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Monday, November 5, 2012

Bid to change conditions of supermarket plan

* The letter outlining the latest application.
Agents for the developers are seeking permission from the county council to alter conditions imposed on the plan to build a new Sainsbury’s supermarket close to the centre of Llangollen.
Among other things, the fresh application, submitted last week, aims to remove the restriction covering a café inside the new store.
But the move has angered campaigners against the original scheme who are urging people in the area to object to it.
An online petition has also been launched asking the council to reject the latest proposals.
Despite local objections, the plan to build the new 20,000 square foot store, which applicants claim will create 109 jobs, was approved by Denbighshire’s planning committee in September.
It will occupy the site of the Dobson & Crowther printworks on the A5, with the factory transferring to a new location at nearby Climedw.   
At the planning committee meeting, Llangollen councillor Cllr Rhys Hughes proposed a list of conditions, among which was one not to include a café facility.
These conditions were accepted by members before they voted to grant the application.
Now, WYG Planning & Design, acting on behalf of applications J Ross, has submitted a new application seeking to vary a number of the conditions, including the one referring to the café.
Mike Edwards, chair of the group Keep Llangollen Special (KLS), which campaigned against the supermarket plan, said: “KLS are appalled by this application being put in so quickly when the certificate granting approval of the original applications was only just issued.
“In our view it is totally detrimental to all the existing independently owned cafes, coffee shops and hotels in Llangollen.
“We are discussing it at our next management committee meeting on Monday, but will be strongly opposing approval of these relaxations.
“We wish everyone in Llangollen to be aware of these revisions and urge them to object to the applications.”
A separate anti-supermarket campaign group, Llangollen Preservation, is also objecting to the latest application and has launched a petition, which can be viewed at:    
A spokesman for the group said: “As of a letter received on Saturday, Denbighshire Local Planning Authority have put out to public consultation - for 21 days – a proposal to release Sainsbury’s from a number of conditions, including overturning the cafe restriction.
“It is a fact the new superstores only succeed if they steal market share from their rivals – usually the most vulnerable, like small, independent traders.”
The precise terms of the new application are:
·         Proposed Variation Of Conditions Attached To Planning Permission 03/2012/0030/Pf For Use Class A1 Foodstore .- Condition 8D . In Relation To The Restriction On The Provision Of A Cafe Facility Within The Store, To Delete This Requirement.- Condition 13B . In Relation To Noise Emissions, To Vary The Restrictions On Permitted Levels.- Condition 16 . In Relation To Measures To Be Taken In The Event Of Noise Emissions Exceeding Permitted Levels, To Vary The Arrangements For Investigation And Implementation Of  Mitigation.- Condition 19 . In Relation To The Need To Submit  A Certificate Of Compliance With Breeam Standards Before Trading Commences, To Require The Submission Within 12 Months Of The Store Opening.- Condition 21 . In Relation To The Provision  Of  An Additional Pedestrian Access Into The Site, To Revise The Wording Of The Condition To Refer To A Revised Or Additional Pedestrian Access.

County launches new school meals menu

Winter is on the way and Denbighshire's award winning catering service is launching its new school meals menu with lots of children's favourites.

From spaghetti bolognaise or lasagne to tasty fish fillets with diced potatoes and peas, traditional meat and potato pies with potatoes and veg and some new additions such as chicken fillet in BBQ sauce, tomato and basil pasta and many more delicious dishes.

Salad bars are available in most schools with jacket potatoes, yoghurts and fresh fruit all on the menu daily.

All meals comply with Welsh Government nutritional guidelines without compromising on taste and research shows that children study better and are able to concentrate more in the afternoon if they've had a hot, nutritionally balanced meal at lunchtime.

In appreciation of the difficult financial climate, this is the third year prices have been held as Denbighshire's school meals team strives to increase uptake to compensate for the ever increasing cost of food.

Denbighshire's Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for the school meals service, Councillor David Smith, said: "The team has worked hard to design a nutritious and warming menu, and they organise a range of competitions and theme days throughout the year and all this is for less than the price of a latte in some high street shops - where else can you get a freshly cooked 2 course meal with a drink for £1.95!

"I would encourage parents to seriously consider taking up the school meals offer - the more parents who do, the better it is for children and the more we can keep the prices down."

The menu is now being distributed to schools and school cooks are ready for the launch on 5 November, kicking off with a special theme-day menu to celebrate Bonfire Night.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Human remains are those of missing vet, say police

As a result of a post mortem carried out on Thursday on human remains found in the Manor Road area of Sealand on Wednesday October 31, North Wales Police say they can confirm they have now been positively identified as being those of missing vet Catherine Gowing.
The coroner for North East Wales, Mr John Gittins, has been notified of these results.
Senior Investigating Officer DCI Mark Pierce said: “The post mortem confirmed our fears and the results have been passed to Catherine’s family.
“We are also awaiting identification of further remains found on the banks of the River Dee in Ferry Lane, Higher Ferry, Chester, on Friday November 2. The search continues for further remains and any other evidence which will assist this investigation.”
DCI Pierce repeated his appeal for any information regarding any sightings of Catherine Gowing’s Irish registered Renault Clio 00D 99970 and Clive Sharp’s black Volvo S40 AG58 JHE since Friday October 12 and particularly in the Sealand area.
He said: “I would like to hear from anyone who saw any suspicious activity in fields in the Manor Road area of Sealand to contact police on 101.”
Catherine Gowing was last seen at approximately 8.40pm on Friday October 12 2012 when she was sighted on CCTV leaving Asda Supermarket in Queensferry. Since that time 46 year old Clive Sharp has been charged with her murder.
Anyone one with information about sightings or any suspicious activity in the Sealand area is asked to call North Wales Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

"Clean" comedy show heading for pavilion

* Zoe Lyons.
A comedy night at Llangollen Pavilion hosted by the Diocese of St Asaph will feature Mock the Week star Zoe Lyons as the headline act.
She will be joined by fellow comedians Andy Kind and Tony Vino for a night of comedy with a clean ethos on Saturday, November 10.
* Andy Kind.
Zoe is well known for her appearances on TV shows such as Dave’s One Night Stand, Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow and Mock the Week while Andy is a Christian comedian who has supported Milton Jones and Tim Vine on their national tours.
Tony Vino (below right) will compere the event which starts with an open bar at 7pm before the comedy gets underway at 8pm.
This will be the third time the Diocese of St Asaph has hosted a clean comedy night. It’s part of an initiative called REACH which is designed to bridge the gap between God, spirituality and everyday life.
Organiser Tim Feak said: “Our previous comedy nights have been really well received and they’ve proved that clean comedy can also be very funny.
“We’re really looking forward to welcoming Zoe Lyons and Andy Kind to Llangollen. Zoe has appeared on really well known TV shows while Andy has been described as ‘a future star’ by the BBC. It will also be the third time Tony Vino has been our compere so it promises to be a really good evening.”
Despite this being comedy with a clean ethos, there will still be some adult themes so the Diocese is recommending a minimum age of 15 for this  event.                                            
Tickets cost £10 for adults or £5 for under 25s and are available from the Diocesan Office in St Asaph on 01745 582245.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Police warn of snow falls in North Wales

North Wales Police control room tweeted about half an hour ago (10.21pm, Saturday) that snow was affecting high roads in N Wales.

The Crimea Pass at Blaenau Ffestiniog was described as "unpassable at the moment" and it was also said to be snowing in the Bala area.

* The Crimea Pass (library picture). 

Wildwater canoeing back on the Dee

WILDWATER canoeing returns to the River Dee this weekend.
Competitors from across the UK are expected to descend on Llangollen for the English and Welsh Open Championship on Saturday and Sunday.

Races include the classic course from Horseshoe Falls near the Chainbridge Hotel down to the town centre, sprint race, team races and a wavehopper race with the Llangollen Cup being presented to the overall winner.

Paddlers from the armed forces are also taking to the water for the Inter-services Championships.

Great Britain Wildwater Canoeing, whose chairman Peter Schofield is father of London 2012 bronze medallist Jonnie, is running the weekend.

Chester paddlers Colin Cartwright, Simon Goulding, Dave Bradburn and Brian McNulty are among those expected to take part.

Racing starts at noon and spectators can watch the action from the riverside for free.

John takes the plunge to boost Christmas festival

* John Palmer braves the freezing cold River Dee.
* John Palmer, left, and Ken Skates AM on the first leg of the
challenge – a six-mile run.

AN INTREPID Llangollen grandad has braved the wild waters of the River Dee to raise cash for the town’s Christmas festivities.

For the second year running, 65-year-old John Palmer, a former outdoor pursuits instructor who chairs Llangollen Chamber of Tourism and Trade, decided to take on a tough physical challenge to support the festival, which will take place this year on Saturday, November 24. 

Last year at around this time, he swam two miles through challenging white water from the Chain Bridge to the centre of Llangollen, raising £400 for the seasonal event.  

But this year John decided to make it even tougher by first doing a six-mile run from Corwen to Glyndyfrdwy and then swimming the remaining six miles to the Horseshoe Falls just outside town. 

Doing the challenge alongside him was supposed to be Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates, himself quite a seasoned runner.   

However, that’s not quite how it turned out on the day of the challenge, which was  Friday of last week. 

Because, despite setting out together, only John completed the course 

He said: “Although misty and cloudy all week, Friday dawned bright, clear and much, much colder.  

“The running section of the challenge passed without incident, although the climb out of Carrog took its toll and on reaching Glyndyfrdwy, we were able to catch our breath, take a drink and prepare for the next stage.  

“But then an urgent meeting meant that Ken diverted back to Llangollen by bike while I carried on down the river as originally planned.” 

John added: “Plunging into the cold river was quite a shock and, as the river was quite low it made the current quite sluggish on the flat bits and very bumpy through the rapids. 

“By 6pm the Horseshoe Falls were finally in view and as I got out of the water I remember thinking that was the daftest thing I had ever done.  

“I don’t think that I have ever been so cold in my life.  

“Bearing in mind that was a relatively short swim I have huge respect for those people who swim the channel or huge distances down rivers.” 

So far, the sponsored challenge has raised over £400 for the Llangollen Christmas Festival, which will begin at 1pm with Santa’s parade through the town centre and feature Santa’s grotto, market stalls, children’s entertainers, live bands, craft stalls, morris dancers and a hog roast. 

The festival, all proceeds of which will go to Hope House Hospice, ends on a high note as the Christmas lights are switched on at 5.30pm. 

John and Ken would like to thank ProAdventure and Mr Iwan Davies of Coed-Y-Glyn Farm in Glyndyfrwdy for their generous help and Austin Cheminais for his support.
* Ken Skates gets on his bike as
duty calls.