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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

War veterans meet for the last time

A GROUP of Second World War veterans has held an emotional reunion for the very last time, according to a story in the Leader.

The poignant event was held at the Bryn Howel Hotel, Llangollen, and was attended by 17 men who were stationed there for map training with the Royal Engineers in the 1940s.

* For the full story see:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Residents "will be consulted over speed limits"

Assembly Member Ken Skates has welcomed Denbighshire County Council’s assurance that residents near Llangollen will be fully consulted over changes to local speed limits.

Mr Skates, the Labour AM for Clwyd South, wrote to the authority’s chief executive Dr Mohammed Mehmet two weeks ago to pass on his constituents’ concerns about proposals to reduce the current 60mph restriction over the Horseshoe Pass.

Mr Skates said: “I have been contacted by several constituents in Pentredwr who are worried about the potential knock-on effects implementing speed restrictions on the Horseshoe Pass, and I have relayed these concerns to the council in writing.
“The worry is that a reduction on the new road could lead to even more drivers going down behind the Ponderosa and using Pentredwr as a cut-through.
“Too many drivers are already using that route and going dangerously fast on a far narrower and steeper road, which has no footpaths. As well as obvious concerns about increased traffic through Pentredwr, many residents have very real fears that the increased use of the Old Horseshoe Pass could lead to a spike in accidents.”

Dr Mehmet said
the A542 was being looked at as part of a county-wide speed limit review of all A and B roads. All local authorities in Wales are required to carry out a similar project before the end of 2014.

He has assured Mr Skates that before any recommendations of the speed limit review can be implemented, the council must first undertake a statutory consultation exercise which will see initial talks with county councillors and North Wales Police.

Only if an agreement is reached at this first stage can the proposals then proceed to public consultation with the community, when formal objections can be lodged.

Mr Skates said: “I’m pleased that Dr Mehmet has assured me he has noted the concerns of residents of Pentredwr and these will be fully considered at the consultation stage referred to. He has also indicated that the introduction of traffic-calming in Pentredwr would be considered should the proposal for the lower speed limit progress.

Because of current budget constraints, the earliest Denbighshire County Council could begin the consultation is likely to be in February or March.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Dickens play planned for Town Hall

As Christmas closes in on us, Llangollen Town Hall will be staging a new play about Charles Dickens, on Friday November 14th and Saturday 15th, before going on short N. Wales tour.
A Dickens of an Evening imagines the unfolding drama at Dickens’ house when he invites friends to join him for a drink and a read through of some of his stories and Christmas pieces.
There are all the elements of Christmas celebrations, visits from ghosts, haunted men, Christmas trees coming to life, plus festive joy.

Beneath the jollity, the undercurrents of Dickens’ life are always near the surface. Using several of Dickens’ special Christmas stories such as The Haunted Man, Christmas Carol and The Christmas Tree, playwri...ght Peter Read, who has received rave reviews for his depiction of Dylan Thomas, now turns his attention to Charles Dickens.

Although a novelist, Charles Dickens had a great love for the theatre, a passion which developed in childhood, when he lived next door to one. A Dickens of An Evening is set in the 1850’s when Dickens was famous and wealthy. 

As the jollity unfolds on stage there is a dark sub plot of Dickens’ own love life and his obsession with ghosts, threatening to destroy his reputation and health. The circulation of rumours that he is having an affair with the young actress Ellen Ternan and the delivery of a love brooch from the Jewellers to Mrs Dickens, a brooch inscribed to and intended for Ellen, add a spice to the Christmas celebrations which the great man was not expecting.

The play has grown out of Read’s research into the writer. Read became fascinated with the idea of what it must have been like to be present at one of Dickens’ readings. Whilst he has invented the events surrounding the readings of Dickens’ script the play is based on real situations in Dickens’ life.
A little like Hamlet and Noises Off, A Dickens of an Evening contains a play within a play.

* TICKETS: £8 & £6.50 concession. Group booking discounts available. Either Inbox to reserve or Tel: 01978 351315/ Llangollen Tourist Information Centre.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Free Welsh lessons set to begin

St Collen's Church office has asked llanblogger to display the following poster about free Welsh lessons starting there next month ...

Crystal workshop to be held

llanblogger has received the following notice about a forthcoming event in the town:

Crystal Workshops by

The Crystal Worker


Interested in crystals?

Ever wondered about their healing properties?

Would you like to know how to start using them?

Then this crystal workshop is perfect for you!

Just £25 for the whole day, including cupcakes, tea/coffee and a FREE GIFT – lovely crystals to take home with you!

November 22nd The Community Hall, St. Collen's Church

To book your place, please contact Jo:         

0791 992 3832            

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New trains to Corwen stay busy

Trains on the newly-opened extension of Llangollen Railway all the way to Corwen have been busy throughout the week.

Railway spokesman George Jones said: “Interest has continued in the extension throughout the week and trains have been busy.”

Reflecting on the recent historic launch day, he said: “A good crowd turned out to sample the first day of trains to Corwen.

“The locomotive Black 5 number 45337 was rostered on the four-coach set carrying the new headboard, The Corwen Revival.

“The first train left at 10.50am fully loaded, as did the second, as supporters came out to sample the historic occasion.

“The stage back to Carrog went well, despite four sheep persisting in getting in the way. There was a good reception from some A5 road users, including the passing fire brigade, and the run-round at Carrog was managed with ease.”

* Crowds wait to board the first Corwen train of the day as it
reverses into platform 1.

* The well-loaded front coach on departure after three cheers for the first train to Corwen.
* The footplate crew on 45337 the loco.

Friday, October 31, 2014

AM calls for anti-speed measures at two Llan schools

Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates is calling for speed reduction measures near two schools.

Labour AM Mr Skates has urged Denbighshire County Council to consider 20mph limits near Ysgol Bryn Collen and Welsh-speaking Ysgol Gymraeg y Gwernant after being contacted by a constituent concerned that speeding near the two sites on the Pengwern estate in Llangollen could lead to a serious accident.
Mr Skates, whose constituency office is based in Llangollen, said: “As part of a public consultation exercise to see what issues matter to my constituents, I was contacted by a gentleman who raised serious concerns about speeding on roads around the two schools on this estate.
“He asked me to try and persuade ‘the powers that be’ to reduce the speed limit in these areas, so I have contacted the council to see what can be done.”
Mr Skates added: “At the end of the day any measures – whether it’s a 20mph limit, speed bumps or flashing warning signs – will help make the area safer and help reduce the chances of a child getting seriously hurt or worse.”
Mr Skates recently welcomed a crackdown on dangerous speeding motorcyclists in rural Wrexham after he contacted North Wales Police to convey constituents’ concerns, particularly regarding the A525 in Bwlchgwyn.
The police and Go Safe, the road casualty reduction partnership, have both now identified the area, which will see a coordinated and targeted crackdown on irresponsible drivers.