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Friday, January 24, 2020

Details of Llangollen Walking Festival released

The 2020 Llangollen Walking Festival will be held on the weekend of May 8-10.

All the walks will again start from the Cottage Tea Rooms & Bistro in Castle Street.

The programme of walks is:

Friday May 8

• Offa's Dyke Path Challenge Walk 20 miles - coach to start.

• NEW History Walk - Llangollen's Mills a fascinating walk through local history with David, our local guide book writer and historian.

• Nordic Walking with our Denbighshire Walking for Health officer.

Saturday May 9

• Wilderness Walk 15 miles and Steam Train Ride back.

• Steam Train Ride and Dee Valley meander 8 miles.

• Town History Walk - ​a fascinating short walk around Llangollen with local historian Janet.
Sunday May 10

• 5 Ugly Sisters Walk 14 miles - bus to start.

​• World Heritage Site Walk to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct 8 miles on part of the Offa's Dyke Path with botanist Hazel.

* For further details of the festival and to book places on the walks, go to:

Thursday, January 23, 2020

AM speaks out against smacking ban

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood (pictured) has slammed those behind introducing a smacking ban in  Wales.

And he accused them of “living in an unrepresentative Cardiff Bay bubble, where sitting in judgement on others and deciding what is good for them takes priority over listening to the people they are supposed to represent”.

Speaking in the Stage 3 Debate on the Children (Abolition of the Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Bill,  Mr Isherwood said a ban is not wanted by the majority, has proved ineffective in countries where smacking is already criminalised, and would criminalise “normal, decent, loving parents who use a smack from time to time”.

He said: “As I said when we debated this Bill in September, I am the Parent of six, all now responsible and caring adults, a God Parent, Grandparent, Uncle and Great Uncle.

“Three of my daughters are currently pregnant. Two of these now live a few miles away in England. They told me that they are grateful this Bill will not apply to them. However, our other pregnant daughter, who still lives in Wales, is worried about the ‘Snoopers Charter’ this Bill threatens to introduce.
“In a nationwide poll in New Zealand, where smacking is already criminalised, 70% said that they would not report a parent that they saw smacking a child, but 20% would become snoopers.
“The people behind this Bill appear to live in an unrepresentative Cardiff Bay bubble, where sitting in judgement on others and deciding what is good for them takes priority over listening to the people they are supposed to represent.
“They claim to be protecting children and state that those who disagree with them need positive parenting courses.
“However, the overwhelming majority of parents already know and apply the positive parenting interventions they advocate, whilst also retaining the option of light smacking in their positive parenting toolkit for rare use in times of danger or as a last resort."
He added: “A recent survey of Welsh local councillors found that seven in 10 are opposed to a smacking ban – including a majority from each of the main parties – and that nine in 10 say that councils do not have the resources to cope with one.

“Concern has been raised that the Welsh Government has not given an assessment of the costs to social services of this Bill in terms of an uplift in referrals and an increased burden on social workers.

“I stated here in September that I had received extensive correspondence from constituents regarding this Bill, all of which had asked me to oppose it.
“Four months later, I have not received a single request from any constituent to support this Bill, not one, but I have received numerous emails from constituents asking me to support Amendment 10 as moved today by Janet Finch-Saunders, which would delay the smacking ban coming into force until the UK Government, Police, and Crown Prosecution Service have established a pathway (as an alternative to prosecution) for those affected by the changes to the law.
“This follows a recommendation to this effect in ‘The Children, Young People and Education Committee’s Stage 1 Report on the Bill’, which recognises that Policing and Justice in Wales are a non-devolved responsibility.

“It is not having boundaries that contributes to damaged and disordered lives, disturbance and delinquency, but a lack of them. Instead of criminalising normal, decent, loving parents who use a smack from time to time, we must recognise the clear difference between smacking and child abuse, which the vast majority of parents are well able to recognise. This debate is a distraction, when our full focus should be on the growing reports of the sexual abuse, exploitation and forced labour of children."

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Kronospan safety raised in Senedd by AM

Questions about community safety following the fire at the Kronospan plant have been raised in the Senedd by Plaid Cymru North Wales AM Llyr Gruffydd.

Mr Gruffydd raised the matter and urged the Business Minister to ensure that the relevant government minister made a statement regarding the recent fire in Chirk, which he said had caused great concern in the local community.

He added: “There are health and safety concerns there after the third fire in three years. This time, the fire burned for a week causing pollution across the town and surrounding areas. It took 48 hrs before monitoring equipment was in place – missing the worst of the pollution. But this monitoring equipment has detected Formaldehyde, a carcinogen, in the air. In the wake of this, what is the Welsh Government doing to ensure this doesn’t happen again?”

Mr Gruffydd also questioned the response of the various agencies involved in dealing with the fire’s aftermath. While praising the work carried out by the fire service, he went on to call for “an independent inquiry with community representation to establish why the fire raged for so long and why the response from agencies was so sluggish.

“Will you also support my call for independent air-quality monitoring equipment to be based permanently there – the current temporary equipment had to be moved from Swansea?”

The Business Minister has pledged to respond to his request.

County to vote for business improvement scheme

* Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms, left, speaks on the BID at the cabinet meeting.  
The county council is to vote for Llangollen’s planned Business Improvement District (BID) on behalf of the properties it owns within the area the scheme covers.

On March 19th 200 local businesses will be balloted on whether they wish to be part of the BID which aims to raise cash to pay for projects aimed boosting their trading potential.

If the vote goes in favour of the scheme each business will be asked to pay a levy to help raise £88,000 a year, or a total of £440,000 over the five years it will last.

It is proposed that all eligible businesses will pay a banded levy towards running the BID.

Smaller businesses with a rateable value of less than £2,500 and businesses that fall into the industrial, manufacturing, storage, and workshop sectors will be exempt from paying the levy as will the two schools, according to a report on the BID which went before the county’s cabinet at its meeting yesterday (Tuesday).

Members were asked to consider voting “yes” to the scheme on behalf of the properties it owns in the BID area and to approve the payment of the levy contribution on each of them.

Officers have said there are 10 county-owned properties involved.

Introducing the report to cabinet its chair, Cllr Hugh Evans, said there had been “an awful lot of consultation and engagement” on the BID proposal in Llangollen.

And he made the point that what it could achieve for businesses was “over and above” what the county council could provide for them.

He added: “This is clearly about the business community investing it what they consider are the priorities they hope will move their businesses forward.

“Llangollen has always been an ambitious and busy town and if the BID does take off it will help to deal with some of the pressures from a business perspective.”

Cabinet member Cllr Tony Thomas said he had heard Llangollen businesses had been very supportive of the BID, the benefits of which he described as “excellent”.

Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms, who was allowed to speak on the matter as local member although he doesn’t sit on the cabinet, said he and fellow local member Melvyn Mile were “very keen supporters” of the BID.

He added: “I don’t have a business in the area so I shan’t be voting or anything but certainly it is something we think is very exciting.

“I have to declare an interest as chairman of the Llangollen 2020 Committee and some of the things they might be supporting are some of the things that are involved in that [the BID].”

Cabinet members went on to give the go-ahead for the council to vote in favour of the BID on behalf of its properties in the area and to pay the appropriate levy if the March 19 vote goes in its favour.    

The maximum possible levy cost to the council would be £9,980 a year and as schools are excluded then the cost would be £6,230 a year.

The council report says: “For the BID to be established, two conditions must be met. Firstly, a majority of those voting have to vote ‘yes’ and secondly those who vote ‘yes’ have to represent more than 50% of the total rateable value of all votes cast.

“If both majorities are met then the BID can be established and all businesses within the defined boundary are liable to pay the levy irrespective of whether they voted “yes” or “no” at ballot.

“If established, a BID runs for a maximum of five years. Beyond that if the BID wishes to continue then a new proposal must be developed and another ballot held.”

The report goes on: “In June 2018 the council’s Economic & Business Development (EBD) Team were invited by a group of businesses in Llangollen to discuss the idea of a BID and the potential for a Welsh Government grant for BID exploration.

“A grant application was lodged and was successful in securing grant aid.”

Consultants Mosaic Partnership were appointed to work with business in Llangollen to undertake a study into the feasibility of establishing a BID and to develop a proposal to take to ballot.

A task group to oversee the project was formed and, according to the report, has since been undertaking consultation with businesses, market research and project planning to develop the BID Business Plan. This has involved face to face discussions, an online survey, presentations and consultation in the town centre.

If the vote goes in its favour the BID will commence this summer and its initial term will run for five years.

An incorporated Company Limited by Guarantee will be established to deliver the business plan/proposals. It will be responsible for the delivery of the BID services and it will employ staff as appropriate to implement the BID board’s programme on a daily basis.

The council report adds: “Businesses could vote against the BID. To minimise this risk the Task Group are developing a robust business plan that has had engagement from businesses and demonstrates value for money to all potential levy payers.”

Church bells will toll for Holocaust Memorial Day

* The liberation of Auschwitz in 1945.
Next Monday, January 27, is Holocaust Memorial Day and is also the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, where more than a million people died.  

At 4.30pm St Collen's bell ringers will be making a small contribution to the international memorials by ringing a quarter peal, which is about 45 minutes of continuous ringing, with the bells half-muffled, as they are for Remembrance Sunday.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

MP calls for independent monitoring of Kronospan

* Chirk residents at the MP's surgery last Saturday.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has called for the independent monitoring of air quality and noise levels at the Kronospan factory in Chirk.

Mr Baynes held a walk-in surgery at the Parish Hall in Chirk last Saturday which was attended continuously by local residents from 9am – 5pm either in groups or individually. 

He says the main topic of discussion was the recent fire at Kronospan and people’s concerns about air quality and noise levels at the factory.

Mr Baynes said: “There is huge concern locally about the recent fire at Kronospan and how it started so it is vital that an open and transparent investigation is conducted into the causes of the fire and that the full findings of the report are made available to the public. 

"Residents of Chirk and the surrounding area also spoke on Saturday about their ongoing concerns about air quality and noise levels from the factory and these issues need to be addressed urgently by Kronospan by independent monitoring.

"I am working with Chirk Town Council and Wrexham Council and look forward to these matters being progressed with Kronospan.”

Welsh society to host St David's Day concert

Llangollen Welsh Society are hosting a St David's Day Concert at St Collen's Community Hall on Friday, February 28th at 7pm.

The concert features Lleisiau Ceiriog/Ceiriog Choir.

Tickets are £7 including a light buffet or £5 for members and are available from Elizabeth Benjamin or Eirwen Jones before February 26.