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Friday, April 12, 2024

Countryside team is looking for volunteer rangers

* Volunteer Rangers inspire local people and visitors to help protect the Dee Valley.  

The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is looking for Volunteer Rangers who would like to help the team take care of the southern end of the designated landscape.

The Dee Valley is an iconic area of truly outstanding scenery, rich in cultural and industrial heritage. 

AONB says that as a volunteer ranger, you can become one of its ambassadors, share your love and knowledge of this area and inspire local people and visitors alike to help protect what makes the valley so special.

Volunteer Rangers will primarily be based at two of the most popular sites in the area - Castell Dinas Brân, the ancient hill fort which overlooks Llangollen, and Horseshoe Falls, Thomas Telford’s masterpiece and starting point for the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal World Heritage Site.

They will be provided with branded uniform and will meet and engage with members of the public, sharing information and answering questions.

Volunteers are being sought to help the AONB Ranger team at their busiest times, so they are looking for people who can commit to at least a couple of days a month, either on weekends or week days during school holidays. All new Volunteer Rangers will receive training prior to starting in their roles.

Councillor Win Mullen James, Denbighshire Cabinet Lead Member for Local Development and Planning, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity as getting outdoors and experiencing our amazing environment around the Dee Valley can be really beneficial for helping individual physical and mental health.

"It’s also very important work to protect the nature in the Dee Valley to help preserve the area for people to continue to visit and enjoy and I encourage those who love where they live around this amazing part of the world to take up this opportunity.”

The role is open to anyone over the age of 18, no previous experience required but a love of the landscape is essential! If you are interested in joining the team we will be holding an information session about the roles on the evening of Tuesday April 23. To book your place please contact Hannah Law The closing date for expressions of interest is Friday April 19.

The Communities and Nature Programme has received £292,772 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Silver Band's spring concert is tomorrow evening

Llangollen Silver Band has its inaugural Spring Concert at the Methodist Church tomorrow night (Friday), starting at 7.30pm.

If anyone  - of any age - is interested in joining the band or learning an instrument this is your chance to come along and chat with conductor Mia Thomas.

Railway hosts 'most ambitious event for years' this weekend

* Pannier Tank 7754. 

* Heavy freight 3802. 

Austerity tank 68067.

Ex-Longbridge car plant Austin 1, along with some of the railway's volunteers who gave 3802 a test run last week. 

Llangollen & Corwen Railway will hold its biggest and most ambitious event for several years this weekend. 

The Branchline Gala takes place from April 12-14 and will see four steam locomotives and two diesel trains in service.

Matthew Davies, Volunteer Gala Organiser, explained:  “Over winter, our staff and volunteers have been working flat-out to get the railway ready for 2024.  We wanted to kick the season off in fine-style with the biggest event we have held since before the pandemic. 

"Our Branchline Gala will see a packed timetable using our beautifully restored locomotives, carriages and wagons. 

"Our 1930-built Great Western pannier tank No 7754 will be formally rededicated to traffic after a restoration that has taken nearly 20 years completed with volunteer labour. I am a member of the team that worked on her and we put in many hundreds of hours to get her back in steam. It was a long slog but seeing her working again has been worth every minute.

"We will also be welcoming our Great Western heavy freight locomotive No 3802 back in steam for the first time 21/2 years following comprehensive overhaul work. At the other end of the scale we also have two diminutive industrial tank locomotives at work. 

"One, ex-Longbridge car factory tank engine Austin 1 has been with us for 50 years and was the very first steam locomotive to work on our railway when it was reopened by our founding preservation society. 

"Finally, ex-Bold colliery Austerity locomotive No 68067, one of the last steam engines to work in British industry, will be operating her last trains with us before heading back to her home railway following an 18 month stay. 1958-built Class 26 diesel locomotive No 5310 and our two car Class 108 diesel railcar complete our impressive line-up."

Engines 7754 and 3802 will both be rededicated to service at a short ceremony to be held at 9:45am at Llangollen Station on Friday April 12, before both locomotives double-head an eight-coach special train to Corwen.

The railway, which continues to make a spectacular recovery from the collapse of its PLC operating company in 2021, is also welcoming trains back to its new Corwen Station, which opened in June 2023. 

The line has been closed over winter whilst track repairs have been completed inside Berwyn Tunnel.

Visitors can also enjoy a visit to our scenic countryside stations at Berwyn, Glyndyfrdwy and Carrog.

The tea rooms at Llangollen and Berwyn stations will be open all weekend.  A café and real ale bar in a charming converted parcels van can also be enjoyed at Glyndyfrdwy station. This usually quiet station will become a bustling hub for the weekend with services passing one another and a shuttle train running to Corwen and back. 

Matt added “We’re trying to offer visitors the chance to do something different. As well as being able to travel on traditional passenger carriages, Austin 1 is hauling a short train of brake vans, which folk can travel in. This will give a glimpse of what moving freight around the railways was like for well over 100 years before road transport took nearly all freight traffic away from rural branchlines, many of which then closed – like our railway did in 1964."

* More details on the event and advanced tickets can be purchased from

Tom Taylor, Llangollen Railway Trust Manager. added: “We’re so excited about showcasing how far our railway has come in just three years this weekend. Matt and the team have done a brilliant job planning this event. There has already been tremendous interest and we’ve sold more advanced tickets for it through our website than any other event in the railway’s recent history." 

