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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Choral Variations celebrates 30th anniversary

Local choir, Choral Variations, is hosting a special event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its formation at the Druids Club tomorrow, Friday, October 25.

Choir spokesman Mike Gleed said: "I wish to let you know of an event taking place involving a well known local choir and even better known musical director.

"The choir is Choral Variations the MD is Owen Maelor Roberts, the event 30th anniversary of the choir's formation.

"We are celebrating with invited guests. The choir will give a small rendition of some of its varied repertoire and refreshments will be enjoyed by all.

"Well done Owen, you are talented, inspirational and very patient, thank you."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Appeal lodged over wind turbine plan

An appeal has been lodged against a decision by Denbighshire County Council to refuse plans for a wind turbine development at Llety Road, Gwyddelwern.

The application, refused at a Planning Committee meeting in June, was for the installation of a 500 kW wind turbine up to 77m to blade tip (up to 50m to hub height), access tracks and hardstanding, transformer station and ancillary works.  

The appeal will be dealt with by written representation and copies of comments already received at application stage  will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. 

If people wish to make any additional comments, they must submit two  copies to the Planning Inspectorate, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ by 22/11/2013. 

Alternatively, people can contact the Planning Inspectorate by e-mail at quoting the Planning Inspectorate’s appeal reference : APP/R6830/A/13/2202906.

Does anyone know Iris Rogers, asks local MP

The local MP is trying to put a lady from Holland in touch with a Llangollen resident whose father was billeted with her family in Amsterdam at the end of the Second World War.

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones was in Amsterdam recently when she met up with Lenneke Verheul.
Lenneke told her that she was trying to contact an Iris Rogers who she recalled used to live in a red – or red brick - house on the outskirts of Llan.

Ms Jones said: “Iris' father was billeted to stay with Lenneke's family at the end of the Second World War. Lenneke herself stayed with Iris as part of her honeymoon.”
Lenneke's email address is:

Concerns over neonatal report "delay"

Concerns are growing about the delay in publishing the findings of the North Wales neonatal review.
The review was announced after Betsi Cadwaladr health board decided, against clinical advice, to move neonatal intensive care to Arrowe Park on the Wirral.
The First Minister ordered the review by a team from the Royal College of Paediatricans earlier this year with the intention of reporting back by September.
Llyr Gruffydd, Plaid Cymru AM for North Wales, said:Betsi Cadwaladr board made a decision back in January that mystified most people, in particular experts in the field such as the BMA, RCN and RCM.  As a result of pressure from campaign groups, the relevant unions and politicians such as myself, the First Minister was forced to order a review into the decision.
“The decision is critical for the future of neonatal care in the North because it would reduce the number of intensive care cots from the current 11 to just four. These would be purely to stabilise babies needing intensive care before transferring them to England. There is no doubt that clinical expertise will be reduced in Glan Clwyd and Wrexham hospitals if this switch takes place.
“I and many experts in the field have grave doubts about whether this will put both the babies that are moved and those needing critical care who remain in North Wales at greater risk. There are also concerns about the additional travelling difficulties for parents and families for babies facing long-term intensive care in Arrowe Park, especially if they have to come from further west.”
Mr Gruffydd urged the First Minister to speed up the decision: “Carwyn Jones took the decision to call in this switch back in March. Our understanding is that the review panel  handed him the report more than a month ago.  The switch to Arrowe Park is due to start in January 2014 and the ongoing delay and uncertainty is having an effect on both staff morale and security.
“I would therefore urge the First Minister to come clean about his intentions about neonatal intensive care in North Wales. It’s time for some decisive action rather than dilly-dallying.”

Profiling Rachel's Llan pictures

Keen local amateur photographer Rachel Morris has produced a portfolio of atmospheric pictures of Llangollen subjects.

llanblogger will be serialising them over coming weeks because we believe they deserve a wider audience.

Here we bring you the first three images, complete with their titles underneath the pictures.

* 1. Autumn Dee.

* 2. Baileys.

* 3. Berwyn Street.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tourism in focus next month

Denbighshire Tourism Forum is being held on Wednesday 6th November at Ruthin Castle. 

The event is a morning of workshops and participation which will help decide the content of the Denbighshire Destination Management Plan.

This is a business-led action plan to ensure that visitors to our region have the best possible experience whilst they are here.  

Registration is at 10am, Forum starts at 10.30am and lunch and networking from 1.30pm.  If you would like to attend contact 01824 706223 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01824 706223 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email

Lift off for Return to Forbidden Planet

Tickets are now on sale for a local theatre group's debut performance.

Llangollen Musical Theatre Group is staging Bob Carlton's hit musical 'Return to the Forbidden Planet' at the Llangollen Pavilion from Thursday 28th - Saturday 30th November.

The show is a jukebox musical which combines the story of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' with a soundtrack of 60s and 70s classics including 'Good Vibrations', 'Born to be Wild' and 'G.L.O.R.I.A.' performed by a cast of local actors.

Stand out moments include Stuart Dillon's performance of 'She's Not There', Justine Bradey's haunting delivery of the Moody Blues classic 'Go Now' and the finale featuring the whole cast collaborating on a medley of 'The Monster Mash' and 'Great Balls Of Fire'.

The cast will be joined on stage by a live ten-piece rock and roll band, and supported behind the scenes by a production team consisting of over 20 volunteers.

The show's Producer, Katherine Brown, said: "Return to the Forbidden Planet is the perfect way to brighten up those dark November nights. It's an incredibly ambitious first production for us to stage, from the quantity of songs to the scale of the set we're building at the Pavilion, but we're confident our team can pull off a fantastic show."

Tickets, priced at £8 for adults and £6 for concessions, are now on sale from the Llangollen Pavilion, Gales Wine Bar and Shop, SFTW Barbers and online at