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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

County council draws up its events calendar

The county council is currently drawing up its calendar of events for Denbighshire.

Officers are asking for details of local events that people would like to see included to be sent to them by this Thursday, May 15.

They say full details should be sent to:

Once the final calendar has been approved, the aim is to publicise the events on a variety of online websites including the Denbighshire County Council's website, NE Wales website.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Calls for long-term neonatal plan at Glan Clwyd

Baby unit will stay in north Wales

First Minister Carwyn Jones has been challenged to provide a long-term plan to develop high-quality neonatal services in North Wales.
Plaid Cymru’s North Wales AM Llyr Gruffydd said today’s announcement that a neonatal centre of excellence would be located in Glan Clwyd was an embarrassing u-turn after the government had approved moving neonatal intensive care to Arrowe Park last year.
The move across the border was met with huge opposition from parents and the wider community. The decision was made against the recommendation of clinicians.
Llyr Gruffydd said:  “Neonatal staff and families have had two years of uncertainty due to poor management from both health board and the Cardiff Labour Government over neonatal care in North Wales. The consultation ignored clinicians, who wanted to retain intensive care for newborn babies in the North, as well as those most directly affected - the parents.
“The move to Arrowe Park sparked huge protests and forced the First Minister to commission this review after he had endorsed the original decision. This embarrassing climbdown, which means that a centre of excellence is being established in the North, has only happened because of local campaigning.
"This should never have happened and the First Minister owes North Wales an apology for his government’s dithering.
“Now we need to end the uncertainty once and for all. There are many caveats in this statement and the First Minister should give assurances on funding to meet the recommendations in this report.
“We need a commitment from this government to build the expertise to provide a high-quality neonatal service for the North that takes into consideration our geographical and transport challenges.
"That commitment has to be a long-term one – to ensure we have specialist doctors and advanced neonatal nurse practitioners trained up to do the job. This, we were told, will take 10 years and need coordination with the Deanery.
 “We also need guarantees that there will be investment in infrastructure, for example improving the ambulance service to transport babies more effectively. "Will the First Minister provide that commitment?"
* There was also a response to the announcement from North Wales Lib Dem Assembly Member Aled Roberts.

He said: “Naming the location is one thing, but people in North Wales need assurances regarding both the staffing levels and the timeline for implementation.
“Sadly, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has historically failed to provide proper staffing levels within neo-natal units.  Such failings can’t be allowed to continue.  It’s essential that we are shown evidence that staffing levels will finally be addressed.
“Having made the decision on a new neonatal intensive care centre the Welsh Labour Government must now ensure the Health Board has robust plans in place to ensure the issue of recruitment is tackled.  The long term aim must be to develop a centre of real excellence so that the most vulnerable infants can be treated in North Wales.”

County commits to age friendly communities

Denbighshire County Council has made a commitment to play its part in creating age friendly communities county-wide.

At its meeting in County Hall, Ruthin today (Tuesday), the council agreed to sign a pledge to take forward work based on the World Health Organisation and the United Nations' principles to make their communities more age friendly.

The pledge,  known as the Dublin Declaration due to Ireland's presidency of the EU, highlights the need to create age friendly places, with a key focus on promoting awareness of older people, their rights, needs and potentials, as well as highlighting the positive social, economic and cultural contribution made by them.

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Cabinet Lead Member for Social Care, Adult and Children's Services, who is also Denbighshire's Older People's Champion, said: "People are living longer in our communities and we need to respond positively to this. It's not just about allowing people to live independently in their own homes. It's about celebrating the ageing population and listening to their views on what kind of opportunities we should explore to keep them fit, active and to participate in local community life.

"Living in a community that is sensitive to individual needs is something we all want to experience.  As the number of people living longer increases it's really important that councils consider ways to adapt surroundings and buildings to reflect the needs of an ageing population.

"Denbighshire is pleased to be signing up to this pledge and to raising awareness of older people issues in the county."

Following the declaration each council in Wales will participate in a national network, facilitated by Ageing Well in Wales, to collaborate on making changes, for example to buildings, homes, parks, leisure , planning, transport in order to help people living in their community to age well and lead positive lives,  irrespective of their age.

The Welsh Government recently announced phase three of their Strategy for Older People – Living Longer, Ageing Well (2013-2023) which sets the challenge to make our shared spaces welcoming, safe and accessible for older people.

Details of road closure near Oswestry

The Shropshire Star today has details of a road closure near Oswestry which may affect anyone from Llangollen travelling through that area.

For full details see:

AMs hit out over "huge" housing benefits rise

TWO Assembly Members have condemned the UK Government after a “huge” rise in the number of people claiming housing benefits in Denbighshire was revealed.

Labour AMs Ken Skates and Ann Jones hit out at the Conservative-led Westminster coalition after the figures from the Department of Work and Pensions showed an 11% increase in the number of people being forced to rely on state help – the biggest rise anywhere in Wales.

The statistics, which show the surge in claimants from May 2010 to November 2013, also reveal a 60% increase in the number of working people in Denbighshire needing Government support, the second-highest in North Wales behind Wrexham.

Clwyd South AM Mr Skates said: “Since the Tories came into power, the total number of claimants in Denbighshire has gone up from 7,444 to 8,227 – a rise of 11%, which is the biggest in the whole of Wales. The number of working adults requiring state help has also rocketed from 778 to 1,248 – a huge increase of 60%.

“Altogether, across North Wales, more than 7,000 working people are having to claim housing benefit to make ends meet. These figures, caused by the Conservatives’ crippling austerity programme, are frankly disgusting and are a damning reiteration of the fact the Tories’ policies are hurting people here badly.

“The reality is that people are hundreds of pounds a year worse off under this UK Government, and the cost of living crisis they have created cannot be denied when people working hard to provide for their families need help to put a roof over their heads.”

Vale of Clwyd AM, Ms Jones said: “The ideologically driven and spiteful Tory welfare reform agenda has not made an iota of positive impact or indeed made the system fairer. The spiralling housing benefit bill for Denbighshire alone shows that the Tories are doing nothing to tackle the cost of living crisis that so many hard-working families are facing.

“People in Denbighshire are £522 worse off under the UK coalition Government and their tough their pernicious, spiteful policies are punishing those who can least afford it while millionaire mates of Cameron and co get huge tax breaks.”

Department of Work and Pensions figures:

                                May 2010                       Nov 2013                                 % Change

                        Employed    Total           Emp.               Total                 Emp          Total

                        Claimants   Claimants     Claimants       Claimants         Claimants  Claimants

Denbighshire        778          7,444           1,248                 8,227             60%               11%

Wales                23,923        236,111        38,003              249,350           59%              6%

Queen's Baton relay heads for county

The countdown has begun ahead of the Queen's Baton Relay's visit to Denbighshire later this month - with last minute arrangements being put in place to numerous events arranged to mark this historic occasion.

The Baton is visiting a handful of counties in Wales as part of its journey to the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this summer, with Denbighshire having the honour of being the final leg of the Baton's journey in Wales.

Residents and visitors to Denbighshire are encouraged to support the Baton's visit and to attend events being held in Rhyl, Ruthin, Moel Famau and the final event at Coed Llandegla (Oneplanet Adventure site).

The baton relay routes and associated events are:

Rhyl Harbour  (9am-4pm)
The baton is welcomed into Denbighshire during the official opening of Rhyl Harbour.  At the beginning of the event, families will be able to enjoy a festival of colour and activities, including face painting, a treasure trail, bouncy castle, food, demonstrations from rescue services, kite surfing, watersports on Marine Lake and so much more.  For further details visit .  The baton  will be present between 9am and 9.30am.

Rhyl Harbour to marsh tracks baton relay (9.30am-10.00am)
Eight local baton bearers, Sioned Terry, Michael Kitchin, Nathan Montgomery, Callum Perrin, Jamie Turley, James Morgan, Tracey Jones and Gerallt Allen will carry the baton between the two Rhyl events. Starting from the harbour at 9.30am, around Marine Lake to promote water sport activities, over the railway footbridge and along the countryside services path at Glan Morfa and into the Marsh tracks cycling centre on Marsh Road.

Marsh Tracks, Rhyl,  (10am-4pm) Free BMX and Road cycling bike hire and coaching, mountain bike track open as usual. Street games activities such as  football, rugby, ultimate frisbee, athletics, dance and more! Test your power against Team GB cyclists scores on the watt bikes leader board and recuperate with FREE drinks supplied by Asda (until stocks last) and food available to buy on- site from the taste academy, Rhyl. The baton will be there between 10am and 11am.

Moel Famau (12 noon – 4pm) The baton arrives on horseback, walking groups will relay the baton to the peak of Moel Famau, come and join in and see the views across the Clwydian Range whilst listening to a live band performance at the summit too! Fell runners will take the baton back down. The baton will be there between 1pm and 3pm.

Ruthin Family FUN day, Cae Ddol and The Centre, LL15 1LE (12-5pm) An afternoon on activities for the whole family. Come down to Cae Ddol and join in and watch the battle of the bands, local sport fixtures, bouncy castles, face painting and sporting taster sessions from local clubs such as rugby league, netball, athletics, football, fun fitness boot camps, tennis, golf and bowls.  The baton will be there between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Coed Llandegla Forest (9am – 8pm), Oneplanet Adventure site Fun open day for mountain bike enthusiasts, all mountain bike tracks open as normal. Go-Race events organised by Welsh Cycling throughout the day, test your power against Team GB cyclists scores on the watt bikes leader board. Live music and entertainment from 6pm for the official baton handover event. The baton is there between  5pm and 6pm.

Jamie Groves, Denbighshire's Head of Communication, Marketing and Leisure, said: "We are really looking forward to a memorable day when the Baton finally arrives in the county. Events to mark the occasion have been months in the making and we are encouraging people to get out and support the Baton's visit.

"We hope the event will encourage people to consider getting involved in sports and activities and that it leaves a lasting legacy for people's health and well-being.

"This is a great opportunity to showcase Denbighshire as a county to host major events, as well as promoting Denbighshire's unique mix of coast, country and historic towns."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Story highlights government backing for new health centre

* An artist's impression of the planned new health centre.

The Daily Post is reporting today that the Welsh Government has approved the sale of the former River Lodge Hotel in Llangollen to the local health board as a site for a proposed health centre.

The story says: "The controversial hotel plot had originally been bought by the Welsh Government for £1.6m – above its market value – as part of a proposal to transform it into a martial arts centre.

But the present building – which is expected to be demolished – has been valued at just £500,000 to £600,000.

Almost a year ago, an inquiry by the Wales Audit Office concluded that the decisions to buy the former 25-bedroom River Lodge Hotel in Llangollen for £1.6m in 2007, and to enter into a lease agreement with an organisation known as Powys Fadog, were “flawed and did not represent good value for money”.

The proposal for a kung fu centre at the site finally collapsed in 2011 but a further £200,000 had to be spent maintaining the building between 2007-12.

Now economy minister Edwina Hart has approved the sale of River Lodge, Llangollen to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, which plans to demolish it and build a health centre, after Llangollen Community Hospital was closed last year.

The new centre is expected to open in 2015.

Paul Davies, Conservative shadow finance minister, said: “It’s no surprise that Labour quietly want to get rid of this aborted kung fu centre, which cost taxpayers nearly £2m for absolutely no benefit.

“The Wales Audit Office was scathing in its assessment of the unbelievable incompetence of Labour’s purchase of the hotel, which was beset by a major conflict of interest, a lack of risk assessment and no proper valuation.

“The Welsh Government’s earlier estimates suggested that the taxpayer would only get back between a third and a quarter of what the administration originally paid for the hotel.

“At a time when Labour Ministers are imposing record-breaking cuts on the Welsh NHS, evidenced by the recent closure of Llangollen’s community hospital, patients will be angry to see more evidence of millions of pounds thrown down the drain.”

A Welsh Government spokesperson said that it had no comment to make on the River Lodge issue further to the confirmation of the sale decision on its website.

A figure of £5.5m had been touted for the new centre but no official cost was officially confirmed.

A Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board spokesperson said: “We look forward to progressing with the next stages of the new Primary Care Resource Centre project for Llangollen.

“The development is planned to provide a light, modern and spacious building to bring together a wide range of integrated services provided by the GP Practice, the Health Board, Denbighshire County Council Social Services and the voluntary sector, delivering as many services as close to patient’s homes as possible and allowing the ability to expand in the future. We are keen for this development to be completed in mid 2015.”