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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Local roadworks bulletin

Denbighshire County Council has given details of the following local roadworks:

Berwyn Road, Llangollen, temporary traffic lights to allow retaining wall works from June 2-6.

A5 Regent Street, Llangollen, temporary traffic lights to allow retaining wall works fromJune 9-13.

A5 near canoe centre Berwyn Road, Llangollen, temporary traffic lights to allow water works  from June 26-July 2.

Free first aid course up for grabs

An Assembly Member is offering his constituents the opportunity to take part in a free first aid course.

Ken Skates, the Labour AM for Clwyd South, is teaming up with St John Wales to allow 15 people living in his constituency to attend a two-hour course which could help them save someone’s life in future.

The session will be held in a private room at the Wynnstay Arms pub in Ruabon from 1.30pm-3.30pm on Friday, June 27, and places – which must be booked in advance – can be secured now.

Mr Skates said: “St John Wales approached me about putting on the training, and I think it’s fantastic idea which I’m happy to be able to extend to my constituents. There will be a fully qualified first aid trainer present, and it’s a great opportunity for people to pick up potentially life-saving skills.

“The session is open to anyone over 18, and I would encourage community organisations such as playgroups and WIs to spread the word so we can use our full allocation and make the most of it.”
If you would like to take part, email or call his constituency office on 01978 869058.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Plas Madoc campaign gathers pace with race night

A pub will host a race night as part of the on-going fundraising campaign to save Plas Madoc Leisure Centre. 
The volunteer-run Splash Community Trust will hold the event at the Old Black Horse in Rhostyllen on Friday, June 27, following a recent successful money-spinner. 
The well-attended quiz night at Flexsys in Acrefair on Friday (May 23) generated nearly £600, and trust director Greg Ogden is hoping the next few events will be just as fruitful. 
Greg, who lives in Trevor said: “The trust would like to thank Keith and Wendy at the pub for contacting us to offer the Old Black Horse as a venue free of charge. It’s a fantastic gesture which will really help us raise as much as possible. 
“As well as cash prizes on the night, we will be giving away bottles of wine to the ‘owners’ of each winning horse – it should be another great night. We are now looking for individuals and local businesses to sponsor each of the eight races, so I would ask people to once again show their support for a wonderful community cause.” 
Greg added: “I would also like to take this opportunity to quash some of the rumours that Plas Madoc has closed forever and reiterate that the dream is very much alive. We are committed to the centre being once again at the heart of the community and beyond.” 
The race night will start at 8pm. To sponsor a race or buy a horse for the night, contact Jenny Miller on 07921 659099 
Another upcoming Plas Madoc fundraiser is the fun day at The Duke of Wellington pub in Acrefair on Sunday, June 15, when local band The New Foos will be playing from 3pm. 
Greg said: I’d like to thank Shauny, the landlady, who as well as hosting the event is supplying a bottle of whiskey for a raffle. There will also be a bouncy castle, face painting, a barbecue and a sweets stall, while the other raffle prizes include a night at The Wild Pheasant in Llangollen and a meal for two at The Cornmill. 
Before that, there is also an event at Queen's Square in Wrexham on Saturday, June 7, with two local bands playing – Tiny Wooden Angels and The Uninvited – from 4pm-8pm. 
The Splash Community Trust now has a PayPal account through which donations can be made. If you want to contribute, type the web address into your internet browser. Alternatively, you can contact Jenny direct. 
The trust is also working on a new website, which is coming soon and will include a ‘donate’ button so supporters can boost the coffers at the click of a button.  

Friday, May 30, 2014

US cruise ship party rides on Llan Railway

* Some of the cruise ship passengers get a close-up
look the steam locomotive Jessie before taking their
seats for the trip to Carrog.
OVER 100 passengers from an American cruise liner stopped off at Llangollen Railway yesterday (Thursday) morning.
They were from the ship Ruby Princess (pictured right) which was making a one-day call at Liverpool's Cruise Liner Terminal, and were the first escorted coach party of the new season to take a circular tour of north east Wales.
Driven over by coach from Merseyside via Mold, Ruthin and the Horseshoe Pass, the visitors arrived at the station in time to join the 10.50am steam train departure from Llangollen to Carrog.
After lunch at the Wild Pheasant Hotel in Llangollen, they spent the afternoon at Chirk Castle before heading back to Liverpool in time to sail away on the next leg of a round-Britain cruise which started in Southampton.

Similar visits to Llangollen Station by other tour groups are planned as part of a full programme of escorted tours.
George Jones, for Llangollen Railway, said: "The visitors were from various parts of the USA and were quite taken with the Welsh countryside, even on a damp day when the mist was on the hills.
“The ride on the steam train through the Dee Valley was a memorable part of their great day out." 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Baton visits county tomorrow

Denbighshire is counting down the hours until the Queen's Baton makes it much-awaited visit to the county tomorrow (Friday, May 30).

A host of events are being arranged throughout the day to welcome the Baton to Denbighshire, only one of a handful of counties selected throughout the whole of Wales.

The baton relay routes and associated events are:

Rhyl Harbour  (9am-4pm)

The baton is welcomed into Denbighshire during the official opening of Rhyl Harbour.  At the beginning of the event, families will be able to enjoy a festival of colour and activities, including face painting, a treasure trail, bouncy castle, food, demonstrations from rescue services, kite surfing, watersports on Marine Lake and so much more.  For further details visit .  The baton  will be present between 9am and 9.30am

Rhyl Harbour to marsh tracks baton relay (9.30am-10.00am)

Six local baton bearers, Michael Kitchin, Nathan Montgomery, Callum Perrin, Jamie Turley, James Morgan, and Tracey Jones will carry the baton between the two Rhyl events. Starting from the harbour at 9.30am, around Marine Lake to promote water sport activities, over the railway footbridge and along the countryside services path at Glan Morfa and into the Marsh tracks cycling centre on Marsh Road.

Marsh Tracks, Rhyl,  (10am-4pm)

Free BMX and Road cycling bike hire and coaching, mountain bike track open as usual. Street games activities such as  football, rugby, ultimate frisbee, athletics, dance and more! Test your power against Team GB cyclists scores on the watt bikes leader board and recuperate with FREE drinks supplied by Asda (until stocks last) and food available to buy on- site from the taste academy, Rhyl. The baton will be there between 10am and 11am.

Moel Famau (12 noon – 4pm)

The baton arrives on horseback, walking groups will relay the baton to the peak of Moel Famau, come and join in and see the views across the Clwydian Range whilst listening to a live band performance at the summit too! Fell runners will take the baton back down. The baton will be there between 1pm and 3pm.

Ruthin Family FUN day, Cae Ddol (12-5pm)

An afternoon on activities for the whole family. Come down to Cae Ddol and join in and watch the battle of the bands, local sport fixtures, bouncy castles, face painting and sporting taster sessions from local clubs such as rugby league, netball, athletics, football, fun fitness boot camps, tennis, golf and bowls.  The baton will be there between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Coed Llandegla Forest (9am – 8pm), Oneplanet Adventure site

Fun open day for mountain bike enthusiasts, all mountain bike tracks open as normal. Go-Race events organised by Welsh Cycling throughout the day, test your power against Team GB cyclists scores on the watt bikes leader board. Live music and entertainment from 6pm for the official baton handover event. The baton is there between  5pm and 6pm

Pol Wong speaks out over River Lodge controversy

* The derelict River Lodge.

Pol Wong, leader of the Powys Fadog community group which once had hopes of developing the former River Lodge now destined to be bulldozed to make way for Llangollen's new £5 million health centre, features in an article in the online newspaper Daily Wales on the latest aspect of the controversy that has surrounded the building.

See it at: ""

Service planned for Valle Crucis Abbey

St Collen's Church has asked us to publish the poster below for its forthcoming Pentecost Service ...