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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Police issue rogue trader warning

Police are calling on residents to be on their guard from rogue traders claiming that work is needed on their properties.
Officers regularly work with their partners in the Trading Standards Department to tackle bogus traders and are calling on people living in the Conwy and Denbighshire areas to be vigilant. They are also urging anyone who has concerns or believe they may have been approached by bogus builders – or anyone turning up on doorsteps offering to carry out ‘urgent’ or ‘essential’ to contact police. 

The warning is being made after police were alerted to a possible recent incident in the Conwy county area which is currently being investigated by police and Trading Standards.
“Local residents and businesses are being urged to be on their guard,” said Detective Chief Inspector Andrew Williams. “In the past we have had incidents reported to us whereby people – particularly the elderly in the community have been approached by traders claiming that work is required on their property and that they will carry out the work immediately.  On occasions, these individuals have been quite persistent.”
He added: “Residents are sometimes convinced to get the work done because it can be completed reasonably quickly. If you are approached or become aware of a neighbour who has been targeted please let us know immediately.”
If work is needed on a property residents should contact traders who have worked for them previously, have worked on property for friends and family and have a good reputation. It is also a good idea to ask the builder / trader if the work really is required and get additional quotations from other reputable businesses.
DCI Williams added: “This type of crime is particularly despicable in that the perpetrators target vulnerable people who are intimidated into handing over a cash value that far exceeds the standard of work done.  We want to do all we can to stop people falling foul of rogue traders who can be extremely convincing, but we need the help of the community. Nobody should be pushed or bullied into having any work done and I would especially appeal to relatives and neighbours of vulnerable people, who can often be reluctant to highlight the issue themselves, to contact us if they become aware of this happening.
“Partnership work has been undertaken and will continue in future in a further bid to reduce his kind of doorstep crime, including rogue trader patrols and the implementation of cold calling controlled zones. I want to reassure residents that we will continue with this work in a bid to stop rogue traders targeting members of our communities.”
Police are also issuing the following advice to householders in a bid that they can help themselves from falling victim to rogue traders:
If in doubt – keep them out
•             Be wary of special offers or warnings about your home, such as: “We were doing a job in the area and we have some materials left over” or "I noticed you've got a few loose tiles on your roof”. In short simply do not accept this type of call.
•             Don’t ever agree to a trader starting any work straight away. Take time to consult with someone you trust for a second opinion, speak to friends, family or neighbours before making any decision.
•             Don’t let a persistent trader intimidate you into making an immediate decision or into buying things you don’t need.
•             Don’t hand over a cash deposit
•             Don’t keep a large amount of cash in your home and do not agree to go to a bank or building society with the trader
•             If someone turns up on your doorstep and tries to intimidate you into having work done or into paying for work which is unsatisfactory or was not requested, the best course of action is to close the door and call the police immediately.
•             If in doubt – keep them out.
Finally, if residents experience a cold call or think they have been approached by a rogue trader they should record as many details about the caller as possible including vehicle registration numbers and call police on 101 or the Citizens Advice Customer Service on 08454 04 05 06.  Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Health board's latest statement in wake of damning report

In the wake of the resignation of its chairman and chief executive following damning report into its running, earlier today llanblogger asked the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board for a statement on the latest position. 

We also sought confirmation whether, in the light of the joint report by the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales,  the £5.5 million new health centre planned for Llangollen to replace the town’s closed-down hospital would still be going ahead. 

The board’s press office replied:  The report identified significant failings and major challenges for the Board which we recognise and accept.

“Although steps have already been taken to tackle some of the issues, the Health Board is determined to respond to these matters in full and will ensure that the report’s recommendations are addressed as a priority.

“Our progress will be subject to ongoing review and scrutiny by Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, the Wales Audit Office and Welsh Government.

“The Health Board’s Chairman, Prof Merfyn Jones, said: ‘Under the circumstances, I believe it is appropriate that I stand down as Chairman of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, and I have informed the Minister of my intention to do so as soon as appropriate alternative arrangements are in place.

