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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Armoury's restored lock-up shop now back in action

* The front of the lock-up shop on the A5.

Following years of restoration by the Armoury Conservation Trust (ACT) the lock-up shop on the A5  - by the traffic lights at the junction with Castle Street - is ready for action.

Local carpenter Iain Ashcroft's craftsmanship has fulfilled the vision of architect Jamie Coath to restore the shop front to a design in keeping with its neighbours and its Victorian heritage.  

The work was partially funded by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's Sustainable Development Fund.  

The shop is a usable space once more, and the Armoury Conservation Trust has announced that The Little Learning Company took occupancy from February 1 to coordinate their programme of heritage skills training across Llangollen and the surrounding areas. 

The Little Learning Company has designed and delivered training on heritage crafts, including felting and canal folk-art, in locations such as Llangollen Railway and Pentredwr Community Centre.  

They are expanding their capacity by training more tutors and expect to offer courses in additional heritage skills such as dry stone walling soon. 

ACT Chairperson Sue Hargreaves said: "I am pleased the Lock Up Heritage Centre is able to host an organisation whose activities align with our aims of heritage, community and education.  

"I am looking forward to working in partnership with The Little Learning Company, to get the shop back into purposeful use benefitting the local community, and to develop the profile and activities of the Lock Up Heritage Centre itself."

Little Learning Company Director Laura Davies said: "We are thrilled to be able to use The Lock Up as our heritage skills base in Llangollen, and we are looking forward to continuing to partner with the fantastic organisations and groups in and around Llangollen. 

"Big thanks go to Gwlangollen for putting us in touch with the Armoury Conservation Trust and for helping us bring our heritage skills programme to life.

"Keep an eye on the shop window for details of our upcoming courses. If there is a particular heritage skill course you would like us to offer please contact"

* The project is funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, awarded by Denbighshire County Council. 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Proceeds of record-breaking Christmas Festival raffle shared out

At the Air Ambulance station are Barbara Matthews, Jane Williams, Paul Cakebread, Austin Cheminais, Simon Cartwright, Ian Parry and John Palmer.

* Outside Llangollen Food Share are Ian Parry, Steph Mitchell, Austin Cheminais and Jane Williams.

* Trish Earlam, Austin Cheminais, Angela Fuller, Elizabeth Pybus, Ian Parry and Jane Williams at the After School Drop In.

Paul Cakebread, Simon Cartwright, Austin Cheminais at the Liberty Tavern cheque hand-over.

Representatives of the Llangollen Christmas Festival Group have been out and about sharing the proceeds of the Christmas raffle that ran alongside the last big Christmas event.

Thanks to an amazing effort the festival team sold a record 4,000 tickets last year.

This has enabled them to donate £1,500 to Wales Air Ambulance, £500 to Llangollen Food Share, £350 to the Combined Churches After School Drop In, £350 to Llangollen Scouts, £100 to Llangollen Brownies and they even managed to help Santa himself with a £200 donation towards a new red and white seasonal suit.  

The remaining £1,000 will help fund this year’s Christmas Festival which will be held on November 30.

The festival team’s Austin “Chem” Cheminais said: "Our thanks go to all the local businesses in and around Llangollen who donated prizes for the raffle, which included a light aircraft flight from the Air Ambulance base at Welshpool Airport.

“Whilst he was at Welshpool Air Ambulance station Santa took the opportunity to hand over a cheque for £250 which was raised during the Liberty Tavern Christmas quiz.”

Roadworks alerts from Denbighshire County Council

Latest local roadworks alerts from Denbighshire County Council are:

A539 LLANGOLLEN ROAD 09/02/2024 09/02/2024 Trwsio Lon Cerbydau/ Carriageway Repairs DCC STREETSCENE

JUNC HALL STREET - JUNC VICARAGE ROAD HILL STREET until 15/03/2024 Gwaith Nwy / Gas Works WALES & WEST (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Outside The Corn Mill Dee Lane Llangollen CLYWD LL20 8PN DEE LANE 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 Gwaith ar Wasanaeth Uwchben/ Overhead Service Works SUNBELT RENTALS (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Council’s Trading Standards target underage sales of vapes

* Vapes confiscated by Trading Standards

Following guidance provided by Trading Standards to Denbighshire businesses regarding vapes and underage sales, trading standards officers have been conducting a series of test purchases across the county. 

Test purchase exercises involve an underage volunteer, acting under the supervision of trading standards officers, attempting to purchase age restricted products which they are not legally old enough to purchase. 

Operation Cloud targeted retailers selling e-cigarettes, visiting 29 premises across Denbighshire. Nine of those businesses failed to prevent the sale, as a 15-year-old volunteer was able to purchase an e-cigarette without providing identification. 

In one of these premises, the volunteer was able to purchase an illegal vape which should not have been available on the UK market due to the amount of liquid within the tank, labelling issues and it not being a registered product with the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency. This led to a substantial seizure of stock at the premises. 

Councillor Win Mullen-James, Lead Member for Local Development and Planning, said: “It is illegal for anybody under the age of 18 to purchase an e-cigarette, and laws in relation to age restricted products are in place to safeguard young people.  

“It is disappointing to see that nine businesses have sold these products to a 15-year-old. However, it is important to highlight that 20 premises correctly asked for identification and/or refused the sale. These products contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance and children should not be able to access these products. 

“I am assured that Denbighshire Trading Standards will continue to visit any premises selling these products and the failed business premises will now be investigated, with appropriate action taken."

Businesses can get in touch with Denbighshire’s Trading Standards Team for advice on vaping products on Denbighshire’s website 

The council are also advising that if residents are aware of businesses in Denbighshire selling non-compliant vaping products, or selling them to underage persons, that they can report them through the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133, for the Welsh language or 0808 223 1144, or online 

Horseshoe Pass now re-opened

**Update: The Horseshoe Pass has re-opened

North Wales Police have just posted on Facebook:

Please note that the Horseshoe Pass is currently closed due to the deterorating weather conditions ❄️ 

We are receiving several reports of (thankfully) minor road traffic collisions and road distruptions. Our teams are committed with those so please take extra care if you are travelling this afternoon. 

Thank you in advance. 

Snow finally arrives in Llangollen

* The snow which has been forecasted for the past week finally arrived this morning, leaving a blanketing over Llangollen, as can be seen from the rooftops here. The view of the castle was completely wiped out by snow and mist. 

Young 'Uns stage group launches hunt for new producer


* Food Glorious Food: the workhouse scene from the Young 'Uns production of Oliver! Picture: Aled Morris.

The much-anticipated staging of Oliver! by Llangollen Operatic Society’s junior section, the Young ‘Uns, later this month will be the final one with producer Pam Williams in charge.

And once the costumes and props from the show are packed away the search will begin for someone new to take charge of future productions by this popular group which has had a string of hits in recent years, including Grease, The Wizard of Oz, Little Shop of Horrors and The Addams Family.

Pam said: “I've done 11 years with Young ‘Uns and nine shows and thoroughly enjoyed the experience but feel that the time is right to step down and let someone else take over the reins, so to speak.  

“Youngs ‘Uns has a great tradition going back 33 years and we really want to continue this success story.”

She explained: “The new producer will basically choose a show and put it to the committee for approval and then look to put together a production team, with director, choreographer and so on.

“ Currently have a group of 27 children with many waiting to join.

“The producer’s role is to organise all aspects of the show and co-ordinate all the teams involved in front of the curtains and behind the scenes.

“It can be hard work but it’s also a lot of fun and can be very rewarding, so if there’s anyone out there who reckons they could fit the bill we’d love to hear from them.”

* If you're interested in the role you can contact the Young ‘Uns at:

Oliver!, which is the group's 33rd production since it was founded in 1990, takes place from Thursday-Saturday, February 22-24, at 7.30pm, with a 2pm matinee of the last day.

Oliver! is a stage musical, with book, music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. The musical is based upon the 1838 novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.

It follows the tale of young Oliver from his early days in a grim workhouse, his escape to London where he meets up with the gag of trainee thieves led by the old rogue Fagin and the trials he faces at the hands of the villainous robber Bill Sikes.   

Production team for the Young 'Uns version is Robin Crowley (artistic director), Julian Cattley (musical director) Pam Williams (producer), Deirdre Smith (assistant producer) and Sarah Marshal (choreographer).

* Tickets are available from or Llangollen Tourist Information, Jades Hair and Beauty, Llangollen Oggie Shop & Fine Foods.