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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Skates backs Wrexham/Flintshire Enterprise Zone

* Ken Skates with Sam Rowlands MS and Ashley Rogers, Chief Executive of the North Wales Business Council, at the recent Theatr Clwyd event. Picture: Mandy Jones.

Former Welsh Economy Minister Ken Skates believes a joint Wrexham and Flintshire Enterprise Zone could be a ‘game-changer’ for North Wales.

The Clwyd South MS welcomed the recent announcement by his successor Vaughan Gething that the Welsh Government is backing the bid. But the final decision – and funding – rests with UK Government Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove.

During a statement in the Senedd on Tuesday, Mr Gething said: “It is important to note the UK Government will still need to make a decision on the support it will provide to Investment Zones in Wales as part of the Autumn Statement process. However, I can confirm the Welsh Government Cabinet has met to discuss the proposals that have been in development.

“As a result, I have written to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities following our constructive engagement to indicate our willingness to use our devolved levers and expertise to support Investment Zones in Wales.

“Based on our analysis of opportunities for growth in high-potential clusters we agree that there is a clear case for two Investment Zones in Wales. Our preference would be for one Investment Zone in South-East Wales and one in North-East Wales, covering Flintshire and Wrexham.”

Mr Skates said: “Minister, on behalf of Members across parties in north Wales, can I thank you for this announcement today. You have already delivered for the people of north-west Wales with the agreement over the freeport, which is immensely important for the economy of Anglesey and Gwynedd, and right across north Wales for that matter.

“Today, you've delivered for the communities of north-east Wales with the announcement of a successful bid by regional partners there to help ensure that Wales, along with the south-eastern cluster, can continue to keep pace with those sectors where we are strongest.”

Mr Skates recently spoke at an event at Theatr Clwyd in Mold to back the cross-party campaign, along with business leaders, councillors and fellow Labour, Conservative and Plaid Cymru MSs. He was one of six Members of the Senedd to sign a joint letter of support to the Welsh and UK governments backing the Wrexham and Flintshire bid.

He said: “I believe there’s huge potential, through an Investment Zone, to play to our strengths in advanced manufacturing and the creative industries across two local authority areas which are the engine of the regional economy of North Wales and the Mersey Dee area.

“Economic growth in Wrexham and Flintshire, in terms of jobs created, is far higher than both the Welsh and UK average, so something special is happening in this region. We want to make sure we turbo-charge it – and we do that through an Investment Zone. It could be a game-changer.”

Investment Zones already exist in parts of England, where £80m in funding for each will be used over five years for innovation, infrastructure and skills and training projects in the sectors being targeted.

A local consortium including Airbus and JCB; the North Wales Business Council and Wrexham and Flintshire councils; Wrexham University and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) Cymru, based in Broughton, is spearheading the bid – and believes it can help leverage and secure an additional £1.7bn in investment.

In the Senedd yesterday, Mr Skates said the wide-ranging support for the Wrexham and Flintshire bid ‘demonstrates the value of collaboration, both across political parties and across institutions’.

He added: “Minister, finally, would you also agree that we now need swift agreement from the UK Government over the two zones along with assurance that equivalent funding will be made available to those zones as is happening across the border in England?”

The Minister concluded: “The decision on whether to provide the funding and reserved levers to support Investment Zones in Wales now rests with the UK Government.

“For our part, we have indicated a willingness to work towards ensuring devolved and local tax levers are available to Investment Zones and to work in partnership with the UK Government on delivering a package of investment support, subject to the agreement of plans from each Zone setting out how the support will be used to deliver net benefits for the people of Wales.”

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Police issue pharmacy phone call fraud alert


North Wales Police have been made aware of fraudsters targeting residents, pretending to be from their local pharmacy or chemist. 

The criminals say they are calling to confirm a repeat prescription or delivery of medication. The victim is then asked to provide their bank details.

A police spokesperson said: "I would urge residents to be aware of this tactic and not provide personal details or bank details to anyone over the telephone. If you receive such a call, please hang up and report to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

"If you are concerned about your medication, please contact your pharmacy using a phone number you know and trust."