‘There are many fundamental challenges for the Board but I am confident that these will be responded to positively to deliver the necessary improvements and I shall continue to contribute fully during this transitional period.’
“We can confirm, our Chief Executive, Mary Burrows has also indicated her intention to leave the Health Board.”
The press office said it was trying to get a response to our specific query about the future of the new health centre in Llangollen.
llanblogger will bring it to you when we receive it.

North Wales earmarked for new super-prison

North Wales has been chosen as the site of a £250m super prison which the Ministry of Justice says will create 1,000 jobs.

See the full story on the BBC website at:

Health board comes under fire in high-level report

* The organisation which closed Llangollen Hospital comes under fire in a high-level report.

The chairman and the chief executive of the Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board (BCUHB), which closed Llangollen Hospital earlier this year, are to resign following a damning report, according to a story on the BBC news website this morning (Thursday).

The story says a high-level investigation found "significant management failings" at the board  that are said to have potentially risked patient safety.

As a result, claims the BBC, board chairman Prof Merfyn Jones and chief executive Mary Burrows have announced their intention to resign.

Prof Jones has filmed a statement for the BBC. See

Now, a leading health services campaigner says criticisms in the report cast doubt over the legitimacy of Llangollen's planned new health centre.

BCUHB runs NHS services across north Wales with a budget of around £1.2bn.

Mabon ap Gwynfor of Keep Llangollen Health Services (KLHS), which campaigned to prevent the closure of Llangollen Hospital, said: “The joint report by the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales is damning.

"It states clearly that the health board lacks “the capacity and capability to provide appropriate levels of scrutiny in relation to service delivery” and, more worryingly, that it has a lack of clinical leadership.

"With the report stating that they are lacking in clinical lead it raises serious questions on the legitimacy of the proposed new health centre. 

“The board's failures have been clearly in evidence with their programme to centralise and downgrade services. The board singularly failed to scrutinise the plans to close our community hospitals, and unfortunately it’s the patients that are suffering, as we are seeing.

“Keep Llangollen Health Services have continued with the campaign to highlight the health board’s weaknesses and fight for hospital beds and an improved health service for this area. 

“This continued pressure by KLHS and our colleagues in other health campaigns across north Wales has contributed to the background of this detailed and damning report which has resulted in this announcement. 

"We have campaigned for our health services not because of any nimbyism but because of our real concern that the proposed plans would damage people's health. This has unfortunately been borne out by patients’ experiences, and it's clear that the Board have been lacking in any sort of leadership more especially a clinical lead.

"The report will come as no comfort to the patients and their loved ones who have suffered because of these failures. But it does raise serious questions about the legitimacy of this whole downgrading programme. 

"If the Health Minister wants to avoid a potential catastrophe he must, as a matter of urgency, step in and suspend the current downgrading and centralisation programme. 

"These plans were nodded through without any challenge by the Board Members in January. Their failure to scrutinise was glaring even to lay members like us. 

"People must be answerable for these serious failures."
Press release from Wales Audit Office:
Full joint report:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Local AM "honoured" by new Welsh Government job

The Assembly Member who represents Llangollen in the Welsh Assembly has taken one of the top jobs in today’s Welsh Government reshuffle.

The shake-up follows yesterday’s shock resignation of Education Minister Leighton Andrews.

Earlier this evening it was announced that First Minister Carwyn Jones has appointed Clwyd South AM Ken Skates (pictured right) at Deputy Minister for Skills.  

Huw Lewis is named as the new Education Minister and Jeff Cuthbert takes over from Mr Lewis as Minister for Communities.
Mr Skates replaces Mr Cuthbert as Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology.
Vaughan Gething is appointed to work with Mr Cuthbert as deputy minister for tackling poverty.
Mr Skates was born in 1976 at Wrexham Maelor Hospital and is one of five boys to parents Mary and Ken snr.

He went to local comprehensive schools  Ysgol y Waun and Mold Alun, where he studied A Levels in Physics, Maths, English and Politics.
He went on to Cambridge University to study Social and Political Science, specialising in European regional policy and economics.
After graduating, he took time out in America and then joined the Wrexham Leader as a reporter.
He studied for his NVQ at Yale College in Wrexham and did freelance work for the BBC and The Express.

