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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Walk arranged to mark facelift of historic landmark

* An old picture of the Jubilee Tower.

A special walk is being arranged to mark the official opening of refurbishment work at one of the Clwydian Range's most historic landmarks.

Denbighshire and Flintshire Councils have worked together to develop a programme of works to reconsolidate parts of the Jubilee Tower at the summit of Moel Famau.

Parts of the tower have deteriorated over recent times and access onto the tower has become increasingly difficult.

The Jubilee Tower was built in 1810 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of King George III. The original 120ft tower, set on a broad base, blew down in the 1860s and the remains have slowly deteriorated ever since.

Major repairs were carried out in 1969, but since then it has received very little attention – despite being one of the most visited spots in both counties – getting over 200,000 visitors every year.

In 2009 Flintshire and Denbighshire Councils, with support from the Clwydian Range AONB commissioned specialist conservation architects TACP to examine the condition of the building and to make recommendations for its repair and reconsolidation.

Now, with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund through the Heather and Hillforts Project, work has taken place.

The walk delegation will leave the Pen Barras car park at 2pm on Friday, 4 October for a leisurely walk to the Tower, where the new staircase to the tower will be officially opened.

David Shiel, Senior Countryside Officer for the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB, said: "A careful study of the tower had identified key areas in need of repair and reconsolidation. Specialist stone masons have used traditional techniques to carefully repair the stone work and construct a new spiral staircase onto the tower.  

"This is the first time in over 40 years that any significant work has taken place at the Tower. We have been really please to find that so much of the original monument had survived underneath the rubble.  

"It has been a painstaking job to expose these parts of the tower that have lain buried for so many years. You can really get a sense of the original scale of the building."

Cllr Carolyn Thomas, chair of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB and chair of Flintshire County Council, said: "It is excellent news that we have been able to carry out this important work.

"The Jubilee Tower is such an iconic landmark for the Clwydian Range and many of the communities of both Flintshire and Denbighshire - but we have perhaps taken it for granted over the years – despite it receiving over 200,000 visitors every year very little has been invested over the last 40 years in safeguarding the fabric of the building.

"It's great that we are in a position to celebrate this work and to look forward to welcoming thousands people to this historic feature over the coming years."

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Go ahead for £44m Wrexham to Chester rail improvement plan

Wales' Transport Minister Edwina Hart has announced a £44m scheme to improve north south rail journey times and increase capacity between Wrexham and Chester.
Following a review, a £44m scheme has been agreed with Network Rail to be delivered by spring 2015.

The revised scheme will involve a significant doubling of the existing single line between Wrexham and Chester and line speed improvements.

This will reduce north south journey times by 16 minutes.

Mrs Hart said: "I am pleased that we have been able to agree a scheme that will reduce journey times between north and south Wales and deliver increased capacity between Wrexham and Chester.

“This new scheme will meet our objectives and provide value for money. It will ensure more people in north east Wales will be able to benefit from the improved rail links to the rest of Wales delivered by the Welsh Government.”

Aled Roberts, Welsh Liberal Democrat AM for North Wales has given an enthusiastic welcome to today’s announcement.
He said: "This is excellent news for the region and comes as a result of sustained pressure on the Minister to make sure that the proposals for rail improvements went ahead as planned.
“The recent talk of a review caused a great deal of concern over whether the scheme would go ahead, but I am delighted with today’s news.
“This amounts to a £44 million scheme for investment in the region’s rail infrastructure and today’s result is testament to what can be achieved when we work together to ensure that north Wales’ interests are protected."

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates said: “I am delighted with the confirmation the Minister has given that this redoubling work will now be going ahead. It’s important this piece of infrastructure investment is undertaken for the benefit of commuters and businesses in my constituency.

“Improving the rail network between Wrexham and Chester, and cutting journey times along the way, is good news for our regional economy and I look forward to the works being completed.”

Flu vaccination dates at Llan Health Centre

Flu vaccination clinics will be held at Llangollen Health Centre on the following dates:


Wednesday 9 October from 5.15pm

Saturday 9 November from 9.00am

Thursday 28 November from 5.15pm

You qualify for a flu vaccination on the NHS if you: 

  • are over 65 years of age
  • have a chronic disease such as heart, renal, liver, neurological or respiratory disease
  • have diabetes
  • have had a stroke or TIA
  • are a carer, frontline healthcare or social care worker
  • are a community first responder

To book your appointment please ring the Health Centre on 01978 860625.

Lib Dems home in on Wales' reception "not spots"

People in Llangollen who have had trouble with Vodafone mobile phone reception may be interested in the following story ...
In their debate this week, the Welsh Liberal Democrats are calling for an end to internet and mobile ‘not spots’ in Wales.
Wales currently has the largest proportion of premises in potential not-spots and the lowest availability of superfast broadband services.  
In the past, the Welsh Government’s broadband schemes have proven to be inadequate for businesses due to the slow speed of the broadband provided, according to the Lib Dems. 
They are now calling on the Welsh Government to examine the support that can be offered to businesses to improve their ability to compete worldwide through better access to digital services.
Welsh Liberal Democrats will also be calling for the Welsh Government to investigate recent problems with mobile signals in rural areas and to work with network providers to ensure these issues are addressed and coverage is maximised across Wales.
William Powell, Welsh Liberal Democrat Rural Affairs spokesperson, said: “There is a fear that many businesses are being left behind the rest of the UK due to inadequate internet connections.  Frankly, using a homing pigeon would be more effective than the non-existent email service many businesses have to put up with.
“There are an increasing number of people who are self employed and working from home.  Not only is that a convenient way to help people fit their work around their home life, it can also save them vast amounts of money. Yet for many people that simply isn’t an option due to the lack of phone and internet connection.  The Welsh Liberal Democrats want to put that right.”
Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said: “Technology moves fast and the difference between those who have broadband and those who don’t is getting wider and wider.
“Fuel poverty is a massive issue in many rural communities.  Yet figures show that rural households are less likely to take up schemes that reduce fuel costs, such as cheaper tariffs or energy efficacy schemes, due to a lack of broadband access.  Far too many people in Wales are being made to feel like second class broadband citizens.
“We’ve had some terrible problems with mobile signal recently in Mid Wales.  We are calling on the Welsh Labour Government to investigate these recent problems with mobile signal and work with network providers to ensure these issues are addressed so that coverage is maximised across Wales.”

