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Monday, November 27, 2023

Chance to become a citizen scientist at training session

* A citizen scientist analyses samples from the River Dee.

The Welsh Dee Trust is hosting a hands-on training event in Llangollen to learn everything you need to know to become a Smartrivers citizen scientist.

The session takes place from 10 am-4 pm on tomorrow (Tuesday, November 28) at St Collen's Community Hall, off Regent Street.

As a SmartRivers citizen scientist, you will analyse, to species level, samples of aquatic invertebrates collected in the river Dee catchment.

Collecting this data helps the Trust to detect failing river health, including pressures from pollution, water abstraction and invasive species. 

This will have a positive impact on the management of our rivers, by pinpointing water quality pressures and monitoring the impact of our work over time.

This training event run by Welsh Dee Trust will teach everything you need to know about invertebrate identification and no prior experience is necessary.

Once trained this is an ongoing role with regular ID sessions held year-round, particularly over summer (following sampling in spring) and winter (following sampling in autumn). Each session runs from approximately 10am to 4pm, and the Trust would like you to try to commit to attending at least 6 sessions a year.

They say the ID sessions also have a friendly and fun atmosphere, where you can socialise with like-minded people and learn from your peers. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

Answers to the sweetly successful gingerbread treasure hunt

* Strictly gingerbread dancers.

Organisers of last Saturday's Llangollen Christmas Festival have supplied the answers to their highly successful treasure hunt in which children were asked to pinpoint the locations of a host of brilliantly-crafted gingerbread characters to pick up small prizes. 

The sweet figures, some of which are pictured here, were positioned in various shops and other points around the town centre.

A spokesperson said: "We had 190 players. All the little kids I asked reckoned the gingerbread folk were great, so we've now got a hard act to follow next year. 

"And some kids were still searching for them yesterday morning. 

"We're now looking for theme ideas for next year's treasure hunt, so we'd be glad of any feedback people might have."

* The answers to where which of the 21 gingerbread folk were located around the town.

* Bathnight for a Gingerbread character.

* Gingerbread wizardry.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Historian to give talk on Llantysilio graveyard project

An illustrated talk by local historian David Crane about some of the fascinating discoveries that have been made during the Llantysilio graveyard project will be given at the Conquering Hero Community Centre in Rhewl on Tuesday December 5 at 7pm.

Llantysilio Church have been running a programme, funded by by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB’s Sustainable Development Fund, to investigate the history of the church and the graveyard, and the stories of some of the people that are buried there. 

From the very poor to the very rich, the bizarre to the heroic, the stories reveal details of some of the fascinating people that have lived in our area over the centuries. 

David Crane said: "We will also be introducing the next phase of the programme, where we will be collecting stories and memories from as many people as possible about Llantysilio Church and the people and houses in the area.

"Come and discover some of the extraordinary tales of the people who have lived in Llantysilio over the years."

Entrance is free and refreshments will be provided.

Tickets available soon for Cancer Research UK Christmas quiz

For the seventeenth year organisers will be producing a Christmas quiz on behalf of Cancer Research UK.  

They say that once again it should be fun for all the family and you might well consider including it in Christmas cards to friends.  

From December 1 copies (£1) will be obtainable from the Tourist Information Centre in Castle Street. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Action-packed Christmas festival warms up a chilly winter day

* Joan Fell, 99, the most senior resident of the Old Vicarage care home switches on the Christmas lights assisted by Lee Todd, president of Vale of Llangollen Rotary.

* A massive fireworks display came as the grand finale to the Christmas Festival.

The weather stayed bright but chilly for the opening stages of the annual Llangollen Christmas Festival.

Stalls along Market did a brisk early trade while crowds gathered around Centenary Square to watch a full programme of entertainment, including the Silver Band singing groups.

At 1pm the event officially kicked off with the big parade which started from the Eisteddfod field and went along Castle Street and Oak Street to the Town Hall where Mayor Cllr Paul Kiddie and town crier Austin "Chem" Cheminais were waiting to warmly welcome Sion Corn to his grotto upstairs, which was later thronged by youngsters and their parents clamouring to have an audience with the grand old man.

The Madrigals singing group performed carols from the gallery of the Museum in Parade Street while, back in the square, a huge crowd gathered to hear the choir from Ysgol Y Gwernant do their own kind of carolling.

As darkness fell attention again focused on the square where the town's Christmas lights were officially switched on by Joan Fell, 99, most senior resident of the Old Vicarage care home, assisted by Lee Todd, president of Vale of Llangollen Rotary.

As has become traditional, the whole action-packed day was brought to a fitting close with a firework display watched by the delighted crowd. 

* Scout scooter riders take parade in the festival parade early in the afternoon.  

* Sion Corn waves to the crowds lining the bridge.

* Town crier Chem rings his bell to announce the parade is coming through.

* One of the many tractors which took part.

* A gleaming vintage car carried the Mayor and Mayoress. 

* Hope House children's hospices had a strong presence. 

* A decorated dog is led along the bridge.

* Drosi Bikes' contingent comes cycling through.

* Another vintage car - a Bullnose Morris - delights onlookers. 

* Volunteers from Llangollen Railway stride out.

* The Grinch at the wheel of his special vehicle.

* Llangollen Operatic members show off costumes they'll be wearing at this evening's Frozen singalong at the Town Hall. 