Plas Newydd's Christmas event planned for December 9

Plas Newydd will be hosting its annual Christmas event on Saturday December 9.

A programme of activities running between 10am and 5pm aims to bring seasonal sparkle to the grounds and a touch of Christmas magic for families to enjoy.

On the day there will be a shop offering a selection of local makers at the Artisan Winter Market, Father Christmas will be putting in an appearance and Llangollen Silver Band will play festive tunes.

Families visiting Plas Newydd will be able to explore the grounds along a new festive trail, write letters to Santa Claus at the North Pole Post-box and even make their own reindeer food and paper crafts.

As darkness falls, the gardens and topiary will be illuminated for all to enjoy.

The Stable Block Tearoom will be open all day offering mulled wine, mince pies and on-the-go food.
Workshops and Crafts run from 10am-12noon offering the chance to make your own festive wreath. Booking is essential (£5) at:

Between 12noon and 2pm will be a drop-in session to create winter wood crafts with the ranger team (£2) and from 2-4pm another drop-in session will make festive clay ornaments using natural imprints (free).

The grounds and event are free to enter. Some workshops require booking or payment on the day.

The historic house is currently closed for the season and will re-open in spring 2024.

There will be no parking onsite during the day, with people being asked to make use of the parking in town or to walk/cycle to the event.

Diversion alert for Bryntysilio

Latest local roadworks alert from is:


Bryntysilio to St Tysilio Church, Llangollen, Denbighshire

09 November - 10 November


Delays likely - Diversion route


Name: Diversion


Location: Bryntysilio To St Tysilio Church


Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Planned



Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Butlers Hill closed for urgent repair of leaking water main

In its latest local roadworks bulletin, issued this afternoon (Tuesday), says that the road known as Butlers Hill, Llangollen, has been closed to facilitate urgent works to repair a leaking water main.


Tendering process for Four Great Highways project re-opens


* Lower Dee Mill Park is included in the Four Great Highways project.

Llangollen’s 4 Great Highways project has reopened its tendering process following a "re-scoping" exercise to bring the project within budget.

The Denbighshire County Council scheme aims to enhance the landscape and improve accessibility, interpretation and signage in Llangollen.

The project is part of investment by the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund that was secured through a joint application between Denbighshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council for the Clwyd South Constituency.

The application was supported by Simon Baynes MP. £3.8 million was allocated to Denbighshire to invest in the communities of Llangollen, Llantysilio, Corwen and surrounding areas.

The tendering process to find a contractor for the project was previously opened in August. However, due to the current market and general levels of construction inflation, all tenders submitted to deliver the original design proposals were significantly overbudget, says the council.

The Project Team has been re-scoping the project over the past few weeks to ensure that the project objective to deliver 960m² of public realm improvements is still achievable within the budget.

The new plans were presented to the Project Board for approval on October 26. No additions have been made to the project design as the main priority is to ensure that the project can be delivered within the allocated budget.

The tendering process for the re-scoped project is now open until midday on November 27. Anyone interested in tendering for the work can do so via Sell2Wales.

Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: The Four Great Highways project team has undertaken a rigorous re-scoping exercise to ensure that we can deliver a worthwhile project within the budget allocated by the UK Government.

“We are pleased to now have started the tendering process to find a suitable contractor to complete the works needed to deliver this project and we look forward to appointing a suitable candidate to bring the plans to fruition. Once completed, we hope that these improvements enhance the resident and visitor experience and help to encourage people to spend more time in the town.”

The latest information about Denbighshire County Council’s 4 Great Highways project can be found here:

Winter Warmer Wellbeing Day planned for November 30

South Denbighshire Community Partnership is hosting a Llangollen Winter Warmer Wellbeing Day at St Collen’s Community Hall on Thursday November 30, from 10am-2pm.

It will feature a variety of wellbeing activities for people to take part in and enjoy, along with the serving of homemade soup and refreshments.

People can take advantage of a mini health check while they are there.

They will also be able to chat to organisations that can support them to keep well and warm this winter.

A limited number of free goodie bags will be available and everyone who attends will be entered into a free prize draw with the chance to win an airfryer, heated blanket, Aldi voucher or slow cooker.