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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10,000 tested for drink driving in region

A campaign to crack down on drink driving and driving under the influence of drugs over the Christmas period has seen almost 10,000 breath tests being administered in North Wales in just over two weeks.

So far over 50 people have been arrested after drivers failed breath tests in roadside stop checks as part of the All Wales Anti Drink Drive campaign that begun on Saturday 1st of December.
Chief Inspector Darren Wareing from North Wales Police’s Roads Policing Unit said: "We announced at the start of the Wales Christmas Drink Drive Campaign that we would be out and about, in force, targeting drink drivers/riders.
“Many people don’t realise they can still be over the limit the morning after a drinking session. We would urge everyone to think twice before getting behind the wheel the morning after and consider making alternative arrangements to get to work.”
“Despite the warning that we would be out and about, in the first two weeks of the campaign, over 50 motorists have been arrested. If convicted, each will be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months; face a heavy fine and many could lose their jobs. Drink drivers are a danger to themselves, their passengers and other road users. We will continue to conduct high profile roadside checks and use intelligence to identify offenders. Please heed the warning."
North Wales Police are also using the campaign to reinforce Operation Sodium, a campaign which was launched during the summer, in response to the growing number of young people who are involved in collisions linked to drink or drug driving, and in particular in rural areas of the force.
Chief Inspector Wareing added: “Younger drivers tend to take more risks and this is a cause for great concern. Operation Sodium is aimed at reducing the number of young drink-drivers and those who drive whilst under the influence of drugs, who are putting their lives, and the lives of other road users, at risk on our roads.”
If you know of someone who regularly drinks and drives, or if you suspect someone who is behind the wheel whilst under the influence of alcohol, contact North Wales Police on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Councillors urged to remove Sainsbury's cafe ban

* Planning officers recommend that the restriction on a cafe being included
 in the supermarket to be built on the Dobson & Crowther site should be removed.

A ban on including a café in the new Sainsbury’s food store earmarked for Llangollen should be lifted, advises Denbighshire’s planning chief.
Graham Boase also suggests that changes to three other conditions imposed on the planning permission for the store, to be built on land currently occupied by the Dobson & Crowther printworks in Berwyn Street, should be approved by county councillors.
When the store was given the go-ahead by the planning committee last September, it was subject to a long list of conditions on what could be included in the building and how it should be allowed to operate.
But agents for the developers recently submitted a fresh application to either remove or vary five of these conditions, which relate to the café, permitted levels of noise and pedestrian access to the site.
White Young Green Planning & Design say the changes are needed to allow the store to operate successfully.

Over 20 objections have been received by the council ahead of the new application being considered by the planning committee tomorrow (Wednesday).
Among those who have declared themselves their opposition are the Town Council and the Civic Society.
There were also letters of objection from a number of individuals, including well-known campaigner Martin Crumpton who sent in a detailed statement of opposition accompanied by an online petition.
The bid to remove the café restriction, which was imposed at the request of local councillors to protect other cafes in the nearby Riverside Park and the town centre, has been the most controversial since it was revealed.

Opponents claim an in-store cafe would damage those already operating in the town.
However, in their submission, Roger Tym & Partners, who have acted as retail consultants on behalf of the county council, say there is “probably no strong basis to condition out a café”.
In recommending that the committee allow the restriction to be removed, council planning chief Graham Boase says in a report: “Whilst officers consider there are a number of relevant arguments in objection to the variation proposed, the absence of support for a refusal from the retail consultant offers little professional backing for a negative recommendation here, and it is ultimately considered unreasonable to insist on precluding a café use which is now a common facility ancillary to the operation of a modern food store.”
In the same report Mr Boase recommends that changes to three other conditions on the new store covering noise emissions and the wording on the provision of an additional footpath into the site are also granted.
The only condition he suggests should be refused as “unacceptable” is the one which relates to arrangements for the investigation and implementation of mitigation where noise exceeds permitted levels.
The supermarket plan is closely related to a separate application to move Dobson & Crowther to a new factory to be built on farmland at nearby Cilmedw.
This was also approved by the planning committee in September but at their meeting this week members will consider a fresh application from the developers to delete or vary two of the conditions imposed on the original permission.
In a report Mr Boase is recommending that both of these, which relate to the factory being allowed to operate and to have deliveries and waste collected on Sundays in addition the rest of the week, should be granted by the committee. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Scheme aims to unite stolen goods with owners

An initiative which is aimed at helping to reunite owners with lost or stolen property has now been extended to Denbighshire.
The Immobilise register, which was launched in Bangor during the summer, is an online tool where people can register items such as mobile phones free of charge.
Once an item has been registered, officers can access the database to trace the owners of any property they may recover.
Other valuable items such as iPads, laptops, iPods, game consoles, cameras and satellite navigation systems can also be registered with Immobilise.
“The free Immobilise property registration service is a very powerful tool in the fight against crime,” said Inspector Julie Sheard from the North Wales Police Community Safety Department.
“We are urging people to register their property, in particular items such as mobile phones onto the Immobilise database. It only takes a few minutes and if your property is stolen and later recovered, there is a greater chance of it being returned.”
“Once you have opened a free account on Immobilise, it is important to keep it up to date, either in notifying the system that an item has been lost or stolen or in registering new items that you have purchased.”
She added: “The more people that register their phones on the Immobilise website, the better chance we have of tracking down criminals and returning stolen property back to its rightful owner.”
Immobilise is used by various police forces all over the country and has proved to be a popular tool in deterring crime.

Shop local urges county council chief

* Support your local shops in Llangollen and across the county, says the council.

Support your local town centres is the message from Denbighshire County Council as it encourages people to shop local in the run up to Christmas and New Year.

Councillor Hugh Evans, Leader of Denbighshire, who is also the Cabinet Lead Member for Economic Development, met a representative of the Denbigh Business Group during a recent visit to the town and highlighted the need for people to think local, shop local.

Councillor Evans said: "The run up to Christmas and New Year is usually one of the busiest times for local businesses and we need people to support them and for businesses to make sure they promote what they have on offer. 

"More and more shoppers are choosing out of towns shopping centres or online shopping, thinking they are more convenient and they will get better bargains. 

"However, we think that our town centres in Denbighshire have a lot to offer - they are unique and offer a wealth of goods and services that people want. Not only do they provide a business, but they also provide a valuable service.

"It's vitally important to get behind local businesses during the current economic climate. Many businesses now realise that they must be in a position to compete with the larger out of town businesses and it is encouraging to see businesses taking initiatives to be able to compete and we would encourage people to offer their support. 

"Towns are also arranging a number of events in the run up to Christmas and New Year, in a bid to entice people for late night shopping and a festive atmosphere."

The council, working with the main town councils across the county, is offering free parking after 3pm in its car parks until the New Year, in a bid to encourage more people to use the town centres.

Advice on Christmas prescriptions

People suffering from long term health conditions are being urged to ‘be prepared’ and pick up their prescriptions to cover them through the festive holiday.
The Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is urging those with asthma, lung and heart disease and diabetes not to leave it too late to pick up their repeat prescriptions.
They say it is important to remember that most GP practices and pharmacies will operate limited hours during the holiday period.
A spokesperson said: “It is very important to be prepared for the Christmas period, especially if you do have a long term health condition. A simple call to your GP before the holiday or a trip to the pharmacist can help you stay safe and well and enjoy the festivities.
“Stocking up on over the counter medicines as well at your local pharmacy is a good idea as many people do succumb to illness despite the seasonal cheer. And don’t forget that if you do feel unwell between Christmas and New Year with a sore throat or cold, choosing a trip to a pharmacist can help put you right."
NHS partners in North Wales are supporting the Choose Well campaign which highlights the message that Emergency Departments and 999 services are for life-threatening and serious conditions.
The Choose Well campaign assists people by linking their symptoms or injury to the right service.
A new app has been developed and can be downloaded to show the pharmacies, GP surgeries, out of hours GP service and Minor injuries units close to you.
For more information log on to:

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seasonal recycling arrangements announced

The county council has issued the following advice about recycling arrangements over the Christmas period:

BLUE WHEELIE BINS / RECYCLING SACKS AND ORANGE FOOD WASTE CADDIESYour recycling collection and food collection days may change during the holiday period so please CHECK your collection day to see the changes to the schedule:
Monday 24 December stays the same Monday, 24 December
Tuesday 25 December changes to Wednesday 26 December
Wednesday 26 December changes to Thursday 27 December
Thursday 27 December changes to Friday 28 December
Friday 28 December changes to Saturday 29 December
Monday 31 December stays the same Monday 31 December
Tuesday 1 January changes to Wednesday 2 January
Wednesday 2 January changes to Thursday 3 January
Thursday 3 January changes to Friday 4 January
Friday 4 January changes to Saturday 5 January

There will be no collection of garden waste in the week starting Monday, 24 December.


Your non-recyclable refuse collection day may change during the holiday period so
please CHECK your collection day opposite to see the changes to the schedule:

Monday 31 December stays the same Monday 31 December
Tuesday 1 January changes to Wednesday 2 January
Wednesday 2 January changes to Thursday 3 January
Thursday 3 January changes to Friday 4 January
Friday 4 January changes to Saturday 5 January

Fire service issues seasonal safety advice

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service is appealing to residents to spare a thought for safety in the run up to Christmas.

Firefighters have attended events in Llangollen, Johnstown, Penmaenmawr, Caernarfon and Abersoch to spread the word on Christmas fire safety.

Gareth Griffiths, Senior Fire Safety Manager, said: "The build up to Christmas and New Year can be a time to relax and enjoy the party atmosphere - but extra vigilance is vital to prevent a fire that could easily devastate the family home with the loss of presents and valuables, or even worse seriously injure you or a loved one."

Gareth explained that Christmas trees, lights and decorations add considerably to fire risk in the home and shared these golden rules for festive fire safety:
  • Always turn Christmas tree lights off and remove the plug at night, and when the room is going to be unoccupied for a length of time.
  • Ensure Christmas lights carry the British Safety Standard mark.
  • Do not overload plug sockets.
  • Ensure candles are in proper holders so they can't fall over, and do not leave lit candles unattended for any length of time.
  • Make sure open fires are well guarded and that wrapping paper, Christmas decorations etc., are kept well away.
  • Make sure smokers extinguish their cigarettes completely.
  • Take extra care after drinking alcohol.
  • Push the button, not your luck - Check your smoke alarms are working and don't be tempted to use the batteries to power any Christmas presents.
  • Make your plan. Get out alive - will everyone (including guests) know where your door and window keys are kept?
  • Don't be distracted when cooking - fire starts when your attention stops.
Gareth added: "Everyone likes to enjoy themselves over Christmas, and we're just asking them to keep safety in mind while celebrating. I'd also like to remind residents about the dangers of cooking after drinking alcohol - cooking and drinking just don't mix.

"We all need to consider the possible consequences of our actions and think safe to stay safe."

For more advice on fire safety and for the opportunity to have free smoke alarms fitted in your home, please contact North Wales Fire and Rescue Service for a free home fire safety check.

* To register, please call our free 24 hour hotline on 0800 169 1234 or visit or text 88365, ensuring you prefix your message with the word HFSC.