* Puttering along in a tuk-tuk.

* A game of hoopla on the hoof.

* Another elaborately-costumed character in the parade.

* A bit of stilt walking.

* A duo of lovely little ponies.

* Sion Corn is welcomed to the Town Hall by town crier Chem, left, and the Mayor, Cllr Paul Keddie.

* Llangollen Pantomime Group sing in the square.

* Llangollen Silver Band present their seasonal programme.

* Ysgol Clywedog's street band bang away. 

* Madrigals sing carols from the Museum gallery.

 * A huge crowd watches Ysgol Y Gwernant sing in the square.

* Chris Burton rounds off the day's entertainment by singing in the square.

* Market Street stalls were open early.

* John Palmer, one of the hard-working festival organisers, takes a break with his bike.

* A magic roundabout in Market Street.

* The Snowman, who will appear in a special Eisteddfod Christmas show at the Pavilion on December 23, meets young fans in Market Street.

* The Eisteddfod floral committee's stall in Market Street overflows with some great seasonal greenery.

Town to get lit up by illuminated tractor run

* Last year's tractor run goes through the town centre.

Vale of Llangollen Rotary and the Llangollen Young Farmers Club are gearing up for the second annual Llangollen Illuminated Tractor Run on December 3. 

Building on the success of last year's event, organisers say this year's event will be even more spectacular, featuring an extended route and a convoy of brightly lit tractors.

Starting at 5 pm from The Pavilion in Llangollen, the tractors will embark on a picturesque journey through Llangollen, Trevor, Acrefair, Plas Madoc, Ruabon, Rhosllanerchrugog, Rhostyllen, Bersham, Wrexham, Morrison's car park (for a 45-minute stop), Bersham, Minera, Bwlchgwyn, Llandegla, Horseshoe Pass, and finishing back at Llangollen.

The route is carefully curated to spread the festive cheer across the region.

Before the spectacle begins, from 4 pm to 5 pm, all tractors will be on display at The Pavilion, offering the public the chance to get up close and personal. 

Father Christmas himself will be present for photo opportunities and chats with the little ones.

The grand old man in red will then join the tractors on their journey, adding an extra dash of magic to the evening.

This year the event aims to raise funds for three worthy causes - The Teenage Cancer Trust, Nightingale Hope Hospice, and a community defibrillator. 

Volunteers, identifiable by their high-visibility vests and badges, will line the route with collection buckets, offering everyone who comes the opportunity to contribute to these good causes.

To make donations even more accessible, the organizing committee has set up an online fundraising page at

For those planning to attend, the Llangollen Illuminated Tractor Run's Facebook page ( will provide a live tractor tracker link on the day, showing spectators the tractors' progress along the route, so they won’t miss the convoy of tractors.

Last year's event drew hundreds of spectators who not only enjoyed the spectacle but also contributed to the cause. 

The organizing team has worked tirelessly throughout the year to make this year's run bigger and better, even placing informational posters with QR codes along the new route for easy mobile donations.

* The 40th tractor has just registered for Llangollen's Illuminated Run.

The tractor is from Rea Valley Tractors Ltd Denbigh Depot whose staff have signed up for seven separate tractor runs around the area of which Llangollen will be their first.

Event director Aled Morris said everyone was delighted to pass the unofficial target of 40 with the run now well on its way to its maximum 50 entries.

MP calls in on Llangollen business marking its 20th anniversary

* David Pinel, left, and Simon Baynes MP at IT Pro-Support in Llangollen.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes visited IT-Pro Support in Llangollen to meet owner David Pinel and learn about the business as they celebrate their 20th year in operation. 

IT-Pro Support, located in the Malthouse Business Centre, provide IT support and maintenance to 80 clients across North Wales, Cheshire, and Shropshire, including businesses in Wrexham, Chirk, Mold, Queensferry, Oswestry and Ellesmere. 

Since 2003, when the business opened in the then new Malthouse Business Centre, IT-Pro Support has grown to include eight full time staff members. 

They now offer a range of services to clients, including managed security and a 24/7 hotline for client-queries, hosting for client websites, backup and recovery services and expertise in Microsoft 365.


During his visit, Mr Baynes and David Pinel discussed the services they offer to businesses and their plans for the future. 

These include their marketing strategy and use of social media, along with software development. Additionally, they discussed measures to improve broadband speed locally. 

Speaking after the visit, David Pinel said: “As one of the founders and owners of IT-Pro Support, I am thrilled to reach 20 years in business. This milestone is a testament to the unwavering dedication and expertise of our talented team. We believe that our care and support make a significant difference in our client’s businesses, and this accomplishment underscores our commitment to innovation and customer care.

"I extend my sincere gratitude to our hardworking team for their relentless efforts and to our valued clients and partners for their trust and collaboration. This achievement is not just ours; it reflects the collective passion and commitment that defines IT-Pro.”

Mr Baynes said: “IT-Pro Support are a fantastic local business whose work enables many other companies and businesses in North Wales and Shropshire to thrive and grow thanks to their excellent IT support.

"It was a pleasure to meet David Pinel and to learn about how IT-Pro Support have grown in the last 20 years and of their plans for continued expansion as high-quality IT-services become an ever more valued part of a business’s daily running.”