He has also served as personal assistant to Mark Tami, MP for Alyn and Deeside.

Mr Skates said: “I really am honoured to have this opportunity to join the Welsh Government.  I’ve learnt a huge amount in my time as the Assembly Member for Clwyd South and I’m looking forward to getting to grips with the new portfolio and working with Welsh Government colleagues.

“I want to bring a strong understanding of the issues impacting on North Wales to my new role and I look forward to hitting the ground running in the next few weeks on the skills and technology issues impacting on our communities and our economy.
“I’m really looking forward to getting started and working with partners in the sector, both in this area and right across Wales.”

Anger over plans to take X94 bus away from Parade Street

* Parade Street where the X94 will no longer calling from later this year.

A Llangollen county councillor has blasted plans by Arriva to stop using the Parade Street bus terminal for one of its local services.
Stuart Davies has been officially informed that the company is changing the route of the X94 bus to leave out Parade Street from when its new timetable begins on August 18.  
And in an angry response, he said: “They are ceasing to use the Parade Street terminal which was created a few years ago, turning a quiet leafy street into a yellow, barren, pole-strewn urban catastrophe.
“People will remember the furore generated when, overnight, the trees in Parade Street were slaughtered to make way for the bus terminal.
“Thousands of pounds were spent turning this part of the town in to a one way system to pander to these companies and now they are saying that they are cutting services and ceasing to use this monstrosity of a system.
“What a waste of money and vandalism it was.”

A spokesperson for Arriva Buses Wales said: “It is true that we are changing the route of the X94 to omit Parade  Street later in the year. 
“We have taken this decision, together with a number of changes along the X94 route, in order to improve the punctuality of the service.
“At this particular location, buses are often delayed when attempting to make the right turn from Parade Street Street on to Castle Street. 
“The parking bays on Castle Street effectively turn it into one lane street for vehicles as large as a bus, and when, as is often the case, delivery wagons or other vehicles block the street, it has a detrimental effect on our timetable. 
“We know from recent correspondence from our customers, local council and Bus Users UK, that punctuality and reliability of a service are a priority for our customers, and we need to take reasonable steps to ensure that the routes we use  allow us to run to timetable.
“In order to improve punctuality and maintain the existing route, we would need to put more resource in to operating the service.  This service is operated on a commercial basis with no public subsidy in this area and we are not in the position provide the additional resource required. However, we would be willing to work with the local authority if they were able to offer support in maintaining the current route.”

Cllr Davies responded: "This is an example of arrogant companies riding roughshod over local concerns."
He has asked Denbighshire County Council officials to make formal representations to Arriva about the bypassing of Parade Street.
He believes that under new timetable arrangements the X94 will stop in Mill Street, and the Arriva spokesperson confirmed this by saying: “I have been told that the X94 will stop at the bus stop near the bridge."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Police confirm skimming devices found on Llan cashpoints

llanblogger has just had the following message from local county councillor Stuart Davies:

"Sketchy details care coming in that skimming devices have been used in Llan cash machines today. I will update when I find out more."

Since Cllr Davies' warning, North Wales Police has now issued the following press release about the "skimming" which has taken place locally:

Cash machine users in the Llangollen area are being urged to check the machines before they use them.
The warning is being made following a recent spate of fraud offences whereby skimming devices have been placed on cashpoints in the area.
Once the 'skimmer’ device is in place, it will fail to eject your card and will record your card details.
For this reason, officers are urging people who use such machines to check the card slot to ensure that there is nothing unusual about its appearance.
The ‘skimmers’ are usually attached over the slot where you enter your card and spray painted to match - making the devices hard to spot.
Cash machine users are also urged to check for any scratches on the machine, sticky residue, tape or other signs of tamper as well as any part of the machine that looks like it's more new, or made from a different material than the rest. Missing LED lights above the card slot machine can also be a giveaway - if the ATM you're using usually has them.
Anyone who suspects anything untoward is urged to contact police on 101 or the ATM operator immediately - ideally using your mobile from in front of the ATM.