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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Prehistoric axe found near Llan

The North Wales News website is reporting today details of a prehistoric axe discovered near Llangollen.

For the full story, see:

Radio programme on railway airs this Sunday

* Work on the extension to Corwen will be featured on the BBC programme.

A programme featuring Llangollen Railway and the Dee Valley, which was recorded in late March, is due to be broadcast on BBC Radio Wales this Sunday at 7am.

The visit featured a ride down the line in the heritage railcar and a trip out to Corwen to see the extension works.

There were interviews with various people extolling the scenic delights of the Area of Natural Beauty in the valley.

The BBC website includes a gallery of photos taken during the visit when the production team rode the Wickham railcar and visited the Corwen extension.

It can be viewed at:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Free health checks for dogs on offer

Dog owners in Denbighshire are  being informed of free well-being checks for dogs taking place across the county next week.

The events are being facilitated by a PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) veterinary nurse inside a Pet Check vehicle.

The free events will take place at:

Tuesday, May 27, Llangollen Market Street car park

Wednesday, May 28, Green Lane car park, Corwen

All events will take place between 10am and 5pm.

For further information about the pet checks, please visit:

Isherwood calls for answers on River Lodge

* The River Lodge site is earmarked for the town's planned new health centre.

Speaking in the Assembly, North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has again called for answers regarding the role played by the Welsh Government in securing the Llangollen River Lodge site for a new health centre after it had been leased to a community group.
The River Lodge was bought by the Welsh Government in 2007 and leased to Powys Fadog Community Group. The Agreement to Lease ran out in June 2011.

Mr Isherwood says he has an e-mail he sent to First Minister Carwyn Jones on 31st March 2011 in which he included the words: `It has also been alleged to me that at a meeting with Powys Fadog, Chris Munday, Welsh Government, asserted that the Welsh Government are not talking to anybody about the site until after the expiry of the Powys Fadog lease'.
In this week’s Business Statement, Mr Isherwood called for a Welsh Government statement on the Llangollen health centre site.

He said: “You will be aware that the Cottage Hospital was closed and that a consultation on its demolition is ongoing, with a loss of beds and local services.
"You will be aware that there is a proposed new Primary Health Centre on the site of a former hotel in town, although there are questions about its viability, given proposals for access to that site and the impact that that might have more widely.

"You may say that it is a matter purely for the Health Board, as you frequently do, and therefore I ask this question in the context of the e-mail dated 24 March 2010 from the Health Department in the Welsh Government to the Local Health Board, saying: ‘The Minister (Edwina Hart) has also requested an update on the Woodlands Hotel’ (River Lodge) ‘and the proposed Health Centre in Llangollen by this Friday … Is there any reason why the current building couldn’t be demolished and the new Health Centre built on the site? We would like to be able to provide a positive brief to the Minister, if that’s possible’.
Mr Isherwood said in the chamber this week: "That was days before the Welsh Government launched its Options Appraisal (for the site), years before Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board published its proposals for reconfigured health services in Wales, years before the public consultation, and years before the Welsh Government started insisting that these issues were a matter for the Health board.

"Given this evidence, which is now publicly available, that the Welsh Government appeared to trigger the process, could we have a statement from the Welsh Government accordingly?”
The Minister for Government Business Lesley Griffiths AM, replied: “You referred to correspondence not even from this Government or this Minister for Health, and not even the previous Minister for Health - it was the one before that and a previous Government. So, it is a matter for the Health Board.”

Mr Isherwood added: “This is ridiculous! Carwyn Jones was First Minister then as now and the Health Minister involved, Edwina Hart, still sits in Cabinet in this Welsh Government. Their continual refusal to engage on this matter can only increase suspicion that they have something to hide.” 
Mr Isherwood is Shadow Minister for North Wales, Local Government, Communities and Housing.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How will today's Euro elections end?

News analysis website clickonwales looks at the possible outcome of today's Euro elections as far as Wales is concerned.

See the full story at: 

North Wales councils back new Wrexham prison

Council leaders representing the six North Wales Councils have met with Ministry of Justice officials to discuss how to maximise local employment from the new North Wales Prison in Wrexham in both the construction and operational phases.

Councillor Dilwyn Roberts, chair of the North Wales Regional Leadership Board and leader of Conwy County Borough Council, said: “All six North Wales council leaders are fully committed to the building of a new North Wales Prison in Wrexham.

"We believe that the new prison will create jobs across the region and improve prison services for offenders from North Wales.

"We are fully behind Wrexham Council who have done a fantastic job to bring a major employer and service provider to North Wales.

"We are aware that the proposed new prison has its critics on the grounds of its size, but as community leaders, councils are working with the Ministry of Justice to help them maximise local employment and deliver a prison that performs well in terms of reducing re-offending.

"Officers from all six councils are working with the Ministry of Justice, the Welsh Government and the National Offender Management Service to make sure we get the best possible prison set up in North Wales.

"In addition council leaders will meet regularly with Ministry of Justice officials to offer support and monitor progress in securing local employment and a well managed and successful prison that will grow to be best in class in the prison service for both cost and service outcomes.”

Councillor Neil Rogers, leader of Wrexham County Borough Council, said: “I appreciate the support of the leaders of councils and the major public services in North Wales for the Wrexham prison.

"The new prison will be a major boost to the region’s economy and will improve services for offenders in North Wales.

"The early and continuing engagement of all the councils and major public services in the region in planning for the prison will help to ensure that we get the best possible outcomes in terms of jobs and rehabilitation of offenders.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Plas Madoc trust sets up bank account

A new bank account has been created to help save Plas Madoc Leisure Centre – and supporters are being asked to help get the ball rolling.

The Splash Community Trust has opened its own account as it prepares for a huge fundraising drive in a bid to reopen the popular facility.

A band night at Air Products Social Club in Acrefair last Saturday (May 17) raised about £400, and there are a host of money-spinning projects planned – including a quiz night this Friday.

The Old Black Horse in Rhostyllen has also shown its support by offering to host a fundraising race night for the trust.

Splash director Greg Ogden, who lives in Trevor, said: “We have some really exciting fundraising plans and projects lined up, and we are grateful to everyone who has contacted us to suggest ideas and offer their support.

“We need to keep this going if we’re going to succeed in reopening Plas Madoc, so if you can donate then please do so. Every pound will help.”

The quiz night takes place Flexys Club in Acrefair at 8pm on Friday. Greg added: “There will be questions on all sorts of things: Music, films and TV, sports, science – you name it.

"There will also be a raffle, and we’ve got several great prizes already including free haircuts and driving lessons, bottles of wine, a meal for two and a hand-painted antique watering can. It should be a great night!”

The trust is also working on a new website, which is coming soon and will include a ‘donate’ button so supporters can boost the coffers at the click of a button. In the meantime, if you’d like to make a donation to the Splash Community Trust – or have any fundraising ideas – contact Jenny Miller on 07921 659099. 

For more information on the quiz night call Pete Roberts on 07925 377666.