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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Giant coloured gorillas heading for Llan

* The troop of gorillas making their way to Llangollen.

A troop of giant multi-coloured gorillas will stand guard over this year’s Llangollen International Music festival.

The 10 sheet metal gorillas, standing 6ft tall and weighing nearly 16 stone, will go on show for the first time when the iconic festival of singing and dancing gets underway on Tuesday, July 7.

The spectacular primates, each clutching a huge bunch of bananas, have been created at the British Ironwork Centre near Oswestry.

After Llangollen, the gorillas will be taken on  a tour of festivals across the UK.
Their creator is Clive Knowles, 53, chairman of the British Ironwork Centre, who are supporting this year's Eisteddfod.

Last year a single giant gorilla sculpture made from 20,000 caused a sensation on the Llangollen Eisteddfod field and Clive is expecting an even bigger reaction this time.

He said: “The original spoon gorilla was designed and created as a result of a challenge I was set by Uri Geller. We were making some Victorian lampposts for his driveway and he was visiting the site when he challenged me to use spoons to make a giant gorilla.

“Well, we managed it, and used 20,000 metal spoons in the process. Uri Geller came to Oswestry to unveil the sculpture along with Prince Michael of Kent.

“They were both amazed and Uri Geller couldn’t believe what we’d achieved. To be fair, there’s nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world. That sculpture was such a massive hit and was on TV reports around the world from Argentina to Zimbabwe and the US to China.

“It’s now on a tour of hospitals and hospices all around the UK. So I decided to make a whole troop of gorillas, but out of colourful metals, and adopt the gorilla as our signature sculpture.

“All the new gorillas are made from sheet metal discs which are individually hand-beaten. I designed them; my history is in art, design and metal work. Each one takes six weeks to complete, we have four metal workers on the task, and we started making the troop in June of last year.”

He added: “After Llangollen they will also go on a tour of the UK and are set for the Great Gorilla Run in London in September. That’s an event that raises funds for gorilla conservation in the wild.

“But, other than here at the British Iron Works Centre, their first public appearance will be at Llangollen. I’m proud to be associated with the International Music Eisteddfod, it’s such a unique and wonderful event.

“The atmosphere is just fabulous and the fact the ethos is all about peace and harmony is just wonderful. Children are incredibly drawn to the gorillas and that’s why I wanted to make the troop colourful and fun.

“I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction when Eisteddfod visitors see the gorilla troop. They really are striking.”

Other big draws during Eisteddfod week include Oscar-winning music legend Burt Bacharach, the immensely popular Canadian singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, heart-throb tenor Alfie Boe and TV choirmaster Gareth Malone.
There will also be the world premiere of a new work to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Welsh colony in Patagonia in a concert that will also star former royal harpist Catrin Finch.
Other big draws during Eisteddfod week include Oscar-winning music legend Burt Bacharach, the immensely popular Canadian singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, heart-throb tenor Alfie Boe and TV choirmaster Gareth Malone.
There will also be the world premiere of a new work to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Welsh colony in Patagonia in a concert that will also star former royal harpist Catrin Finch.
The Eisteddfod's musical director said: "We have a really exciting programme this year that is going to once again transform the beautiful town of Llangollen into a multi-coloured melting pot of music and dance.

"And this year visitors will be given an even more spectacular welcome thanks to the troop of giant multi-coloured gorillas. They are going to give us even more wow factor."
According to Clive Knowles, his next project is also massive.

He said: “With the backing of the Home Office we are currently working with all 43 British police forces and supplying them with boxes so the public can dispose of blades and weapons as part on an amnesty.

“We then intend to build a 24ft high angel out of the weapons as a monument against aggression and violence.

“It’s our intention Chief Constables, Police and Crime Commissioners, former offenders and prisoners, victim support workers and so forth will come to Oswestry and each weld a knife, or other weapon, into place as part of the sculpture.”

He added: “We want the sculpture to be made of 100,000 blades and knives that will, as a result of amnesties, have been removed from UK streets. We have started on the angel but its design is being kept secret and we hope to have it unveiled by a senior member of the Royal Family.