A short video showcasing the event can be seen on the Railway’s Facebook page.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Candidates line up to become next Police and Crime Commissioner

Four political parties are set to fight it out in the race to elect the next Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Wales, according to the Leader.

* For the full story and the line-up of candidates, see: North Wales police commissioner candidates revealed in full | The Leader (

Town Council to discuss future of Market Street public toilets

The issue of Llangollen's under-threat public toilets will be discussed by the Town Council at its next meeting, the Town Clerk has said. 

Denbighshire County Council is proposing to rid itself of most of the county’s 20 public conveniences in a bid to ease its under-pressure budget to the tune of around £200,000 a year.

Pointing out that it doesn’t have a legal duty to provide toilets, it has suggested that they could be taken over by town and community councils. 

Llangollen Town Council has as yet made no official comment on whether it might take over the Market Street toilets, where three people are employed.

However, local county councillor Karen Edwards has said she believes this seems unlikely.

Yesterday llanblogger asked Town Clerk, Gareth Thomas, for an official comment on the council's position.

And he replied: "It is on the agenda for next week's town council meeting. Until Members have considered this report I cannot comment."

The next council meeting is on Tuesday April 16 at 6pm in the council chamber (hybrid). 

The proposal’s affect on the public loos in Market Street has sparked a barrage of angry criticism on social media and campaigns to protect them and there have been calls for a public meetings held under the auspices of the Town Council.

Clwyd South MS Ken Skates has already expressed his support for saving the toilets by writing to council chief executive Graham Boase to request the authority takes another look at the proposal.

Jim Jones, SEO of North Wales Tourism, and Vale of Clwyd MP Dr James Davies have also declared themselves opposed to DCC divesting itself of the toilets.  

It is understood that DCC officers are preparing a more in-depth appraisal on the affects of their proposal as requested by members of the authority's scrutiny committee at their last meeting.

The final say on the plan will be down to the council's cabinet.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Llangollen PCSO swaps his beat to take to the stage

* Karl Joseph swaps his beat for the stage and uncanny Robbie Williams Tribute Act Mike Andrews.

Well-known across town as a popular PCSO, a Wrexham man will be swapping one type of beat for another on Friday April 19 as he takes the stage at Llangollen Town Hall.  

Karl Joseph, who last year impressed Queen front-man Adam Lambert, Canadian Superstar Shania Twain and soul sensation Beverley Knight, will be supporting a highly-acclaimed tribute act endorsed by Robbie Williams himself. 

The event is the latest in the Live in Llangollen Town Hall fundraising gigs to raise money for the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod’s charity.  

It comes just 70 days before Bryan Adams takes the stage before a procession of International Stars including Simple Minds, Nile Rodgers & Chic, Jess Glynne, folk Superstars Calan, West End stars Kerry Ellis and John Owen-Jones,  and Tom Jones perform in the biggest Llangollen Eisteddfod for a generation.   

Karl Joseph, a PCSO with North Wales Police, is a familiar face across Llangollen and is fondly known as ‘the Laughing Policeman.’  

He is well known for his providing a reassuring police presence on his beat in Llangollen but also for knocking out the odd song.  

In just 10 days’ time, he will be providing a very different beat at Llangollen Town Hall. 

This time last year, Karl appeared on ITV’s Starstruck with his own tribute to Robbie Williams.  

Karl, cites his influences as Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and many of today's Country Music stars.  

He is also a massive fan of Bryan Adams, who himself will be singing in Llangollen himself at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod on Tuesday June 18.

Karl said: “I can’t wait to take the stage at our splendid Town Hall. I love my job patrolling the local streets of Llangollen but anyone who knows me will tell you how passionate I am about performing.  

"That’s why swapping my stage from the streets of Llangollen to the stage at Llangollen Town Hall is so great. I’ll be performing a mixture of Rock, Country, Pop and Indie songs, from the 70's through to modern songs.  I can’t wait to entertain you.” 

Also performing will be Mike Andrews - “Robbie To the MAX’ – a highly acclaimed tribute act.  

Mike, from Denbigh, is one of the most accurate Robbie tributes currently available in the UK and is the only one in the world to be endorsed by Robbie Williams himself.

The show covers all of Robbie’s hits, starting off with some of his earlier hits like as ‘Let Me Entertain You‘ and ‘Millennium‘ and continuing all the way through to his more hits such as ‘Love My Life‘, ‘Candy‘ and many more. 

Robbie to the MAX with support from Karl Joseph is on Friday, April 19 from 7.30pm.   

* Tickets priced £10 are available from Llangollen Tourist Information Centre on Regent Street, Llangollen or from

Please use promo code LIVE24 to remove the booking fee.  Limited tickets will be available on the door.

Temporary closure of Oak Street for gas mains replacement

Denbighshire County Council has notified that Wales & West Utilities will be closing the entire length of Oak Street, Llangollen, from April 29 until May 17, to carry out gas mains replacement.

There will be a temporary one-way system on the length of Chapel Street which extends southward from its junction with Oak Street to its junction with Berwyn Street. 

Northbound traffic is to be prohibited while southbound traffic will be unaffected. 

The recommended alternative route is Berwyn Street, Castle Street and Bridge Street.

Pedestrian access through the restricted section will be maintained throughout the period of the restriction.