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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Police issue warm weather warning

North Wales Police are advising residents and car owners across the region to remain vigilant as weather forecasters predict a forthcoming hot spell.
“It is very tempting, particularly during warm spells to leave windows and doors open and so by simply checking all doors and windows are secure before going out or to bed we can deter any would-be thieves.   Days out to the beach or countryside can also bring about an air of complacency and so we are asking that all valuables are removed from cars or at the very least locked securely out of sight.”
“Together with our partners and local communities we have all worked hard and seen a significant reduction in crimes relating to burglaries and theft from vehicles.  It’s important that we remain on course to improve this even further and so I’d ask we all take some simple steps to secure our property, remain vigilant and report immediately any suspicious behaviour.
"These types of crime are often opportunistic targeting insecure homes or vehicles. By taking some basic steps we can reduce the opportunity for thieves and thereby prevent the loss of valuables and the associated inconvenience that follows.  Always ensure that your homes and vehicles are locked and that no valuable items are left on display and if you require further information about crime prevention visit
If you see any suspicious behaviour or activity contact North Wales Police on 101 or alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

AM's concerns over north east Wales tourism promotion

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood  is concerned that north east Wales is losing out on thousands of potential visitors every year because it is not being marketed effectively by the Welsh Government.
Speaking in today’s Assembly Debate on the Rural Economy, Mr Isherwood noted that an estimated 50% of all UK visitors to Wales visit the countryside, yet the word rural is mentioned just once in the Welsh Government’s new Tourism Strategy document.
He criticised the Welsh Government for not effectively promoting the Pontcysyllte world heritage site as a tourist attraction.
He said: “During the last Assembly, the then Minister developed the north-east Wales cultural action plan, designed, among other things, to establish a programme for the Pontcysyllte world heritage site as an attractor, and the basis for tourism, cultural and wider development projects.
“ However, only this week, key stakeholders have raised questions with me over whether the Pontcysyllte aqueduct as a regeneration site and tourism area has high enough profile and expressed concern that there wasn’t a clear coordinated group championing the aqueduct, that there wasn’t a named person associated with the aqueduct and that there was a lack of progress with all parties engaged in the aqueduct and Trevor Basin in moving the regeneration opportunities forward.
“The North Wales Economic Ambition Board stated in April that there seem to be good working relationships developing with officials from Welsh Government, but added that at a recent meeting of lead members from across Wales in Cardiff, there was concern as to lack of commitment and understanding from Welsh Government when it comes to the regional boards.”
Mr Isherwood also stressed that disability groups have said that tourism can be increased if Wales is seen by overseas and domestic visitors as an accessible, welcoming holiday destination - but that Arfon Access Group, which has been carrying out a review of the Visit Wales website and local authority marketing materials regarding appropriate information for disabled people to be able to plan visits to places of interest around Wales, advises that even before they have completed the work, it is becoming clear that little such information has been incorporated.

Campaigners demand probe into new health centre plan

A CAMPAIGN group has written to members of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) asking for an inquiry into the way the plans for the proposed £5.5 million new Llangollen health centre have been progressed.

Mabon ap Gwynfor, spokesperson for Keep Llangollen Health Services (KLHS), says in a letter which he has sent to board members: “We are concerned that the people of Llangollen and the Dee Valley have been misled on several occasions and were not involved in any meaningful consultation during the development phase of the proposed health centre.”
KLHS is questioning:  
·        Why BCUHB did not include Llangollen and Dee Valley service users in its stakeholder meetings as it claims they would be “crucial” to any proposed health centre development.
·        Why BCUHB “misled” the main campaign group about their involvement in any meetings.

·         Why BCUHB did not carry out research beforehand to ensure that the service promised in the proposal document could be provided after the closure of Llangollen Cottage Hospital.

The way the whole issue has been handled gives its members “no confidence” in the board’s proposals for the town, says KLHS.
And the group's letter tells board members: “We urge you to conduct an inquiry into these failings before continuing with your proposals.”

KLHS’s call for an inquiry follows last week’s damning joint report by the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, which identified significant failings in the way BCUHB  is being run.
This has led to the resignation of board chief executive Mary Burrows, chairman Professor Merfyn Jones and vice-chairman Dr Lindon Miles.

Mabon ap Gwynfor has revealed that KLHS is also seeking an urgent meeting with Sarah Rochira, the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, to discuss our concerns about services in Llangollen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Post Office opens at Stan's on July 22

Following a successful public consultation exercise, Llangollen Post Office will move to nearby Stan's supermarket on Monday, July 22.
The move, first announced some months ago, is part of major modernisation programme across the Post Office network designed to make it easier for customers to do business, through longer opening hours and modern open plan environments.
The new branch will be located 50 meters from its current site at 41 Castle Street, Llangollen LL20 8RU.
Post Office Regional Network Manager for Wales, Adrian Wales, said: “We understand how important having access to high quality Post Office service is to residents in Llangollen and we are confident that this new modern branch will meet the needs of the local community and secure services for the future.
"This is an exciting time for the Post Office. This move is part of a three-year investment programme, the largest in the history of the Post Office, that will see around 6000 branches (about half the Post Office network) converting to new-style branches. This investment marks a commitment to no more branch closure programmes.”

The new Llangollen Post Office will have a mixture of open plan and traditional screened counter positions - a new way of delivering Post Office services with Post Office products and services available alongside retail transactions during shop opening hours.
Post Office customers in Llangollen will benefit from opening hours being extended by an extra 23 hours a week as selected Post Office products and services will be available during shop opening hours, 08:30 – 19:00 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 – 16:00 on Sunday. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Organ donation change voted through by AMs

A change in the law to bring in an opt-out organ donation system has been voted through by Welsh assembly members.

See BBC report:

Watch transplantation debate live ...

Watch the transplantation bill debate in the Welsh Assembly live on

Health board vice-chair resigns, says BBC

The BBC is reporting this evening that vice-chair Dr Lyndon Miles has become the third senior figure to resign from the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board following a damning report on its "significant management failings".

For the full story see: