llangollen Town Major Maintenance Resurfacing Scheme which is scheduled to be delivered before the end of this financial year.”

Monday, November 2, 2015

Businesses invited to apply for growth funding

Denbighshire County Council is inviting small and medium sized firms across the county to apply for a share of a £170,000 pot of funding being made available to encourage business growth and development.

The business grants totalling £50,000 in 2015/16 and a further £120,000 in 2016/17 are there to assist SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) where banks and other lenders have refused support for varying reasons.

At present there are no grants available either from the Local Authority or Business Wales and it is likely that any future funding from Business Wales will be focused on repayable finance. Businesses still require assistance where banks are not willing to lend and this is evident from the continuous enquiries for funding and requests from advisory services.

The scheme is open to businesses in the manufacturing, tourism (Activity, Hospitality & Accommodation), food and drink producers, science and opto-electronics and retail (where there is no direct competition) sectors.

Under this new scheme, the Council could offer up to 50% of the project cost, with a maximum grant of £5,000 available. The funding could be used for a variety of projects:

  *   Capital Items - One off purchase of an item that will remain in the business such as Equipment, machinery, IT hardware.
  *   Marketing Items - Creating new websites or additional website functions such as introduction of e-commerce, promotional literature i.e. design work for brochures and leaflets, promotional videos.
  *   Specialist training for upskilling of owner or employees can be included as eligible expenditure.
  *   Professional fees (e.g. ISO achievement) to acquire accreditation or higher accreditation for the business, to allow them access to tender opportunities
  *   Shop frontages and improvements - including bilingual signage and occupying empty premises.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire said: "This new funding pot offers businesses in the county the opportunity to grow their business which hopefully in turn will see increase in turnover.  The funding could also assist in creating new jobs, encouraging take up of empty shops and assist in staff training.

"This is a great opportunity for businesses in the county to invest in their businesses. Using this funding available could pay dividends in the future and we would encourage all small and medium enterprises to consider how they could use this funding to progress their business and submit an application".

"As a council we have made working with our businesses a priority and this innovative approach is testimony to that despite difficult financial constraints, we appreciate that a thriving business sector is key to improving the economy in Denbighshire".

* For further information, please contact the Council's Economic Development team, on 01824 706701 or via the website: