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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rotary sponsors new gilets for Eisteddfod’s young welcome hosts


* From left, are Rotarian John Clifford, welcome host Joshua Phillips of Ysgol Dinas Bran, who was helping out in the Eisteddfod press office; Mabli Lebbon of Ysgol Glan Clwyd who was with the music office; Beth Murray, Rotary District Governor; Rotarian Nick Gidney; Isobel Thomas of Ysgol Dinas Bran (music office); Harrison Clarke of Ysgol Dinas Bran (press office) and Sebastian Winser of Ysgol Dinas Bran (press office).     

Rotary International once again sponsored the stylish gilets worn by the Eisteddfod’s team of young volunteer welcome hosts.

The organisation, which has been closely associated with the festival over many years, handed over the striking new red gilets bearing the Eisteddfod’s dragon logo, the wheel logo of Rotary International and the word 'Croeso' emblazoned on the back, in time for them to be worn during Core Week.

The hosts, who are all in their teens and drawn from local schools, help out in a variety of departments during the week and their gilets are regularly renewed by Rotary.

Beth Murray, Governor of Rotary’s 1180 District which takes in Llangollen, said: “We’ve been providing the welcome hosts with their gilets for several years.

“It’s great to support such a fantastic international event as the Eisteddfod which has values that are so much in line with those of Rotary International.”

Ian Lebbon, Chairman of the Eisteddfod’s Marketing Committee, said: “I’d like to thank Rotary for once again providing the gilets for the 2024 festival. They make our welcome hosts look so smart.

“The young people do a fantastic job for us and it’s important they wear something that really distinctive and helps them to be easily picked out by our visitors and other volunteers.

“We originally came up with the idea of having welcome hosts at the Eisteddfod after we saw the 2012 London Olympics using them very successfully.”    

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Police launch further underwater search for missing man

 * A picture published by police of Anthony, the missing man. 

North Wales Police are still searching for a 62-year-old man missing in the Chirk area since July 3.

In  statement today on the NWP Wrexham Rural Facebook page they say: "We have concerns for the 62-year-old who was reported missing on Wednesday, July 3rd.

"An initial search was carried out by the Underwater Search Team along the Chirk Aqueduct on Monday, July 8th, after Anthony's belongings were discovered near to the canal on Sunday, July 7th.
"A further underwater search is being carried out in the same location today, near to the marina.
"The last confirmed sighting of Anthony was in Chirk on Friday, June 28th at 3pm.
"He is described to be around 5ft10, of a large build, has short grey hair and was last seen wearing the clothes in the image below."
Detective Inspector Dean Jones said: “A team of specialist officers are continuing searches for Anthony today, whilst other lines of enquiry are being followed to help locate him.
“Anyone who thinks they might have seen him since 3pm on Friday, June 28th, is urged to contact us at the earliest opportunity.
“I am also asking residents with CCTV in the Chirk area, near to the canal, to check their footage from June 28th onwards for sightings of Anthony.
“We would be grateful if people could once again avoid Chirk Marina and the footpath leading up to, and through the tunnel leading to Chirk Aqueduct whilst underwater searches are ongoing.
“Thank you to the public for their continued patience and understanding. Anyone with information to contact us via the website, or by calling 101, quoting itrace reference 47761.”

Collen Players back with a sizzling summer show - including grub!

* A previous summer show by the Collen Players.

Llangollen’s famous Collen Players are back on stage in just over a week’s time to brighten up our dreary summer weather with another of their sizzling music hall and variety shows. 

And its producer says you’d better be quick if you want to catch Seaside Serenade at St Collen’s Community Hall on the evening of Friday July 19 as tickets are going fast. 

The Players, headed by their founder Lee Taylor, have been bringing their colourful live shows to the community and town halls for the past few years, to great audience acclaim. 

After a break enforced by the pandemic, they are now back with their new production. 

Lee, who will once again be presiding as music hall chairman, said: “Seaside Serenade will an unforgettable show created especially for a summer which has hasn’t been too summery so far. 

“The charm of vintage British seaside entertainment will come alive with lively performances, catchy tunes and whimsical acts.  

* George Formby impersonator Colin Bourdiec is back.

“Back by popular demand will be our special guest star Colin Bourdiec, who is acknowledged as the UK’s foremost George Formby impersonator. He is also one of the only song and dance men reliving the golden age of variety and Vaudeville. 

“Colin has appeared in a couple of the Collen Players’ previous shows and always gone down a storm with our audiences.” 

Lee added: “Tickets for the show are going fast, so if you want to see Colin and the rest of our talented cast, get booking right away. Tickets are just £15 and include a bountiful buffet supper to tantalise your taste buds! 

“Dress in your best boating jackets and hats for an evening of pure nostalgic delight.”  

* Follow this link for taste of what's on offer with this short promo film for a previous Collen Players show:

📞 To book tickets call: 01978 861768 (leave your name, contact number and number of tickets you require + details of any food allergies).

Llangollen hotel boss spearheads major expansion plan

* Everbright Group Operations Manager Nic Rowland. Picture by Mandy Jones

The boss of a Llangollen hotel who started out washing pots in the kitchen is spearheading a major expansion plan and a £2 million plan to cut carbon.

Group Operations Manager Nic Rowland, 38, revealed the award-winning Everbright Hotel Group - it owns the Wild Pheasant in Llangollen - is aiming to increase the number of properties in their portfolio from seven to 10 in North Wales and the North of England.

Meanwhile, the Everbright Hotel Group was recently hailed as a trailblazer by the Net Zero North Wales Network for investing in green technology at the Llandudno Bay Hotel, where the carbon footprint was cut by 84 per cent and energy bills were slashed from a quoted £300,000 to £100,000.

Over the next few years the eco-friendly approach is going to be replicated across the group’s other hotels, the Wild Pheasant, the Belmont and the Queens in Llandudno, Rossett Hall near Wrexham, the George Hotel in Penrith and Stonecross Manor in Kendal.

It’s all a far cry from when Nic started as a wet-behind-the-ears, 15-year-old schoolboy washing pots at the Grade II listed Rossett Hall Hotel.

Things could have turned out very differently because he originally embarked on a university degree course in IT – but gave that up after three months because he realised he liked the hotel business more.

At the heart of his remarkable rise up the ranks is a formidable work ethic that saw him at one point holding down three jobs while still in school – as well doing shifts at  the hotel, he had two papers rounds and worked in a local shop.

Rocket boosters were put under his career when Rossett Hall was bought in 2015 by the Everbright Group which grew rapidly over subsequent years with the purchase of all the other hotels.

Nic said: “What I liked about working in a hotel was the buzz and the camaraderie with colleagues and you thrive off the positive feedback from customers. I just love it.

“We’ve gone from one site in Rossett to seven individual properties in the space of eight years with more to come. It’s been an amazing journey.

“All but one of the hotels are four star rated which they weren’t originally – the exception being the George Hotel in Penrith where we have aspirations to upgrade to four stars by 2025.”

According to Nic, he’s proud the pioneering green initiatives at the Llandudno Bay Hotel were recognised earlier this year at the international Lux Life Travel and Tourism Awards when the Everbright Group was crowned Sustainable Luxury Hotel Group of the Year.

The award was the latest in a series of accolades for the group which included being  named as the Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Hotel of the Year 2023 at the Go North Wales Tourism Awards and at the same ceremony, Rossett Hall was named as the Best Large Hotel in North Wales.

He said: “We invested around £150,000 in the heating system in Llandudno Bay  which significantly reduced our ongoing costs at just the right time because that’s when the energy crisis happened.

“We were looking at energy bills quoted at £300,000 a year and that wasn’t sustainable for the business. It’s brought the energy bills down to around £100,000 a year.

“That was a game changer and we are now going to roll-out the green energy initiative across all our properties, replicating what we did in Llandudno Bay right across the group.

“We’re looking at similar energy efficient heating systems, solar power, thermodynamic panels and EV charging points.

“It’s going to be a huge investment of around £2 million but it makes total business sense and it’s also great for the planet.

“We’re on an amazing journey because Everbright is an aspirational company and still quite young.

“I am excited about the future and thoroughly driven as there is a good direction of travel with the business and we know where we want to get to.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A483 traffic to be diverted through Llangollen tonight

The Denbighshire Free Press is reporting this afternoon (Tuesday) that traffic from the A483 will be diverted through Llangollen tonight.

* For the full story, see: A483 traffic being diverted through Llangollen tonight | Denbighshire Free Press

Health Minister told to ‘get a grip’ on dentistry services in North Wales

* Sam Rowlands MS.

Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, has called for a long term plan to increase the number of dentists. 

Mr Rowlands, Shadow Health Minister, and a harsh critic of the Welsh Government’s failure to deal with the lack of NHS dentists in North Wales, was speaking in the Senedd in a debate on dentistry training. 

He said: “We know that dentist provision is such an important part of the healthcare system and is a major part of the preventative agenda. Dentistry is such an important part of that in reducing much bigger, more expensive issues further down the line. 

“We know this is especially important for children, who can and should then be building healthy teeth-cleaning habits into adulthood and I'm particularly concerned about the issues that we're building up here in Wales for young people and adults down the line. 

“Sadly, for the people I represent here in North Wales the provision simply isn't good enough, and we are left with what some describe as 'dental deserts' across the region. This lack of consistency certainly exacerbates those problems down the line, increasing major issues in the future, and, ultimately, costing taxpayers more as well.  

“I think it's perfectly reasonable for people paying their taxes to expect to have access to an NHS dentist. I don't think that's beyond what people should be expecting to receive as a basic part of their health needs. But, sadly, too many people are being let down with this most basic of expectations. 

“The health committee report on dentistry last year contained a number of useful recommendations, one of which was to look at a dental school in North Wales, in partnership with the university. A fully funded and fully functioning dental school in our area in North Wales would certainly go a long way to giving Wales and North Wales the dental workforce that it needs, for those patients that need that service. 

“It is necessary and fair to recognise that an expansion of training places isn’t without cost, and we have to consider the cost of training, university clinical placement capacity, in addition to having quality academic staff who can design and deliver those courses. But, Cabinet Secretary, I would argue that there must be a strong spend-to-save business case to be made here, and I would urge you to pursue this in the strongest terms possible.” 

He called for the Cabinet Secretary, Eluned Morgan to increase the number of dentists and support staff alongside traditional dentists.

He added: “I would make increasing those numbers a central plank of this Government’s work, and getting a grip on a broad-ranging long-term plan would certainly go a long way to making this happen, so that our constituents can have access to the NHS dentists that they need.”

Katherine Jenkins captivates Pavilion audience

* Katherine Jenkins on stage. Pictures by Desh Kapur for Cuffe and Taylor.

Welsh singing superstar Katherine Jenkins OBE made a sensational return to the Pavilion headlining a classical gala concert to conclude this year’s Core Week of Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. 

She captivated the adoring audience with a spectacular night of crowd-pleasing music, including musical theatre classics Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific, Somewhere and Tonight from West Side Story, as well as L’Amore Sei Tu (I Will Always Love You), We Are The Champions and Time To Say Goodbye. 

Katherine opened her set with Return To Wales, declaring her love for her home country: “There’s no greater place than being here in Wales. I’m so thrilled to be back and I hope you’ve all had a wonderful festival. The sun is shining and there’s truly no place I’d rather be on some enchanted evening.”

The mezzo-soprano shared the stage with two previous winners of the flagship competition, 2022's International Voice Of The Future tenor Emyr Lloyd Jones and Choir Of The Year Côr CF1. 

The headline shows are part of a new partnership between Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod and Live Nation promoters Cuffe and Taylor. 

The series continues Thursday (July 11) with Nile Rodgers and CHIC.