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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Llan could be affected by fracking says DFP story

The Denbighshire Free Press is reporting today that Llangollen could be affected by fracking if the UK Government decides to extend licenses to carry out the controversial process.

For the full story, see:

Plas Madoc campaign could receive £100,000 cash boost

The Leader is reporting today that the group campaigning to re-open Plas Madoc leisure centre could receive a £100,000 cash boost from Wrexham Council - the same local authority that shut it down a few months ago.

Mabon ap Gwynfor, Plaid Cymru spokesman for Clwyd South, said: "The news that the Labour group on Wrexham Council has done a u-turn is a welcome step in the right direction.

"Along with all the hard-working campaigners, we called for Plas Madoc to be kept open while the centre was transferred to community ownership and, when the council refused to that, we called for tapered funding assistance over next few years - as happened with Gwynedd Council with the Harlech swimming baths.

"As late as April, the ruling group rejected a budget amendment to keep Plas Madoc open. It's hard to know exactly what has prompted this dramatic u-turn but the pressure from opposition councillors has undoubtedly made a difference. It's a shame that the centre wasn't kept open as we all wanted to take advantage of the summer holiday trade.

"The fundraising efforts of volunteers over the past few months have been huge and, if the £100,000 funding package is approved,  it's only right that Wrexham Council recognises the contribution of the campaigners who wouldn't let Plas Madoc die."

For the full story, see:

Summer crime prevention advice from police

Windows and doors left open can prove too much of a temptation for a thief, so ensure your home is secure.
That's the summer crime prevention message from North Wales Police who advise that taking a few extra seconds to make sure your home is locked before you leave it and before you go to bed at night can help deter a burglar.
“In this continuing hot spell it can be tempting to leave a window or two open to allow air into your home but this sadly could be seen as an opportunity by a burglar, ensure your property is secure at all times whatever the weather” said Inspector Sian Williams.

“Once inside a thief will usually take anything that is easy portable and valuable such as mobile phones, ipads and tablets along with handbags and wallets. We have also had instances where car keys have been stolen along with the vehicle.”
“Accomplished and opportunists thieves look out for easy targets – don’t give them an opportunity.
"Check that doors, including patio doors, are locked and that windows are closed and can’t be opened or that people can’t use them to reach in and steal items or gain access to your home."  
The message is being issued by police as part of the force’s ‘Don’t Make it Easy’ campaign. 
Insp Williams added: “It’s important to remember that North Wales is a safe place but we can all play out part in helping to make it even safer by taking some simple but effective steps.”
Other top tips include:
•                     Consider installing a burglar alarm - if you have one, always set it before you go out.
•                     Never leave keys on display
•                     Don’t leave keys or any other items within reach of a window or glass pane or in the lock – these could all make a thief’s job easier. Keep them out of reach.
•                     Don’t hide spare keys under flowerpots or doormats – this is one of the first places a thief is likely to look.
•                     Keep photographs of valuable items such as jewellery.
•                     Security mark your property – not only will this increase your chances of being reunited with your property should you become a victim of burglary but it can also discourage a burglar from stealing the item in the first place.
Finally, if you are going on holiday help minimise this risk by making it appear as though you are really home.
Ask a friend to open or close curtains and remove your post. Cancel the delivery of milk and newspapers etc. Arrange for a neighbour to park their car in the driveway and avoid discussing holiday plans with strangers who may use or pass the information on.
Further advice on securing your property can be found on the North Wales Police under the ‘Advice and support’ and ‘Easy Street’.  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Appeal launched to pay vet's bills for injured cat

The Daily Post is reporting today how neighbours in the Church Street area have launched an appeal to pay the vet's bills for a popular cat savaged in a dog attack.

See the full story at:

Railway's 60s weekend was swinging success

George Jones has supplied these pictures of the successful 60s weekend which took place at Llangollen Railway last Saturday and Sunday.

* Happy trippers aboard on open-topped bus en route from Llan to Glyndyfrdwy.

* Four trains in action - two steam, one diesel and the railcar -
offering the 60s scene when change was underway on British Railways.

 * Cars from the era - and earlier times - on show at Glyndyfrdwy.

* One family's pride and joy Mini parked at Llangollen station.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Campaigner calls for supermarket tax

A LLANGOLLEN campaigner is asking Assembly Members to back his call for new powers to tax local supermarkets.

The so-called “Tesco Tax” is already being demanded by 19 local authorities in England as a way of ensuring that supermarket spending re-circulates in local economies.
They estimate that such a levy, which already operates in Northern Ireland and Scotland, could raise up to £400 million a year.  

However, the UK government says additional taxes on supermarkets would push up food prices.
Now Martin Crumpton, who led opposition to a new Sainsbury’s store being built in Llangollen, has written to North Wales AMs calling for a supermarket tax in Wales.

In a letter to the politicians he says: “Wales is haemorrhaging money to England. Much of it is unavoidable - taxes, insurance premiums, mortgages, gas and electricity, petrol. Virtually all of it goes to England and English companies, and there isn’t damned thing we can do about it.
“It would be brilliant if it all went to Welsh companies, who could spend their profits in Wales with other Welsh companies.

“We’ve got a classic balance of trade problem. There’s a classic solution – impose tariffs, like so many councils in England want to do. Westminster opposes it but does the Welsh Government have to follow suite? I’d say yes.
“Let’s put a levy on supermarkets and other super-large retailers. Let’s staunch the blood loss so we can keep the patient alive long enough to heal the wound. Tariffs don’t work in the long term so it’s up to you to legislate for a better successor to replace it, but right now all your economic policies are a façade.”

Mr Crumpton calls on the Welsh Government to impose a series of measures, including:

·  Changing planning law so that businesses headquartered outside Wales are presumed harmful

·   Refusing further expansion of existing non-indigenous multiples

·   Enabling and encouraging Welsh councils to levy large, non-indigenous stores, with the strict caveat that the proceeds in their entirety benefit the local businesses from which the levies are exacted and must not be pooled or diverted.


Police say "stay safe this summer"

At the start of the school summer holidays ‘enjoy yourself but stay safe’ is the message from police in Denbighshire.
As part of the Summer Safety operation running throughout North Wales officers will continue with their pro-active patrols across the area and provide reassurance.
“With the continuing warm weather we want people to enjoy themselves, have a good time but to stay safe and be sensible,” said Supt Steve Williams.
"Patrol plans are in place across the two counties and officers will also be working with licensees and calling into premises to ensure that they are meeting the responsibilities of their licences.”
As part of the continuing effort to make the area an even safer place, a reminder is also being sent to anyone planning on going out for the day or evenings to ensure they secure their home – closing their doors and windows.
Police say you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim of burglary by taking these simple measures as over a third of burglaries are through insecure properties.
Supt Williams added: “North Wales is a safe place but we need to make sure that residents and visitors to the area help us to continue to make it a great place to live and visit.”
People heading out in their cars should ensure that they don’t leave any valuable items on show in their vehicles and also not to leave belongings such as handbags unattended in public places. 
Residents and visitors to the area can gain more information about securing their homes and property by visiting the ‘Advice and Support’ section of the NWP website or by accessing this link.