“It will be going on show on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square once it’s complete which will be wonderful. It’s all about getting every UK police force to embrace the idea and work with us so we have the materials to work with.

“We hope to have the angel finished by the end of the year or early in the New Year. In the mean time I know our troop of giant gorillas is going to be a massive hit at Llangollen. I can’t wait to see the reaction.”     

* To book tickets for Llangollen International Musical Festival and for more details about what's on go to the website at  

Plas Newydd garden fete this Saturday

The annual Garden Fete will be held at Plas Newydd this Saturday June 6, from 2pm.

Members of Llangollen Rotary Club, Inner Wheel Club and the newly-formed Dee Valley Rotary Club will be there to welcome you.

Llangollen town band will be there to serenade you, Punch and Judy will entertain and you can try your skills at various games and competitions.
There will be numerous stalls, including home-made cakes and a plant stall.
The tea tent will provide teas, coffees, soft drinks, sandwiches and cakes.
Apart from the Punch and Judy Show, the children can enjoy plenty of fun games, face painting  and a treasure hunt.              

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

NatWest is to close Llan branch in September

NATWEST Bank has announced this afternoon (Wednesday) that it is to close its branch in Castle Street, Llangollen in September.

A statement from the bank says: "We have taken the difficult decision to close the NatWest Llangollen branch on the 21st September 2015.

"We are working hard to ensure there are a number of alternative ways for people in the area to continue to bank with us.

"We have reached an agreement with the local Post Office, which is 0.1 miles away from the branch so that our customers can check their balance, deposit and withdraw funds, and business customers can get coinage. 
"We will keep the ATM in the local community, and there are also 4 other free to use ATMs within 1 mile of the branch.
"We are introducing a mobile branch service to the community and we will be engaging with our customers and the local community to understand the best day and time for the mobile branch to visit. 
"The number of transactions taking place at NatWest Llangollen branch has dropped by 38% since 2011 and only 35 customers use the branch on a regular weekly basis.  Sixteen of these customers already use other branches in the area. 
"We are committed to following the UK Government protocol on branch closures, and we have made the decision following careful consideration of a wide range of factors including branch usage and the alternative ways our customers can bank with us locally. 
"Our customers are increasingly using alternative ways to bank with them such as online and mobile banking.  As a result, branch transactions have declined by around 36% since 2010 whilst online and mobile transactions have grown by more than 300%. Only 9% of their total transactions are now undertaken in branches in comparison to 25% in 2010. 
"We are writing to all of our customers who use the branch, as well as displaying posters in branch to let them know of the closure. Between now and the closure date, we will engage with all of our customers, local businesses and the wider local community to make sure they are aware of the alternative ways of accessing their banking with us in the local area, and to answer any questions they might have."
The announcement has caused anger amongst local politicians.
Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates, who has his office in Llangollen, said: I am bitterly disappointed by this decision and will be seeking an urgent meeting with NatWest.

“I am a NatWest customer myself and this will mean people will have to go to Wrexham for a face-to-face service, which remains particularly important to many. It’s not even in the same county and it’s simply too far to travel for some.
“Loyal customers haven’t even been consulted about this and many will find out that their branch is closing through the local press, so NatWest shouldn’t be surprised if people show the company the same disregard and opt to take their money elsewhere.”
He added: “If these closures are pushed through, I will demand assurances that the mobile unit mentioned by NatWest will visit Llangollen several times a week and that all customers will be fully informed about when it will be available.” 
Local county councillor Stuart Davies said: "I am deeply disappointed to hear this news.
"All banks should remember that with the right to make a profit comes responsibility to communities such as Llangollen.
"This closure will cause particular difficulties for the large number of businesses in the town plus local clubs and societies who have cash and cheques to bank.
"These will now have to be taken to other branches, leading to major inconvenience and security problems."
As yet there has been no confirmation of the move by NatWest. 

Online forum seeks views on Sainsbury's site

* The site where the supermarket building is emerging.

A COMMUNITY group in Llangollen has set up an online forum to gather residents’ views on what should happen to the supermarket being built in the town now that Sainsbury’s are no longer planning to use it themselves.

A few weeks ago the superstore chain made the bombshell announcement that, due to tough trading conditions, it would no longer be going ahead with opening a new store on the former site of the Dobson & Crowther printworks on Berwyn Road.

The news has led to widespread speculation about what should now be done with the 34,000 square foot building, the metal structure of which is currently being laid.

And this has prompted the Llangollen Cittaslow group to set up an online forum to which local people can contribute their ideas and suggestions for the building’s future.   

Town councillor Phil Thane, who is leading the initiative, said: “Last month Sainsbury’s announced that they no longer planned to open a store in Llangollen.

“However, J Ross, the developers, are still building it and Sainsbury’s have a contract to take it once it's finished so they need an alternative use.

“A senior figure in Sainsbury’s property section has been quoted as saying that they are actively marketing the site to interested parties and would be interested to hear any ideas for the site, so we are complying with this.”

Cllr Thane added: “Whatever you think about Sainsbury’s and supermarkets in general, no-one wants an empty eyesore in town, so the Cittaslow Llangollen group decided to create a public forum where everyone can make suggestions.

“They have set it up and Sainsbury’s have promised to follow it.

“Now it's up to the people of Llangollen to make their feelings known.

“The forum is at: or at:

“Click on Cittaslow Forum. You can join any of the discussions, or click on New Topic and start your own.

“If you haven't used the Cittaslow site before, you need to register.”


Government issues statement on Llan roadworks

* The roadworks on the A5 where temporary repairs have now begun. 

The North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, which operates on behalf of the Welsh Government, has issued a statement to residents about current roadworks in Llangollen.

This deals with temporary lights on the A5, around Tyn y Wern, and on Berwyn Road.
The statement says: “The North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, working on behalf of the Welsh Government, manage this section of trunk road, and due to the detection of movement and distress in the carriageway it was closed to two way traffic on the 12th December 2014.
“This closure ensures the safety of highway users and allowed investigations to be undertaken to identify the reasons for the movement and to provide information for the design of temporary repair works. 

“It is appreciated that the lane closure has caused some inconvenience and delay to residents, businesses and users of the A5 and the adjacent roads. To mitigate this, the traffic signals are being operated manually at peak times to minimise queuing, and additional signage has been installed to limit obstructions to entrances and deter traffic from seeking diversions on unsuitable roads, such as Maesmawr Road and Birch Hill.

“The works to temporarily strengthen the retaining walls will commence on the 1st June 2015 and will continue for 6 to 8 weeks. During this period pedestrians will be prohibited from using the footway within the roadworks, however pedestrian access to Birch Hill and Maesmawr Road will not be restricted. It is anticipated that the A5 at this location will be fully opened to two way traffic in time for the International Eisteddfod on 6th July.”

On the temporary lights in connection with the supermarket development on the A5 Berwyn Road the statement says: “This new store development is underway and will include carriageway closures to two way traffic to allow for safe execution of the works to construct a new access to the store and essential statutory undertakers diversions.

“Temporary traffic signals will be in place from 1st June to 3rd July 2015, operated manually at peak times and removed at weekends where possible. Traffic signals will also be required between 13th and 17th July 2015 to complete final re-surfacing of the new junction/access to the site.

“The developer is doing all he can to minimise disruption to traffic whilst these works are underway, including re-programming the works to avoid any restriction to traffic during the International Eisteddfod week, 6th to 12th July  2015.

“Your continued patience and cooperation on this matter is much appreciated. Additional information can be found on the Welsh Government Traffic Wales website:

Llangollen county councillor Stuart Davies commented: “The agent originally applied for a temporary lane closure last August.
“This road has now been closed for the best part of six months and I’d like to know why making even temporary repairs has taken so long.
“I’d also like to know why, if they knew this job was going to last so long, they haven’t kept local people better informed about what’s going on.

“We’ve been treated like mushroom men with the way we’ve been kept in the dark and getting information has been like drawing teeth every step of the way.”   


