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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You can still have your say on health services, says group

* The closure threatened Cottage Hospital.

People can still have their say on the future of health services in Llangollen even though the health board official consultation exercise ended last Sunday.

That is the message from campaign group Keep Llangollen Health Services (KLHS), which is fighting plans to shut the town’s Cottage Hospital years before its proposed replacement – a health centre possibly on the site of the former River Lodge just up the road - is ready.
The proposal by the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) to shut the hospital was put out to consultation 10 weeks ago and the results of the exercise will now be considered by board members before a final decision is made.
A KLHS group spokesman said: “The Betsi Cadwaladr consultation officially ended on Sunday but there’s little cause to regret missing filing your comments – the questions were loaded to elicit the responses the board wanted anyway.
“For an unbiased survey, which is still available, send your views to the Betsi Cadwaladr Community Health Council, a watchdog with real teeth, and a bite big enough to force the Health Minister to rethink her plans.
“On Facebook, go to or on Twitter,, or fill in the Survey and express your thoughts online at the BCCHC’s website:
The KLHS spokesman says:
· * Betsi Cadwaladr’s consultation survey is biased to get the answers they want
· * They  (BCUHB) claim running costs for our Hospital are too high – but promise a larger replacement with greater running costs
· * Their (BCUHB) estimate of £5.5m to build a replacement health centre will be out of date in four or five years, which is the earliest that can hope to begin a new build – not late 2014/2015
· * They (BCUHB) haven’t developed plans for the River Lodge site
· * They (BCUHB) haven’t obtained funds for the River Lodge sit
· * £5.5m doesn’t cover the cost of the rumoured bridge across the Dee
· * The Dee is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and the bridge will be strongly resisted
· * The access to River Lodge will need widening to comply with planning law – which means compulsory purchase of several buildings, their demolition, and new roadworks
· * The "fiasco" of River Lodge and Powys Fadog may yet go to public inquiry, blocking any developments until the issue is resolved
· * There is still a query over reversion of the hospital site to the Vivod Estate

· * All four AMs, both County Councillors, the Town Council and other AMs are unanimous in opposing closure of the Cottage Hospital until its replacement is available
· * The public is opposed to its closure until its replacement is up and running
· * There are no beds available in the private sector, despite claims to the contrary
· * They (BCUHB) will not allow us to keep our beds – this is non-negotiable, making consultation no more than lip-service
· * They (BCUHB) will not allow us to keep our Minor Injuries Unit, predominantly and regularly used by our children and elderly.
* Unlike every other public body we have contacted since our launch, the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has consistently ignored all communications from llanblogger, so therefore we are unable to obtain its response to these KLHS claims.

Just don't mention the war ...

Britain's most famous dysfunctional hotel opens for business once more as the Llangollen Twenty Club perform three episodes of the hugely successful sitcom next week.

Regularly voted as the funniest television series in history, Fawlty Towers, written by John Cleese and Connie Booth, follows the trials of rude and put-upon hotel owner Basil Fawlty, his bossy wife Sybil, comparatively normal chambermaid Polly and hapless Spanish waiter Manuel and their attempts to run the hotel amidst farcical situations and an array of demanding and eccentric guests.

Performances will take place on November 8, 9 and 10 at 7.30pm with an additional matinee performance on the 10th at 2.30pm, all at Llangollen Town Hall.

Tickets are available at Hardy's the Card Shop, Gwyn Davies Butchers, Courtyard Books or on 01978 860397.

This is expected to be a sell-out so please book early to avoid disappointment. Admission £6, concessions £5.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Man stabbed in nearby town

Detectives in Wrexham are appealing for information after a man sustained serious injuries following a stabbing incident in Rhosllanerchrugog.
The 29-year-old victim sustained injuries which were initially described as life threatening however he is now in a stable condition at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.
Staff at the hospital alerted police at 1.51am on Saturday morning, October 27, to the victim's injuries. From inquiries, Detectives believe an altercation occurred a short time earlier that morning on Maes y Ficerdy, Rhosllanerchrugog, between the 29-year-old man and another man, during which the 29-year-old sustained stab wounds to his stomach and leg.
Police investigations into the incident are already well underway and are continuing.
Detectives are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident or who has information to contact them at Wrexham CID immediately on 101. Alternatively, individuals with information can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

A5 at Chirk re-opens

The Daily Post has just tweeted that the A5 at Chirk is open again.

The road was closed just after 7am today (Monday) following a three-car smash.

It re-opened just after 9p - a  14-hour closure in total.

A5 at Chirk still closed

The Daily Post tweeted at 7.22pm that the A5 at Chirk was still closed after a three-vehcile accident early this morning (Monday).

Tt was due to reopen at 7pm but the Post says there is no sign of that happening yet.

A diversion is still in operation, with borthbound traffic being asked to follow the black square symbol, and southbound traffic following the black diamond symbol.

Crash bridge should re-open later

The Leader is reporting on its website that a bridge which shut in the early hours of this morning (Monday) following a car crash is expected to reopen at about 7pm tonight.
A man was taken to Wrexham Maelor Hospital with a suspected back injury following the one-vehicle collision on the viaduct between the Halton and Gledrid roundabouts on the A483 leading to the A5 near Chirk at about 12.40am today.

A temporary parapit will be installed this afternoon while structural engineers assess the damage.
Traffic is currently being diverted through the villages of Gledrid and Chirk using the B5070.

Tough new role for Operatic star Louisa

* Louisa Jones is ready to set off on her Indian adventure.

A member of Llangollen Operatic Society takes on a tough new role as she sets out on a gruelling 220-mile charity ride through India next month.
Louisa Jones, 33, who has taken many key parts for the society, is joining the Action for Charity’s Women V Cancer Cycle Challenge to raise cash for three women’s cancer charities.
The five-day challenge begins a few days after she flies out to India on November 9 and along the way will have to contend with soaring temperatures and remote, treacherous roads.
Louisa, who works as a European sales analyst for the Ruabon-based Flint Group printing and packing company, will join a group of around 100 other women from across the UK who will set out from the city of Agra – home of the iconic Taj Mahal - and pedal through the rural state of Rajasthan in north-west India, ending their momentous journey in the capital, Jaipur.
To maintain their tight schedule the intrepid cyclists, ranging in age from their twenties to sixties, will need to average around 40 miles a day.
The route followed will be far removed from the usual tourist trails and will be both on and off road.
Conditions will be challenging as the roads are mere dirt tracks in many places and the temperatures at this time of year will be around 36F in the daytime and plummeting at night.
The one consolation is that every night the riders will return to a camp set up for them in advance by challenge organisers.
In advance of her trip to the sub-continent Louisa has been raising the cash necessary to guarantee her a place on the ride.
Thanks to strong support from family, friends and work colleagues she managed to burst through the £2,800 qualifying barrier some months ago and pledges are still coming in.
She also plans to made a personal contribution of £500 towards her fundraising total, which will be distributed between Breast Cancer Care, Jo’ Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.
To prepare for the tough physical test Louisa has been in training since January, completing rides through the countryside around her home of up to 40 miles.
She said: “I hadn’t really cycled properly since I was in my teens so the training was a bit tough at first.
“Eventually, I was doing up to 40 miles a day but I know that some of the other ladies who are going on the ride have been doing 70 miles.
“As a novice cyclist, I am aware I have a tough training regime ahead of me. However, I know it will be an amazing learning curve and a life changing experience. "
Louisa added: “I have chosen to support cancer charities because I think almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and what it can mean to them.
“In raising money I wanted to do something I have never done before.”
To make a contribution towards Louisa’s challenge go to

* Louisa is hoping to keep llanblogger readers informed of her progress by sending regular daily updates of her progress on the ride.

Communications and technology permitting, we'll start bringing them to you a few days after she arrives in India on November 9.