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New business rates schemes for Wales unveiled

Two new business rates schemes have been announced by Economy Minister Edwina Hart to help revitalise Welsh High Streets and stimulate and encourage speculative commercial development.
The schemes, announced in a statement to Assembly Members, are in response to the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group that examined how the business rates regime in Wales could be used to encourage economic development.
The two new schemes Open for Business and New Developments represent an anticipated investment of over £5m by the Welsh Government which will provide a grant to local authorities to run the programmes.

The Minister said: “These two schemes send a clear message that Wales is open for business and will provide an incentive to construction and the reoccupation of long-term empty properties.

"In addition Open for Business will  support all businesses considering a move into a long term vacant retail property, for example businesses in the first year of trading or those considering a move closer to a town centre.”

Open for Business is expected to cost around £2.5m and will run until 31 March 2015 to encourage re-occupation of long term vacant retail properties, particularly in town centres and shopping areas.

Open for Business funds 50% relief on business rates for eligible properties for up to 12 months from the first date of occupation.

The retail properties will have had to have been unoccupied for a continuous period of 12 months or more and have a rateable value of no more than £45K. Similar schemes run in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The New Developments Scheme is estimated to be worth over £2.8m and will exempt all newly built commercial property from business rates for the first 18 months and will run until September 30 2016.

This scheme will extend the exemption period for new build developments to 18 months and give an incentive to developers in Wales and could boost construction.

Professor Brian Morgan, who chaired the Review Group, said: “I think the new schemes being announced today offer common-sense and pragmatic ways in which the Welsh Government can work with the property sector to facilitate new developments and also encourage investment in vacant premises in our towns.

“A lack of new modern business space is hindering economic recovery in Wales and the New Developments scheme will help kick start speculative development. Similarly Open for Business will offer an important avenue for encouraging more diversified investments into empty properties in our town centres.

“Taken together, these measures will provide a consistent and coherent approach to working with the private sector to create a more competitive environment for Welsh businesses to expand.” 

* Eluned Parrott, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Business Minister, has accused the Business Minister of costing Wales jobs due to uncertainty over the future of business rate relief for charities.
The Business Minister has decided to delay her decision on business rates relief for charities.
Instead she plans to work with the UK Government and other devolved administrations to discuss the proposals.
The Business Minister has also announced that she is to introduce two further business rates schemes to help businesses.
Eluned Parrott AM said: “Today’s announcement should have nailed the coffin lid on proposals to hike taxes on charities, however the Minister decided to fudge the decision.  I’m pleased the Minister has finally taken some action to tackle the blight of empty properties, but the uncertainty over the future of charity business rates could actually mean more empty shops on our high streets.
“Due to the Minister’s proposals to cut rates relief for charities, we have already heard that some charities have abandoned plans to expand in Wales.  Sadly the uncertainty will remain until the Minister categorically says these proposals will never see the light of day.  This lack of clarity is costing Wales jobs and investment.
“It’s ironic that with one hand the Minister is aiming to encourage businesses to fill Wales’ empty shops, but with the other she is creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and concern that we know has prevented a number of charities doing exactly that.
“Charities are telling me that they won’t invest and expand in Wales until there is clarity over future future proposals.   The Minister had a chance to end that uncertainty today, yet refused to do so.”

Council consults on its big plan

Denbighshire is currently consulting on the next BIG Plan (BIG Plan II) to deliver key partnership actions on issues such as older people, vulnerable families, children and young people, rural areas and keeping people safe.

The plan aims to set out the work be council will be doing with its partners over the next few years to help improve the lives of residents.

It is now time to prepare for the next phase of the BIG Plan which cover 2014-2017.  

A council spokesperson said: "We want to know what you think our priorities should be for the BIG Plan II.  

"You can let us know online what you think we should focus on to make a real, positive difference to people living, working and learning in Denbighshire. You can find the short survey at

"It is essential to make sure that we are tackling the issues that matter the most to you and so we would encourage as many people to take part in this consultation as possible. The closing date for letting us know your views is Thursday 31st October."

Welsh Government launches NHS performance website

A new website giving patients easily accessible information on NHS performance has been launched by the Welsh Government. will provide performance data on a range of health services, including:
  • hospital information, such as mortality rates, healthcare infection rates and nurse ratios;
  • progress in primary care on preventative measures to address the major health issues facing the population such as heart disease and stroke;
  • the results of patient satisfaction surveys; and,
  • links to reports and locally-published performance data.
Launching the website, First Minister Carwyn Jones said: “We have made a firm commitment to transparency in the NHS. Gathering together key performance datasets into one place and explaining them clearly is part of our delivery on that commitment.

“The current site is just the start – we will continue to build on this initial information set, with more information provided over the coming months to make My Local Health Service our window on the performance of our local NHS services right across the country.

“Increased transparency is a key driver in improving quality across the NHS as a whole, highlighting both those areas where good practice is in place and those where there is scope for improvement.

“The website is in line with our wider aim of introducing more mechanisms to detect risks or problems before they occur, and publishing more performance data to raise quality of care.”