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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wales jobless total falls

Wales Online is reporting that the Welsh unemployment has fallen to 6.8% for the 16-plus age group, according to figures released this morning for the first three months of this year.

The number of unemployed people in Wales fell by 5,000 from the previous quarter to 100,000.

For the full story see:

Chamber discusses its meeting with Sainsburys

* Flashback to last February when chamber members opposed the HSBC bank closure.

Members of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism had their long-awaited meeting with bosses from Sainsbury’s recently.

And details of their discussions were given to chamber members at their latest meeting, which was held at Plas Newydd on Monday evening.
Chamber publicity officer Simon Collinge said himself and three other members met with a number of senior managers from the supermarket chain, which is due to open a new store off the Berwyn Street in Llangollen next year.

Mr Collinge said: “We mainly focused on the issue of the café to be included in the new store.
“Two years ago, the chamber voted quite democratically to support the plan for the store so long as no café or deli was included on the grounds that these would be detrimental to businesses in the town.

“However, when the plan went before Denbighshire planning committee a café was included and the thing went through.
“One of the Sainsbury’s managers at the meeting, who was their development manager for the area, said it would not be possible to withdraw the café as it is their policy that all new stores should have one.

“We did push the issue and asked her to go back to the next level in Sainsburys. We asked her to go back to her boss and see if they will reconsider, after all the Sainbsury’s at Oswestry has no café.”
Chamber chairman David Davies, who was also at the meeting with Sainsbury’s, told members that he had asked the company’s representatives to consider putting in an additional access point to the new store, from the corner of the car park, which would be through an archway and down some steps.

He explained: “We took them out and showed them the site and I think they recognised that the existing footpath is not very attractive. There is a possibility that something might be done, I think.”
Simon Collinge said another thing to come out of the meeting was that Sainsburys wants to engage with the community and would allow the promotion and sale of local products, possibly with a display in the foyer.

Chamber secretary Ian Parry said the issue of recruitment to the store had also been discussed and that the team from Sainsburys had said there would be a total of 130 full and part-time jobs which would be filled from the local area.
The store manager would possibly also be recruited in the area to bring some local knowledge to the job, he added.

David Davies said: “We had been asking them for this meeting for some time because if you have a dialogue with them maybe you can have some influence. I will keep members informed about progress and any feedback.”

Local banking
* Another issue brought up at Monday’s chamber meeting was banking in the town.

Members raised the question of whether other banks in Llangollen had picked up extra business as a result of the closure of HSBC last February, which the chamber strongly opposed.
Adrian Roberts, who was there representing Barclays, said this had been the case.

Questioned by members about the latest redundancies to affect Barclays, he replied: “Our branch is the town will definitely be remaining open. It is the investment part of the bank where the jobs are to go.”        

County council draws up its events calendar

The county council is currently drawing up its calendar of events for Denbighshire.

Officers are asking for details of local events that people would like to see included to be sent to them by this Thursday, May 15.

They say full details should be sent to:

Once the final calendar has been approved, the aim is to publicise the events on a variety of online websites including the Denbighshire County Council's website, NE Wales website.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Calls for long-term neonatal plan at Glan Clwyd

Baby unit will stay in north Wales

First Minister Carwyn Jones has been challenged to provide a long-term plan to develop high-quality neonatal services in North Wales.
Plaid Cymru’s North Wales AM Llyr Gruffydd said today’s announcement that a neonatal centre of excellence would be located in Glan Clwyd was an embarrassing u-turn after the government had approved moving neonatal intensive care to Arrowe Park last year.
The move across the border was met with huge opposition from parents and the wider community. The decision was made against the recommendation of clinicians.
Llyr Gruffydd said:  “Neonatal staff and families have had two years of uncertainty due to poor management from both health board and the Cardiff Labour Government over neonatal care in North Wales. The consultation ignored clinicians, who wanted to retain intensive care for newborn babies in the North, as well as those most directly affected - the parents.
“The move to Arrowe Park sparked huge protests and forced the First Minister to commission this review after he had endorsed the original decision. This embarrassing climbdown, which means that a centre of excellence is being established in the North, has only happened because of local campaigning.
"This should never have happened and the First Minister owes North Wales an apology for his government’s dithering.
“Now we need to end the uncertainty once and for all. There are many caveats in this statement and the First Minister should give assurances on funding to meet the recommendations in this report.
“We need a commitment from this government to build the expertise to provide a high-quality neonatal service for the North that takes into consideration our geographical and transport challenges.
"That commitment has to be a long-term one – to ensure we have specialist doctors and advanced neonatal nurse practitioners trained up to do the job. This, we were told, will take 10 years and need coordination with the Deanery.
 “We also need guarantees that there will be investment in infrastructure, for example improving the ambulance service to transport babies more effectively. "Will the First Minister provide that commitment?"
* There was also a response to the announcement from North Wales Lib Dem Assembly Member Aled Roberts.

He said: “Naming the location is one thing, but people in North Wales need assurances regarding both the staffing levels and the timeline for implementation.
“Sadly, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has historically failed to provide proper staffing levels within neo-natal units.  Such failings can’t be allowed to continue.  It’s essential that we are shown evidence that staffing levels will finally be addressed.
“Having made the decision on a new neonatal intensive care centre the Welsh Labour Government must now ensure the Health Board has robust plans in place to ensure the issue of recruitment is tackled.  The long term aim must be to develop a centre of real excellence so that the most vulnerable infants can be treated in North Wales.”

County commits to age friendly communities

Denbighshire County Council has made a commitment to play its part in creating age friendly communities county-wide.

At its meeting in County Hall, Ruthin today (Tuesday), the council agreed to sign a pledge to take forward work based on the World Health Organisation and the United Nations' principles to make their communities more age friendly.

The pledge,  known as the Dublin Declaration due to Ireland's presidency of the EU, highlights the need to create age friendly places, with a key focus on promoting awareness of older people, their rights, needs and potentials, as well as highlighting the positive social, economic and cultural contribution made by them.

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Cabinet Lead Member for Social Care, Adult and Children's Services, who is also Denbighshire's Older People's Champion, said: "People are living longer in our communities and we need to respond positively to this. It's not just about allowing people to live independently in their own homes. It's about celebrating the ageing population and listening to their views on what kind of opportunities we should explore to keep them fit, active and to participate in local community life.

"Living in a community that is sensitive to individual needs is something we all want to experience.  As the number of people living longer increases it's really important that councils consider ways to adapt surroundings and buildings to reflect the needs of an ageing population.

"Denbighshire is pleased to be signing up to this pledge and to raising awareness of older people issues in the county."

Following the declaration each council in Wales will participate in a national network, facilitated by Ageing Well in Wales, to collaborate on making changes, for example to buildings, homes, parks, leisure , planning, transport in order to help people living in their community to age well and lead positive lives,  irrespective of their age.

The Welsh Government recently announced phase three of their Strategy for Older People – Living Longer, Ageing Well (2013-2023) which sets the challenge to make our shared spaces welcoming, safe and accessible for older people.

Details of road closure near Oswestry

The Shropshire Star today has details of a road closure near Oswestry which may affect anyone from Llangollen travelling through that area.

For full details see:

AMs hit out over "huge" housing benefits rise

TWO Assembly Members have condemned the UK Government after a “huge” rise in the number of people claiming housing benefits in Denbighshire was revealed.

Labour AMs Ken Skates and Ann Jones hit out at the Conservative-led Westminster coalition after the figures from the Department of Work and Pensions showed an 11% increase in the number of people being forced to rely on state help – the biggest rise anywhere in Wales.

The statistics, which show the surge in claimants from May 2010 to November 2013, also reveal a 60% increase in the number of working people in Denbighshire needing Government support, the second-highest in North Wales behind Wrexham.

Clwyd South AM Mr Skates said: “Since the Tories came into power, the total number of claimants in Denbighshire has gone up from 7,444 to 8,227 – a rise of 11%, which is the biggest in the whole of Wales. The number of working adults requiring state help has also rocketed from 778 to 1,248 – a huge increase of 60%.

“Altogether, across North Wales, more than 7,000 working people are having to claim housing benefit to make ends meet. These figures, caused by the Conservatives’ crippling austerity programme, are frankly disgusting and are a damning reiteration of the fact the Tories’ policies are hurting people here badly.

“The reality is that people are hundreds of pounds a year worse off under this UK Government, and the cost of living crisis they have created cannot be denied when people working hard to provide for their families need help to put a roof over their heads.”

Vale of Clwyd AM, Ms Jones said: “The ideologically driven and spiteful Tory welfare reform agenda has not made an iota of positive impact or indeed made the system fairer. The spiralling housing benefit bill for Denbighshire alone shows that the Tories are doing nothing to tackle the cost of living crisis that so many hard-working families are facing.

“People in Denbighshire are £522 worse off under the UK coalition Government and their tough their pernicious, spiteful policies are punishing those who can least afford it while millionaire mates of Cameron and co get huge tax breaks.”

Department of Work and Pensions figures:

                                May 2010                       Nov 2013                                 % Change

                        Employed    Total           Emp.               Total                 Emp          Total

                        Claimants   Claimants     Claimants       Claimants         Claimants  Claimants

Denbighshire        778          7,444           1,248                 8,227             60%               11%

Wales                23,923        236,111        38,003              249,350           59%              6%