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Police launch summer drink drive campaign

Breath _testing _sml
With summer just around the corner police across Wales are warning motorists that officers will be on heightened alert to spot anyone driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

Led by North Wales Police, the month-long All Wales Summer Anti Drink and Drug Drive Campaign throughout June, will see all four Welsh police forces increase the pressure and focus on those drivers who drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs.

Sergeant Alun Davies from North Wales Police’ Roads Policing Unit said: “We all enjoy the prospect of longer evenings and the possibilities they present for socialising in homes, gardens, local pubs, festivals and other events.

“But there is a price to be paid for thinking that, if you drink or take drugs and get behind the wheel, you will still be safe. More people may be tempted to have a few drinks and may drive without thinking of the consequences.

“Think before you go out, watch what you drink and plan how you will get home.

“This summer will be the first campaign with the new drug testing kits to help detect cannabis and cocaine as well as standard kits for alcohol testing, so we are better equipped than ever to detect and penalise those who take this very dangerous risk. Using intelligence received from the public we’ll be ready for action to keep the road network safe, whether it be at night or the morning after.”

New legislation came into force in March 2015 which sets legal limits for how much of a substance – both illegal drugs and prescription medications motorists can have in their system whilst driving. A new device now allows officers to test at the roadside using a swab from inside the driver’s mouth, to see if a motorist has taken cannabis or cocaine.

Officers made their first arrest the day after the new legislation came into being – a 19-year-old man from Anglesey was arrested following a damage-only road traffic collision in Holyhead. He was subsequently charged and appeared before the town’s Magistrates where he was disqualified from driving for 18 months and received fines totalling £305.

Traffic _car2Between March 4th and May 28th North Wales Police’ Roads Policing Unit have carried out 61 drug swipe tests using the new kits with 18 of those testing positive.

North Wales Police has a robust strategy around enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences which are drink and drug driving, dangerous driving including unnecessary risk taking, speeding, failing to wear a seatbelt and using a mobile phone whilst driving.

Sergeant Davies added: “We are committed to assisting in reducing the risk of becoming a casualty on the road through the use of targeted operations around high risk groups of people and locations while enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences.”

“If you drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs you will potentially not only ruin your life, but the lives of others innocently associated with you and your actions. There is absolutely no excuse for driving impaired and the consequences can be devastating.

“You not only risk killing or seriously injuring yourself or someone else, but you will end up in court and could face a fine, lose your licence or receive a jail sentence. You will have a criminal record and you could lose your job.”

Susan Storch, Chair of Road Safety Wales, added:  “Through education, training and publicity initiatives throughout Wales, partners in Road Safety Wales strive to remind road users of the risks and consequences of the ‘Fatal 5’. Unfortunately, despite education and warnings, too many drivers are prepared to risk driving whilst impaired by drink or drugs.

“Road Safety Wales is committed to reducing the number of road casualties caused by irresponsible behaviour and will continue to support our Police colleagues during this campaign and throughout the year. Drivers who choose to flout the law should realise that there is a strong chance that they will be detected and prosecuted and that the penalties will be severe.”

Also supporting this year’s campaign is the Welsh Ambulance Service.

Rhyl Paramedic Dermot O’Leary, the Welsh Ambulance Service’s road safety champion said: “Road traffic collisions are sudden tragic events which can send shockwaves through families, friends and communities. Unfortunately too many drivers are still prepared to risk driving under the influence of drink or drugs. Making the public aware of the risks associated with drink and drug driving will hopefully lead to fewer incidents in which we literally have to pick up the pieces.”

Stuart Millington, Senior Fire Safety Manager, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service said: “Firefighters attend many road traffic collisions every year and witness some of the horrific consequences of simple mistakes made every day by people behind the wheel. We are pleased to be supporting the launch of this Drink and Drug Drive campaign to try and educate the public about the dangers associated with drinking and then driving.”

* Anyone with information regarding individuals who are believed to drive whilst over the legal limit or under the influence of drugs, can contact North Wales Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Car overturns on Horseshoe Pass

The Leader is reporting on its website that a car overturned on the Horseshoe Pass just before noon today (Monday).

For the full story, see: