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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Roadworks alert for Aber Adda

Latest local roadworks update from is:


Aber Adda, Llangollen, Denbighshire

09 February - 13 February


Roadworks, Delays unlikely


Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)




Works location: OUTSIDE 1 HILL STREET


Public facing description: Wales & West Utilities Ltd has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Wales & West Utilities Ltd.


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: XY254003001625597/01




Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Man rescued following incident near Horseshoe Falls

On Saturday (February 3) NEWSAR (North East Wales Search and Rescue) and emergency services attended an incident at Horseshoe Falls, where a person had fallen into the water whilst kayaking. 

The man received CPR before being stabilised and transferred to hospital.

For the full story, see the Denbighshire Free Press at:

Parade will mark Llangollen Royal British Legion branch's centenary

* A recent Remembrance Sunday ceremony in Centenary Square at which the town's Royal British Legion branch plays a key role.

Llangollen branch of the Royal British Legion is to mark its 100th birthday with a special celebration this month.

Branch members, in partnership with the town council, play a high-profile role in organising the annual Remembrance ceremonies around the war memorials in Centenary Square and also have a major role in the yearly poppy appeals.

On the branch's Facebook page its chairman Mike Adams posted in a message to members: "It is the centenary of Llangollen RBL branch this year and we are planning a little celebration on Saturday February 17.

"March from Market street down Parade Street past the war memorials to the church."

The parade will form up outside Liberty Tavern at 11.45am then go through the town centre from Market Street, following the bus route to Parade Street and across Castle Street onto Bridge Street.

The parade will then perform an "eyes right" salute as it passes the war memorials in Centenary Square before heading to St Collen's Church for a short service of celebration conducted by Father Lee Taylor.

This will be followed by a lunch at the RAFA club for legion branch members and guests involved in the organisation.

Following the service all parade participants will make their way to the RAFA Club for a curry lunch and refreshments. There will be a small charge (£6) for the curry lunch for those not marching in the parade, and who wish to have lunch. It is anticipated that the church service will take approximately 30 minutes, and all will be welcome to attend. A branch spokesperson said: "Along with current branch members, and other services, we would be delighted to see as many armed forces veterans in attendance as possible, from Corwen and elsewhere. Please pass on far and wide, to your family and friends. We will be meeting on Market Street at 11.30am for the march to St Collen’s. "We’d love to see the local community come and join us in celebrating our 100th year in existence. If you can’t march, you can probably sing, so feel free to join us at the church and onto the RAFA Club."

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Eisteddfod sends its best wishes to King Charles III

King Charles III dances to the bhangra beat on his visit to the 2015 Eisteddfod as Prince of Wales.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has sent its best wishes to King Charles III after he was diagnosed with a form of cancer. 

The Eisteddfod’s Chair, Professor Chris Adams, has written to Buckingham Palace with a message of support to His Majesty on behalf of the festival. 

Chris said: "King Charles III has been a huge supporter of our peace festival in Llangollen. As the Prince of Wales he was our patron for 26 years from 1996. 

"He has visited Llangollen numerous times, and championed the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize application. We look forward to welcoming him again upon his recovery. We wish him, Queen Camilla and the Royal Family well as he recovers."

TV historian to feature aqueduct in new documentary series

* Dan Snow at the aqueduct.

A World Heritage Site is set to appear on a popular historian's documentary series, according to the Shropshire Star.

Dan Snow, known on social media as 'The History Guy', posted a video of him visiting the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct on Instagram.

* For the full story, go to:  Watch: TV historian Dan Snow reveals documentary plan for world heritage site and 'one of my favourite places' | Shropshire Star

Latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice

Here's the latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice:

Q: Damp and mould is building up in our house as the weather gets colder. Our living room is the worst and there’s a strong smell, so we’ve stopped having friends round. We’re also concerned about our health. We’ve reported it to our landlord, but they haven’t done anything. With six months left on the occupation contract, we’re running out of options. What should we do? 

A: You’ve done the right thing by bringing this to your landlord. To work out if they are responsible you’ll need to find the cause of the damp and mould, but this can take time unless there’s a clear cause, like bad insulation or a leaking roof. 

Damp is when an area of your property doesn’t dry out, often because it’s cold. The main types are rising, penetrating, construction, and condensation damp. It can lead to mould, which is a fungus that grows in areas where warm damp air condenses on cold surfaces, like window frames. Information on our website can help you work out what type of damp you have, who is responsible and what you can do. You should also check your written statement for mentions of repairs and damp. 

Your landlord is responsible for fixing a damp problem if it’s making your home unsafe to live in. For example, this could be if it’s affecting your health or the health of those you live with. Your landlord will also be responsible if the damp is related to repairs they should have carried out, like if the window frames are rotting. They would have to cover the cost of repairs to any items damaged by the damp, including carpets and furniture. 

Condensation is a key cause of damp we’re all familiar with. Keeping homes well-heated and well-ventilated is the best way to prevent this, but for many of us today, high heating costs and cold weather are making this very difficult. If you’re finding it hard to insulate and heat your home, check our website to see if you’re eligible for support. 

Always avoid doing anything that can make damp worse, as it may affect whether the landlord takes responsibility for repairs. Our website has advice on what to avoid, like drying clothes on heaters, blocking air vents, or using portable gas heaters. 

You may reach the point where you just want to get out of your occupation contract early, but remember this can be very tricky and there might be things you haven’t tried yet. 

For example, if your landlord is responsible for the damp in your home but doesn’t do anything, there are steps you can take, like reporting them to the local authority. And as a private renter, if you’ve got evidence from a health professional that damp is making you ill, you may be able to get free legal advice through Legal Aid. 

If you’re feeling stuck, always speak to your local Citizens Advice or call our Adviceline on 0800 144 8848 for personalised support.  

Storytelling Cafe embraces the theme of love

Organisers say this month's Caffi Stori Llangollen Storytelling Cafe will be even more special than usual

The latest session will be held at St Collen's Community Hall in Regent Street on Thursday February 15 starting at 7.30pm and will feature Ben Haggerty and Stephe Brittain with their new work Love Rites.

The Caffi's Fiona Collins said: "Join two of Britain's foremost storytellers for their original take on St Valentine, romance and everything that goes with that crazy little thing called love."

Tickets at £5 and £4 are available on the door.

* For more information contact Fiona: or call 07941 918159.